r v. VT M7IXTON, N. C. 11ns as lare a stoik to select from as an j House and ean sell you first-class work for lesa mcney tlian any other Mouse and jrivefl the LARGEST DISCOUNT FOR SPOT CASH THEY HAVl: 2,000 DOORS TO SELECT FROM. GLASS DOORS FfiOM S2-50 TO $8.00 Wfls&ips To Sv Sultan- AVMs!iIuii-()M, Aiiir. 5. Alinh' Tifislininii k-v; n(iti:'i;l ilie Mtr.ta l'epfii tinpiit fnni('oi)?Miit!T.op:y Hint hp Jims fuikv! to rceive the xjip te(1 sjifisfMcttiry ryjdy Trom tlit Sultan touchino- Ciem'i's of Aiuorican citizens in ' Turkey. The. advice5? n ow Constantinople were consuleie'l at to-day's cabi net ineetiiur, Secretary Hay hav ing returned to the c'ty for that purpose. The situation was rPL'-anlcl as siiilicietly grave to warra nt the jrfia tnre in the t.in---t,i- fnai ad been K;inum4 the lnovt-fi.anV 4 the 1'nitoil Stats narnl vessels tntlie iledi terranean. The determination was leached to i.J Ve Admiral Je well, commanding the Jjiiropeati squad t'on liow at Vi.'Y France, remain in that viridity until further' orders, or at least hot to come wi'stwatd while the negotiations are pending This government has been lressiug the l'orte for an answer to our represent ntioiiSi The Sultan promised an answer last I'riday .but Minister Leishmah, did not receive it. He was put! off until yesterdays He was! promised then an ai;swer from the Sultan himself as t( the liuhis of net icans to establish r t! C l! (i iy. ; s o Joseoti Folk, Missouri's Next Governor. North Carolinians naturally fc-A a kef-n interest hi the success 0 this urillunt young states man, notwithstanding, he is a citizen of Missouri. North Caro lina has a sort of claim upon him because lie is her grandson; He was born in Tennessee but his father was a native of liertie county of tii is State. And theie i ;-e in r.-y gooil cil !ei2.- of North C:tro-;iia. who feel an iuteix'st in .Mr. Folk because of the;r iutU ruitt? a"(i:r iitau-o -vUh his 1 "-others.. Th! ? of tiieni were t-;:neaj;r-d at.V".;e fer e!: Cohere S-'ab f : juaxu of thfir -h -r -A: hv ; '.:.x in Xo."i- ''i ' rolin t -.-ft" .e mo.'.f biiiliant and s -''oi a-iy young men of Irs class a! com -.;.' and .oat; k t he ne-.-sfc n.'e' anl C: :;)pai!H!-;ab3e v. itli I. mi! ve 'v-:atf U.rrea t ; rl ! t- other brothers who v.'vc i -due a tad ; -i-v-.. .- ..-e jdVu.int l.v ivn! anbci-ed by naihy friends i t North Carolina, and these things cause No! th Carolinians to fret a keen interest hi the L - a f b'-.-ii naiiiiiiated by the Demo crats for got oriior of theStateof Missouri; IVrlaips tiO fuau in this country has Jis?iJ liiorp i-apfijly in plihlie favor than Mi Fol!c and no man has s'auwn greater iiei-ve thai! he in tiii coverifg fnuid add corruption; as commonwealth's attorney he has exposed many things which heretofore had been winked at iind n'hiv.vd to pass unnoticed, and this was what first brought him before the people of Missouri iis the idea! hum for (loverhor; The honors conferred Upon him ate a fitting levaid for such ser vice to the public asi inspires the archest esteeai and confidence. iNorth I aroluia feels her gl ctidson has to InM'li statu! atid that Disease iakes no summer It you need flesh and use szrengtti Scott's Emuislon summer as in winter Send tar tree samplS. SCOTf .t rOWNE, Chemists, : . 409-415 Pearl Street, . New YoVt. 50c and 1.00 ; all druggists. SPOILED A DUEL a-oud that keii such a le is Useful schools rud other educational and great in his generation t i n-i t m 1 institutions m tii" i urkisii em pire. Such rights have laeu accordi fl Other nat ion-, but have been withheld from America, That this govei anient is an noyed it the procrastinatichs of the For'. titid at what seems to be a, studied effort on the paid of the Sultan to dilly-dally with the American representations, there is no attempt to conceal. j -Scotland Neck Coinmohwerlth, Newspapers Good i mp. Two hundred of the lettdhig mei'chautsof Heading, Fu , have declared that ad Vei -tlsing ill the newspaper is good enough for them, and that henceforth they w'dl use only the newspapers for fncli advc.tlseneats as th"y may I'.ibli a. , Tlcy w'M have iiottimg to do liereo'uer with schetnert or ads, in hot '1 registers, desks, bill board -, clocks, k:.'yboard8, chart, pro grains, tickets, cotik, book1, niovif g plciJivs, eiitniciators, curtains u.dvertipeiueiits, oil paintings and pamphletH. Mer chants iltul br.sines lnea eer.v where are reaching this se coiiciusioii, usiLld . m.-4t- .v9noni!nuio Cough Cura f'vijh Colds and Croup FEMALE EASCfESS 642 i-i Congress St. Pnnrr.iiiii .-I . n n r,nt 44 4nfri CODSldef Wine of Cardui unperiof " as',doetior'' medicine I eret used ana i edow wiiereor 1 speak, I suf fered for nine months with Suppressed menstruation which completely pros trated nie. Pains would shoot through bit back and sides and I would have blinding headaches, Mr limbs Would swell up and I would feel so weak I Oittld not stand tip, 1 naturally felt Ui3eourai?ed tot I seemed to be beyond the help of physicians, but Wine f Cafdal earns as a Ood-send to rne, I fell, a cbu?8 fof the better within a week. After nineteen days treatment I menstruated without suffering the atonies f usually did and soon became regular and 11 ifhoiit.pain. Wine of Oardul is simply wonderful and 1 wish that all suffering women knew I Ha good qualities, 91 &MAtiH Treasurer, t'ortiend Bccnotaig Leafus Periodical headaoties tell of fe male weakness, Wine of Cafdni 1 cufes pefnianentlj Jiinnteen out of ever twenty cases of irfegulaf uiensa, beariritf down p&im of ianjr leniaie weakness. It otl are diacoui-aged and doctots hate failed, that k the best feasori in . th trofld ou sfaeald fc-jr Wine of j Uafdui huw, ftetnembef Ujat I headaches tjiean female treakiegs, i Secui-o a $1.00 bottla of Wine of I Cardui today, TUc Scheme. Senator Lsmar Worked io Prertnl an Encounter; Iturlu;' the course of a beated debate ouce In the house of representatives sharp words Trere exebnnged betweeri a '0!igr"ss!Jiau from New York ami one from Mi ifiissippi. A challenge was de livered and accepted, and as botil were courageous and determln ' ft bioody meetlug seemed imminent. Friends in terposed, but in valri. Both iueri were reoiute; and heither would (oM t the Suggestion of an amicable arrange nitdt. fi fl last resort Senator' Lamar 'was tailed in to pave the situation. Ha realized that' no ordinary methods would stive his purpose, and so re sorted to strategy: The principals in the proposed duel are still lit ing, so. 1 Will tall the New Yorkef Jones and the Mississippian Smith. Senator Lamar tailed on the New Yorker, ami after the usual tlrilities bad been exchanged he Said: ''Jonts. 't'v$ Com?" bei-e to tld ted friendly tiff n. ' i kUOW t hat iron - a M Smith are determined to Oght and thai nothing will stop you. i bate hot tore-? as a mediator, but simply W mitigate, if possible) the bofrcrs of a fatal end, fed far as you are concerned. As to (Smith, 1 have nd fears, lie is a dead (Bhot and can take tare of himself, but be is hot an unfeeling hmn, and is in tllued to respect any partiality yod may bave in fator of any particulaf part of you'- anatomy. Some men en tertain a fciortal dread of being dis figured after death, and if the choice were left them would prefer hot to be" wounded in the eye or mouth of Cheek bone, Now, if there is any particular1 epot that you would like to hate Smith's bullet enter he has commis sioned in? to say that your wishes will be respected.' This extraordinary proposition stag gered the New Yorkef, Even his t?n doiibted courage did hot stand 6d se Vere a test, and he paled tisibly, Aftef be recovered his Composure be feplifd that be would confef with his second, and Mf. Lamar, aftef an impressive farewell, took bis leave. The tip was given to friends of thg principals and hew negotiations en tered hpon, the duel did hot cor.ie oft, Lamars device had sueceeded,-New Orleans Times-Democrat, flusfandtfift.teil He? SpoKen infil- teen Yegrs. Monroe .lonrnal. In a triai before a iiitifJe of j the peat-i liprd yesterday aii pl- deRv couple Weh1 .lit on the Stand as witness: i a uebalf of a iieigbborj aivl it wa develoi.ed that they the iiusbaiid arid wife had hot spokt;?it to ;a,:b tit her' in ft'ftVeii ysa'rs.. The tnafl said in eSplaiiatidfHiiat he and his wife j had a little quarrel fifteeil years tio itiid he had paid in his anger that if he ever spoke to her again he hoped Clod would strike hh.i dead and ilmv he is afraid to talk. The? Conversations are carried on through 'the child veil. ...TRiisrrrT park school., next sFstoN Opens September VxiVH AtTKNTlON IS CaLI.KO to THB FnLLOWIK. POINTS- . tl .Lr(?Mf ?PMENT.-It includes a library unsurpassed in the Southern CiiVi ,hem,cal an1 Physical laboratories: lare and comfortable dormitories furnished wun modern conveniences, a irrmnasiura supplied -sr th the best athletic apparatus, swiui rnmfr pool, shower baths -ind bowlins alltv. wbS"S",ei!:!,t expeeed t?a3Wers. rnd iJeMtf Wh the I. '1 lie location is healthful and the wafer perfectly pure 5. In six years m students hare been prepared for colleirg limiteTl mnT3 S.l!T T 1,1,1 e t5?-se dvanta-es within the reach of students ot nrnuea means. fW For eataloge and views, address DMli.STEK, ii;iit.Ar4 M; c SEABOARD Air Line Raj:lwav Doubli Oail SiriS tetweeii Hew tori, Timp3, Ailaiiti, Fef Orleans and Feints ScbUi aod WiA : is isFFKCT Jan. lij 100. o A. a 'Mi COLLEGE RALEtCHj - a N, e, 8 TIME FQH SCOTLAND. $100jrteWari, $tf30. Thti i-eA(l rT hi this paper will b pleas ed tii hntn ij.at there is at leeet One dreaded disease that science has heeri alio to em-e in ;u! its stages arid that Is C-atai-rh. Hall's Catarrh (jure is the only positive1 Ciire how known to the Hiedieal fr'alMf-kv; Catarrh being rt rOnstitutiona. Mj-ieej reljtlires ii con stlu denial tmijf;enti ttairs Catarrh Ciire is taken iftef hatlyj acting directl.f tiyoh the bloJhpid hinscoiiB surfaces of tbe sj-stem.- thereby destroying the fonudatioii of t ie disease; and giting hjpastieiit streiig by building lip the doing its iTov'i J j proprietors hate so uiiicb faithl 'its curntite powers that they orfcJ: jnlred Dollars for any mse that it faih , ciife"; Fend for' list of! testimonial Address l -t; CllfiSY & CCI., Toledo, O, Fold by drHgfets; Ifif, Hall's t'ailiiljlls are the best, Propositleii fof mint M L and H. C lhdcigh4 N, C, AtigtfU 4, Ooveriioj' A.Vcock Was ashed to day whether nny other proposl' tloti had coine for it lenne of the Athihtifj atirHsortht'aroliinti'aih way, lly i-f"ffied iio, but there would probably be a couple In a day or two: lie says -there is only oiie complete pi oposltioi1 as yet and one incomplete. lie has notified the person that made the latter proposition that they lulls': complete it by giving a gunraiftee, if they do .sired to have it eidertained bv hltn. Davenport Collegei BOUTHWABD. Dally O . Agriculture; Engineering (t'iril, g Kleetrieal, Jiechanical. and .Min- e ing), Industrial Chemistry; Tex- Q tile Industry, .ri20 Ktmlpnfs q instnictorsj Tiiition .s-JU a rear, ? I J J5 Hoard $8 a month, 120 Schols t- H ! w snips. 8 - A FT .4 sd fcLOCnT'OI-T. Srp'i 5 tXJdATION. TEUM.S KSAPON A BLI1 L-r. NT.j P. H. B., Lt. Pbiladeipblft Lt. Bsltltnor Lt. Wash., W. & Br. Lt. llfnhmond, S.A.L. Lvi Petersburg Lt, Xorilna lt. HeDtlerson Lt. Baleigh L. Southern rines Lt; Hamlot Lt. Coluffibfa Ar. SaTaonah Ar. JacSg&tiviiis Dally Ho. 67 No. 27. 12 55 pa 1? 10 a tn 29 pa 7 20 an 6 49 pm 8 84 am 7j)0pm 10 48 am 11 10 pm a 15 pm 11(0 pa 2 62 pm 1 87 am 6 10 pm teSaa Mlprri 4 is am 7 10piti 6 20 am 6 03 pia 1 85 am 10 10 am 60 am 1 2d am Saopm 4 15 em . 7 00 fi & bO Ma! I Ml Ar. Kt. Atijiuetlue - - - 9,15 pm 10 60 prfi - - 6 05 am 6 85 pra Ar. Tain a tr.Ss f S.I.P.4H. Lt. Phliadeh hla Lt. N. T.j O.U.8.8.C0 No. 38 7 55 am 10 16 am Fc. 41. 8 at- pm 11 0i lira t 8 00 pm Al)i)lil:ss President Winston o o 8 J'J ?3 lis t ' I aaii.i,.M...y,-,t rmn n n, ar '"ISQN REVOLVERS. - ) I X 01 Whith i d trot: van.. WILMINGTON, N. C. Abb KINDS CAUTIUIMIKH. BARKERS NORMAL COLLEGE AND BUSINESS UNIVERSITY, LUMOERTON, ROBESON CO., N. C R. T, D. NO. 1. TltM TO ttlOT AN ICDUOATION AT CXT. Thi i- one of llm hedt nchooln in Kor'ii Carolina, llcn-lthy hiCHlinii; Com. iiKnliutiK School Puildina': Ktronff facnlt.. . lhelk!it Wafer: JJoncd at f'r-llcge Jlomi for to ir herH ft.id MitdenlN very mjiiKliK Th I'rlniMrr, rwimrntory t'dii!ai A!ti!c Bt'SLN'K.-' f'obLIUiK iautmi;nth win open Aug. an, twit, Wi-ita ror- pnniiiuirn. H il .i':;iii.v f. ; . ! 'Ti ball on One Hill Drops When Cuiinon on Aiiotl.f lit Fired. "Speaking of clocks," said the tfavel ef, "Edlnburgli( Scotlabd, fcaa the tnost titeresting time tnarklng device 1 etef saw. the tit fies between two hills. On one of these, known as Carlton hill, there Is an obsetvatof? towei, In the top of wLS-'h a lafge black ball is sus peiidedi Acrosg the talley, probably a tnile away, Is Castle hill, surmounted by th"e historic Edinburgh castle. One of tbe large guna in this fortress, poln Ing toward Carlton hill, Is electrically connected with tlie ball In the 1pWef a talle away. 12refy evening at fl o'clock the gun is fired, and at tbe same tno liieut tbe ball falls. rl"tie device sets the offlclal time tot ail Scotland. "H la interesting to stand on Carlton bill fit the appointed bouf to see the simultaneous flash of the gun on Castla hill and the fell of tbe ball close at hand, while the foaf of the gun la of conifse some momenta in crossing the Valley, On the ethef hand, lt ifl equal ly intefeellng tr) Bta&d besida the big gun sf dusk to watch the ball at CarU ton hill fall Jtist as the shot la fired. I recall Oftce standing In ib courtyard of the caatle, watch In hud, waiting ftrf the ealilion just overhead to be fifed. It occurred to hie it Would be more exciting to watch the crowds of passing people, especially since hoi Oh(S waa apparently thinking of the shot from the cannon. When the tat took place, absolutely without warning, hardly a yard at ve the heads of the crowd, the scene well repaid my wait ing. Everybody dodged. Children screarned, and tneo find women Jumped to the side of the wall. Of course it WAS aii ove? In A second, bet in that moment if seemed that n electrid shock had passed through the crowd." tUrtninghntn News. Dth Pi ti. A. Sorter. Wadesbora Y- . . Ajyti'orttn' iiol at liis home in Lil;-Bvi!l towufilslj) enr ly Tiiesdfiy tiiut'tiln, of typhoid fever, nget I about '' yearn, lie wits ti inot worthy yotiii until ami was highly e.ite'jine(l by nil who knew liim. lie id survived by it wife and four yiiialleliildreii, Young 'Agln. Mr. .1. 1j. (Jriuiee, Thonmsvillo, m' "After rtcovoriii'!; from tt spell of fever my system wfi mil down, and for three mohehs 1 did liut work, The first bot tie of iff. KUvt'fi Kidney olid Liver lie n edy ret me to going;. I used three bot tles, and am uu as stout us when a young mail." Hee W, fL Glbfioii & Co., (iibsoli, N C, fihout it, WHOLESALE AJIII 3ETAIL. A. D. JONES & CO., (inKKNHCOHO, N. V. 80lTHKHN FACTOllY D1HTK1BU.. TOltH FOit TitlJ WUUMro FAMOUS loan you money to buy tiieni. give free trials, pity the freight, save you 25 per cent. We fldd nothing to the principal when Hold on IB m immk Write for our Litest I'imm and Organ catalogue, aiid full wt ticularM. : : : : : Just in the House. CHE CAB OUHO ODBH, ..... r' i - PI AflOit ORflAMS ' ) p! t vj err? ' ; - 'rim ''v P csJ V 1 .. J o co GHE CAB UDRIIBDRfi WUOLBSALBi CROCBIIV. JOHN A. STANTON, i'uoi. ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD imtKtrr houtk to the ST. T.nnrg Exi'oiiiTio.v. TWO TRAINS DAILY, In aunaeotlyn with W. & A. ft, ft. & N. C. St. L. ityi, ffottt Atlanta. T;y Atlttnta ;5 it. tn, Ar 8t. Louis 7:ns a. tn. 8;30 p, tn. Ar St, Ixmis 7;M p. tn. Georgia, Florida & Tennessee ROUTE OF THE FAMOUS ii DIXIE FLYER it Psrt j-i&s the em), fiiffilnu n1(Pi)ntf er frrm AtUfitit ti st, Loiii', i Hi ctt!?ve tfae!i.nif!" villi? UUv. Ir . Atlanta .?9 . ?r... eivini; ji-tii the entire Guy in &t. 1jO"H to gft iofntc). for rte. ironi ,vour eltr worM rtr 0iiU J?ook hnrt hened Mr, feieoHmr cr rer-prviitinnM lo for bcoit s -rrtina limi it and Honrair.K botiMen, tuiotiflj, tho'f rates, writtj to. ADDRESS (HARlfS. C, WEAVER. LENIOR, N. CAROLINA. Claremoat College, vitAf.httliii X. (1,. illim V i-se i t lr Lt. Ealtlmore.a S.r.Co. 0 80piq Lt. 7gjh.,N.AW.8.B. Lt.fo-tsinouth, B. A. L. 4 SO am Lt, Weldon 12 13 am Lt. Norlina 1 6W am Lt. Henderon 2 25 mm Lt, Kftlelgh 4 it am Lt, (Jouthern Flass 6 20 am Lt. Hamlet Lt. Wilmington ISOpta 6 35 am 11 BBpm 1 40 te 110 pm 4 00 pm G ie on t IS am 10 i) pr$ 3 10 pta Ar, Cbark tte Et, Chft'ter 10 08 am 10 45 pm ,10 dOaal 4- 1 io atifr UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF MEB!CIIIEj?rh0' M tfllEIWE BESTISTltT-'-PHHRKI Agf f Modem Lalxtratorlei la charge of specialists. I Quix System. Superior Clinics. I Bedside teaching la our own Hospital Forc!etan!jnfor?i!titm,TrritgTHE PROCTOH. 1 "fced llealth Kcsnrt; Pure Mountain Air 1ri?V,"ter- M ' CorMorts, Large Fueultr. All Cohere Cours'. -: ! blREOfGf? OF MUS16: MAVIDA FISKE, Ms, Una. Worcester iintl New Kniiliind Conservator: ?. WHlTKFdH CAiAIXPOPK. A. t. HOLIN.' jl.A;; - - - ; I'HESlDENt. Etifek ASHCRAFT'S a Linimera t. t This Liniment will femove spavin, splint, ringbones, and all cartilaginous growths When applied 111 the earlier' stages bf the disease, One of the most common lame tiessee, however; among horses klid mules is sprain o7 the back tendon, caused by over loading and hard driving. Ashcraft's Eureka Liniment is a never-failing remedy. The Liniment is also extensively Used for chronic rheumatism, and stiff joints of all kinds. For chronic scratches Ashcraft's Eureka Lini ment is without an equal. Three or four applica tions will cure this disease in it3 worst form." Owing to the wonderful antiseptic qualities, the Eureka Liniment should be li. -od in the treatment of all tumors and sores where troud rlesh is tires ent. It is both healing and cleansing, entirely r..,., .-.11 ............it.. . ...... r . uoui.;iuj; an puiujiies aiiu putre taction. Users of Ashcraft's Eureka Liniment must re member it should not be used on feverish parts, as it acts as a Counter-irritant and stimulant. Price 50c. bottle. Sold by W. L. FIELDS. . r-T a. ZLvi 4 8 B3. fiB - i:0ifia .-,.1 Ar. Augusla, O. A W, O. 6 20 pm:. Af. Haoon, O. ot Ga.. 7 20 pm 11 lp at Ar, Montg., A.AW.P, 9 20 pm Ar. Mutjtle, L,. JN, oo am Ar. N. Orleans ,L, A N. 7 15 am 0 25 U Ar. Nash., H.O.A Bt.L. 6 40 am 6 65 pm Ar. Memphis 8 45 pm 8 45 am KOHTHWARD Dally Daily No. 83 No, 8 Lt. Mem,, N.C.A &t.L, 12 45 noon 8 00pm Lt. Nnshvilio tlBOpm 9 80 am Lt, New Or.. L. A N., 8 15 pm Lt. Mobile, L. A N. 12 40 am Lt, Moiitg.jA.AW.I 6 65 am (.?. Macon, U olOa. 8 CO am Lt, Auu.( O. A W. O. 10 10 am L Atlanta, B.A.L. A itbeoB A t Ureen wood Chester 1 1, Obarlotte I Wilmington 12 00 noon 8 00 pm 67 pm 11 23 pa 6 15 pm 1 66 am 1 1T pm 4 0B am h 26 pm ft Dl am ! t. llmnlot l,T. Boutli. Plues iA. ll.ilflgh Lt. Henderson Lv, Norlina I.T. Wdon Af , 1'ortsmouth pm 8 Id Dm io 80 pm 11 15 pm 8 80 am 120 am 1100 am 2 48 am 12 37 pm 8.80 nm 140 pm 605 am 8 00 pm 7 50 am 6 80 pm Ar. Wurb., N.A W.H.ll. am Ar. Bai-.i., B.3.r.Co 6 65 8 80 am Ar.N. Y., O.D.8.8.C-1 Ar. Phil., S.Y.P.AN 6 40 pm Ar, New York 8 V5 pm 6 00 pm l.T. Turn pa, 8. A. L, Rf. No. 60 8 80 pm 6 10 mi 8 00 am No. 68 8 60 am Lv. til, AUKUStlnff L. Ja(5kflonTi'ie Lv. BaTitnuah I.v. Coluiulia Lt. Hamlet Lt. r'ouih. Flu'9 LT. H.ileigh L . Henderson 7 30 am 8 20 pm tiHRdNId 9CAfOH9 WORLD'S FAIR RATES. VIA Seaboard Air Line Raiway To St Louis, Mo., and Return. UU tU't'oitMt of the 'Worlit'u Ffiir H(. Loiiln, Mo., the Keubutmi Alp LiirelSallwny la folilH'tioli with thi C. & 0 tloiiU' vlu HlhniniMl in ! thy , C, & St. L. tlont v,w Atlanta, will Bt'll Pound tl'lli tifketw to Si Ijoh'm. Mo.. t grmtlr t-eihiml fntos li'oiii all slittiuiipi, Kiitert from Jifiiicljifil pohitM iif follow?: f-' iiHon (5(b'W 1." Ih y Tickets Tieketn Tickets Lt. Norlina LT.pfiternburK Af. Hichmon '. Af. Wa.ib., .Y.B.Bt. Af. Caltlrrore. P.li.H. Ar. Philadelphia Af. New York 8 00 hid 7 60 pm 115 pm 12 10 am 6 65 pm 5 30 nia 10 80pm 8 60 am 11 15 pm fi 85 TlB 120 am 1183HIB 2 43 am 1 00 pm 8 23 ro 1 CO tun 5 27 am 4 02 pm 610 am 4 55 pm 9 60 nm 8 96 pm 1125 am 1125 pm 1 40 pm 2 66 am 4 15 pro 6 80 an .Mutton xUi Atlanta... Htildgh via Uit htnuiid,,,...., lltiinU't via Jticiiinniid. ...... I Id inlet Vi;t Athmtp.. Viiiaiftrtou via liu'titnotid. Wllniiiitosi '-id Atlanta... lit; t ttttitti. NtllllKK.MIll ItttttUt ..; 'AJ.'jr, 2(i.'2'i V.TiAjO MhW) 'J-iO iw.ir, ii2.no 2,m ?.;(i :iAm '2i.2 ni.m at .io jo.un ;;.(.-, wi.-iTt 'jn.'jr, :i.'.." 'AJ.ur, -JCk'JT, LIMIT OF T I (J K IJT S MA SON TICKET Good to St. Louia up to Decern tier 1T, 10Ul, will be sold il.iilj' oniineiifiiig April 2.th. SIXTY DAY TlCKIiTS. (roctl to lwivo St. Lotiii tip to and iiu hidin 00 day from the date of ale Will be sold dally commencing April t-li. FIFTH K DAY TICKKT8 1 1,. t i.,i.)i , i .i.... . .1..,. ,.t .,,......-'.,.:-; irtui ii uu hi nuu Hi' ummu ju uarn mini iiii ii- i.i nmr, i f....,... . , . . . li.:ttiTii ,. . . . f ... i I wow in s is mo original ana o.iiurnn April -7th, und coiitliiudng duHng the Lsposition. t- - ' genuina Witoh Hazel Salva mad. !. ock for ocn Kxct;tioN tickets. - r" lha name DaWITT on every tox. All others are cwntertcu. PutKBoet ., S. C. CeVTTT A CO., CHICAGO. . ILJ VST R JL ii WITCH HA2EF if w TTtTT Ttl ORIGINAL. A Well Known Cure for Piles. Cures obstinate sores, chapped hands, eo rsma, skin diseases. Makes burns and adalds painless. We could not improve the t, ullty if paid double the price. The best saivs that experience can produce or that money can buy. Cures Piles Permanently riiKitj 1nh and JfHrd, ID'dav ecu i-Ji exciirrion tickets vrJUJlie t&lA nt very low fates from K&lfigh fi',6,ta via Atlanta. Ticket not oci jl'ai-lor Stepping Cars. Tickets good to leave tt. Iauii iiietti -.iinjf tea dayu from dale o! Bale. ' MlLITAUr COMPANIES. Hpeclal low rates for Military Companion and Bandn. rinlckeMt scbednle, direct routes, iirtft-cttMiH coaches and 1'iillruaa r?1etpio; aad Dl ninji Car Service. For further Information, cat! oa or address tin. .Same M'lil be cheerfully fur ninhed. 55. 1. SMITH, T. V. A,. C. 11. (1ATTIS, C. V. and T A, lialeiffh, N C - Pvalelgh, S C THE WORLD'S FUR " AT - tbe oldest (.T? yearand first Business Collece In Va., (second In the South) to own a building t VMtfi d for its use one of the finest la Iiichmond. Endorsed by lis stuostits, 6vt;o-in men and the press. I'hUuddphia btaiographtr says: It Is th0 leadlti Ou ss College south of tuo Potomao River.' "Whoa 1 reiK'bfed ltiy;;'T ind, I inciuired of several business men for the best Husiness College in the ( and, without Exception, thy u recommended Smlthtleai'a as the best," M'.i. E, liom, Law tttcnoyropher, Plchmond. Single, Double Entry ond.; hi t- Stock BookkeepiBfr, Commercial Arithmetic, Business Writing, Buslncin 1 r Hoe, Shorthand, Typewriting, Telegraphy, Commercial Law. English Dept . 'i ent. Ladies and gentletuun. Day and night Sessions. No vacations. Stuov - tnter at any time. By Mail. Cookkeep- mgt Shorthand, Penmanship, at me, to those who cannot come to College. 1 1 apectai inaucemenis to wen educated young men, especially to teachers. Write foreatalog and full particulars tod. Mi. Smlthdcal, Ires., Richmond, Va., BABY EASE tho world's best babv medicine!? a prompt, afe, eur and harm- -: less remed vfnr all aorta of atnmiirh aiid ImiwaI f . NO. I . i yt,-.!!'. K I", 1 h'I'J l troubles of babies and children. Keep It al-I 1 J t 1 ways on hand- you cpti rely upon it. J. NJJ Man.'. :u.'- :J isaj.v ahli oo.. Macost, !. f--' St. LOUIS, MO. Is brought within etiH.v reach by the low rates of fered by the ATLANTIC COAST LINK Season, Sixty Day and Fif teen Day tickets nowonsnle. For rates or other infor mation call on any i or write W. J. CRAIG. II. M. E.MEHSOX, Trufiic Manager. Wilmington, N. (J, A gen 'nt. 1 4 20 prS Ko. f lally, Mcept 8undy. iCentral Tiirj. J Eastern Thnn. n.P. Pnilman tJrsHg Koom Sleeplhg cars osi si. through trains, .Ne York to Atlanta, Jack BODtille and Tompa. Ticket on sale to nil points, Pcllman reservations made poo npplleaUon to any Ticket Agent ot ih'.s C'ro panjr, of 2. P. Bmitu, T. P. A.. Raleigh, N. 0. 0. B. P.jan, Oen'l Passenget Agent, Portsmouth, Va, Jas. M. Barr. President and Genera' Manager, Portsmouth, Va. I A if M