STATE NEWS Rilei?h has been selected as. the' location for the new Norfolk Southern Railroad shops. J. R. Sholer, a merchant of Rockfish, was murdered in his store last week. No clue to his slayer. Robeson county reported first open cotton bolls on July 14. and they are believed to be the first in the State. Mr. E. C. Terry died in Hamlet July 17, aged 72 years. For four teen years he was the town's postmaster, relinquishing the of fice only a year ago. During a storm in Swain coun ty last week three white men took refuge in a railroad box car, but the car was blown over and the men were killed. Governor Craig has issued an appeal to N rt.h Carolinians to send aid to the storm sufferers in Gnston, Cleveland and Mecklen burg counties. Dr. J. A. Dimette, a physician, and Mr. Saintsing, a druggist, both of Davidson county, have been fined for illegally writing and filling whiskey prescriptions. Brad Bank was bending over a grazing horse for the purpose of putting a halter on it, when the horse suddenly threw up its head, breaking the man's cheek bone. Charles Bulterd, 26 years old and an employ of White Oak Mills, was drowned while swim ming in a pond near Greensboro July 18. Oscar M. Stanley, aged 22, and Mrs. L. S. Watson, 31 years his senior, both of Johnston county, were married in Raleigh last week. The bride is said to be wealthy. Postmaster Ramsey of Salis bury has resigned and A. H4 Boyden has been appointed post master. For 30 years these two men have alternated in holding the office. Major Thomas Jethro Brown died in Winston-Salem July 18, aged 81 years. He was the pio neer in Winston's tobacco ware house business, and was one of the city's best and most progres sive men. Subject to call, a meeting was i "held in Lumberton July 18 to dis cuss reducing taxes by reducing salaries of county officers. Very few persons attended and the meeting is reported to have been resultless. The blackberry crop here is so great that Garrett & Co., of Vir ginia, are using their car3, which are specially made for the pur pose, to tiansport the berries 'bought here. These cars have ftuilt in them steel tanks into Avhich the berries are pumped by gasoline engines. North Wilkes boro Hustler. The recent jail-breaking at Ke nansville, whereby eight negro prisoners made their escape, seems to have been pulled off while the inmates were holding a very loud prayer .meeting and song service, which drowned the noise of the tools being used in making an exit hole. Only one prisoner has been caught, and it was he who revealed the mode of escape. Jailers had better put the soft pedal on their shouting prisoners. Assistant Chief Elliott and Pa trolman Moore of the Charlotte police department were fired upon and wounded by a gang of white toughs last Saturday morning. The gang had held up two color ed men, and the latter reported thefimatter to police headquar ters, wkereupon Elliott and Moore set out to capture the high waymen. The gangsters spied the officers coming and opened fire; and, while wounded, the officers emptied their guns at the would be assassins. The four gunmen were captured later, and were transfeired to the Greensboro jail for safe-keeping. The new primary in the Third District, which is to settle the claims of George E. Hood and Charles R. Thomas for the Con gressional nomination, is to cost each candidate .$1,000 in the shape of assessment or "entrance fee," levied by the executive committee of the district. Sim plification, adjustment and re adjustment of election machinery and methods are needed. Such a price to pay for being a candi date may well eliminate the best man. Since the foregoing was written Mr. Thomas has an nounced his withdrawal, saying he felt that he would not get a square deal, as all the election machinery was in the hands of his opponents. It's been a rather dirty mess all through the Third District campaign and the victor has little ground for satisfaction. GENERAL NEWS. Four men and two women were killed in a railroad accident near Norfolk July 17. Secretary Bryan has announced himself in favor of woman suf frage, and declares it is a win ning issue. Wm. S. Currell, professor of English at Washington and Lee University, has accepted election as president of South Carolina University. Representative Webb, of the Ninth N. C. District, has been chosen chairman of the judiciary committee, succeeding Henry D. Clayton, resigned. Governor Blease has consented for North Carolina militia troops to pass through South Carolina i n route to the maneuver camp oear Augusta, Ga. Nine men in Chicago have been sent to prison for eight years each for using the mails to de fraud. Just one more lesson to the public about keeping money at home. Rioting at the coal mines near Fort Smith, Ark., last week re sulted in much bloodshed be tween union and non-union mi ners, and two mine guards were killed. Al Fair brother, of Greensboro, has presented a petition to the Interstate Commerce Commission asking that body to issue an or der "prohibiting Pullman por ters from taking more than half the money any one passenger has on his person." After prolonged controversy, the mileage of members of Con gress has been left as it has been for years past. Simmons and Overman voted for it in the Sen ate and Kitchin voted for it in the House. Representatives Page, Webb, Stedman, Small and Fais on voted against it, Doughtonand Gudger were not present and Godwin and Pou did not vote. Atlanta has been chosen as the seat of the university to be es tablished east of the Mississippi river by the Southern Methodist Church. This is to take the place of Vanderbuilt University, so far as Southern Methodist control and patronage go. Asa G. Candler, a brother of Bishop Candler, gave $1,000,000 for the new institution, and it is expect ed that the university will repre sent an investment of $5,000,000. The Industrial Wrorkers of the World, a gigantic labor union which resorts to violence in try ing to enforce its demands upon employers, is invading the South' and is causing unrest and uneasi ness among employees and the heads of manufacturing con cerns. A strike Was on last week in a cotton mill iny Green I ville, S. C, and the I. W. W. at tempted to keep the strikers out, but they listened to the mill man ager instead, with the result that the trouble was amicably settled, i Wherever the I. W. W. gets a; foothold there i3 sure to be trou-1 ble. I Senator Overman, after vears 1 of fighting, has finally had a law enacted whereby the heirs of Confederate officers who resigned from West Point when the Civil War broke out, to cast their lot j witn tne boutn, will receive the salary due them from the United States government. Soon after the war a law was passed for bidding money being paid to the men. Senator Overman has had this law repealed and has secured an amendment to the appropri;v- tion bill authorizing the money to be turned over to the heirs of these distinguished men. Gens. Robert E. Lee and Thomas J. (Stonewall) Jackson are among the list. Sleeping Car Sendee Between Charlotte and Ashevllle. Effective Monday, June .8th, Southern Railway will operate a slppnintr pr hpt.ween Cnarlotte and Asheville via Salisbury. This ear will be open to receive pas sengers at Charlotte at 9:30 p. m. and will arrive at Black Moun tain at 9:35 a. m. and Asheville at 10 a. m. following morning. Re turning the car will leave Ashe ville at 7:00 p. m., Black Moun tain at 7:45 p. m., arriving Char lotte at 7:10 a. m. This will be a great accommodation, as cne can spend the day at home and be in Western North Carolina the fol lowing morning, making the trip at night. R. H. DeButts. D. P. A., Charlotte, N. C. adv.-tf 3 TOE TIME TO S6VE YOUR HI IS HQVV Newbro-s Herpicide is the one remedy on your druggist's shelves which may al ways be depended upon. "ieatf of complaining to your friends ana mourning over your loss of hair, call Bpon your locaj druggist purchase a bottle of Newbro's Herplclde. At is the first and original remedy, guar-ati-eed to kill dandruff, stop itching and check falling hair. Yu da save the hair you have much easier than you can grow new. The time to save your hair is now. The remedy for doms; it is Newbro's Herplcide. Newbro's Hrpicide in 50c and $1.00 sizes is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. If you are not satisfied your money will be refunded. The same opportunity never comes but once. Applications at good barber shops. Blue's Drug Store Special Agents Mencms? Mrs. Walter Vincent, Of Pleasant HilL N. C, writes: "For three sum mers. I suffered from nervousness, dreadful pains in my back 'and sides, and weak sinking spells. Three bottles of Cardui, the woman's tonic, relieved me entire ly. I feel like another person, now." TAKE Mill I The Woman's Tonic $ Gsorge Dallas Everington,M.D. for over 50 years, Cardui has been helping to relieve women's un necessary pains and building weak women up to health and strength. It will do the same for you, if given a fair trial. So, don't wait, but begin taking Cardui today, for its use cannot harm you, and should surely do you good. E-72 Takes Off Freckles, Removes Tan. Beautify your complexion. Get nd of those freckles. You can invest 50c in a jar of WIL SOX'S FRECKLE CREAM and they'll disappear. Severe cases may require two jars r.o more. We positively guar antee this, and if your com plexion isn't fully restored to its natural beauty, we agree to refund your -tx-'110"1 argument. And in addition, oILSOVS FRECKLE CREAM is a fine, fra grant toilet cream. Doesn't cause hair to grow, -"?tVM'r'e,5 Positively remove TAN and ' i. S- Try t at our risk- Price 50c uSLm"1 ,f desired. Mammoth jars $1.00. WILSON'S FAIR SKIN SOAP 25c. Wilson hrecKle Cream Co., Charleston, S. C, makers. For sale by BLUE'S DRUG STORE, Druggist TrlL Melon Growers Of Scotland County can have their checks cashed, free of any charge, at this BANK. First National Bank 3Z 20 Years The Practice of Medicine. Special At tention to Eye-work and Gla?s-nting. Office, Everington's Drug Store. Established 1880. JAMES CANNON, JR., M. A., D. P., PRINCIPAL. Aero the Blackstone School adopted the followim MOTTO: Thorough instruction under positively Christian influences at the lowest possible cost. fAoiili- IT is today, with a faculty of 33, a boarding patronage ot IXCdUll 368, a student body of 428, and a plant worth $150,000, The Leading Training School for Girls in Virginia. $4 PAYS all charges for the year, including Table Board, A 4 I Hll Room, Lights, Steam Heat, Laundry, Medical Atten- I Hii Atv tentiorc, Physical Culture and Tuition in all subjects r except music and elocution. Can parents find a school with a better record, with more experienced management at such moderate cost? For catalogue and application blank address GEO. P. ADAMS, Secretary, Blackstone, Va. Had No Consumption. During the trial of a case in the criminal court this week a witness had testified for the de fendant and was turned over to the State and as He was. being grilled by Solicitor Brock about his dealings in whiskey the fol lowing question and answer brought torth a rap from the gavel of the judge to bring the court room to order: Solicitor Brock "So you just buy it for home consumption?" Negro Witness "No, sir, I ain't got no consumption at my home. I just buys it for my own use." Moore County News. A Delightful - DAY TOUR AUG. 4 TO 19 1914 Niagara Falls, Toronto, Lake Ontario, Thousand Islands, Hudson River, New York and one week at Atlantic City "The Playgrounds of the World" via the Seaboard Air Line Ry. and connections. Appalling is the number of capital crimes and heinous of fenses committed in North Caro lina within the last few weeks. Assaults on women and girls, abduction of girls, killing of hus bands and wives, abandonment of infants such is the revolting catalogue that is astounding and horrifying thoughtful people. ALL EXPENSES INCLUDED. A high class tour: Dining Car, Pullman, Steamship and Hotel service, covering the beautiful scenic country by daylight. , Personally conducted by 1 Mr. C. H. Gattis and chaperoned by Mrs. Gattis. Gattis Tourist Agency RALEIGH, N. C. Tourist Agents Seaboaid Air Line Railway. Write for Booklet. FIRE INSURANCE JAS. L. McNAIR, Agent. W. R. SUTHERLAND, Manager. Full line best companies. Your busi ess will be appreciated and carefully handled. 21- J. PLUMMER WIGGINS, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Oak Ridge Institute Sixty-third Year Bank of Maxton Building, MAXTON, N. C. Dr. W. C. Caldwell VETERINARIAN Smith's Livery Stable. 'Phone 123. Calls answered day or night. 28-tf ftEO. T. GOODWIN, U ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office next door to Exchange Office. 6-tf 2tZx " i & WrK t ;K$&?xk y 1 " . rts Administratrix Notice Having qualified ps Administratrix of the estate of my late husband. John D. McLaurin, notice' is given to all credit ors of said estate to present their claims to me, duly verified,, for pay ment on or before the 11th day of June, 1915, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment to me. MRS. SALLIE P. McLAURIN, Administratrix. This June 10, 1914. M. L. JOHN, Attorney. Littleton Colli A well-established, well-equipped, and very prosperious school for girls and young women. Fall term begins Sept. 16, 1914. For catalogue, address J. M. RHODES, Littleton, N. C. 26-38 Notice of Administration By Executrix, NORTH CAROLINA, Scotland County. Having qualified as Executrix of the last will and testament of A. D. Gib son, deceased, late of Scotland county, North Carolina, this is to notify all per sons having claims against the estate of said deceased, to exhib't them to the undersigned at her home in Laurel Hill Township, Scotland County, North Carolina, on or before the 22d day .of June, 1915, or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. ELIZA C. GIBSON, Executrix. This 22d day of June, 1914. Russell & Weatherspoon, Attorneys. 26-6t NEW $30,000 ALUMNI PUILPING IX buildings, 350 acres in campus, athletic helds, and farm. Steam heat, shower baths, gymnasium. Over 200 boarding students annually for the past thirty years. Prepares for College, for Business, for Life. Students study under teachers, at night, in study hall. Fall season opens September 16th. Terms reasonable. Write for illustrated catalogue. Address S OAK RIDGE INSTITUTE 28-36 OAK RIDGE, N. G. Ti nm i.j ifc Boggan Sells Native and Western Beef, Veal, Pork, Sausage Pad ding, Brains, Souce; Ham,. Sliced Bacon,- Oysters, Chickens; Eggs, Butter and in fact anything sold in an up-to-date market. Phone us your orders. Quick de livery. E. M. BOGGAN & SON IS Sow a Thought, reap a Feeling. Sow a Feeling, reap a Desire. Sow a Desire, reap an Act. Sow an Act, reap a Habit. Sow a Habit, reap CHARACTER. The habit of saving small .sums of money REGULARLY should be taught every child early in life's battle. Bring YOUR CHILD to the Bank and come yourself $1.00 starts an account in our Savings Department. Interest compounded quarterly. The ate Bank y OPPORTUNITY WANTED Ten to fifteen good families to work in a manufacturing establishment. Healthful and pleasant work for men, women, boys and girls thirteen years old and over. Prefer families of three or more workers. Nice new clean houses to live in rents reasonable. Pleasant surroundings; unexcelled church and school opportunities. Best place in North Carolina for working people who desire to make a good living and better their condition. K Write immediately to ' ( J. W. BURROUGHS, Durham, N. C. 2S-31 mmm-itm,

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