1 K A A Few Suggestions DRESSING TABLES CHIFFOROIJES CHIFFONIERS COUCHES CHINA CLOSETS ART SQUARES RUGS ROMAN CHAIRS PANEL SCREENS BUFFETS SIDEBOARDS LIBRARY TABLES DINING TABLES BOOK CASES PARLOR TABLES PEDESTALS JARDINIERES WASTE BASKETS BED ROOM SUITES WARDROBES MEDICINE CABINETS TURKISH ROCKERS MORRIS CHAIRS Nothing like furniture for the GIFT WORTH WHILE. Especially is this true when making gifts in the family. It comprises all of the point that make a gift worth while. First, it is useful, the most important to consider when mak ing your selection. Second, it is ornkmental in the highest degree, and lastly it endures for years, a constant reminder of the giver. Shop Early! This Store is filled to overflowing with just such gifts. Why not come down Today and make your selections ? A Fevv Suggestions TEA TRAYS DAVENPORTS EASY CHAIRS FANCY ROCKERS DINING CHAIRS HALL SEATS WILLOW ROCKERS OFFICE CHAIRS OFFICE DESKS LADIES' DESKS WRITING TABLES COMBINATION CASES COSTUME RS HALL ROCKERS HALL MIRRORS HALL TREES UMBRELLA STANDS MUSIC CABINETS PARLOR CABINETS PARLOR SUITES CARD TABLES TEA TABLES TABOURETTES Shop Eearly ! Largest Homefurnishers In This Section Of The State. Laurinburg, North Carolina bos scocgso ODD BITS OF NEWS I " 1 I " " Cleveland, O. A theater manager here has fired all his blonde ushers and hired brunettes. He claims the men talked with the blondes and pa trons had to wait to be shown their seats. Martinsborough, New Zeland. A small embroidered flag sold at auction brought $12,000 for the Belgian re lief fund. It was sold ten times to the highest bidder, who in turn gave it back. Finally it was presented to the school. i Kingston, N. Y. When a well dressed woman abandoned a baby in a hallway, the child was adopted by a nanny goat who angrily resisted ef forts to take the baby from her. The goat's kid had been stoien a week be fore by some boys. Easton, Pa. While Mrs. Daniel Hurley was at breakfast recently, the door opened and her sister, Mrs. Mar garet Doyle, whom she had not heard from nor seen for 51 years, walked in. Rices Landing, Pa. James Black, mine superintendent, the father of 18 children, has five boys at the front with the British army. Two others have been killed. John, the third son, is home with a poisoned knee, but will return to the trenches:. New York, N. Y. Because his wife was "continually running to shows", Morris Mulvihill burned all of her shoes. He said that was the only way he could keep her at home. Clifton, N. J. Edward Morrell, 80 years old, recently received a postal card mailed June 16, 1881. The only postmarks on the card showed that it left New Hampton June 16, 1881, and arrived in Passaic July 25, 1915. The writer died fifteen years ago. Los Angeles, Cal. Samuel Pockos vewsky has grown tired of the efforts of his American associates to pro nounce his name, and has been on the lookout for a chance to change it. The chance came when he became engaged to a Miss Parker. Judge Thomas, on application, allowed the groom to take his wife's name and now he is the proud possessor of the handle of S:imuel Parker. Chillicothe, O. C. W. Cravens and W. B. Cravens are brothers and both are engineers on the B. & O. Their wives are sisters. Both families live in the same house. The other day, six hours apart, both the Mrs. Crav ens gave birth to children one a boy New York, N. Y. "Safety First," said Mrs. Arthur Maclean as she put two diamond earrings into her pillow case and went to sleep. The next day there were clean slips on the pillows. Mrs. Maclean was frantic. She be sieged the laundry, but the pillow slips had been washed and ironed. Finally one earring was fofand gleaming in the bottom of the washtub and the other about to enter the drain pipe. They are valued at $2,000. Newcastle, Ind. Moab Turner, 77, is dead. Thirty years ago he suffered his first stroke of paralysis and made his funeral plans. A walnut chest was turned into a coffin and given to the local undertaker to care for. He will be buried in the walnut casket. How's This? "We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh tfure. Hall's Catarrh Cure has beeiaken by catarrh sufferers for the past thirty-five years, and has become known as the most reliable remedy for Catarrh. Hull's Catarrh Cure acts thru the Blood on the Mucous surfaces ex pelling the Poison from the Blood and healing the diseased portions After you have taken Hall s" Catarrh Cure for a short time you will ee a great improvement in your general health. Start taking Halls Catarrh Cure at once and get rid of catarrh. Send for testimonials free cF;ACHEY & co- Toiedo, Ohio. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of D. C. Lytch, deceased, late of Scotland County, N C this is to notify all persons having'' claims ag-wlhe estat? of sai(l deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 9th day of December, 1916, or this notice will be plead in bar of 'J6!0:. , AH, Persons indebted j. csulie wi Please make imme- DeleVbSS. the 8th day f EDWIN LYTCH, P v r xt , Administrator. 49-3-pd N- l Lanburg, N. C. WANTED FOR pach Poplar Sweet Guafdo . Gum Logs and Blocks Will yofSrfaK". : casn prices. t t ?TesPectfully, J-L. Mateer Lumber Co. Rural Hall, N- C. invigorating to the Pale and Sickly Malaria.enriches the ifw l1'11 TNIC. drives out i-or adults aaJchiWrea- 5 GO NO FARTHER THE EVIDENCE IS AT YOUR DOOR Laurinburg proof is what you want and the statement of this highly respected resident will banish all doubt: Mrs. R. N. Grubbs, E. Church St., Laurinburg, says: "For several weeks I was in such bad shape I could hardly get around. The kidney secretions were dis ordered and my nerves were all unstrung. My head ached and I had awful dizzy spells. These ailments made my health all run down, and nothing seemed to do me any good. Doan's Kidney Pills were highly recommended by a friend and the first box I used regulated the action of my kidneys. Since taking three box es, have had very little cause for complaint." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Grubbs had. Fost-er-Milburn Co., Prop., Buffalo, N. Y. Adv. MONEY TO LOAN. We are prepared to Loan Mon- ey on Real Estate. No loans for less than $1,000 and for not less than 5 years time. Russell '& Weatherspoon, . -.vj-'v'.-v " Laurinburg, N. C. MONEY TO LOAN I am in position to LoanMoney on IMPROVED REAL ESTATE in Amounts of $3,000, $5,000 and $10,000. Five year terms at 6 per cent. If inter ested, write i W. T. CRUMP, Wagram, N. C. OSS NOTICE. The Farmers' Mutual Fire Insur ance Association of Richmond and Scotland Branch will hold its annual meeting in the Court House at Lau rinburg, Tuesday, January 4th, 1916, at 10 o'clock a. m., and it is desired by the officials that all the officers and as many members of the branch asso ciations attend the session as possi ble; hear the reports of past year, also choose officers for the next year. The association has been of marked help to our farmers, and at small cost is giving protection to much property. For over 15 years it has paid all loses and is entirely out of debt. By order of the President, L. D. McKinnon. J. M. WRIGHT, Secretary. 49-50 A Plymouth Rock hen, owned by J. H. Stewart, of Georgeville, Pa., lived for 22 days in the back of Stewart's buggy without food or wate-. Ihe fowl, reduced to a skeleton, is recover ing. ' . ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. This 28th day of October, 1915. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of J. E. Baker, deceased notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against said estate to present them to me for payment on or before the 28th day of October 1916, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. GEO. T. GOODWIN, Administrator. LAURINBURG DRUGGIST PLEAS ES CUSTOMERS. Blue's Drug Store reports custom ers greatly pleased with the QUICK action of simple buckthorn bark, gly cerine, etc., as mixed in Adler-i-ka. This simple remedy drains the old foul matter from the bowels so THOR OUGH that ONE SPOONFUL relieves almost ANY CASE of constipation, sour or gassy stomach. It is so pow erful that it is used successfully in appendicitis. Adler-i-ka never gripes and the INSTANT action is surpris ing. - . ' .