VOL. 2r. no. m. laurixihjik;, x. c September 19,1907. ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR. WANDERLUST. Written for the Kxvhnvgv. 11Y HAY IIDii:. Far out on tin p:reat plains of the West a freight train ha drawn up alongside some tank cars on a lonely siding, to take water. On the end of a tie, over in the shade of yo.i box car, with coat and hat thrown off, sits a hobo. Realizing only too well that there iH an end to every thing but a woman' tongue and eternity, he is taking it easy. lie has played his little game of hid? and Heek with thy "whacks," and because he wouldn't, or couldn't, ' 'i'JSUp." has lost out. Jb; knows that this time he is "ditched," for it is dayligiit, and the shacks are "on to him." The fireman has taken his wa ter and the long string of cars, like a giant Nerpent, and drawn by a mighty mountain type mo fcul a sort of "Trojan' hoie" with sinews of steel, if you please slowly crawls away. The head brakeman, apparently to inspect the trucks as they pass, has dropped off the engine and is in a crouching position at a point di-i-ectly opposite. Mr. Hobo knows what this means a "stop-over" for his. The caboose is coming and tlie shack swings on. Placing his thumb to his nose, in diabol ical glee, he shouts to this "pe rennial tourist" who has miss ed his train 'Are yer tired, Uill !" and triumphantly paces 5 over the decks of the cars up to his engine. Now, every "long distance" or globe-trotting tramp knows what it. spelts to wander away from the fold of a water tank, especially on the desert, lint he has lost nothing hero certainly Dot his appetite and in this' place there is no depot, no house, no nothing save the' cam!, sagel brush and alkali-weeds. To wait jmother "rattler" might . T-l. , 1.... mm. i.J?.-:. itare and they are always v-!TTiii! lookout at such places for the likes of him. Character istic of his kind, his feet begin to itch, and he must be going, go ing, gone ! Surrendering to this prurient impulse that ever impels the slave to trampdotn onward, he throws his coat over his shoul der, turns his back on this "oasis" and hiis the trail in the wake of the "rattler." lie has taken Horace (Iredy's advice, and i;- now "going west." Perhaps a thousand miles be hind him, sunken out of sight how, is lie ridge of the Rockies, where a few days before like Joe Hooker at Lookout mountain lie had mingled nnniiz and above t he cloud-crofts in clomlhiml. "Here lifts the land of clouds ! The mantled forms made white with everlasting snow look down Through mists of many canons !" Where, to look out upon this Kcene of glory, is to invite the spirit of rejuvenation to take hold of you, and you feel just like tossing your hat into the air, as the small boy is wont to do, and shouting at the top of your voice, "Excelsior!" Where, he remembered, he felt the exult ant thrill when he heard, at Ha german's Pass, the melodious monotone of car wheels clicking ut an ultitudeof two miles above the "sad sea waves" that break upon old ocean "h str.ind. Around him let us picture a naze .plain, broken only by an occasional butte or fretted with corrugated drift s or shifting sand t hat today enwraps and possibly tomorrow unwraps, the wild sage bushes. He is passing through a shallow cut now. On either side are odd -shaped "sand fenosVv' constructed by the com pany 'that 1 In action of the wind dmiugh sand-st rui might car ry Mie-saiid awav from the track, and in winter fill the double pur pose of a -snow fence." Directly hef.ne him. and st reb-hing away to t lie north and south in modu lating hills, rises the tremendous heights of IheCaMde. Only a tew" miles awav. it seems, the pine-clad foothills are upheaved iiud nilled back in billowy folds n"-ainst thedark-t imbereiLflanks oF the mountains behind them. Emblazoned against the deep blue of ether, far in the distari'-e bevond the rampnrts. God built Uabelslift their peaks to h; aven. Austere, mnjeitic, eilent, moody clad in their long, glistening lobes of eternal snows, woven rota the mists of th? skie- -tiles e spect'i al ""sentinels of the conti nent" stand in defiance of the rain and the sunshine of centu ries. Winding, like a thread, we can follow the turns of the track over which the train has climbed until it disappears in a break 'or portal m the mou- tarn walls far off to the southwest. He is thirsty now, and the re flection of the early autumn's sun against the "Saud of Saha ra" is sweltering a sort of "poco inferno." Across the plain, pu haps a mile awav, he discovers what is ir ! Water? No, no ! a mirage ! nothingness ! Quire a distancaway in this direction, over in yon coulee, the conical teepees of an Indian encampment are seen. "That pike through the sand and alkali dust over there is too much out of my latitude, .-.ml those savages are no good for chewings, anyway," he murmurs to himself, as he drills along, foot-sore and weary. Look ! .Just over the barbed wire fence is n praire dog village. They are scurrying in every direction, while the "lookout" is reared up on his haunches and is "bark ing" frantically to warn the vil lagers to beat it for tin ir mounds. A gopher darts into a hole he has burrowed for him self ueneuth a tie; a Chinese pheasant whirrs by, or a "covey" of sage hens are seen stalking about in the low, squatty brush! The are the only diversions from the monotonous solitude that hovers about hira. Looking ahead far up the brown volcanic slopes, and coil ing about among "Bright hills that wind In smiling waves away ; Green valleys melting Into vapors grey," s 1 sinuous line df green "UiPSai! nn ingV-walT. j&TZ, tJOBSSZ -sJrrKs and brooks, That by tneir music earn Fair coin of sweet-briars And plumes of f rii." The sun lias gone d wn as he reaches the spot where the (rack swings in, seeking for its asc.ju'l, the descent taken, by this little rivulet. Panting! as doth the hart tor the watevbrook, he hies himself hither. Exhausted and famished from the Lent and thiist, we watch him as befalls flat, on his face, and, grasping an overhanging limb with one hand and stretching the other arm out to brace himself against a boul der or "shingle" in the stream, he takes in 'a long draught from this cold, sparkling, frothing, impetuous current "Born where the ice peak Feels the noon-day's sun, And rainstorms On t he glacier burst." His thirst quenched, he dnb- I bios for a whi'j his blistered feet ia the cooling wattrs. Twilight remains long after sundown here; but it is getting dark now, and he seeks, beneath the leafy bovvers of the cotton woods that line the b mk, his bi vouac for the night. The cold, air is beginning to rush do.vn off t he mountain slopes towards the heated plain, and he feels ill at 'a fio won't be uncomfort able, and might serve a defense range before him clothed in d.Mk, umbrageous forests of sugar-pine, birch, balsam, fir and spruce, and in whose avenues and savannas the elk, Lear, lion, cougar and the mountain goat reign standing out in contrast is the spectral, supernatural, ethereal ized peaks of Ranier, Hood or St. Helens, perhaps a hundred miles beyond, keeping vigil over I he scenes. . As in the soft surroundings of a dream, his aching limbs nr soothed and he is lost in slum ber only to be ruthlessly inter rupted at-intervals by the long drawn, hi Icons, heart-rending elps of the coyote where om Jills the voi I sevoa ought to or to lie start l.-.l by the roar of ; passing, west-bound train, whose two raving engines havegot swing on 'em" to stampede. like ii maddened herd of "Bulls of Ra shan," the long climb to to summit. To be Continwd. lied approval to his effort sMii is happiness, this is success. This bouynijt sense of powet .k purs tin faculties to their fullest develop meat. It unfolds the mes. tal moral, and the phytic 1 fou-e-. and this very growth, the con sciousness of an expanding u en tality, and of a broadening hoi i zon, gives an added satisfactio nevond the jiower of words to de scribe. It is a realization of in -ility, the divinity of the mind. .recess. Ik Pi"' New Rails to Laurinburg. At this wilting the force laving new rails on the Carolina Out ml branch of the Seaboard is cross-M in? Main stiver. This work he f gan some thr.ee months ago, aiif it would seem that it shou'f have been completed much f tlier than it has, and if the w rial had beenrcromi.tlv furnish Superintendent Russell, itdc less would ; yet, considering wretched run-down oonlitk the road, a fair degree of sucA ful progress has been made,! it has been almost like build a new road. The work being done has ac complished much good for the traveling public, all of which is highly appreciate !. There is no reason why this piece of load should not be kept in first class condition. It is perfectly straight, comparatively leel, and is do ing a treirtro-idtfufc freight 'and r A Reasonable Deduction. Scvit'.-, breakfast table : Fat he: "Sallje, who was that vomit: ilTt'n who called i n you la.-l n ight ?" No answer onl y a gig rle. Father "Sallie, who wns thai voting man who called on yon last-night?" No answer. . W.illie' speaks., up and says : 'I;pa, I know. His naim whc loliiinie Don't because I bean: Sal ie callie his name ten l i me. last, night." tkJiuSel hIll point-gTyiew." from Last Week.) hi see the comet ? tton makes strenuous V'This is great weath Ithes." es are getting as fir "rentes. f night is ivn S negro ade musi- t'-nd nis ir nusiirvs. ... i .1 uttie tin 61 Hill holds its own as a ce. i market it s frcfli all directions. coming in The WoodviU- ieople are ha) py to lujjitvAbss Daniel back as tei.'.ohery nother tei m. . Di CM'W vour cotton on '.if or selling now lrsuts? The Snead's Grove people did a good thing for themselves In going down in their pocki ts and employing a good teacher for an eight months school. a-wisjfoi:, holdi ii for John Thompson's Vaudeville. Those of our people who failed to avail themselves of the op port unity to see .John Thomp son in "The Funny Fellows of New York," Friday evening, certainly missed a treat, for his was the best "om-man" show that ever came to the town. Hi depiction of characters was f only done in the most aitis st.vle. but proved quite nstrf tive to the large audience in tenoeiice. j Those present got, a v bird's-eye view of the Ge mV Iri-h, It ilian. Fnglish, Chines H brew atnl Yankee character So well did.. Mr. Thompson por-4 tray these characters that oneVa wouhl almost forget that a play .vas going on and imagine him self in contact with the real arti cle itself. From i) o'clock till II o'clock t.hei'3 was one continuous peal of laughter, the show com ing to an end all too soon for the interested audience. Thompson is a well trained ac tor and does Iih work wdi. If the managers of the Opera House can always assure their patrons, of as interesting- plays as the one given by Mr. Thompson, they, need have in more uneasi ness about attea deuce. shops O'ISrien marliiuo -an tie in actne ipeiv.iion. Jingis now covered, part V'cliinery in place and i tlie way. iel Hill neighborhood and th- hospitable mm t if tin fr. ll. iMc.Ai uan us U'.is enlivened by'sev- ?iut visitors the past The Kabit of Doing One's Best. This habit of always doing against a possible onslaught bv ; one's best enters into the ver hungry lobo, or timber wolves, j marrow of ohm's heart and char Strolling around he finds some factor; it affects ouh's beuing, charred logs of spruce and bal-. one's self-iossession. The man sain." Hard-by on i.he ground are who does every tuing to a. Mnish the faded remnants of ctdar has a fueling of serenity ; he is boughs, lie knows tht soue not easily thrown off his tml other "trampor'.' has "Hipped" ance ;. he' h is n i tiling to fear, here not many nights previous, and ca-. look the world in the Sooa his fuel for the night is face because he feels eo 'scions garnered; and. before the lam- that he lias not imKstioddv work bent Hums that leap from the into anything, that he. has h ub crackling lire "broke, hungry, nothing to do with shams, and without friends, and a thousand that he has always d urn his k-v 1 miles from home" he lays him best. The sense of eflicie- cy, of down to sleep, or. ia Bo Latm, being master of one's craft of i i : " ... i.. : . - i to "taiie nis suoo.nigs or to oemg ei iai to any emerge. icv ; til.) consciousness of poss-issiug the abilits to do with suptrioritv r;int arotna of sage-brush, whatever one undertakes, will "pound, h.s ear."-The diill at mosphere, laden wicu tne ira rushes around him. soul satisfaction which, a. give Tii quietude is intens-? save bait - h 'arted, -slipshod woike.' for t lie m. irmur of the rippling 'evr knows. tream!.-t. or the low, soft sigh- "en a man fe-ls throbbing in"- of the breeze through the within him the power todo wha,t nine-tons where he feels h-can " undertakes as wHl as it can .. l.nf. Iimhi t lie fpni ie Oiesi i ii- " -hm. w, . i. ..-, , ..t t,a trvi.:vt .Inhovah ! In taculties say "Amen to wh it li the bright moonlight, the lofty w uoiug, and give, their unquali. 1 i ' -3 ail Keg Crowd" organ Sat tirda v night for the ii.lliij . ntul .ililtr a ( l : 11 cuui I tilt, liilroad rate war. Some of thoMPleas expressed were new and wi;uld have helped open the eyes of Speaker Finley, viz.: he should make one more talk and spdl it finally. Special Rates Via Saaiwrd. Nnslivillf. Tenn. eii'ifB-e' Hnnn'-cni in-jr Week SepUnil)-r 23.1 to 2Stfi. Oi.e lirxt-claHin fun. x '2 cei't-: lickels oIil Sppteinbr 21 xi. t limited to Stptnilwr yorh. Ilicliiuond. Va. Tricnmnl OihthI I'oiTST-ntioii Protestant K p i a c o p a 1 I'hutvh. Ocfcber 2d ti 2:td; one itt da h f:irt. phis 2. ".(.. nts; t'pket no!.l s,p tombfr 2i)tti to October "ah; liniiU'd to October 2."it!i. Wrtsliineton. I. ('. Iiitoriuitio:;a' Con- v ntion llrothei'liood of t. Andrew. Si!pt.t;-iibr 2"r.h to 2'.)tii: mH livi-vAn. fare. i!uh 2-" cents; ticketx roIiI Septeiii UfM 21rit to 2 Hli; limited to Seph'inber fSOth. Norfolk, Va. taxiestown' Kxp.-mirion. f0 d-iy tickets; 10 day ticketH noldl.-i-ly; r..i.wjh Kx MMinn Ticket- nt very low r.i rex Hold Tuesdays and l'lidavf, exrm coudiert from. Charlotte.- Kiileis'i ami Durli tin oil 55i8.nd -l I. 1'iie. du.y and Critl ayt; PiniuK car service oh all trains. A t an ta. Cr. National so(i i.tion of Cotton Ma-iuf i'tuM h. Oct der 7tli-!th; on-! ami one-i liid tirtt-cLiK8 lare. plu.s J." centu; tickets mold October otli to Srli; limited to Oritur I2i.h. M:-inpliU, Tenn. Deep Watcr-wvy Conveiition, (K-tober -4th and .rtlt; one first-cl a Tire, plus 2" cnts; tickers wold October 1st to iid limitol October 8'h. Waxhington, 0. C.--Vafional 8 cia tion of Cotton Mnnnfact srers, Octob- r 2d 'A Y onnd onp-thir.l lir.tfla fare, plui 2" cent; ti"ket4 sold Septemtier '10 to Ootiiber 3d; limited t.t Octidier 8tli V-i.r t'une-table. rates or any informa tion in r -irard to other sp rial oecanio!n. address the undersigned. C. H. (1ATNS. Trave5ina rHJ, Ageufc, tUloiy;, X. 0 r f GLASS WARE I'lv.s-f'ut, tlio kind f slas.s ware so very near liko out glass. Imt so much cheaper, can- , not he told from cut g;las.s except by an expert. If von need nice glass wnrv, buy this and save money Will make special onbr for you if fail to have what you nvd. CANDV We w agent h.re for Niinnaily, the candy mak i r of Atlanta, (Ja. You will have to try our randy to appreciate a gno.l article, fresh on hand now. Ours will be the Fruit Store as heretofore. Fivsh appe tizing ami always on hand. si RAZEMORE FRUIT CO. 3E10 I 1 i m n n B a m,. This is Why We deserve to be favored with a share of your rt Banking Business: First, because OUR RECORD 15 CLEAN, and . a long record of honest dealing is 23 the best guarantee of a prosperous future. g Then our policy is as liberal as is consistent g -p with security; we are accommodating, we think, but gj gg prudent. m -.. And, finally, OUR LOC 1 ION is central and gf accessable right in the centre of Business. KT5 J We ask your consideration. ; FIRS T NATIONAL BANK, Directors: ' "ClS&s ' '" Mark Morgan, W. H. Neal, T. J. Gill. R. E. Lee, A. L. Jamas S3 ra;. It"- S3 tei fj I EVERYTHING YOU NEED: 1 1 f- 1 ANDWEAR1; H M , i-lfc-J o 6 I..- & -3- yKNKKD YOIIKTUADK Yon need tlie. Goodn. ; VY We me pleased with the trade you have .pimi . u.-a, but e want 3'ou to increase it. Will -sell .you flisfc qiifility icood.-c (5ivf 10 oz. to the poimd. SaX- ' hUva ion . irii.imutfted in ewry respect.- Our motto: QUICK SALES SMALL PROFITS I -IT-''' -1 i-f -I Jii; TAKE NOTICE That I will.' be nt the following places, and dates, and; will ask you to meet me promptly ami SSTTLtt YOHU TAXKS tor 1907 . GIBSON Oct. 2. SPRING HILIv, Oct. 3. OLD HUNDRED, Octi 7. rr?jr.T.A.V?T. . Dri. R.. A. M. McKIHNON'S STORE Oct 9. ' T. I.. McNAI-R'S STORE Oct. lO. JOHN STATION, Oct. 11. L,AURINBUR, Oct. 1 HILrL, Oct. 14- W. D. McLAU R INs Sherief, 1

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