4 VOLUME XXXIII -NU!.lDi:n IX. IP: - "li; Great Preparation 11:13 Z'zlz fcr XX: CXI: Here Monday, July the Sih-Athktic Ci-.tcct FrXXIi Two' Games of Baseball Eelrig' Arrz:: .;X; -. : of Mssic and Bargain Day. Hell n 4t Laurinburg does not celebrate the Glorious Fourth' often,, and when it decides to pull oft a cele bration, there is no half-way, tam a affair planned, and so this "year it has been' definitely -decided by a great number of the lead in business men to celebrate this year and to do it right. Thero will be many interesting features in -fact the whole day will bo full of genuine celebra tion spirit, (not spirits,, mind yo-i) but the real patriotic, hust ling, big. hearted, "friendly ob servance of the day. -'' A program committee, is get ting a full line of amusements to gether, there will he a line band of music dispensing lively airs all day; contests of all kinds includ ing a morning and afternoon baseball j:'.rne, and other athletic events.- Ail kinds of prizes and awards will be given and to cap the climax 'every business house in town will be offering special and attractive bargains, includ ing every line of business repre sented in the hustling, progres sive town 01 .Laurinburg. " It will not only be a big cele bration .of a great day,1, but will be Bargain Day in Laurinburg. Don't make any arrangements to celebrate anywhere but Laurin burg, for Laurinburg proposes to pall off a tig stunt and you will miss a great occasion if yoa don't come to Laurinburg on Monday, July 5th. Watch the columns of this paper from nov? 'in til tXX great day for full partki.X- Great things are in the forming and Lsurini org premises a strict f-ilfillTie-.t cf its prc:X:o fcr .1 ft"' f 1 - " 1 "i - ""' -' " . .. ' 1 f f . Si,"1.-'wnLi V IF f 1f V -ft ' f :: fi v.- W ' iii., V' ?J L l.t ) 44. 4, U " X-( gtMAlt Day. . Remember the date, Monday, July 5th, and save that day's en gagement to come to the best .town at all Laurinburg. t i U a i t Relic imous voiumn lit I" The morning bath service last Sah- at the Methodist church was omi tted . on . aecolm t cf : th e indisposition of the pastor,- Rev. Mr. JBumpas. : The evening ser vice was conducted by Re v.. Dr. Rose of the Presbyterian church. A large congregation ; wasXpres ent. -;' ;'.X-: X..--X-" ' X Sunday last was observed at the Presbyterian church as "Sun day - School ---Foreign.:;. "Mission Day. An interesting program on Japan was prepared and the children acquitted . themselves finely.- It was much enjoyed by a; large . congregation . present The Sunday Schools of the South ern Presbyterian" Church will undertake the support "of our mission in Japan this current year."'.:" ":-:X?--.-X. X:i-: The-e venin g hour of worship having been fixed at 8:30 o'clock in all the.' churches; in' town by-many..- regarded as . a " very ' late hour the people ought" to be very prompt,. so that . the services may begin at the very minute.' " The County S. SshccI Conven tion is booked to m::et at Vcgrm in the Presbyterian Church on Wednc.day, Juno- lClh. Let f - - i rr 1 .AS SECR T j 1 I r ; - ; j DiXsrence of OirJon Over 'the XXo Sent tb ' Germany 'by thej.Tlse S LXiitcJ" States. Causa 'of Actic-Ilol ert Lading Acting -- ' ' As Secretary Eryan Rett;: 3 to Privata Lifi But 'X X : ' Will Still Scpperi 4ha Pircident. , ' .: ; :- ;Xw tj , J W W i ' , X v , TXftVj Jr ref fn June 8. William three times ffa . isrvan. Democratic - candidate .tor tne Presidency of the United States, and author of nearly thirty peace na 1 te as a every treaties with': the principal. tions of the - world;'- resigned-: dav as Secretary of dramatic sequel to his disagree ment with President Wilson over the government's - policy .-...toward Germany -' " '-: -X'r : ."X": The resignation was accepted by the President. The cabinet then approved the response which had been: prepared to the German reply to the Lusitania note.- Act ing Secretary of State 'Robert Lansing will sign the document and tomorrow it will be cabled-to Berlin. ; !--:-:Xt-xnX" -"; :- Secretary Bryan ;wilt return to private life tomorrow," when .his resignation 'takes effect! - It was learned that he intends to con tinue his political support of the President" . -:rs' :;X-:.;X-X- Rather than sign the docu ment,"- which he -.believed might nossiblv draw the United States into war, Mr. - Bryan submitted ) his resignation in a letter declar-! in-j' that X;The, issue .involved; ts of ...such '.moment "that to remain a member of the cabinet would be as unfair to you as it would be to the cause which is "nearest my art nar.icly, tXs prevention of aid had. thprfr.rr -iiv:- jr,Jay Sd:czlsei Cco-h-rd County to IIc:i Tl.-.ir Ar.r;:al Ir t.:rd:-"cir.inatior.alfi-3r.i:jy SchcXi Ccnvc-.ticn ia XX::t- "t, - - v Passed his 43rd year, u His father I iMr Thos. B. Rueli now of!;' Society N ruvanceci years-: and living at Laurmburg, - ,N. C. ,: . himself I ill and-unable to bo in -Wilmin-rton or,, account of tha death of his Eon. - His' mother was Miss Fan-jj-?. B. --.Havens,- of..- Washington, Imv(T., and his uncle, being Mr. Jcnathan Havens, a prominent citizen of the same place 'to whom ote; 'At ilrs. John hostess in a :..' ception'.'give! friend, -Miss D. very 1' ' in . -1 Jr., was delightful' re honor of her Bess Stienherd of Chatham; Va.,' Wednesday night' Mrs. Shaw's handsome rooms were beautifully decorated in Dorothy ; Perkins roses, as was r Dr.; Russell was educated in the ! pZjL nrAli(X schools of Wilmington, and re-1 Ifni? bcived his first medical education 1?. rvji. r:-j xt t ton, wno welcomeu tnem. I he attended the University of -Virginia at CharlottesvillQ, com pleting his: medical education at the University of Maryland; in Baltimore. .-:: Later- he :;-.took ex tensive post graduate work at different times in New York and elsewhere, He . was devoted to ;tha science--. of ; medicine -;-iand its practice, losing no oppcrturiity to ground himself" thoroughly in aSl that ade for "ractitioTicr. t re Thev were tnen received ,-bv Mrs. Shaw, :!IhsX. Mary - Malloy, I 01 .$ erns, xexas and' Miss Snep-herd.'-:;": .... - X- " .... . - - : :" Tables were placed,- on each of whicn ' was ..j a different game. Progression was the-order and at the count-up, it was found that Miss Rose Dusr scored highest and received a handsome box of MontpIbr . church," Ve cn Vcdnerdav. Jimn IT. the Annual Interdenominational -Sunday School " Convention cf Scotland County will be held,--:. 'The program for the morning, which will begin at 10 o'clock will be made up of an address and "several short talks. Just who the chief speaker- will : be tas no! yet been determined, but the program - committee assures us that an interesting and able speaker will be secured. X ' ' The afternoon - session wil V be : devoted to the business of the Association and round tibia dis- unday : school prob- It is the hope of thes? most in- will 1- - P f. ELL j 1 rrctinB are uzuIly very inter- Fr; pi ionai career, 1: Early n his prof e Dr. Ruc.,;:ll married Lilly, a daughter of T,ho rpasr:-d away aftar a rc3idencj in Wilmington a iXv.7 ycar3 since. ' His wife and thrci T j. 1 ' correspondence cards, : The con aniaftVin -irrd-ni- tri' TVTtcsa o nsi! 1 J tL.i it:.. if... Uuikvv..iu.an(j . was a lovesv little 'white leather, wrist ' purse. ;: Miss Shep herd received the guest prize an elegant bottle of toilet water. Tiie first prise for the gentlemen went 10 !,Ir. Dixon Phillips, and wa3 - a; box of correspondence card ?, ' an d the -" consolation, a cussicna 01 iems. , - . . -, . -.-;::. -.'. "Theniusic for the occasion will be in charge of Mt. W. H. Weatherspoon- and ' will be fur nished by the Laurinburg choirs. Mr. W. T. Crump, of Wa gram; who Is secretaiy of the Associa tion has asked us to urge every Sunday school in the county to send a big delegation to the con vention. ". I i i j -.a c' ildr -out Arc.; J r t. a. K . v.' . Q 5, f . l 1836.1 i- - - aw of tobacco, to Mr. .served ; delicious sir mg be the greatest convention ever held in the county and plans are being made to this end. This Association has done great good in its work and is an organ ization that should receive the loyal and unselfish support of every person in Scotland county. First SUFFER i - . Ellzibstli l)tth v . ; A pure white bud was gladden- all with its beauty of form and fragrance, making it. pos- Ecssion.. a wondering delight, when God looked down upon it with eyes of far seeing love, and to the an gels he said "I will pluck the bud and take it to my breast lest a hint of storm or blight" should mar its perfect beauty," and calling the grim angel called 'Death", Ho bade him bring this flower to Him, and hovering ever nearer and nearer, trps angel messenger dreaded by all and of ttimes God's messenger of love, -bent in tenderest pity and bore the bud away. ... So pass ed little Elizabeth Lytch, daugh ter cf Mr. and Mrs. W. McN. Lyteh, on Wednesday, June 2nd, r.ftur an illness of three weeks, Nearing her fifth birthday, which would have been the 15th of Au gust, fihe was unusually bright and one of God's trusting little ..ones, devoted: to Sunday School and a faithful little bun beam in I cr society of that name. Often she would clasp her lit tlo hands together' and with up liftod eyes . make "her-, loving pvayer to God, who was very real to her, and often the twenty third Psalm - ..was ..' repeated with c:!i F2T'-creaee.:.: ' -. .- ."--.'""'-- Jnst ' a few. days ; " before "' her tXath, her Ia:t conscious act w; givo the ccnvcnticn a zi entertainment. An interesting program of music and' speeches is in course of preparation. " The Presbytery of Fay ette ville met. on Tuesday in Fayette ville in adjourned meeting for. the purpose of licensing several can didates for the ministry. The editor of 1 this column would repeat an earnest entreaty' tojne pasiors 01 xne cnurcnea in j our county to furnish him with i items of religious news, so that ! be may make this ""column more generally interesting. . . . : X1 A protracted; meeting began Sunday evening irT the ; East Laurinburg Baptist church. : . .r It is an interesting fact that at all the recent meetings of the various religious bodies of our country brger accessions to mem bership have been, reported than in recent years, and larger gifts to benevolent causes, notwith standing the business depression caused by the war raging in Europe.; -. ";,." : ',';;: ''X--', -:X;"X The membership, of the Chris tian churches in Japan has in creased 40 per cent during the past three years, while in America the' annual average has been. not more than three per cen t -. A service for children will be conducted by Rev, R. F. Bumped at the Llethocist Church Sun ; afternoon at 4 o'clock. '- 't rt fir T. B. Russell here and -Dr. Frank Russell' in' . Wilmington, were 'pained to learn' of ' the death of Dr.: Frank Russell, son' Of our townsman X Mr. T. BXiiussell, which occurred at"hi3r home in Wilmington early Friday night. -Regarding..:' Dr..;. -.-.Russell .-the Wilmington Star- of Saturday says:::;: ; :: X - " X - ;: ; ; 'The death of no Wilmington physician could ' bring ; a greater : degree --.of y sorrow -;:; to ; a ; larger ; number of bearts than the pass ing of Dr. Frank Havens Russell, which occurred at half after eight':"' o'clock.- last "night s at his home, Ho. 115 Souttf Third street, following an immediate illness of two weeks, death having ensued as the result of a recurrent attack of some cerebral trouble which he first suffered some months ago while on a professional visit to Baltimore, Md.,: with a patient,' :: -r At. the time of ms -"first attack. it was thought that could not live, thou- the .attention of the world's great est specialists in a -Baltimore hos pital, "but , he showed ; wonderful recuperative : powers and soon after his return to Wnmmgton, after - recuperating a month at the home-' of his : friend, -Mr.-;W B. Cooper, :-cn the Soiisd.: he was able to res'.iraa- his rratice in a limitad v-ay end hurdrcds of friends e 3 time v FX lL ::nt lav ycr 01 ti . 1 1. 1 lir- r.: her !ittb arms to Rev. O. W. MeManus will con duct -services :; at , tho" BcyAiz Church;- Gibson, Sunday morcin; .1 T LI O CiCCK, v 111 4 V 0 f : 4 a " tli2 ho::rr, tT tX;t nothcr, ... ,j, 1,... , $m -1 I-j.rd 'v r t"i bved her: dearly, Apgus, C2 Lytcn. P'Ttcr. Rev. Jr Lr.-itiful and tcrX.;r - ,.1 v., 1- -(. 11... it tX-rcnc nc Albert ur.cX n r York City, and Bryan Russell, of I Qaintaq 12, Texas, and one sister; Mrs. Frank Morse, of Washing ton, Xn ,::. G.":;Those;who are : so deeply bereaved in the death of Dr. Russell have; the profound i sympathy of s, t host of friends in their sorrow. X X'; ,;. i -v-.- . - X; ., Dr. Russell is also survived by his step-mother; two half-sisters, Mrs. Jack Roper and'Miss Olivia Russell of this city, and . a half brother, Mr. Shepherd Russell of Lynchburg, Va. The funeral was held from the First Presby terian church Sunday .afternoon at 3 o clock, conducted by Rev. Dr. J. M. Wells, the interment in Dakdale Cemetery, Wilmington. The pa!lbearerswe re: Honorary; Messrs. -W. B. Cooper, J. H. Rehder, R. R. Bellamy and D. L. Gore; active, Dr. Chas. T. Har per, Dr. Chas. P. Bolles, '-Messrs. Ji J. Allen, J. T. King; r J. G McCormick and C, L. Meister. Dr.- Rossell j 1 hey were selected , oy Dr, Rus- h receiving ! sell mmself. - Xx T MrX David S. Russell of Floral College xand;. Olivia Russell " of Laurinburg attended the funeral and burial Sunday. ;.-X:; "' - Dr. Russell was born at the old Russel! ;: homes teadr-'-. Sycamore Hill,: 'Hoke county, then -Robeson county. He received his early education in a private school, and tzzi 'ft - ths ha rain hia health r.wraaentlj seemed to improve ici t tWO 7C-.3 -;an to gr r;r b V7hihi 1 C3V f'.icnd Dr. CI a v. n j-h I " I He 4 - end r.Jy. 1. ? the" r- r i ' -r his preparatory education under r?mit cur shcrtcc; t TX..2S f s r (if Editor Exchange: XX. :X You cannot imagine how glad I was to ee the notice to the cantaloupe growers published in the last issue of your - paper. I regard this move as one of the most X important ; agricultural events in the history of cur county. There is no gainsaying the fact that Scotland grows an extra good quality of cantaloupes, an$ is prepared to grow them in abundance. It is a further fact that the returns for these melons have of ten been out'andishly dis graceful. Several reasons could safely be assigned for this the two chief ones being improper preparation for the market and downright moral robbery on the part cf too many commission merchants not their local agents. The men -who signed the notice above referred to have gained a true insight into the real condi tion of affairs and have, like the honorable men they are, pomtea graphed for and soon'; the way; and are ottering, tneirtfrom Florence, S. u, help in doing entirely away with theold and ruinous condition'of affairs- and establishing in its place a system of marketing that will nieaii hundreds of thousands of dollars to the cantaloupe grow ers of' Scotland county. Lest us s lixi e 1 c d . tun V. G. Q'jakenbur.h here in Lauririirarg. and at -Wilmingtcn md I? C"Pf' ' ' " Mr. T. Ti. Russell, his father, t?ho bzi Leon quite ill for the rrt t"TCo v;ea.is "was not ged t-j,. - cr3 and snippers, remedy and thu3 uo our psrt toward giv- ing and a permanently prontabiO cantaloupe market. Our county cnt csntaloupa growers ws cennnt afford to do Ic-3 i:han comply truly and faithfully ?r!th 1 is the - . Southern Railroad; has since it began operations eight years ago happened Satur day morning ajt the south end of the switch at the llcNair Phos phate Company's plant. The train, with Capt. J. MX Paylor as conductor Mr. Sargent as engineer and Mr. Troy Ray ss fireman, on its return trip from Johns, traveling about 12 milss per hour, struck the switch at the Phosphate plant, the switch gave way, causing it to split and the engine to take the switch track and topple over; the bal ance of the train remaining on the main line. " The engine on tho fireman's side was badly broken and splin tered, and through good fortune and quick action, Mr. Ray, the fireman, escaped injury by j limp ing to the engineers side of the cab. That no one was injured was a miracle, and especially .is this true of Mr. Ray. A wrecking crew was tele- arrived and byr working until Sunday morning at, 5 o'clock, had the wreckage clear ed away. Traffic on the road was ' stopped only daring Satur day. Only about 100 feet of. th track was tern up and put out of 'commission. . . ' -" Tha disabled engine v as car ried to Florence for repairs. V' .! i km mescage rnaay rne received a llr family heme in HncX;rd c:.; j 1 j i X"X, net A. O ii tc 1 i T t c:" :c cr rc::i 2 1? v. A 'w ... : rc; t7- T" I t 1 ' -. I - 1 L ? r. CI . 'VI 4i ft I.JL.... Sorely a' tir-j in W -i. k .1 ft- j.1 -t ! ! ! r 1 "KiUpO o one Of -1 r-- n "!1 b Gil y t cam iCwC'-7t:o an C,-,'Y, .,.,'1 . - . d loved c::.? j: vi v 4 ' ij. w -? l' if " 1 i W i - . .11 T A. .V . s 1 - , " I