' GENERAL NEWS. The "French Siamese" twins, Marie Anne and Anne Marie, who had been joined together by a ligament at the base of the ver tebrae since their birth, were op erated on in Paris last Sunday and are getting on nicely. Frank Stagart, a widower, shot Miss Augustine Serpes in New Orleans last Sunday and then shot himself. She wouldn't mar ry him was the reason assigned for the crime. Both died in the same hospital in half an hour. It is reported that the Standard Oil Company is trying to "freeze out" competitors by lowering the price of gasoline from 20 to 9 cents a gallon. No effects of the freezing process have been felt in this part of the moral vineyard. The motorman who was respon sible for the wreck near Norfolk last week, whereby six lives were lost, states that he was tired out and asleep and did not see the danger signals until he was with in two car lengths of the cross ing wThere the collision occurred. The largest electric lamp in the world was lighted in the New York Navy Yard last Sunday night. It is a searchlight and at a distance of two miles it gives an illumination of 450,000,000 candle-power. The light is visi-: ble at a distance of 100 miles. I Secretary Daniels has been re quested by the House naval af fairs sub-committee to submit a statement on the question of whether Peary discovered the North Pole and, if so, whether ' he discovered it first. An inves tigation of the Cook-Peary con-' troversy is sought by Cook. James T. McDermott. Republi can member of Congress from the Fourth District of Illinois (which includes the stock-yards section of Chicago, offered his resignation on the floor of the House, July 21, to take effect immediately. He is under ugly charges connected with lobbying in Congress. He stated that he would return to his district and seek re-election as vindication. - mm m Bull's-eyes from Everything. In all candor there is more need for some moral laws some thing to ston the crime wave in North Carolina than there is for a Statewide primary to keep the Democratic politicians in power and pie. His North Carolina friends are urging Judge Walter Clark for the vacancy caused by Judge Lurton's death. The Judge is an able lawyer, and inasmuch as he preaches so many strange doc trinespossibly what might be well defined as socialistic doc trines, it would be refreshing.to see him on the highest bench handing down his views on the railroads, for instance. It appears to be lhe "consensus of opinion" that Everything and your Uncle Al is alone in oppos ing the Statewide primaries if you listen to the newspapers. But your Uncle Al has letters from many prominent Democrats business men and not politic ians, who tell him he is ever lastingly right ; that the primary scheme is purely a fight of the ins against the outs and that the scheme means absolute monarchy as far as the Demo cratic politicians are concerned. And here is what is funny. The politicians out and who are dying to get in designate the ins as ma chine politicians and as bosses. Where is there any difference except in the salary and the power ? There is no honor in politics. Resolutions of Respect. On the 11th day of July, 1914, our Heavenly Master entered our ranks and took from our class Loyd Willough by, Loyd had been a cons ant attend ant of this Sunday school since its or ganization and of our class for several years. He was a gentleman and was a fine young man. We all liked him and we shall miss him greatly as the days go by. We extend to his family our most profound sympathy, and pray that God in His infinite wisdom will deal kindly with the family that survives him. Champ Terry, Wm. Bounds, Hardy Rusy. Their Executioner. One day a negro woman walk ed into the offices of the court rooms of a Southern city, and ad dressing the judge, said : Are you the reprobate judge ? I am the probate judge, he re plied. That was what I was saying, she continued, and I have come to you because I am in trouble. My husband was studying to be a minister in a logical seminary, and he died detested, and left three little infidels, and I have come to be appointed to be their executioner. STATE NEWS William Robert Bond, aged 24, committed suicide in Kinston on Jul , 20. Ill health is assigned as the cause of his self-destruction. Ground was broke this week on the lot on which the Red Springs Baptist church is to be erected. We learn that the work of build ing will be pushed as rapidly as possible, with Mr. J. L. Cooper in charge. Red Springs Citizen. Marc Spencer, aged 24, a na tive of Virginia but a graduate of University of North Carolina, was killed at Badin July 20 by falling on an upright piece of scaffolding in the plant of the Southern Aluminum Company, by which concern he was employed. A picturesque figure went out of the Core Sound region of Car teret county when Capt. Joseph W. Smith died last week. He was an old-time mariner, whose last years were spent in the neigh borhood of his boyhood home, and so much beloved was he that when he died his neighbors drap ed their homes and business houses in mourning. He was a Confederate veteran with a clear record. At a meeting of the Anson County Democratic Executive Committee held in Wadesboro last Saturday speeches were made ao-ainst the recorder's court and in favor of abolishing the office of county treasurer, lhe matter of the recorder's court is to be voted on in the primary on Aug. 1 to ascertain the wishes of the people. "Our representatives in the next General Assembly are expected to govern themselves accordingly," is the conclusion of resolutions adopted on the subject. Political dopesters are again saying that Josephus Daniels is to retire from Mr. Wilson's cabi net and resume newspaper work in Raleigh, taking the editorship of The News and Observer off the hands of E. E. ISritton, whom, the same authority (?) says, will be pushed by Mr. Daniels for the postmastership at Raleigh. It is said that this will involve a de termination of whether a cabinet member can select the postmas ter for his home town, even tho' the Senator controlling the ap pointment may not favor it. Some lookers-on at the political game think all the talk ground less and that it is given currency to stir up animosity between Dan iels and Simmons, the restored friendship of the two not suiting certain political elements. Long-Lost Ring Found in Ship. A press dispatch from Wash ington says that Secretary Dan iels has forwarded to Mrs. Francis D. Winston of Windsor a ring which her father, Dr., Kenney, lost on the old sailing ship Con stellation, during the Civil War. Its recovery -after fifty years makes a most remarkable story. When Mrs. Winston, who is the wife of the United States district attorney for eastern North Caralina, saw in the news papers that the Constellation was to be overhauled preparatory to taking part in the celebration at Baltimore of the centennial an niversary the "Star Bangled Banner," she wrote Secretary Daniels, saying that her father had lost the ring during his ser vice on the ship during or after the war. Mrs. Winston said that her father always said the ring would never be recovered until the ship was overhauled in some navy yard. The ring was given Dr. Kennedy by his mother and he prized it very highly. Secretary Daniels forwarded the letter to the commandant at Lthe Norfolk Navy Yard where the ship was being overhauled and the workmen kept a watch for the token. It was found un der the iron covering plates on the gun deck forward and to day reached the secretary. He immediately forwarded it to Mrs. Winston with a note of congrat ulation. The ring was a small gold cir clet and was perfectly preserved.. Dr. Kenney came to the Constel lation from Maine, but after hav ing retired from service went to North Carolina to live. Robeson Officers Cooping Blind Tigers. Deputy Sheriff W. W. Smith, accompained by Night Policeman J. A. Feacoek started out in an automobile over Lumber River early Wednesday morning and before breakfast had caged four black blind tigers: Dunk Leach the old he tiger, Date page Quincy Robinson, and Walter McColl. He also brought in Donny McNeill, colored, charged with false pretense. The tigers were arraigned before Recorder Sellers, and it was proven that Leach had been ordering the li quor in the name of the other three and giving them a portion for the use of their names. He was sentenced to the public roads for thirty days, while the others who did not appreciate the value of a good name got off lighter. We are informed that the road sentence has been chang ed to a fine. This is about equal to a license. Mr. Smith also went up to Laurinburg that morning and brought down a negro who was wanted at Rowland for shooting another. A pretty good day for the officers, but the reverse from the standpoint of . the caught. Maxton Scottish Chief. I TIE MGGOSir l The Bible as a Newspaper Serial. ( For a newspaper to reprint a "best seller," a chapter or two to the issue, is no journalistic nov elty. Yet, oddly enough, the idea of publishing in serial, form the best seller of all best sellers is an experiment so unusual that it is attracting wide publicity, If you haven't happened to notice the statistics, ypu may not know that the book which leads ail others in sales is the Bible. Editor W. W. Folsom of Hope, Ark., is reprinting this Best of Books in his Gazette, a chapter a week. To date he has completed the publication of the Four Gos pels, and the feature has proved so popular that the other day he notified the Little Rock Board of Trade that if he lives long enough (he is now 76) to reprint the New Testament in its entire ty he will then begin to reprint it a second time. Collier's Weekly. Have we any advantage over Mexico when in this so called Christian land we override the law and take life by lynching without giving the accu".'j5 a trial guaranteed by the const tion ? Wilmington Star. Should be selected with the same care that you select your physician. Our Prescription Department is in charge of a Thoroughly Compe tent, Registered man, who has had a wide experience and knows how to properly compound medicines, and in asking for your pre scription business we do so with a full confidence in our ability to serve you as you desire to be served. We fill any physician's pre scription any time and deliver them as we do anything in our stock, with dispatch. Our stock is up-to-date, fresh, clean and complete. We have an especially attractive line of Stationery and Toilet Articles. Sole agents for Norris Candies, Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens and Velvet Ice Cream. Our Fountain is the Coolest, Cleanest Place in town. Let us serve you. TRY A JIN-JER-PEP AT OUR FOUNTAIN. Our store is not opened on Sunday except for the dispensing of necessary medicines. m (THE STORE THAT SATISFIES) 'Phone 127 'Phone 127 A Safe Bet. The Charlotte Observer one day the past week contained an advertisement from a local gro cery house that they had on hand a car of LAURINBURG CAN TALOUPES. , We have no information as to what became "of the cantaloupes, but we will wager our reputation against a year's subscription to The Observer that the natives gobbled them up right now. SUMMER RESORT ROCKY RIVER SPRINGS HOTEL Back in old management All Modern Conveniences, including Showers and Sewerage, Unexcelled cuisine. Mineral water unsurpassed in Medicinal qualities Iron, Sulphur, Arsenic and Magnesia. Rates $8.00 to $10.50 per week, $2.00 perday. W. T. Rrasington, Prop. Norwood, N. C. Route No. 2. 30-31 W S5S S3! n IN O T S C E ' When your EYE-SIGHT fails don't forget to come to me for your Spectacles and Eye-Glasses. Remerhber, I guarantee to give you entire satisfaction. I keep all styles and kinds at a reasonable price. R. G. STONE, Registered Optician. Seasonable cut flowers. Palms, Ferns. Floral arrangemens for any occasion. Prompt attention to out-of-town orders. SCHOLTZ, The Florist, Inc. Phone 1443. - 306 N. Tryon St. Charlotte, N. C. BLUE'S DRUG STORE, Agents Farms For Sale. "We sell the earth sliced to suit." Seaboard Real Estate Co., hamlet, n. c All sizes, all kinds, everywhere. Terms to suit. Tell us your wants, we have them. List with us for quick action. 29-32 .Protect Your' 'Interest No, we are not selling Fire and Life Insurance-this kind of protection is all right-but it is another kind we refer to, the protection of your digestion factory. Putting adulterated and impure foods into your digestion factory is like stuffing sand in your eye-it hurts. Pure foods, properly prepared and properly eaten, make you healthy and happy. Impure food, no matter how well prepared, makes you grouchy, pessimistic and gives you a pain same as you give one to the community. We sell only Pure Foods. When you buy anything here you know it's thejest-the kind, if you do your duty, that will make you healthy and happy-and, too, we sell anything eaten by civilized people. We are agents for Queen Quality and Grover Shoes for Ladies and Misses; King Quality and Edu cator for Men and Boys. ' - it W 1$ 'Phone us your needs. No. 43. mi Laurinburg, f v V at r ft