r.* . y *w ==-—a= ^J^*UJMEJCXXII--NUMBTO^ . ■ • LAUKINBURQ, N. C.. TUB8DAY, OCTOBER 22. 1814. ^_ CHECK FLASHEHCAUGHT NEAR IERE SATURDAY Yoang White Man Falla Over th Financial Cliff Here Satnrday. Flaahcd a Check for S3L50)a Epatein’a Department Store, and Now Lied* Jail Awaiting Criminal Wrt Walter McGirt, a young white man who says he la from Hoke county, is an inmate of Scotland county jail la default uf a $800 bond, which waa required of him in 'Squire 8. W. Covington’s court Tuesday because there waa enough evidence to suspect him of being guilty of cheek flashing aa charged in $e biU of indict ment. Saturday afternoon McGirt, claiming to be James Blackburn, offered himself ss a customer si Epstein’s Department Stan and within a abort time had selected! a suit of clothes which he agreed to purchase. In payment for Hie clothes be offered a chock made payable to Janes Blackburn and signed by the Wagram Mercan tile Co , of Wagram. for fSLSO, He told Mr. Epstein, with whom be was trading, that the check waa for a bale of cotton he had . sold them. Mr. Epstein became suspicious, and befon complet ing the deal called the Wagram Mercantile Co., by ’pbooe. Ha was not at first able to get tbs connection,! and while waiting McGrit took immediate leave of the store without clothes or check. When the Wagram Mer cantile Co. waa flsaS/ common! , eetsd with, the information mbm that they knew nothing of Black burn and bad bought no cotton him about a mile out on the road 11 toward Wagram. When arrest ed, he said in response to the 1 questioning of the officer that bit 1 came wss James Blackburn, bat that ha knew nothing of the forgery. Ha was brought to 1 Lsurinborg and placed in jail. Tuesday moaning be was given ' s hearing before 'Squire 8. W. Covtngtoh and bound over to 8u- 1 penor court in tbs sum of ISOO. MeGirt took the stand In the magistrate's court and said that 1 Sis warn* was not Blackburn, bat 1 MeGirt, and that another young man, whoa hi named, but said he did not know, was tha forger and not ha. M If M. ’ Wa were vary much die tressed Saturday afternoon to learn that our good friend. Mr. Louis P. Gibson, of Elmore, bad sugared the misfortune to have bis right hand badly lacerated by a gin aw at tha Elmore Gin Com Tues ftngere the am* more of them in the dty Set have the in dressed. - II OfTUUST T»ki HI with Will Uu It | S«IM Ml II Will It Ml.. l great deal more fuse than wa neceaaary haa bam made ovf the pitiful ooodition of the poC fanner, who la holding his coton. chewing hie tobaaoc and leu&ingjtt the frantic efforts tbspolltidans are making to save hio. The various plana that have bast put forward for the rescue of he former from eternal ruin, hss frightened capital, and well nigh destroyed hosinees. It is simitjr hysteria paused by the war. Man have lost their heads and their reason and have mad* direfil prediction* of wo* and ruin. Th*(br*thr*n who are look ing cut far political jobs have been foremost In their efforts to safeguard the horny-handed til ler of the aoiL The tender solic itude of these gentlemen forth# aforesaid tiller has bean heart randiajg. They want the State to do everything, forgetting that nil tbair lives they h ive preached the docrine to those same people that the State .could do nothing, tad that “those arc governed best who are governed least" A very astute ana intelligent ob Mrver of current events, deplor ing thejxderoalisna^advocated by Irled herring and all kindred wmmodiUee, all hands would be pappy for a while at lout. Hys teria caused by over-woqked pa ternalism i« the present trouble. Somebody is sowing a big crop of i political dragon’s teeth that will probably puncture three later i We are glad to see bright iadi- , rations of returning reason. The ( Mecklenburg gentlemen who wanted the Governor to call an | extra nesdon of Mia Legislature j that has airendy aaan extra aar- ' vice, are now gfcufc no donbt, that Governor Craig had sense enough not to head their request. ' We have never bed any aeriooa emergency in the cotton situa tion. rho war that‘suddenly bunt upon the world did demor alise the markets for a time, but Europe is spinning cotton right along and will need more this year than aver before because of the a^r. Soldiers chew as much tobaeeo ss spy other dan, if not a little more, and so the tobaeeo crop will fetch a good price. Within 90 days time everything will be going on the name as if tbs Germans ware building bat tlashipa instead of using them, and all tile “pleas" that have bean put forth at great labor add muefi burning of the midnight oil, will be in the air; Cotton . ■ . ' ■ . ! I WHAT A BCY COSTS. So you are twenty-one. And you stand up clear-eyed,elear-minded, to ionk all the world squarely in the lace, /on are a man ! Did you ever think, son, how n-jeh it has cost to make a man out of >ou ? Some one has figured up the oet in money of reerings child. He say* to bring up a youig man to legal age, ears for him and educate him. costs 05,000, which is e lot of money to pat into flash and blood But that Isn’t all. ' You here cost your father maiy handknoeks and abort dinners and grey streaks In fcb lair;.and, your mother— oh. boy, you will never know I 'Yea have cost her days and nights of anxiety and wrinkles In her dear fans, and haartaehas nod ■aerifies. It hat beta expensive to grow you r but— If you are what wa think yea are, yea are worth all your cost—and much, much more. J Be sure of this : White father <fces not nay much bat “Hello, son,” way down deap tnJiMtoagh. staunch heart ha thinks youare the finest ever; and an far the tittle mother, she simply eannot keep bar love and pride for yon oat of her eyes. Yea are a man now. And soma time you mnsi w.P into your father’s shoes. He wouldn’t like you to call oftn old. but Just the same ha isn’t as young as ha oasd to be. /Von sea, young man, he has been working pretty hard Tc)* more than twenty years to help you up l and already your mother Is beginning to lean on you. ' 1 Doesn't that sober you, twenty-one T Your father baa done fairly weei. bat you can do better. You may not think so, but ha dohs. He has given you • better chance than ha had. In tnany ways yyu can begin whore he left off. He expeeta a i jcood deal from you. and that is why he has triad to makie a man of yon. Don't flinch, boy! • _ ’ The world will try yon oat. wiH put to test every fibre in you; bat you are imade oifc good stuff. Onoe the load is fairly strapped on your shtWders, you will carry it and soareely feel it—if only the1,!* be the wHUag and Cheerful mi ad. All hail you on tk ^threshold! . It's high time you are p pay the freight: ] . tad your back debts to ypuf mother. You will j '<p«u*ecnuft.'*on*tiyoa. " J xgb.-.rtr'ni'urtr »». , -.-i ■ . ■{ X MAN I -Selected. From Sanfi *rm. In bad’s Gr jve. N. C., Oct 19. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Norton pent last Sunday in Hamlet Mr. Boyd Smith, of near Gib. on. became a member of the W. ). W. last Friday night Mr. Caroline Brown and Meter, dim Mattie, of Meaon Croae. via. ted in this section last Saturday md Sunday. MMa Irene Jackson delightfully mtertained a number of bar Friends at a singing last 8atar> lay evening. Mr. Daniel C. McPhail went rlaltiag in Moore county latt Sat urday, returning first of this seek. Messrs. Earl and Sidney Kelly, af Hamlet wet* in this commu nity Mat Saturday night Prof. J. A. Hornaday and Miasm Mary and Lucy Snead, and Misses Bernice Hornaday and Sunie Bella Jones attended the los cream supper at Laurel Hill Mat Friday night Mr. J. A. Patterson, of Rse ford, was a Sneed’s Grove visitor last Sunday. Mr. Walter Boweit, of near Max too, apeat Mat Sunday in oar »*det » , IT* •ifwin The many friends of Mr. Dow gild Stewart. Jr., will be glad tc kaow thgt be is recovering frora Mm effects of ad operation which be underwent Borne days ago la a Baltimore hospital. Dr. McLean, who psiompetilid Mb to Baiti M JiB !■ Fire. ! n Alexander Carter, an aged 1 i man. wu brought ham ' tear Hoffman Saturday and I in the county jaiL Until rementa could bn made to F him to tha Bute Asylum m Insane. 8anday after — - . m ligh'.ed a match and act a7 » the bed clothing in bin exdtatf ueiag quite a good deal of nent for a ebnrt while. Aa to btef" , the bed clothing began **,!* 1 Wr Mkm- **» “*• 7*^*“* he stifling smoke, began keeper,., and noon brought the jsil w**° the mornln# Bff McLaurin left Monday h Vitb him and placed | at Satefa^.^ hospital for the taeane TharvMd At tan u Matt. t*’®1'* a oorotnoo Baying that F*®t« two things that ara ab> *•• etrtahi-' daalh and tax MORE ABOUT THE PROPOSED AMENDMENTS The Thicd Amendment Om of Great Importance—Out of 2,100 Bilb Introduced in 1900. 1,800 Won of the Bow Dp* Variety—1M Trptolotare Hon OppnHwhy ot Root Prapuehioea, v* All AM « On. Two D« TM WwWigr Mw, Rlf^M RPw Soma time ego Charlie Wil liams, colored, who then Hved ie VyUUaasaoa township, later mor (ag to Marlboro county, 800th Carollne, aold to Plane Pate, also colored, a bound dog far the princely ana of *12.60 (thie wae after the dog market weatap.) Pate broaght the dog home with him, hot the amroandtags not being suited to hie peculiar dog ship, he. without doe and pauper notice, left aader the cover of night and returned to his faraasr home. WitHams, it Is said, said the deg again, this time to Rob ert E. Gibeon, a white eitiaea. Gibeon finding times rather doH, sold the ’ possum chaser to Shell Ingram, colored. la the mean white Pate had missed hie dog and instituted a search far thh valuable animal lor which nc neo paid the priee of a half a bale of cotion aad following up the ehaia of aalee and raealea be got all muddled up and couldn't figure out who the Jog really hthepf to. He nought legal advice from one -whh eould figure oa a prob lem in which a 912.50 bound that had been cold and resold eozneay time* and baa ran away from ooe owner. would»re* cvcrwtjl to. Aoooam.k' «ng«. on the matter* ne appealed t» Squire Heery D. Gibeen, of Gib eon. and laying the ease oa thii limb of the law. aaeuraa a wrn of claim aad delivery for the deg. The papers ware tented oyer to Deputy Sheriff Lamar Smith and—(wait a minute, let* eee who owned him last)—the officer went to Ingram’* homo and by the authority vested in him artL whereas, ha bora papan com* maodtar him to taka tbe body of One 112.60 hound Into hie pomee oioaand mtfaly keep until tin law doth dispose, eeised the sab bit Jumper aad brought how with Mm this mudt sought doi * many aaa aneansnan own*™. , In eon unction with this we era reminded of another dog story ia which a couple of oar ioeai sports. MTsral of BiOy Gifford's Min* ■tral maids and a bu» pap be longing to the show figured, that ia, this was the oast Is a one net running comedy that was pulled off instead of a matinee Monday afternoon. For farther Information salt “Mm Mf i. t • Billy ‘‘Sinks'’ Clifford and his (lastrsl Mass wars tbs sttras loa at tbs local pin boon Mob* lay sight. It was a largo sad vail ptoaeod crowd that granted The only dlsappointmsr* was a Billy Moasstf. It was aaw rally sxpsctsd that he would as1 tbs grsatsst woight is tbs pro tection, but h« Ml short of tbs rsqulrsiasat ’Tloaiesl” Walk •r bon tbs hroat sf tbs eomsd> nndacquittal Massif ta and pi castes maaasr, wMls Mbs Hates Cbrk Hi sons sfagteg Editor Exchamob : During the excitement owr the cotton eltuatioo wot North Car olina ahould not overtook the in*. • portanee of the propoood amend ment* to oar Btato Cooetitution. to bo voted oa la tho November election*. For mart are have boon working tor amt of theta amendmenta, and aoer that pah cjf'S m ' i W: B oat of th* hand* of the LeglaJa handooftfteoouaty BiMmItoioa uKw, at aaoo uua introduced in the Tnfiaiatnra rrrtr 1,800 acre of joetauchanatare. Fromthia. one ni raadfly ana the import- • aaee of thi* amendment. After ip adoption jroor repraaantafloe can five hie time to the eon aid- . oration of the WHe of Importance, and thee wo will cot aoaaa Bound, wail dictated leva ae gaeecel oubjeete. Per jpeaaai lewa here of aaoaaelty boae-peaoad in a j imme - _>-'*jlt being wnelhb iSs^to^t •«&*«** - peOptGi oy Ml OIWIJB uirem your LogUlatyro of thin trouble* ■nmo tad time-kildog kind of letbktion. Tokolt toyoarooBa ty cotnmlotioom. wbo are eon* verannt with nH the fact*, and wbo are in nondon practically all the time, and than yoo will get the eery bent rewrite and free your Legialatore to give yoo a law wall coaoldarad. naeaooary lawn of Btatm-wWrappMeaHon. The flat and aaeood^ amend total materially, a yoo eaa aao from reading Clarence Poe'aar ttoto in teat weok*e Bzchicgil If i _ >■ k aJ_ absolutely »fa la voting for thi mpMMTT ifltn itr-OarCoo •tilutlon hu needed re vltion for JOKATBAM FKL& - ———■»- • ***■* Manager Jordan, of tha Qta Theatrt, ha* turned Ida popular place over to (he young ladiea of the city aehoola agaie. for totnor- v roar night A good percentage of tha racelpU wOl ha given to the fund thaw young Indie* are raking for the purpaea of bento' Iff jlfLM ftkr jArgil gNillA Uffinf mBKmiivimM Bmmber ttet tfi tomorr**, Friday night and If you want to help than* young ladka in thk , »*tS tha Gem. Aa a apednl ta daaomeit Manager Jordan will bagta tha thrfNag aerial ptotant ; ' Tha Perth of PaaQne.” IWt i adaa It ■

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