) jaiirnnr-1 J i 0 IP rR ul EH f es m m m im n ) rate k m m mhkjj Sia jir j ssa IF lit1 MSU "1 Some merchants complain about Poor Business. They don't do g much business and "There's a $ Reason." There is also a reason why we do a successful business year in and year out. n ""-j "" " f" -."- a-, i i tt,,,,, .... . ... i -i,rrr-vr.--!Tr,i 1,1- .ti.,.yn -r-'--"--- -'f" in, rW J i Tf5l?5?r;-3 .iiJ-5sii---ja--i"J-ik- 1st We Do a Cash Business. 2nd Cash Is King With Us. 3rd We Know Where to Buy and How to Buy. 4th We Don't Have to Have some one show us where to get Bargains when we go to market. We know before we start. 5th 27 Years Experience has been worth much to us, and you get advantage of this Experience at this store. 6th We have no Clerks to hire. ... ,1.1! Corset Covers 25c Covers 19c 50c Double Bed Sheets 25c BLAC K 7th We have no Rents to pay. 8th We have no Partners and no Stealing in the business. 9th We don't have to lower our shelves to higher our goods. 10th The customers get the benefit of all doubt at this store. A Penny Saved is a Penny Made, and our store is continually buying and receiving new goods, and for this reason you can always find here what you don't find elsewhere. We keep up with the times. ft ft Si Underskirts 75c Skirts, White or Black 48c Ladies' Shirt Waists 7oz Waists 50 j ' 4Sc Dress Goods 15c Fancy Lawns 50c Fancy Crepes and Solid Colors 12-V? Cannon Cloth 40c Brown Linen 7c Fancy Lawns Co r!er?cbinr Y;.z White Waist Coo-:s f 1 pr feu --4 O 3 C 30c 10c 4c 41c 8 c 0 Lace Curtains 50c Curtaina 29c HOSIERY" A SlY-ekiofr for ..he whole family. We hve them in all Colors and Sizes. It will pay you to look through our Lidies' Oxford Department. The price is greatly reduced. JUST RECEIVED ship- Bi Reduction in Men's and Boy's Oxford-;. intnt oi an-,: - . Dresses . and Ladies Vests 10c Vests Men's Shirts $1.00 Lion Brand Shirts 75c 75c Percale Shirts 50c Men's Pants $1.50 Men's Pants 95c Men's Underwear 25c Underwear $1.00 Underwear 18 If V 0 2 -V- Tv 1 111 n 1 - ! : u - ? ; t-.H . i ..li St-S fcai r:?5 . : : - i -'- . i - ii4 .v i,i i ; -1 -J -4 ;.: : H t -i ;- Vi i'.'i! v, ; T r' : V rP ?T il O M Hi O r b 1 1 t Ti'T - if XT T. TTT0 VALUES NORTH CAROLINA p ; CO "Oil pjy civil K'overr; t ioa o' ''", A f: 20; in-. ;r yru -.1 . Text:- Luke, C!k.t. - 25: "R-rmler. thereiV CaFar the hki. Ear's." Yen : i that text ' oui The w--vd. v. Jesus Christ ;-i to the pavr:i..-n l whol ver?'..' fr rn is tal dor, there Tore, unto C-f.F-r th thin 3 which ho Caes'ir', an unto God the thin;.:s which te.tioas scrapie or i roubles abou bv ! se reference Onr co: Taxes Th - j tie vI cm hic'-i tiv- t 'x' ! return ; ere .T.ove i r v;r;c to -.a - tor l-e i..ler.-;n.-:t.j; j -rnf. lor tVejv'--.'14- - ! -V ; r r ' . S2ir- v A .J;i: t, iab&...virT - -An.i- ;r.::: 'o-v li-; ka''i;:i v-- 'Iilictt. j' ! nii'' a -r-'' wi-'i ..; h :.ri N. C. I 'iV,1! : ;: ' f - ..y ; -v. , 1 fv 1 ' . . ;;-,,v C.jJLifu I! I 14.;. i'Al-CLi. iCP Cl'lf-ll, i. ia... ',1 , ..... f I 1,. .. r fv ..... . , 1 Psa V C Wm.-.1 Ctn.-,.:-'- j-. i nt v.i:c. ' hurv the.':T. i lives, and I rr, i ne wi-i fi . 1 -...jo-:;-,, ? V:ir. hr J.,; ir . strca;v;i:vr 'r'l'-. ' i ley a;- th ! ic ( .t i '. t , b i iJ. :d the rest? f1. ;en rearis as rcno vs: iveii-: -xu-.i ei , v;-. do. The Si n:eri kne-.v --orally b Many hearts i;. Scot!-; eouri: 07 i man of mxns ho had conscic-n- j annflllnrfiIT:( .,: , ";f tr;,; I v i . x i . I I i -: I . ; t v.-d'.er aui'.ie. men r.e sr, nivi - ,na ' L""-i''-viit a prx-rr. ! th.re v v- t yix-dy tr., (1 toj.. pei5on jn t)fi! .0lt. even down iiTt ' r .'.-,--!! for t ho ! s no took theirjth--.': ra :-n do m care fcr f?Nl the ii b',ckU:K'h a girl. CVrrak !v thev d) . V h h;v- a-.y i ! fo- r. . JLl ; V'"- 1 J f , ! I iiio gifi , ::e.ia t i:y aurrnri. x.,e ' ! ' girl v;hn lb disreE p.-t Ail t., k,r ' I.. j. -ii i i ? i - '-ir i-i ' ..... - i . oninn t:y.: t. ,i ,i-i L'J I. r. limner b-1 i 11 the wa roy;n r e i i e i;0 e: J.' . 1 . i:aoies on tne buip v.us uie suo- p .v i.r.v. f!,,n ,.f iyr . God's." You have heard a :reat ; m.-ik.ng- tax returns. That Hev. Yani many sermo ns preached on the m. last pa it of the text; that i vesi-Ie-.; in Charlotte now. 5 S-'I.veer on one occasion two retains which were about roiderhv? unto God th.iHsa mings TMai t.v nod :i a,nu upi. n ; nr-rae oy nsan ot eonsiaeracia topics of thar. kind. i?rk:an?. O.iC .:f these was a re- l t.n:;tf';fOit whizh the man made to a fi ser-1 mere :-.!,;';; ayeey for the pur er'. iOuuring credit. The morning? j other v;a; the return wliich he Mr. Pr '0 i;e r pre -v . ilki; you r. mon has disc i tithin overi ; d.ed the A ct the Sinner I )y lister icr the i.;-a.r i a r.rea many ; niaco ire., tt:e put pit n ; purple o;: -avjg ins property t we perhaps have ; taxed- l-eally, you could not nave ree.o:nized tnese as b u. tae un: tithes which the -Jews paid cov- i the return? of the same man. ered r,. r only their church dues j A great many people think it but also their civil taxes. The : not wrong or immoral to cheat tithes were used to support the the government if they can do so civil government as well as the church government. In ancient without being caught. By-the-way, it is downright times God seem3 to have treated i funny to see how much more the obligation to pay taxes for the support of civil government on the same basis as the obliga tion to pay for the support of the church. The time has come to list our property for taxation. The law requires that all the property we have be put down on the list. Are we going to list it all, or are we going to leave some off the list? The law requires that we list the property at a fair valua tion. Are we going to do this or are we going to put it down at rediculously low figures? If you are going to conceal careful people are in making their tax returns to the United States government than in mak ing their tax returns to the state government. The one essential difference is that Uncle Sam has detectives on the trail and a fail ure to make proper returns to the United States may get one into seriousl trouble; whereas, the state generally takes a man's own statement of what he owns subject to taxation. The average man gets more for the money he pavs as taxes than he gets for a similar amount spent in any other way. What -t ick Jii-3 (whose death iV-howed an g.t.r ot pneumonia an-i occur re a home in Farm villa on Thar v-av, Anni29ta. Mr. Wright was born Eleven 24th, 1SGS, at the Wright home stead near Old Hundred, i i Lis 22d year r e was preacn an u join ci Carolina Conference jeet oi convorsatio! c cross the oct.an. A 11 1 A iiumncr ot cases nave ecen i 1 ! , 1 i reported vr?re ooin passengers and crew st ripped themselves of their own lifebelts and put them around the bahies, but it was useless, as tne nctie ones couia i net stand the shock and expos-! boat lead, picked up by a fbbirg- i trawler, were landed at Queers- town, her i abe died in her srnis. That afternoon they took the mother to. a hospital, completely , out of her mh:d, respect of others, very well that a eiri ner mother cannot I r:aie. lee 'i kno" : dce'eives ".rusted. til i s. I! i, i i & making of a good wife, and a rofin remembers this when he be gins to think seriously ot matri mony. Leslie's. d io: :tr has Re Popular Uea. v K an American citizsn wantc to go to Europe on a vessel be- ure. No- over a dozen nab . . lor gmg to a country ,t cxerc:s-5 - . , . !:c r- d th- n v. 1 - : i J :aaeu scnoois r. if he wants to take the risk j fyr the sake of a ih were saven, it is sa;a. iuany ; of the Laurtr.burg were seen floating on the water ii a h rsrr.o-racc: th?q ,v-i-k. Tr Vp. bv the rescue boats iVeill shore, i n Tneriav nioV,- ;if h r-ncr- ior t0 maKe ui-w . ...,.. t;. i;ia i f , 4.. " I up to him. But if h-1 li!e"ti'b m '.I ci ur-ii ueii utile tsinmpnt, bv rh nrim-rv o- adventure lew dollars, that's ::ts blown orl'1 i I odies, bur t hoy were past hum?n ! Tonisht -., O .-J'J ail! be tn t.:.e ; ;. a. , ,,;a - ,1 j ,.,. ... l.fU 0. ..i? . - S"" J - lugui u,Clr Km JViHO iQo- X- . " J-emD;r' 1 Mothers recovered conscious: i ing of the Hih School Literal 189o, his first appointment car-1 ness in tha rescue boat8 0nlv to ! So-Ieties ' rymg him to work on the Panrego I finH tnxt little nnp9tv,w! o,-,.. , -m. were hugging to their bosoms Circuit. He later served at Roa noke, Washington, Clinton, Scotts Hill, Roberdell, and his last appointment carried him to the Farmvilie circuit, where he had been but a short while. In the death of Mr. Wright the church has lost one of its best, most consecrated and truest min isters and the State has lost one of its best citizens. Carrying out the expressed wishes of Mr. Wright, his body was buried "where he gave up the cause of Christ' Mr. Wright is survived by his wife and four children; two brothers, Rev. John M. Wright of Goldsboro and Mr. Durant Wright of Old Hundred. Those attending the funeral from Scotland county, were Messrs Durant Wright and Iltr. John W. Woodard of Old Hifn- area were dead. One mother lost all her three children, one six years old, one four and the third a babe in arms, six months old. She equipped the little ones with lifebelts after the explosion and then kept them with her in the water, all the time waving her arms and shriek ing for help. A boat finally saw her, but when the rescue party reached her the two elder chil dren were dead. All were taken into the boat, howTever, but it wras soon seen that the room occupied by the dead would be required for the living. The mother was brave enough, to realize this. "Give them to me," she re quested the officer in charge of the lifeboat. "Give them to me, my bonnie wee things. I will o'clock, at the Presbyterian church Rev. James Long, pastor of the First Baptist church will deliver the baccalaureate sermon, andomMonday night the decla mation contest will be held. The graduating exercises, which will bring the commencement to a close will be held on Tuesday night. What Makes a Girl Popular. Every girl has the perfectly natural desire to be popular with the other sex, and every girl is interested in knowing the secret of such popularity. Some girls have the idea that the way to have a good time is to break away from the recognized rules of social life. The free-and-easy, reckless type of a girl may receive a good deal of attention of a certain kind, but it !3 safe to say his life we do not want his ad ministrators, his heirs, r.or the Government under which he lived . to ask us to fight, bleed and die just because he got killed while making his ventere. Monrca Enquirer. A Few Facts. Fire waste in the United States is more destructive than wars, floods, or tornadoes. About two million dollars worth o'f property is destroyed each year through the careless use of matches. Twenty million dollars . has been estimated as the loss caused by fires in the United States each year, which occurred be cause rubbish was allowed to ac cumulate in houses or business-places. The Quinine That Does Mot Affect Th3 Heai B(cause of its tonic aud laxative effect LAXA TIVE BROMO QUININE is better than ord Quimne acd dos not cause nervousness nor ringing m head. Remember the full name and. Iook tor the signature of E. W. GROVE. 25c