f Gibson rrms. Mr. A. P. Gibson made a bus iaeee trip to Wilmington lust week. Mr. C. D. Koonce o! Wilming ton spent Sutiday here., Mrs. Perry hue returned from Burlington, accompained by her daughter, Mre. Allen. Mr. K B. Glbeou woe eick for eoveral duye last week. Mre. W. T. Puto and daughter Josie and Miss Maggie Gibson, uccoinpained by Dr. Geo. M. Pato, spent two days of last week in Raleigh. Miss Mary Gibson taught in the Academy here, ecrcrul days recently supplying, the place 'of Mr. E. H. Gibson, who i%s been sick. Miss Georgia Gibson, of [.anrln Isirg, is visiting at the homo of Mr. A. P. Gibson. Misses Ayuie McLean and Francis Darnell visited friends in McCoIl Saturday. Easter exercises will be given by Wie children, in the Metho dist church here, next Sunday night. Everbody is cordially invited to attend. The streets of our village are being pnt in fair condition by the town marshall, Mr. Buxly, with a force of hands. Mr. R. M. Jooes, of Dnrliug. ton, 8. C., paid his friends here a visit last Sunday.. Mr. Jeaae M. Do*tick has return ed from Atlanta Dental College. Mr. Francis D. Gibson, now at Trinity College, spent Sunday at home. Miss lxila Gibsoh is very un well but we are glad to' write that her father, Mr. W. P. Gib-, son is sombwhat improved. * aiajioy iiiuaou, who for serer wooka hna lain aick in the Flo*pi-, tal at Durham, struggling man fully against the dutcaso that! was taking bis life, died eoriy Saturday morning, April, 4th, wmmi after the clock* bad an nounced hi* nineteenth birthday. Hi* mother und brother accotn poioad by Dr. Kilgo and several of the College stud out* brought his remains, nuicliiug hi* home late Saturday night from which he had gone only a few month* before, cheerful, atrongand hope ful, to continue hi* work at Trinity College. The funeral aud burial service* were conducted by Dr. Kilgo aud were louder and touching, but beautiful and hopeful. The church wm packed to overflow ing and this, together with the groat bank* of boautiful flower* brought by loving hood* widen ed the love felt for him by all who knew him. The interment wo* made at the Gibson Cemetery, where hi* body reete, while hi* noble Oirhitiau spirit seek* that place prepared for it by the Father, in that good load into which hi* ' Savior hM preceded him. All erf us who iniew him, be Having that he ia happy with God la lleuven, although we to gret sincerely that further com. pnnionshlp with him her* is de nied ue, yet most feel that the lore I* our*, bat to him the gain. Malloy wm above everything hie Blather’s boy. To her be wm devoted. It is with this fond and sorrowing mother, that wa now sorrow most and w* would have her hope with us, and led aad know wHh oa, that her beloved aou Iim goM above, to spend that lmmortality with wblob God haa endowed nan tak! and thMrwHhQod^ hi* JORDAN CRflHK. I MB eonatenlaad to (Wait that n •Brty birds were b little prsvloue U bowtag oat old wtamr aa a dlaranlad Dumber, u tto past tew day* hare folly demonstrated that all aster*. like tto eRorta of struggling humanity, may at aay time, without notiae, rtartle tto uusosfm-ting creatures with aew (to vetopiaeats. nth tto aenory at 83, and tronglu oowred with lor, the Uttle taads corn, beans aad hall look as U a regular congestive thUl had eeiaed them. This certainly seams strange, but nercr theiaae, God, with HI* teadac mirrlsa. toa “tampered tto tempest to the ehora lamb,'' as we tore, upon thorough ex amination, found that nipal of the trait aad eon on eared und only a fiw o» tile woes tender vegetables UHod or daauged to aay great extent, though all look quite worsted. rieatyot rule boa Ultoi In thla uer tlou, and to iuotv tto unsightly poade (hat arc scattered brxs aad Uiacs Id our “Wat, the farmer* art exerting all their eoargy in ditching to arrompMah thla The health of our section le tunes] lagty good, and but tltolo aeeknoes pre vails The death ol little llobart I’aol, a htcb ooeorred oa the 9m] instant, baa eaasod 1 maeb aadarer to tbla rommaoity. That uorehnting malady, consumption. earfy IbNa, attacked the rltala, aad Lk Ur bad to yield to Its raragoa He wee a good boy aad a member of the Leant Ildl Sunday school. Ur. Daddy Norton, aa oxodkat neigh bor. who .ha* bran rritioullr III, I am glad to state, la last approaching hie normal condition. % Uiaare Nurulla sad Hattie Hodjas, ol Lauriabarg, are Tiettfag their brother. Mr. 4. C. Hodges. Proleseor 4. C. Wright, of Jadaoa, 8 C., paid a visit to Ms pamits aad Irtende oa Jordan not long elans. VIre CbrlsUae McUMaa, of Red Mpringa, la risMing her eon, Ur. UeK bidUUin. The people La this sect loo are eoe-ry to boar of the ltlneae of Mr. tmoeh Me. fbif* <d foe tool, bat are hope socm to see him oat again. Small grain, as the result ol too meebrafa^adaoU weather, is looking exceedingly bad. I expect “laatherimur trill be able la the near tnture to get iatimatdy ac qu&lnted'wllh Court aad the Quaker department thereof, but most confcre the description of Me first acquaints nee with Coart »u very good of said august aa ■•“blr._ Jonah*. Ssvs» T»i from BMW “Our little daughter bad on almost fatal utlucK of whooping rough and bronchitis,“ mites Mrs. W. K. Qaviland, ol Ar uionk, N. T.. “hnt when *11 other remedies failed, «u saved her Ills with Dr. King’s New Discovery. Our niece who hod consumption in an advanced stage, also need this wonderful medicine and to day she is perfectly well.” Des perate throat and lung diseases yield to Dr. King's New Discov ery ns to no other medicine on earth. Infallible for Coughs nod Colds GO cents and 11.00 bot tles guaranteed by All druggists. Due Netlee is Benree. Dos series Is lenlijr mrtrd es tbo kst Unit Is nuuls from Iks Mrs. aooduJ MrstW wltoh frsscL DeWltt’s ***** Hsssl Bairs 1ms TiNODLLAIS REWARD. ' T)m Couaty Board of Bdaoatlba of Heotlanl Ooaaty ofhrs onward ol flu lor Murnation with irlfma aaO ofaat to eoaviob aay paw» or panoao RaOty of tho oBraao, of damaging, lafar la«,or -o.tllatlo* aay pwbUe school hooaa la th« ooaaty or hooaa aaM «a a phwolov taoeMng mbits Mhoola, or far InJaHag.aniUlataaK.doatrojlagordaat aglag aay book or book eass brloagtag to aay pablo school library, or daatag. °thar pabBa atbool proparly ^l^bbakob^ltooakoriaftkaoooaay Death, aader nay aad *fl oondlttoon aad dreuMkum, is toted aad, repul ■He aad unlavittag to turn templet*. Whan the totoatl)* etedoa to emend, aad the eweet, toooeaot babele nrtb knly snatched from the mother'a bonom, it le end aad heart-breaking to listen to I ha genuine lament*tlou of the heart-lacerated mother aa aha eUngu to her lileleee Cbrtotly lwegobabe. But the little ianoeeat darling hae not extended Ito Influence sad tlm of afteetloe bey aad the immediate hooeohold. aad while sad aad UtUe to imprew the iareweil malar aal kbw on ita cold, deathly Bps, yet death could come under othercoi.dlthma far more epaBing aad mentally rim dating The aged auin or woman who. haring Barred oat tlieir allotted lime on euHh. 1 hagm« on to the coal nee of time, a tottering, reminder of tbe metric* nf Ood, when ia bated breath aad raU deed tone* It la annoenord that death hn* removed the venerable wanderer, an one ia chocked or irimldad. 1» eaaae nil nature aad everything around ne rum lad aa of the immutable truth that man wee born to dm. and It to ex ported to aay good-bye aad eeparate with three beloved aged Meade and kindred. Bat wtwa one, after haring emerged from tbe tender ee wing pa rlod. aad * tapped upon the platform of youag wemaa or manhood, with am hit Ion aad bright proadee of aeeompihAinr something la the world, the etar nf bop* lor aa affcntioaat* arother aad Indulgent tether-tor each am on* to beeeddenly end unexpectedly •aatrbni from loved om. is Indeed in exptatnahle aad almost unbearable. Sock wore the eoadMras that aun rounded the rant fltoaae aad tom rate ble drath ol young IHEiao Malloy Uibaon, which oceumd to tbe Watte Hospital. Trinity College, Durham, X. c, Saturday morning, April 4th, IPO#. Malloy waa the oldest eon of War. aad ChrUtlm Ulbeoo, aad wan nlarlst yoare of age at the time ot Me death. Ua waa a etadeet at Trinity College, aad had taken a Boat ran —odaUa atand la Me cif*»e«, and waa aalrrnraHy Moved by the entire Kaovlty aad the targe body ol students. Hr w sis’taken fcdSml>- ft, aid soon beeaaic dehiioo*. the dUeaae developed into spinel incmingltii w blek pipetrntrd hta» about loar weeks before be wae lib erated by death. HU parents at oaea repaired to hie brelMdc, where Me da voted Bother remained entll hie death. Loved onee aad kindred conetantiy vMted Um, and everything that lov ing, aaniooe benrte, heads and mooey ooald do wae gladly rendered. Bat it wa* orile-ed and drererd that hie young eplritahonld be removed from this man daoa sphere ol troobhaaad tnaneptaetrd la the peraSlaina ficida of eternal g»ot7 and el j elan happiness. HMrrtnaica were brought home rtnfcnr doy night, accompanied by hla loved □nee I>r. J. C, Kilgn, the pieeideal of the Cottage; Ur. W. J. Rexlort, a rep. ■eaentatlve of Me Literary Society; UK U. K. Nowpon, Jr., reprraeataUre of Me Clone aad Ur. S. U. Hoyle, rep re sentetlre of the Y. U. & A Enwhn at tha OoOege euepeaded la rupee* to him, aad the Butml tiibate an tha cas ket waa simply lameaea It waa stated that there weea arena than oaa hoadred doDare’ worth of Bowen baa tcrwed by lovlag hands, 1’rot 1C ounce, like former teacher, attrenled thelaaeraL Ur. Ugo preached tha faneraal BoodAy hi tha ilihsoa Method let rkareb. of which Mal loy wan a oonrieteat weanhar, aad aavsr before baa so larga a crowd at tended n fansral aad burial la tha core manlty. The eennoo was talaaRly appropriate aad most pathetic, ennnlag aiBont ovary one prearert to tbed tanas of grief aad eympnkb/. Hla erosion were Usderly plareed In the oM time-honored eearetery. Than pnaad away a gvntte, aoMs spirit, ranee to Me nehml J. f. y. Wtbeoa, K. f., Apt! Bth, ilk* Haw* This? ffeotoO** Hnadiad IhiImi (toward ta* ui eaaa of U»*rrb tku eaaaot be tmmibf H.TT. QtUrrh Urn % r. 4. CHJWT A Ca, ToMaO. . -*■ *"* taw** W. Utt£jEx!£sn.x>!i — fainiHoM oilfagtaby abb to «WT oat any obHgatioaeawde by tbdr War* tTmii, Wtatowle Drmta, ‘ Wood yafmaa. •at baa. Stow'Jna‘"fa toMa. Hal?7. rLwjffiS&M* to* bat. Ta Our* i OaM to OmDm ** Tab. • “ ^bw Mbb • • * ▼htaVata.Fbopi.Del To f ajmm mi li.rhkwg m< Bratiaad Omfyr-Lnet Jmij, ae roar bf** Of—in Can. depot lor LaaHabog. The attoretj hartag board the or guaof euftd at that ttm* that ha woaJd rrcomptrod that tho tailroad graat oar (.ed^on. Altar aerereR ahaagaa ta tha eajaria bald rat'd offi*, tha railroad rata load oaaaaa la ft podtioo lot* raough lor aa to gat afrtag with hi* aad tha ! taialfaa at the Corpantioe Cowmta !aloa, imoaat, aftoathegraaad. A gtaaaa at tha peeralf eoadlttoaa kro*kt tha divlaioa acpertataadaat to ear ha would go at obet to Norfolk and nco» ■aad the aaw p^anger atedaa at tha »lata Stn.-t Thte area white the legleiatdte \\m* la eaealna aad whd* •ereral lerportaoj hllle wen af goad, lag before H. 8L»* that Mae the dlrta loa i t km beaa hen aad taUeaetUttl wad eatboritiae hare decided they eot gnat the aaw Mta—i eUtaoaae we aahed lor. bat will enlarge the VaMag rooaw when *bej an. taka eii the aide tiwrk aow than aad pat It trdtho eowth of toe ew arel wanboe«e,U* depot nr d the oottoa »<a«orw, to aa tp raqain all loadad toa- haoJw^fa thto^J^ h-" "ho* ** *^X*'*■•”■• ***■ *TTT> that wa aboaM X nbtL AtTaaT bartoa, kartoa. ffT^' ialnai Vito boro aad Uuaroa to mapaj g|«aa prm, bat daataa totodla I aarttoaty11* Tttoa to bat opA—m bow far Wa wait imahal It tao rzpaatoro to daay thto featldanawd, whtofa wa caa do by ritSo* ah tiafabta by tha AcUatto Oiatlto aad tha Bomhara. ttay vitoaahi to tappad fai to toaatod by ft “iiliiTi( Air Uaa, and naa A* will drflrur bwaht to Km ftoaboarl Air Lfaa wtthia uitoa of IswzAtprt aad tha othat 11 about forty; ditto ri thto dbaa. Tho ’hlrprv law Ihljjfa to aay tor Co art I Jar or toiiffl Railroad, orth* frafaht wfll atoba (Stood arbaa It arc Hrua, aad it wa tho ttoalpto <d wako U to tha latmSpt tha laflroad to do aa aa wdlaatt tof oar arfabbora. la' a hod— way At pood wfll to worth aboataa toatolaa thtora. What wUI tha paopto do atolt UT AtyoaranOto, Ji*®t. IrMOto, Attorary. Ltcmroiao. R fllirri T. 1*0*. Expenses nl — 1L- - Norfolk, Va, April A—A North Carolina offloer carried to Wdaoa to-day John Green, the mao alleged to have married Mlee Bar He Davie in a uiock cere mony In which a saloon-keeper acted as dergymaa. There was a reward of fSOOoa Green od Ared by Grreoor Ay cock. Tbs gill’s father hearing that Green wae in this locality cams here and with Constable Ferguson, of lauubert’s Point, located Green on an oyster schooner. He wae taken before Justice' Smith and committed to tbs Norfolk county Jag. Green de niee the charge against him. Hs says he is not afraid of a trial aad will easily prove the chargee lelee. lie says hs has a family living in Laarinbuix, X. C., and never peased as a eiugie man in WHson, as charged. Green is alleged to have board ed with the Daviess in Wilson and became infatuated with Mias Davie. Hs deserted her a lew day* nfter the ‘-wedding” and •her then the police have bean hot on hie traiL Ho was a much surprised man when arrested here. ' [Green’s wile and flvo children are living at Dickeoa Cotton Mill. Three of the children are mill operatives. Green left home sometime ago and ttis family knew nothing of his where abouts until tbs above sews was received here.—Ejmtob.] NOTICE. The Executive Committee of the County Sunday School AmojW Moo compoMd of President A. F. SS^,!>«SlSsSi-tf.tSBt o’clock tor the pnpou f t ar ranging n, programme tor the meat convention. F. L. Bnn, Secretary. KILLED FBI CASK. It is one oi the wonders of the present age how each a thing may occur right in our tnidst,-and in the heart of our town, at one of the most popular places. Just think that on April 15th the long, keen knife will be drawn at arms length, straight from the shoulder, will be thrust deep into the heart of Vr. Profits, who will fall at the foot of his victim with stacks of Fancy Dress Goods, Lawns, Linens, Diminities, Organdies and fabrics of mauy kinds gneKing forth, including all kinds of fancy boas, half hose—in plain, drop stitch, Lisle Thread. The pants are almost cut In twain. The hats knocked for some distance. So groat will be the shock that ray line of dry goods, (Fabrics of many kinds) pants, hots and Geucs furnishing, Ac., wiU roll out at almost cost from April 16 to 80 inclusive in honor of Mr. Cosh. Bring, souvenirs of this great man and get some unheard of bargains. If you have paid jour respects to the season do so again. Lou may see something new, aud at prioss to suit you. Let all friends attend with appro priate offering*. Don’t lor §?t.f!ndo».APri' 18‘h W E.& WHITAKER. New Spring Goods! AT POPULAR PRICES I uooa .. 4c. Bmt on the market......-5c. \ Percale* feat light, color*, worth 7«e per yd. my price Sc 1’orcak* 1 yd. vide, feet fight color*, worth lOe pm- yd. . my price only.. „7yc DrwwgtBgbeun worth l«c per yd. mv price oaty—1#.10c Cotton writing torwhole nult* and akirle, worth lSe. for.. 10c roikfldot Hub Uwne worth lfc per yd. my priooouly...lOa Colotvioigaodim worth 98a P«r yd. iny price only-18a Whit* etrtped good* lor la. dim shirt wafeu. worth 98a facer W, 10c tbiWc per yd. worth doable the oa't 8» my hue at Ki«Hgm doirte lor Whit* India Hum trots BJfe. .20*-" White ohcmmUm from lSKe. LKS?^,fi«EL%fe W»SSSSlfe*St Berim tram Bc(wr yd to.10c. Bleached table tinea BO fa. wide worth Ur^ lor oulj.aSe. *»“*>»* UMe linen, 72 In. wide worth 76c.,lor onl/...40e. Counterpane* worth#], fcav.'HV. Coonterpaaee worth #1.25 lor 98 Table oil doth, per jd-15c Window nhadee all green coU on, with or nrtthoot fringe from 19b. each to-* x>yn and men from 25c each up. s -.1 Mnr« Knr ort *bo«* from *1.35 par pair to.43.00 Ifra’a Ugh cat bob. frmu vLlC to ..4#40| LmtM*r oxford* nad — from 50c per pairto.*3.00 (Itildrwi's sandal* from GOc. upwards . ' r-im y % «<«£>££ Stan’s oil-* ool Mm crash salts, from *4.98 spwacds Men’s puts (rots 49c per pr. -.*8.00 Bojs* salts f(oat 90e upwards. ; Y0UR8 ALWAltf TO PLEASE, J. W. MASON, CHEAPEST STQNC IN TOWN. MORGAN BLOCK. LAUIUNBUBO, K. & — - - _ m

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