- tADRINBURG, y. C., THPflBDAY^OUQ MA1MJH HI. 1003. J^'iFEtaojUJL CAMS. / *• <'■ W. REQAX, _1_ , I>KJ»TI*T. j^athan peele. *TTomxUr-AT_l^w ; |n| ,|„ MAXc7Jb- Joux ATTOIWBY aV Li W, Wo.« V^. iJ. BIZZEU* ‘SSL..*, ,, gsa*"*-'—rJSSsft W J• MATTHEWS, 7** official. -C*VIC»MFOmoOTiUWcODWTI, in lUVOTTOy, N. c. ^ Attended to. I)R. D. Cl MclVEn^ LjACfcSBUW, w. C. oa. ..m Wmh MW* u,^ few, Pko»fc No #3. *vn*at ii nor* wJloonm than a . -bupcrod tko poetic “W»*. • fall oo«t ccetUc,” replied 2r«!SJeU4t-«B - i -S^^tSESs1 w ki,u‘?fl*oeUhtl)- rTtSj Pf*JuM*l TaottanoMy. . • prBt,y ,m“rt boy. baan’t b*r **0—m—y» ao, bot I'd joat about MOO taka lit* boy’a won) lor it” —Gtantaad Plain DaaUr. a a; TUtoUowiMta.oopyot tbt **• manatee tar. tm d jjtoofliquo™ in North Caro c^S^LLrr^^ omtM.r TfcM»*a w ■ mil «ro.fc-IC. tl^om ■* •“» gaia mj ^UtaoM. w_ o»armtetm1-«0el5o«w3i S WWntetWadtOT-.--^, ^7** **« * ‘•wi'jiiSrs is ***** HrOTUi4, Ute act «Wil __ •*"* •» fcfM u. Mb * ^«4*W»8r—ltBq.w.ty«n^^r or frotat ralaarf m Mm '- *1^*^ br Um •*• paAamm °*•***■• »*•• I ?^.*r*****~tto*L^ 2 in vrkirk ft**g.q* AM—«« QrC% Co-j»cfl ■M.octfc»piTiiii„t*: p»»*«ud, that •« (iactloa ahaU aot ha Ml ahmm 0“** *■ twa jaarm. tnZitkc^Hi iAB*ra»wiM •)«<> rv ur«. With tamily around expectiu liu* i*2 dlk“d • ■0o riding fof Jib, 18 mtka, to gat Pr Kingat Naw Diaeovorr tor Coaaamptiot} °* Limrilie, Ind., endured deaths •gonbafrom aathma; bat thb wj^arful medicine raw laataat ter“d.!?°* cur*^ kinuH. •my ntaht.” likTm^SJ2 5* ttd «1.0o!ro3botEk frS at ail drug atom. | Pu4 rv«MbOtemt. Slnoe the passage of the anti 1°* law for Cumberland, alt aorta of ways are mstortedto eovade ***• law. Whiskey eoceee to pack ARM marked ”groowte,” “pfe *■* „"JS aaouti,” “miueSj -* “V ~ of mode of traosportatkm_ discovered. A Doited States mail laepector, wbo “happened” to be at a small station la this county, tnapeeted one of the mail pooohee, when ft was delivered to the postmaster at that place nod found a tog of whiskey la it •wSMSXRTm!id*‘he will he suspended. \ Has world-wide fame lor mar velous cures, it eurpamee any other eaivalotioa. ointment or teed. Oafr Me. at all Druggtate.' the aptitude of eebool children. Among the Interesting results of their observation are faeta which show a relation between color and skin and hair and mnatal . *?■*** ^ *• Jodge Michael H. J*, will t«7 the celebrated Hfod caee fa» Raleigh thie moo.He re ceived n letter from > Bryan tliij moraiu nminf In #x* now. ■ad him to night the! would *a*k» the excbauga dge Joe Woe la bolding the Gum coun ty court thb week.' k tisSsSAi asrtt pgfei &*&£* « AT-% At Yaiata. W“d**boro, N. C.jarcb On thrSumoonT^Lday Mr. Joha A. 8o| h]iDMb«w«#goteUirouKh an all®j bvtwMb ITUiCm Bro*.’ mm* U 'vaa Kane. Patti who originated tbatdeaof faeoriag the veiet. Han la *and«vxittoB*ioc f£oo« a per fonnance or $40,000 for iatal laaa adrafaa. Onlytwicehaeehedrawn (■ Journal km la a nreearimw Inal aw fa Hungary. An officer who EiSSrliirSSffsS: Thera wore only taro, bat ho took them both on la torn osd nlaoad both on tho eaonallr lht TiBthay gat wall tha papar hibernated, and whan it reappeared the eowralwant etaff mid (hair anly comfort vaa that tha officer had bean roodatwd unfit for miHtary aarriea. W«u b*t t» ba rrnrtinant *Umh ; « hb lb* of iattmtJjaS; ■attyi Hoaf paofb wffl adult “*l ut about m good ■ anacaW ^*“w“r k a“£V*"*‘f^l«ka Tuy hd las it b toLt tba roa (oar Umaa oof adaaran. Xav **"• ■jWcb. Up. tbmW "**?* I* WIOBf, ni boa bancaa? 1 aaaar bad a ama ‘u— .,¥** M-1* Adams. Fradonto, Banearol tha now and law. 'D* Bsaass syss-s^st “"'"^SSK Wyrior Stand, Ala. Her and Hp wawraw as hwl, with of twirl dimhargnlromiu aSl iagaoro. Doctors advised cnV gwyarjw & S&5 wSlZ Si p°-t“°lc SSSsSMidtS S" “'Iwooodtmab l|ne&& -‘-vr- ■ FWta and an dapaai^f vond> N ad that b» lay bdw Uk and daatktor wnwl wwfca. fVrfu kajfongooB, tnambaroflaid' wta’a Dandwifay.