7 V THE EXCHANGE J. P. WIGGINS. Editor and Proprietor. MAC CAMKKON. Associate Editor. Established in 1882. $1.50 Per Year. RANDOM THOUGHTS. (By a Crossroads Philosopher.) Buy it at home this Christmas! Keep prosperity in this town! What better slogan could we have for a progressive community spirit? Every body wants to see this town prosper, and we all want to share in the fruits Billy Simdayisms. of that prosperity. Even the fellow who habitually sends out of town for ( but in doing all things in a special j (Rev. Wm. A. Sunday, the noted evangelist, recently held a series of revival meetings in Omaha, Neb. Be low are a few of the bright sayings in which his sermons abound.) I want to strike a death blow at the idea that being a Christian takes a man out of the busy whirl of the world's life and activity and makes him a spineless and effeminate prop osition. Running away from the world in order to be good makes religion a matter of place and observance. Religion does not consist in doing a lot of special things, even though these special things be good things, Safety of the Nation. his own goods wants his full quota of the riches that are accumulated through the thrift and husbandry of his fellow citizens. Producing and selling the surplus abroad and then way. Men will gladly draw their checks i for $10,000 to establish a children's hospital and see nothing in the fact that the money came out of $200,000 I : l i v . Keeping our money at. nome oy ouying made from & system of chiid labor from home dealers will add many , wh5ch crusheg more chiIdren in one thousands ot dollars to the money m j than th h ital will heal in r l. a -' j i i t i ' 1 circulation in tnis community, it is the sure way of meeting prosperity with open arms and gathering in our share and a little more for good luck. Let other communities support them selves. Our interests and our duty are at home. Let's keep prosperity in this town. sou young ieuows who have your ten. We have a type of man who will not sell you poison while you are looking at him, but will sell adulter ated food that will kill people 2,000 miles away. Somebody needs to say it so loudly that it will be heard around the world eyes focused upon the bright lights ! that Christianity is a religion, not on- i r and the gaities of the big cities should get out your stub pencils and do a little sum in addition. If you go the way of others and drift to the city you will naturally annex a "best girl." She will want you to take her to the theatre once a week, and that will cost $4.00 for the tickets, $5.00 or so for the taxi and $3.00 or $4.00 for the supper after the performance. Then frequently she will want an au tomobile ride on Sunday and the car and chauffeur will touch you up to the tune of $2.00 to $4.00 an hour. A box of candy and a few sodas and Sun daes and a bouquet will eat up an other $3.00. Your dancing lessons will cost you $30.00 a season, and a spiked tail suit will wipe out another $40.00, with your dancing pumps ab sorbing at least a V. Of course it's great sport while it lasts, but the first thing you know you'll be yelling your head off for the old man to send you car fare home and the price of a full stomach before you start. Yep, city life is great in more ways than one. We presume there is not a business or professional man in this town who is not an ardent advocate of home trading. v5o are we. And in this connectioiflwe want to suggest that i'might 111 in keeping It . J. in i Mini ' ortny ousi this paper nting 'plant kinds of ast, it is us to urge lr goods at jfross a piece of local business e'en ordered from out "'T towiuVM citizen who makes a practice of buying his goods from outside sources is injuring the busi ness interests of this town. And the business man who has his stationery printed in other cities is taking a slap at the newspaper that speaks up in his behalf. Consistency? Yes, of a kind! When a politician commences to in quire solicitously alter your health, and how the children are progressing in their studies, and sends his regards to your wife, and wants to know what you have named the baby, just take to your heels and scoot. You know why. With Stanford White dead, and Harry Thaw forgotten, and Jack John son and his white wife in other climes we quite fondly hoped that the mantle of American charity would not be further stretched for a season of time. And now up bobs Frank Lloyd Wright again! We are a great country. We are a great people. But we are unable to protect either our greatness or ourselves. ly for the private life of a man, but a religion to be translated into every nook and corner of his life, public as well as private. Trying not to be bad is about the most difficult and trying job in the world. Jesus did run around with a very common sort, but when He left them they were not quite so common as they were before He met them and that is the acid test of your religion. When once a man's soul has been saved it is a good thing for him to say, "What shall it profit a man if he save his soul but the whole world is lost?" A midget in mind and a midget in character is like a carbuncle. God likes to see a man leave the cellar and go to the roof garden of life. Those who borrow trouble never get a chance to pay it back. Manhood and womanhood does not depend on muscle. Apparent size is one thing, real size is another. If you don't believe it, try to stop a hornet with the end of your nose when he is going a mile a minute. One hundred years from tonight what difference. wilt makenYher nether learn- x church than the bunch at Scripture for Defence Plan. President Wilson finds support in the Scriptures for his policy of na tional defence Ezekiel 33:2-3-4-5-6: "2. Son of man speak to the chil dren of thy people, and say unto them, when I bring the sword upon a land, if the people of the land take a man of their coasts and set him for their watchman; "3. If when he seeth the sword come upon ' the land he blow the trumpet, and warn the people: "4. Then whosoever heareth the sound of the trumpet and taketh jiot warning, if the sword come, and take llood shall be upon his he sound of the Viot warning, his im; but he that lleliver his soul. nan seeth the med; if the my person taken away jlood will I hands." TTTTT or poor: ed or illiterate! It is bigger to sit m it is to line up with some bar with a French plate glass in front. It is a serious mistake for parents to want their children to be repro ductions of themselves. Don't think they have to be like you; one of you is enough. You can keep a cow alive on potato peelings but she won't give any milk, and when a cow stops giving milk her mission in life is at an end. You don't keep cows for company. - Wish I could sentence fifty of the popular writers of today to the peni tentiary for the stuff they write. Many young people are good in the beginning, but they are like the fel low that was killed by falling off a skyscraper they stop too quick. The newspaper today is a better college than Abraham Lincoln had just the newspaper. After all has been said religion is the measure of concern of men it's the real base line of character. Many may revile it, but in their hearts men feel that in religion life finds its highest expression. Beauty may please us, truth may strengthen us, but goodness com mands us. A genius charms us, a philosopher instructs us, but a saint feeds us. Christianity has always been a per sonal religion. Jesus was no organ izer like Caesar or Mohammed. He formulated no plans. He founded no ecclesiastical system. Men may dent the historical Christ I or the metaphysical Christ and leave only the ideal, and they still have to reckon with a power of the first mag nitude. There are multitudes of people who select from the Bible what they per sonally like; they can codify God and eliminate what they don't like. The element of failure is not con fined to religion. Ninety-five per cent of the business men fail; 75 per cent of the lawyers abandon their profes sion; GO per cent of the doctors fail to make good. I think it is due, as in religion, to lack of systematic work and no personal application. The fellow that tells me that he can live a Christian life outside a' church I have no use for. I have no faith in him. He can't. Ex. In a stirring address to a private party of newspaper men, J. Stuart Blackton, author and producer of the great preparedness film "The Battle Cry of Peace" said that the final sal vation of the country would be up to the country newspaper. "If the rural newspaper the country weekly and the small town daily get behind the preparedness movement and demand action by Congress," Blackton said, "then we will see an appropriation during this session that will be a good starter. Of course to get anywhere we will need a series of appropria tions a program for navy and army which, spread over a period of years, will give us eventually what protec tion we need. But if the small town newspaper refuses to call, for pre paredness, and prefers "pork" instead the movement will fall. The protec tion of America is in the hands of the country editor." Mr. Blackton's speech for prepared ness followed the viewing by news paper men of the film "The Battle Cry of Peace," in which the author shows how helpless the United States would be in case of attack by a foreign foe. New York streets are bombarded, homes are attacked, women and chil dren terrified and fathers taken out, lined up against a wall and shot. The handful of American soldiers are a joke to the invaders and enemy ships stand off our shores, out of range of our guns, and batter to pieces our coast defenses. "These possibilities are not without the basis of fact," said Mr. Blackton, in his address." Instead of being a sleeping giant, we are a helpless babe. The dream of universal peace has been shattered by the European nations and will again be shattered. We have learned that nations will break solemn treaties when they think it to their advantage to do so. The world is but little dif ferent from what it was a thousand years ago. But we, in the democracy of the United States, are full partners. The responsibility of government and the salvation of the nation is on every citizen. Every citizen should be able to transfer himself into a soldier for the defense of his country. This is not imperialistic; it is the very es sence of a democracy that would live." Exchange. I LrvAilr du Li ini Li u uVJ IrXT "" 1- - ii i rTTiirMlirrtTaifFi mi ii im nr i "- 1 1 1 " - FOUL TIPS. By R. E. Morse. And still we are a nation of peace today. frvejl cooked meal is t-? aid to loV-. The fellow vrho ifags most is the one who "almost succeeds," "Back to the farm" is good, but "stay there" is. some better. A peaceful calm still pervades the peace palace at The Hague. To insure a welcome, take your bank account along with you. This is a day of work, but many a cuss doesn't know it is today. That widespread plot to blow up American ships seems to have hoisted the plotters instead. . No, the real heroes of today are not the ones of shot and shell. They are the movie stars. No, indeed, a giggling girl and a cackling hen are not akin. The hen is of practical value in this world. Let's hope it has been a prosper ous week for you and the same for the next, and the others to follow. Even the most procrastinating man on earth can lower himself into a dining room chair right on the dot. If the European governments want to recoup their losses rapidly we humbly suggest a monopoly on the movies. . Don't toss a nickel into the collec tion box and then expect St. Peter to pass you through the pearly gates. Peter is no cheap guy. In California a young man held his breath for ten minutes and is still telling the story. We note, however, that the hero is a man. To Aid Law Enforcement. Mrs. Belva Lockwood celebrated her 85th birthday at her home in Wash ington, D. C, a few days ago. Mrs. Lockwood was a candidate for the presidency in 1884. She is still hale and hearty. A minister of the gospel was as sassinated in the vicinity of Hamlet a few days ago and it is intimated that he was murdered because of his fight for law and order in his com munity. A few years ago a minister was murdered in Surry county by the lawless element who resented his in terference. We've made much prog ress in North Carolina i many direc tions, but crime is mure than keep ing pace with our progress. In the multiplicity of societies organized in the State, .it might be vc-J to organ ize one to aid in law enforcement to encourage respect I'm- the law. ' Statesville Landmark. Is what people say about you. Three ite an Th d Col ousan ore CP eopie SAY Mtar j Ewaeis ells the Best oes for 1 ! 1 unna .ren. Men ana vv omen s He sells Shoes that are not allowed to be sold by any one else in LAURINBURG, N. C. This is your guide for the future. , J ' m 1 II fl m ' jJif - :'tf I -twr 1 i vVTi-c rx ' r , v j n r- I I wmi-v ' Mr. Sandman Gomes Quick when You Drive Away Jack Frost The kiddies need no coax- dampness and cold cut of ing at bedtime for the all the house. Gives glow Perfection HEATER ing warmth in five minutes had made the room nice ten hours comfort on a and cozy. gallon of kerosene. Smoke- The Perfection keeps less, odorless, safe. Look for the Triangle Trademark. Sold at all hardware and general stores, and wherever you see the Perfection Cozy Cat Poster. Use Aladdin Security Oil or Diamond White Oil to obtain best results in Oil Stoves, Lamps and Heaters. STANDARD OIL GO. (New Jersey) BALTIMORE Washington, D. C. Charlotte, N. C. Norfolk. Va. Charleston. W. Va. Richmond, Va. Charleston, S. C. Highest award Panama-Pacific Exposition in m wi wi Ii itr Hi -ivv;i i i lull ii it lv' ;l ii ' ill A x3sMmi!ftftHj ri ry ntfvi pjVl pCFrn n-n F? i.--"?-'-"msmff-- Bennett Jared, a Tennessee Univer sity football player, was so seriously injured in a game at Nashville, Tenn., Saturday between the Tennessee col- fc 1. 1 ii. mi i.4jmjBt ImJS- jf tmr- "?ttfii:J. ! . V V He is paralyzed from his neck dfr.vjij&r the invaderls ' r Ninety-four young Belgians in Brussels have been sentenced to terms lof two months to five years for refus ing to work for the Germans. - A re port from Hazebrouck says the Ger- Wans have cut off the food supply of the town of ilarlebeke because the !i- lege and Vanderbilt University that he ha3 but little chance of recovery, iomen there rdfused to perform tasks V. : After a long investigation by the committee on hospitals of the New York State Charities Aid association, it is reported that illness costs the residents of the state not less than $40,000,000 a year. Every year, says the report, physicians get about $5 from each human, being in the state. Jack Hughes, a prominent young man of Washington Parish, La., who was being held in jail at Columbus, Miss., for the murder of Laure Hal- loway, was taken from the jail by a mob Sunday and lynched. That San Francisco quake tried to "shake"' exposition visitors.

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