1 J I VOL. XXI._ ^——■———m*mm——— HOflWAi CMPt, nit C. W. BEGAN, DKWTIrtT. Omm ap-ataba over FteUa Drug Store 'FAaaa Ny. 87. JONATHAN J’EELE. w Arroangr-ar-Law, LAURTtHURO, N. C. Oi>a» aver Priaoa A Bloa'a Drag Irtont. T a McNEILL, "• ATTORNRT AT LAW -LAWMBfBPMtt, X. C. Ome» over ywid'i Drug Blow. T B. COWAN, : “• HAUDKH. KvarylAtag new; tret-cloet awwtee. lffAXCT U JOHN, 1,1 ATJOR1IRY AT LAW, _ btuanauan, a. c. TAonea. ORjaaM, nyMntea, 6. 117 D. Bl/iKELU * *» • AVTORNKY AT LAw. OSaa In Court Ueaa. Carnfol attaadoa given to all legal baalnna entreated to ay cant. J. MATTHEWS, • OFFICIAL 8CBVFAKH FOB BOOTLAND COUNTY, RrVRKTOX, N.C. An enOa rwowpUy attvaded to. nR. D. CL MclVER, u IJKTTI8T. UAUBINHinUI, N. C. OSU oyw Print* i. Blur's Dm| Star* Dflles'lW No. Hi. Curmm Mm* Slim, OtMtri, Ul B»r>, toismt, Osrtounelss IM. Motftotnao Pra*. If yon have offensive pimples or eruptions, ulcers on any port of the hotly, aching bones or Joints, falling hair, mucous patches, swollen glands, skin itches and burns, sore lips or Sms, eating, festering sores, arp, gnawing |«lns then you suffer from serious blond poison or the Iwginningi of deadly con* onr. You may be permanently cured by taking Botanic Blood Balm (ll. H. B.) mads especially to euro the worst blood and skin diseases. It kills tbs poi son in tlw blood thoreby giving a healthy blood supply to the afcctol parts, heals every sore or ulcer, even deadly cancer, stops all aches and paius and re dness sll swellings. Botanic Blood Balm cures all malignant blood tronhlwu such as scsemn, .. rrm» - etc. Especially advised for all obstinate cases that have reached the aeoond or third stage. Druggists, fl. To prove it curem sample of Blood Balm seat tree sad prepaid by writing Blood BaIdi Co., AtUu to, On. Describe trouble and free medi cal advice sent in sealed lotter. AHktOim. "Here, take this rifle I” cried the excited showman. Tlie leo pard hne escaped. If you And him, shoot him on the spot.'* ‘•Which spot, sir?’’ gasped thcgnqn tent boy. A case came to light that for persistent and unmerciful tor tore hne perhaps never been equaled. Joe Go lb rich of Colusa. Calif, writes. “For 15 years I endured Insufferable pain from Bheu mutism, and nothing re lieved, though I tried everything known. 1 catne across Electric Bitter* and Its the greatest med icine on earth tor that trouble. A few bottles of It completely relieved and cured m*.’r Just ns good for Liver and Kidney troubles and general debility. Only 50 cents. Sat'staotiun guaranteed by all Druggists. STATE AID NUMERAL NEWS. A fliv broke out in Greenville on Thursday lust, which nearly consumed the tobacco flection of the pity. | A man named Henry T. Rog er* wm* killed by ligbtniiur nt the penitentiary farm, near Wei don, last Saturday, July 4th. Snowfall ict a furious mt* in Montana on July 2nd, and jt is said that crops in thut section will be damaged to a great ex tent, if not n totul loss. At a meeting of tho hoard of aldormen at Winston, ou tho 3rd fast., an ordinance was adopted allowing druggists to sell tobacco, cigars and mineral water on Sundays. Soda water and cignretto are not included lu tho new city law. A horrible accident occurred at Hope Mills to Harney Anlry last Friday. While driving a wagon loadoil with henvy cases one of them top|n4e<| over and throw hiiu to tho ground, and falling on his head, crushed it so badly Unit he ilied within twenty minutes. Oreat |Uci lenient pro vails in I around the vicinity of Itoouoiie, Virginia over llie fuct that Mrs. Chambers is tlm motlier of tour robust girl babies, who were born on the 3rd instant, l'eo pk> from all over that section are going to see the little nut**, and even 1‘rceklciit. Roosevelt has ttcru not ifloi! of this happy eveut. On the 2nd instant Oliver (iideon, of Asheville, attempted to kill himself simply iwcanan he urns summoned to appear lie. fore the tnnyor's court as u wit ness. jin drank un ounce of laudanum, after which lie born me tt’Poqaggjpua au Mow ladapaa dance let'a declare ' Fna (adlcMUoa'a trraat eaaaa. OM< Meade, ekaka efftkie dn|«* . ..■ -- ■ 'i, . : •••;. . a i a few days ago. Through a It of fiendish anger, this contam inate villain nod coward, at the point of a pistol, (arced bis wife to place her head between hie knees, where he held and beat the poor, unfortunate woman until blood came streaming down her bore skin. It was stated at hie hearing before a magistrate’s court that be would kill iter if she related the matter to any one. Upon failure to give a bond of three bandied dollars Coble was sent to Jail, to nwait hie trial at the I to wan Superior court. lie was em ployed by the Houthern Rail* mnd ns a freight conductor. Arlnca A Kim Will Bwy H lack. Y«w mmm an HA wbtn joa bay OuuahtTUIa'* Colic, Gboha* aod Mar Hkw» ttonady. Vrtaaa lUa Aw fuarf yoar m uaay B yoa an not aatta An] altar aatnjt It It It rraaywhatr ad inIttr«l tn ba At aott rwiwlal rail; in an for bowrl aouiplalaU aad tfca only ••nr that atnr Mk It la placcant. tab and niaiMr. GoU On Vor* m<»0 a T«, A Solislmry special to the Ctmrtotte Observer dated Jnly I ways: Ur. Frank !L Mauney, of QoM Hill, a uining mao of many years’ experience and one of the lending citizens of the common* Ity iu which he Ursa, said today regarding the rich strike recent* ly made by the Whitney Reduc tion Company nt the Barringer mine, that be belie rad It to be by far the greatest ever mode ill the Southern Stats. He was convinced that large bodies of the oir ure worth ns high ns $.'>0,000 a ton and that a half a million dollar* is now immediate ly iu sight. Mr. Mooney woe W not basxard tin opinion iu to the continued l*e itn^—swedls^m greatly* <)gv ol/masses ol pearly pure go*t brjgLjigtua »<■■ * W' He; eefmtymcatM: tha Whitney |wopb do not court publicity or cunt about issuing statements, tb* Observer correspondent was very glad to get Mr. Monnsy’s testimony, which is both expert tuid thoroughly reliable. He b a conservative man by nature and habit and has no Interest or connocLion with the subject mat ter of lib statements to cause him to taken Kunguine view. Yesterday ufteraoon the two loot rein which yields this ex tremely rich ora wee struck'by a second level (rota the parabl shaft at a depth of slightly more than 100 bet, all the indications for a much greater depth con tinuing good. The vein wss first struck At a depth of 85 het. TM r««ni(Mn at Health. XwW—t to the loeadatioa ft health Me atnagth. KuU Dm cl* Gan to rh* on great toeUdto the nelihe the aioaneh ami dpaUit or «•»>■ to dlgeet, antnflate aad tiaae tnnu all loada lata the kind el Mood tliat anarMa* the tonii aad bed* the ttoaa**. KodoHay* the Inaadattoa hr health. Notate (tore the net. inflate tlna, Dyeprpda, aad all dlanrdna ol the atoeaaeh aad illamUr* urge** an eared by th* aar of KodoL Hold hy W. K hWto Dw*/-AnB’.L««*. Rhyne, (la., July 1,—An Im promptu dual at anna length woe Sought on the atreat barn yeeterdny by Henry Laacuater nod John I), tfcRne. Pietokof heavy culibrn were mad. Each combatant emptied hla pistol. All fra of [euierwtar’a bullcta atrnck, one la the cheat, oua In tha alda and three In the drma. McRae rrU die, IinimaMtav wo* atruek only once, a gintxitng ebot In the alda of the heart. Hi* wound I* only of the eoalp, though it la aa ngly one. D the bone* at 0 o'clock he amid not get in. He welted for xouw time, then be broke in » window, end ■eancheri the honee. In an un Iniahad attic over the kitchen, reached by n ladder, he eaw hanging aide by aide Worn the rafbert, bin wit-tiiid two child tm. . . ua mam inut tout mgut Mrs. Baxter liu'ided herliuebnud • bottle of wine to drink. Ha took moM of It und be wue to rick this morning that he had tc bo—alt a phyekiau. That the trine wa» dragged or poieoued, eeema probable. Tlte content# l4hmining will be aunljrawl. Protn iodicatiouM the woman moat Lure carried the children up the ladder ooe at a time. The room wae eo low that the boy'e (net nearly touched the M#N Am Mar T«mr, “I would eough dmHj ail night long,” writw lira. Charles Ap Phpti, of Alexandria, Indiana, "and could hardly get any sleep. 1 bad consumption an bad that if 1 walked a block 1 would cough (rightfully aad spit blood, but, when all other medicine* failed, three $1.00 bottles of Ur. Kings New Wecorery wfao^y cured me aad 1 gained 88 pounds '’ It's absolutely guar anteed to core Coughs, Colds, La Grippe, Bronchitis and «U Throat and lew Troubles. Prion CO oeata and $1.00. Trial bottles free at ah Druggist*. •••privatein tlwTnlftk hi eyi vania Infantry in 1861. Whan ha retina next January ha wO be succeed ad by another former private soldier,Geo. Chaffee, who snHried aa • private in the Sixth Cavmlrv in 1M1, and will not retire until 1006. So the first two chiefs of the general staff will bn soldiers who have risen from the ranks. Dot six of the ss rsntewi men who have been gsaaralein-chlri of the United States army have been Went Pointers. Those nix raided from Grant to HchofiaUL All six reached tbe command in eon eequawcs of the civil war. and now once again the genemlcy. Ip-ehtet has swung back to sol diers who entered the army by .other doom than the military academy vooa or«r tbs • _ motion, and was_ everything ebook) go ud hi tbs MUl «00d order. While in UoB,sb*sedd: “Kow, SndHj don't attempt any ffabts of fancy. Don’t tey to imitat* the thing! yon have beard, bat fast be your salvos and write what is ready in yon." As a result of lido ad rice oas little boy turned la Ibe following composition. “1 ain’t going to attempt no tits of fancy; I’m Just going to write what's in am; and 1 go* a bait, a Mrer, two hap, aad some other things UJ» that; thmi 1 got aetummiek, end it. gotiu Ita pfckla, a pfamof pis, WOO CPIS jSTAJNFLOOR FINISH SOME MB SEE WHIT WE HIVE! VMMMMWWMAMMMMMWWW Fancy Lawns, Embroidery, LftOft, THE famous “GOOD STOCK” SHOES! Uct^aagOahitf fa Harfrrsrs Lias. Groceries. Good Flour end MoIwwium >» bonfadmp lor«5b. OcBow INMNBMi JP ’ **0 S Have You Ever Tried Gavtord’s Shoes? THE BIG IAGKET STORE, OKO. O. GAYLORD. - • Prvnrletor. -~l« mil iiiiImi ia«n imiiii mimiIi. N. F. PARKER, mjUrintatraet. LARGEST STOCK OF FURNITURE IN NORTH CAROLINA. °- safe ossssesisi—