THE EXCHANGE «■—. i m .pi ■ —.4. -u ■ —... . .A. sip OAMDIOfV. AMMtMfl UUot, l*khU is IttZ. tlJOPwYesr TUB ALSO BAITS. In ov neighboring town of law, bortoo tba post week, > crowd of town begre decided to have a little fua at the expense of what they supposed to bo a nervous, skittish country lad. Aeeeidiagly they laid some plana sad got along all right until it cams time to actually execute tha aaid plana. Tba aouatry lad didn't work according to previous arrangement and Intao tkm of tba town hoy*, but instead, re fused to run after having boon led into tba trap to scare him. TVs so upaot end surprised the town boys that they took it upon themselves to perform the running part of tba pro gram. before they oould all got away though, the aaid country lad, who re fuoed to score, get hold of one of the town boya and proceeded to toft about hour much of him hide ha was going to slice off with the knife bo hold in his hand. The balance of the crowd left thotr liil pi m ti4 mit+rmbU pa alow and Sad to safety. The big hasitod country boy waa curtailed vrtth the turs ef affairs, and much to tha Joy of the scared and de salted dtp bey, did him aa km Wagaidiag thlo happening and hos ing to launl, brother Ashcraft of tha Moaroo Enquirer has the follow ing to any: In this paper ia a story about souse bey* la Tamhirtna taking a country hay Md a few eights ago for tha par paoo of frightening him with "lrigh tha "higkwaymaa" made hia attack aa tha boy from tha oowjtry that boy from tha form did act do a thing hot, ngO oat hki knlf«. mIm latifOB 1st and calmly inform him that ha was (nine to ent him lata tittle ptripa aad da bate whq waa playing Um part of hlghwayaua believed fully that the bey with tba Wag knife wae goiag to earra Urn ap far ba bagged aad paayed far matey. .Bat thW ia writ tan to aay a word or two abaat tha . fallows wha wars tks oonf odermtes of tha “highwayman’' aad whan thair partear get Into trouble aad It leohad Ilka ha waa goiag to ba am to pioeoe rna aa fast aa thair lags weald carry thou, deserted thair maa aad Wft Mm to Ida fata. Mow, than W aa ex ample of tha bdily boy. tha fallow who wants to gat op a crowd to bass or dtstreea amps poo* fallow, fa tha, ‘hear of danger ha always shows the with some real grit ia waatod ha W not thma aad ha alwaya on each oe oa stops shows to tha world that ha W stranger fa hW feat aad Ma laps thaa bW fast aad hta lags to cony hha aa aooo u poaalbfa from tha danger scab Tea, air, that exhibition by tba , 1 ■ml.iwtim dty bloods wha warned to have fan om of tho key from tha eormtxy is u fine an axampU ad the rpixit of tha kksar is yon arffl fad. Me moro bnrikhoao abont 'am thaa thorn W about aa earthworm. Lift thair comindo In his dlstrims nod took to their bools Uka scaled rabbits. Wa do not know any of tha boys an* gaged 1a that UttW affair down fa lmmbertoo—it -W fay spirit of tha thing wa are talking abont—tba das pieabW spirit of faring aad bellying. Tha fellow who has bam to school a tew months thinking, tt la ap to hta to lUatram aad hemfliata tha new comer to school, tha bay who Bysa la town getting they fool MUa Into that thing that Is pm od his shoulders jest to hasp Ida seek from rgteUng that ha ia a little batter thaa la tha hoy from tha ebmriry and’became ha g«ta that Idas into his Uttla semas hlad brain ho thinks ho mat make spot* of, annoy and humiliate the bay from tha oeuntry—it ia about that kfad cf a boy that wa weald sabasit a few truthful remarks, bat tha truo Ma la that Om thing manat ba dona • without doing a little caeabi.' Tea ■ taka ana pt tbaaa bally faya, mm of tbaaa basest, whatbar ha ia loafing at •teooi, spending Ma toddy*. money. «r whether ha la Jaat a • tract loaferi and task him ap in a'room with tha hay ha waats to get ap a gang aa* bam and lot them have H oat sons for ama. paand far paaad. fate and ama dia, aad that eame baser, who la so ' •• • IB* Mot hthr T. WHktadMt Than will ha aa “uc*t“ Tam to tha tenth verse U tho thlrt-footth chaffer at Deni economy and yon will mad those words: "And them arose not a prophet einea In teiael like ante Mesas, whom the Lord knew face to face." I wommond these words to all of my race and the white ram who ere e eking: “Who will be the next Booker T. Washington}” La* us have done with speculation and answer the ques tion in the light of history. There wlN bo a# other Booker T. Washing ton, although he w01 hero a succes sor. Ta Bach Mae Hie Own Work. When Moose passed, there was aa othay Moses, although there followed him e greet Joshua who was “fall of the spirit of wisdom; for Morn had laid hie head upon hfap.” Whan the mighty Elijah—prophet who canid call down Are from heaven—was swept from tho earth by a chariot and horses od fire and e whirlwind there was left no other Elijah, although the sene of the prophet exclaimed when they aew the waters part at tha behest of Elijah “The spirit of Elijah doth met on Xllaha”. And we might follow his tory and find the same results every time. Each man who done big asm work to the beat of hie ability makes K ftn .pooeihle fit* any ether men to dupli cate him. Bask man has Ms own work, fills Me asm pines. When tha lamented Frederick Doug >u was stirring the nation with Me orations against stormy, it was the period ad agitation and wo needed aa agitator. When ha died the peeled which needgd Mm had alee died, and the period wMeh followed Mm need od a buildes sad pacificator, sad Gad. never si a leas far a man to da. tha work needed to bo done, created Booker T. Washington. Dr. Waahiag toa did not try to he Frederick Doc*. Ue. He steeply took the love of hie mm, which Douglas had, sad added to it Ms own vision of week to hp dene for tho world—yes 1 ataea the world sod he died not the eeseod Frederick Meeto^*fltelte^tkar W<k*kinct<m' What U tha ant ported? I da not knew wtoi tha aut.taU tat nayra hlotoey to to bo, and l «W1 not pay too aw* attention to tho ▼towa af aalfiab eoals. who wtth ooaaaa of ink and wortdo of talk oat thoat aolma tha tnk of ehowfc* no what to aoxt to bo dans. ' I believe that tho now prophet will ■Mot in who will reveal to him what tha Lord awnta dona, la tho earn way that Dr. Washington was yfm vision M boo Ua.onWtoa^ while othara Watch toy tha play af Dr. Waahtoy ten's activittoa through tho yoan and indfiat far tho futon in tho light of kto vtotoo at tha poet and tho leaalta ho tiiuj_1 foe his mod, I bottom tho Mart ported to to bo ona af bMteaM i^aneliia fog *ho nayro. After ho had bofit the yrppt Taakayoo Dtovontt^-tha word “toaMtuto" to no tongar eoeroot—with tta doctrine. of-1 fitnaaa fiat. Dr. Waahiayton began tho ' tocood Pwt atop la parting tha tael on tta JSLohrtSto'S hto^ra**. and through tho National MW aodantlfio rmapalyn for bottnaas dovaiopmoat which bo wegwl to favor of ladntfartal WtmMm Bat just da God aaid to David i “I ham booa with thaa whithonoomr thou boat walked and kam ntofitD **** "*'■ ettMe gloat man that am in (ha mart! Tkon shaft nothaOd a hoeaa (temple) »to my asms, to* a aoa .hall torfld a house for ay-- to ^ ■bum way I baitovo that (fed daeread ?**. ***** t^M ■» tha mlopapont—tho tort gnat work that was on Dr. Washington^ heart. Tanng mon who plan to do work *** ™ tawa- would do won to tldnk over the paragraph ahem. **+ 9mm Bwhafa Mood Nat Ap. ^Dr.Wtohtorfm, boildod we*, and bored dr tho worid win i M"UXif ft ft m to «. * a. fir Dm* lotto. Oadraapaadmit. Tha WOd Oaks eehoel taaehor aaye ha tWboala— ate** tha adding ahtoa taka* tha place oT'bnun. Bad W>t atadkd their arithmetic lee tea aan elaaaly tnataad of playiag atok or playiag ‘'hookay*. than would not hare barn .each a demand for tkaaa machine* Cbday, The two Twin* of tha Oatf Blha neighborhood ware ia our Bidit thia week, aad Mora departing far home they bought ooma to-for cigan. The Toro Twine mm to enjoy ooe anoth •r'e company now than they do any body ole*’*, aa they remind oach ether of each other to much. 8U» Pi chan* cam* into poeeeeeion at a new derby hat while aver at Tkkvill#' the other day. Tha derby t* too large at present, but glim ex pect* tb fatten up a lot thia eummar. A good many attended the dieeua aka at Bounding Billow* Thursday aigkt. The question waa one that ha* tear yet been edttied, being entitled, “Ought a Maa Gat Married T" The aagarir. eld* won, aa tha judge* had all baaa Banted oaa or more time*. ■ Tha Postmaster, who waa a — Kapublitmu ap to tb* tea of tha last aatkaal election, and who cunningly «h*ag*d kit politic* a* ana wW looking, baa decided to _ fW a while yet, oo tha U*a Mathawaia aaya It old fkOawa you aa* EUt* H'Uwm'r to. ton UM. to «* totlap dm too toid #• tto frto P*reh at tto t “-nn SUa Platon, toa (mb a stay at TtaktoU, vtorc hk tto towfira fra ton ot tto law. Oto mmU not aiind bafof to Jail If tto*. waa a Httla mar* fraadoaa atoat K. t Pota an wow bp nan wto'work tor wac**; tnwaan by then wto draw a salary. H* nliniaad wia aaa J^to^optidoe^ad tto alatUac aaim totoaia all aiaaa^ jo* aa anatotTlt toa afeaya baa a. wholly la *K» Waa alia daw* it ta mu ■nry pair at toa totonratka at al ways too pock at* at tto iwnr. On* ?f **na la trwpmtfy waad tor *rt&-‘ to^^toBtorBcaid aw-‘ r **** toanaalid anyway. Al^pmto^Uto ^ toSiStoSito ** **“ 1“i tto Material. Tto ooaatajrt oMaiaa ad atotdnc of tto toa cauntto tknad to basgas bat. C £ My to * *“*■• kaa «a*o ta wark both way* than wrnld to as baccy Pota. Tto aoa wto waan don ST2ME SSl^SSJUJ btamlf lucky N to toa a aatra pair to put oa who* tto ottota *sd bake (Apologia* ta KlpMag.) Go44m» of Fortfea. known of oU. of war thin brows battlo Uao— B«MotHswkooo kindly bad wo hold TUlmtoi Pooao from pate to ptao; OoW— of Foaoa, Mte » aon^T Mdwapm^of panT .A ' • 11 '■ • ; W. C CALDWELL . . VBTIBINAR!AM Located (a Laoiiaboqr foa tbo practice of bis Prof too) on. A Bank With The Strength Of Tempered Steel Tb* *nondnw of thfc b*ak hi mhmii by th* mm pcys iatotoot at tb* rat* of 4 p*r coot par hm. Tbl* bask lavitoa yon to haeon an* of ft* rapidly kwwtog tally of paercaa. and attorn yam ovmrj taflky wbta with aaf*. **and aod tanmUn SCOTLAND COUNTY SAVINGS MNK Laurinburg, North Carotin* DO YOU PAY ,• YOUR BILLS BY CHECK? And thus lave • record of nA ad every iaoeat eapeeflod tnithir with a roooipt for the akooat poid T thiebaak. It Jo the afoot way, the aeet m-inliet end eetiefentnrr earthed of tree* We will-be pleeeed to have yea aeke tide beak year place of deposit. Roepectfafly. First National Bank LnrtadMiK, N. C. --—

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