The La >iri VOL. XXI._ ■ •LAPRINBPRQ, N. C., THPBBDAY _HOFESSIOMAl CMM.t TJR C, W. REGAN, . " dkntibt. Oftlea epataira oTw VWdi Draft Htara. ’i’hoaa No. »T. T|K. W. T. UEKNDON, DKNCT8T. I/ACBlftBUBO, ft. C. OAa otbt PHaaa ft lUoar’a Draft Btora QIHaa >fcene. Ne. 10; mklatt, Ku. 75. T C. McNEILL, »• ATTOltXKY AT LAW LAl'BIXUL'UO, N. C. Oflea orar Hald'e Draft 8tor*. I M. COWAN, “• BARBER. . fcSrarj afctift awr, Brat flaw ag-rtaa. WfAXCY I- JOHN, «»■ ATTORNEY AT LAW, uuanicaa, a. cl. Off c* bo. t, wMrm*, No. ft CEL)/. “ in£y at law, Oarafol attao *iaai Jo WJ. MATTHEWS, • OFFICIAL BCRVEtVR KOB SCOTLAND COUNTY, KlTBUTOft, K. 0. All aalla paojptQ aMaadad an._ LAUREL HEX “POINT OP VBF," The farmer* fate—“phos phate.” The work! i« getting smoky— the farmer* burning tro*b. We ore pleaeed to hear that the telephone ie going to spread ttnelf iu the Knead town section. Mr. Kelly hue re*igue«l ae Poet Master at tide place. He hae eerve.l ue wellmuJ trill be raiiMed. Mr. U. M. Whitaker has been employed to look alter the busi ness ot the uew linn of Morgan, Uringeton A Co., over ot Jordan. ' Ws Warn that that place “Joi dan,” is on quite a boom. A “new store,” a big saw milt and sjvi-rai nm hassis in course of «ouHr-^Uou. The oMfmn, »0a Wifi UO^>tJfSS 1m» ^nlumrml urn wfi^r duiir j “And Teddy, ketched a eouple olooous," sn’t that, “str—oos. -» Old JvAs Graham, should now pnjiA’^7 *e*id “Theodore,” au lawtabou to hit daughter alartha June Ann’s big wedding. He could possibly get to escort Jak»,s wile oat to supper. “ W ‘ . •» We haven’t heard a single ruaa any hnrruh for Tillman in • three weeks. .. , Hr. Wbiteford Stubbs apd da ter biles Tala, of Moreen; N. G., •peat Saturday and Sunday with friends in Scotland. Among the changes for the new year there will be preaching at Snead’s Grov# twice a month; on irst Sunday morning, lit 11 o’clock, on tbs third Soiylayp, • in. at 8:80. Tbs -'obbathHchooJ is changed to the afternoon, ex oept oo first 8andiyr. I IETTEI Tt J. B. eQWAH, iMuatwupBorx c,' . rich a way to char, n km time, lor 4(» Wm abavw 'tiroes*. tan*, *lmr» the pony times, nor iJB3XS»Lan" about you, and Would eonw to »s»o*‘ “ - * —_ LOCAL UIKKMM NEWS. Saturday was “trade day’’.in Lanrinbnrg. Mr. D. C. McNeill waa in ltock inghum Monday on hneineee. Mr. C'has. Livingston, of Rlv. erton, w« here shopping Mon day. Mr. D. McN. Oraharu, of Red Spring*, waa on our streets Saturday. Mr. A. A. McMillan, of River tou, was a pleasant Exchange caller Friday. Cupt. Duncan McNeill, of River ton. was a welcome visitor in our town Saturday. Rev. R. 0. Kendrick preached in the Max too Baptist church '• i ilior evening. Mr. C. tt. McMillan, oT"5nrTrrtr»c was among tarn nailers at Tuu Exchange office Friday. Drot. F. P. Wyche has moved big family to the Upchurch rus Idsooe near the school bouse. Miss Georgia Mason, who is twnchiug near Luraberton, spent Sunday with her parents at Con clave. i A very enjoyable sociable was given the young )ieopln Friday night at t.beLome of Mr. Duncan McUonuoc. Mr. J. L. Farmer, who hoe boen living ut Johns Station for the past three yean, has moved hU family to tbe J. C. McEochio p ace near hen. Rev. Dr. lloue, presiding elder, preached in tbs Method let church Sunday morning nod evening. Tbe Lord’s supper was adminis tered .at the morning service. The Lehr A Williams, Comedy On., pulled up stolen _ Saturday j" ““Wu»0 wet to Monroe. Wo lustr that another section of this show will put in its up il»oronco here in about two weeks. An adjoured session of the Un ited States District Court k be ing hold In WQmlugton this ironic. Menses. Dougaid Stewart, 3. Peeies-Hamilton Kelley.and W. T. Jehns are Juror's1 (Mb , Soot land county. T; We hear Mr. c^jpn McAathur came near losing his dWotUag t-oudeby fire last Friday even tog- . The fire was discovered on the roof in time to extinguish it before much damage was done. It k thought the firs woe started by sparks from the chimney, Mr. D. L. Jackson, quo of the newly elected justices of the pepoe, came iq to see as Sstur. day and provided himself with a lot of Stats Warrant Other magistrates in the oounty can get their warruot blanks ut this office and save tbe trouble of send Ids: away from home for them, ''Messrs. J, B. Maxwell and W. H, Morrison visited Sumter, 8. C.laet Thursday, While there Mr. Maxwell bought two new ■ad up-to-date switchboards with one hundred drape each, fo^ttn Leurinburg telephone ex. ^kg^njey will bs installed or ten <bja and i know fan -• :-I DEATH OF a R. MdJOO. Tto Young Statical Stafaot U Lag S» cumla la rto Stood Mmatof. I harlot te Observer, Jan. SI. O. IL McLeod, of ItobesoD county, tbe raedicul atudeut at Davidson, who ha* been suffer ing front septicaemia or blood poisoning for a fortnight, died yesterday morning at 8:05 o’clock. The Anal decline in McLeod’s condition began 94 hours prior to his death, when be bad great difficulty in reepiration, due to the abeoese in the lungs and fluid in ttie pericardion cavity. It wros only In the last few hours of bis life that be loet conscious ness. For two weeks tbs superb young frame hod battled with the ravages of tbs disease, and, though tlic temperature wus al wsrwhigbjsnd sometimes reach ed 106 and 107, the mind*'-« | < m wined strangely unclouded. At tbe lost, was deliri ous, oud with tbe Instinct of a born fighter he spoke again and again of hii butt Jo* on tbs foot ball field. With McLeod at the end were hie mother, his best friend, Mr. J. A_ ifrewin, and a few others. The remain* were brought to Charlotte last evening and to day they will be carried to Me thod's homo, at McDonald's, in Robeson coiuitr, and interred after a service in the Presbyter Un church at McDonald’s. Those accompanying the body are lira Sarah MeLsod, the mother; Mr. A. J. McLeod, ha unde; Rev. William Block, of Davidson; Robert Johnston, representing the football team; T. J. Kell, of the senior doss; J. A. Bnewin and Morrison Cald well, r*prs«eoOwyth* junior class doss. A BUVVK MCJHT. The death of McLeod mi not unexpected. On January 15th, while dissecting the body of a colored woman in the medical eotlege at.Davidson, he absorbed in hie system a poison so dan gerous in its Initial symptoms as to almost preclude any hope of •woovery. Without knowing it he bad on the hack of hie right band a alight, nneeoable abra. elOB, which was tbs gateway through which the poison enter, ed. Us system. He did not know hie danger and suffered no 111 effects until the following night when he bad a chill And noticed that there was a small blister on his hand. This wound was cauterised, but the remedy came too lata He developed a high temperature, wiilch conld pot be kept down. DP. Munroe, uo« o| bis physicians, wired Torfor aaUn, the new remedy for blood poisoning, and this was used-for several days, but to no advau t tge. The physician stated that the death of the student wee only a matter of a very few days, but still McLeod, a boy 9 years old, held his nerve, and. cootoww, and with a perfectly dear brain watched clossly every symptom* in his own cas>; even gob* mi'far at to hold if mirtdf m order that he fefebt see an operation that war* being per formed on his own body. ; a «••*»•*•! ant. • I I Tbs beat schools will never eradicate the evil of Illiteracy un til there la aa affective atten dance law in every state. ,To be effective the law moat b# com palsory, with sufficient penalties to cause it to be obeyed. Tits has been tbs experience of oJKmher states and countries, and era ■nay not expact a different result here in the South. Tbe sooner wa profit by their example tha bettor. At praaant Austria,. France, England, Scotland, Hboptry, Italy, Norway. Sweden,vUen marit, the 8wise 0 German States, Bri bio, New Zealand, ward island, Towns land, Sooth Ant vinoes of Canada, tjjro of the United I teSnvroa-'.T-rSL fti .With a few raln«rXa{ these laws requite rix, seven or right yatrn, from twelvo weeks to ton uvutbs an nually. In all tbe—gates hi which such laws haf J^d^eo Jorced logger thent»Ay/-dre or thirty years the peroqifagw -of illiteracy has besq raises 1 to a lulaimum. Tbsae stotos and countries contain a ptuulstiou of more than two hufclrsd and fifty million people, lbe freest and most progressist in tbe work—more than sirhty per cent of oil ths people eon «• lightened and prografriva <X> the thirty-two Kmeripm abates having such n law or.' two— Kentucky and West are eoathern atetea. has been found good ft geest states and eoo^ probably uot prova C l»iee UorwaaditM —^W^^ea stne CEB TT» sent ludelt^^St ▼or of such a law ia de/eloping rapidly in all parts ot "Jf Houth. The following eeenitjto be a fair summary of tbs arguments 1. Universal education ia es sential to the material, intellec tual aud moral weikuyi of the state. Illiteracy ia a harden and constant menace to public morals and civil Hbery, and threatenu the very existence <4 the state. The state provides ■oboola At public —pen—, cot leeting money for thmr support by law, and by form it a——Jury. It therefore baa a right to en force attendoaoo, that It* money may not be waited and that Ite interest* may be protected. 3. Individual welfare Amende on tli* general welfare. J.Arlng taken the money of educate the chikJreq^R^WHB the ■Hhu muat protest that mrn apd bis children from the dppres «on and danger* of illiterate neighbor* sad feUow-eitisena 8. Childreo bare rights as weU as parents, sod the-state mast protect them In thpir rights! Chief among the—is the rbtbt to such education as will enable them to lire umfal mad ijappy lir— and beoouw intelligwr- and self-supporting dti—as. '• The Unpoist*ntaf this right and the necessity of its being recognised Inmease s* competition beromee moiw term, tb(Msm«aAstachinery more common, the demand for tauntgent labor greater, govera -"u ... _-I:. _ nwiiC wore democratic, religious liberty more perfect, and the ob ligations of the individual to himself, Ills family, hie country, nod the world more complex and binding. Especially mast it be regarded in tboae states la which the right of suffrage depends on educational qualification. 4* Such a lav cannot inter fere with any right of parente; Idr no parent bus a right to make a slave of hie child or to rob it of the opportunity of gainli* an elementary education. Parents who would commit this crime agninst their children should be restrained and punished. Such a law cannot be a burden to those who would educate their children without it. As the lav against stealing are not burden some to booeat men, so a reason* able compulsory bur cannot be burdensome to parente who de sire to deni houeeUy sad Justly with their children^' Alt. rsperimcs of other rim lias demon. jsrrJtei tbtnah laws tany be made eflMtiVbTand »bey need not work nay hardship os in dividual efrieeoa. Teachers, school officers, and all leaders of thought la the Booth moat begin and continue to cultivate sentiment on this subject, until just hum are os the statute books end properly enforced. Hearty SerCsHe Mis Ufa. A runaway almost ending fa folbr, started a horrible ulcer on Orner, Franklin Grove IB. For four years he de fied all doctors and uH rsmsdlsa ■ilut Uueklen’s Arnica Balvs had no trouble to cure him. Kq sally good for Burn, Bruises Birin Eruptions and Im 25c at all Urog Atoms. Wsdasbote If. ft I. Mathew McLendon, col.)red, of Ao^quyUle township, fa 4 knrer 'frhoee constancy ’entitles hiiATo better treatmentthaa ba haa jet received at the hands of hfa sweetheart, Ida Hasty. For three years Mathew hoe goat around with a marriage iicanae in bin pocket, 4wit the girt fa ob durate and will not eonaeut to hare the knot tied. A marriage Hoeneo fa only good fur 13 men the from the date It fa faeaed. but Mathew, aa above stated, haa had hfa license renewed every year for three yean at a eoat of 42.00 a year. The last license was leaned to him a Itw day# ago, and here’s wishing him better lock in the feta re then he bee had in the past in ooralhng hfa inamorato. Owes WmwwmiMM Mwrh> our expense. Botanic blood balm (O. D.| kjlk or destroys tl» poJaon la the blood which canoes the awful aches fa back and ehouldar blades. • eiilften. pahu difficulty la morW ftmeeni toeaoi Igs. bone paisa, swollen muaelee ana joints of rhennm tleui, or tee foal breath, hawk. npittfapt, dropping fa throat, bad hearing, a pecks flying be fore the eyas, all played out leal, tag of eatenrh. - bottMie Wood BaJid baecured hundred® olcaa. ee at SO or 40 year* standing of ter doctors, Lot springe and potent medicines bad air tailed. ttame cimd pateau hod taken Blood Balm im a lost re •01*. It is especially advised for chronic, deop seated eases. Impossible for any oae to safer the agony or symptoms of rheu matism or catarrh while or afbar taking Wood Balm. It make, tee blood pare and rich, thereby giving a healthy blood supply. Curas ore permanent and Lot a patching op. Hold at drug prep*Ud, eleo *mM medical Od rfck by deacffbiug your trouble l3sglT&h.& JNL F. PARKER, 111 Market Bira*. " WBmtattto*. X. CL The Ftaeet, Bert Bnlected, Ch—pwtaad LARGEST STOCK OF FURNITURE IN NORTH CAROLINA. On top with quality and quantity. At the bottom with low price* lUfaOm—iBaqptTBMT f—twitlmam

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