. ! • i * , • » * __ » VOLUME XXXIV-NUMBER 8. LA.UREKBURG, N. C., THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 24. 1816 ———————■——1ham———■ - BA .Laurinburg, Sat. Marc '!'■■■ .. — THIs Day Set Apart By Ttf-»e Live Business Laurinburg Asa Day Of,Big Special Barf Immense Crowds Comin Great i * A number of Laurinturg's progressive business houses have determined to make Saturday, March 4th, another Special Bargain Day in Laurinburg. You will have to come to Laurinburg to fully appreciate what this bargain day really means. The purpose of it is to induce you to come to Laurinburg and make it your trading center. On this day the different business cbncems in the town, as will be seen in the advertisements, w»U offer many and varied bargains. Theke. as you will note from the advertisements, take in almost every leading business concern doing business m the town. There is not onf thing offered but that is a genuine, bonafide bargain You will not be faked or fooled. Tfyt statement that Saturday, March 4th, is Bargain Day in Laurinburg is not overdrawn, and if you will care fully read the offering as given in the different advertisements you will be easily convinced that the bargains will be here galore Every branch of business enterprise is represented in this proposition and every firm or corporation in Laurinburg will give you the glad hand and a warm welcome to this good town that day. T . 2?ere 10 S*aX}*nd CouatJ' tbU *ectionjof tbe S,4te' ** b* "bite or bUckhich pr poor, that is not included in the broad invitation to con* to Laurinburg on this day. There will be bargains in every imaginable line and somewhere will be a bargain, th^MO appeal to each and every individual, and to fit the smallest purse into* great throng that will be here. 1 -■ " ” There will be no parade, no air ship or gambling schemes to catch your dimes and cLjars, but every where you turn wUl be some honest man ottering too a legiti mate and real bargain. There will be something fokevery person here. You can't imsgteEuue of merchandise that will not be represented in tW^terprl^^ ^ The purpose of it is not to make money, for how can a business man make mopey oaMppds jbe is selling for less than they would now cost Urn if be went on the market to buy. It's s proposition to bring the people of this section to Laurinborg, that you und I can beenfriendly terms; thlt you will lcsm totove to come to tfaeberttow^ to this section, and it is the putpose of every business man in this good town to make yon teckome on Saturday, March 4 th, that you will want to coma buck again. SHOT FROM AMBUSH. Frank MePhettar, Colored. Sorl—b Wirrdnl Mri Die. y • ____ -An <Merehlaan, colored, at 8prin| ■I***T*‘~ 'fl.l lei — Ue^jd'l -bfPK 0y|_ **da* mMmr’mB Udgedia MB on. dor n charge of shooting from an booh Prank McPhatter, also colored. I The shooting occurred early Friday night, and McPhatter, who Buffered i hia right eye shot out and a lead of ohot in his ride, at* carried to the Hamlet Hospital, and it la said that there la bat little hope of hie reoor «nr- . i The trouble, u uo be gotten to-, •ether fro* Various sources, assent i to hose boon about Murchison's wife,' who bod loft him. Rs is said to bare j ■Udo statements that would indicate tfcet ho believed McPhatter was the • oauaa at Ms separation from bin wife. Friday night McPhatter visited a Mgxa home in the community end white there, Marsh Ison came ay near the boose carrying a shot gun. A Bttte later MePhetter walked off down the road aad thp neighborhood hoard two shots. Suspecting freebie, aaracal ran toward tho piece whom the shots came from aad found Mo Phattor lying ia tho road seriously wounded. Orta party who says ha waa Mom by on tho road whaa the (hoot ing took place, sew Murchison ran fima the place from whore the gun wao flruA Others fearing that trou ble had aaouwad want dlraet to Mar Mdaoute homo, and found no one thorn. After tho shooting mini mu waa noon going to Mmshteon'a home, aad no one aaw them leave. When arrested, which was Friday night, Murchison Mated to, Otleeri Dunlap that ha had not been away ftoan haarn sines sundown, but whan confronted with tho feet that ha bad ▼Mted the hones where MePhetter was Just a few moments before he was shot, be admitted that he bad bean there, but dented the shooting. - At this writing MePhetter ia still living. State 1M Pwradc Lead. * Richard McRae, a youn* ne*n> with a larcanooa Notation la to a.U toad road* far ala month*. !te «aaaa wrlttao la tha court reo otda far which McRaa Mat euffar la tha* of taStac • one handled pound »*S <* tend, tha paoyarty «* to# tatm. j ' __ t - . ..... 7 > '^JUamtef to a report from Vienna, . i '{ * BAJU^ BALL BAP USING. r Interesting CwamkttiM Pram ■ I School Lad Abort th# Pr^icto. [I The following ooemranleatam wm wodk. TV# writer mqoodts that hb aaao bo act appaadad to th* dope, aad wo am giving it aa it case* to os. Th* letter follows: Mr. Editor: TV* homahid* is bogging to go oror the pea again and wo am planning big thing* for this roar's school team. Got boom reel stuff and hope to show some excellent g-rf “Cobby” say* ha is gsttiag lata form and ia roady for any proposition that he ia put op against. Smith, who is a new one, is doing Bit*, and looks like a "Horn* Ron Baker" as he is standing at preaant. Ho shows sons good stuff in Bn«« in Parlor's last ysar position. McAm b still holding down tbs initial bag aad says he is “right with us yet." Plaids b showing th# asms stuff aad hitting vbioaaly, which b ; not any name for it. I • OHmmo. N. CL, Feb. 22»<1. Mn. J. a Adame, and little eon, Joe, ef Dillon, a'C, wen la town Saturday. Mn. Salford Ofbeon, of MeOoU, a O, spent the week eed hen with her daughter, Mn. D. A. Pate. Mr. W. B. Sedboery and family, of Brightevllle, a C, have moved into one of the new realdeneee near the Mfh school building. Mn. J. A. Smith, of Centenary, a Cl, who baa (pea ependlag a few day* with her pa rente, Ur. and Mrs. D. O. Wright, returned to her home Sunday morning. ( • Mr. John Maxwell, Jr, of Laurin burg, was in town Sunday afternoon. I Mr. Ilamy Webater. who haa been ■very 111 with paeMauala, la greatly I improved. • Dr K. A. Lhrtngnton apart part af tka part waak fa-EUdunaad, Va. Mr Doagtaa Odom vtaltad la Max tea Sunday. / Miaa AIMa Jayea, cmahlar far Mr. A V. PiU, sp«nt Moadif night in Max* ton. Mr. if. B. Oifaaoa, atternay af Dfi U*. A O, wm a QttMa rlaitar Has. Mr*. K. T. natehar vtattad fa Wadaaboro Friday. "Blaa Eyas.’* „ Mon tkaa MfiOOJOl - aoala, approxi—Uag fa vaia* (SHAM w«ra soM iatka Uni tad But— fa IMS, teoortBag Id Art Popart of a M. Do Fmrt. ohfaf BaM agaat of tfca No ttonal Amofatfaa Urn tea Study aad Frmatioa af f+wmlid., ! • < t; THINGS PEBT TO LIFE • * . k BtrHwpr t • # <* - * ! ... _ . At**' my veer rotndt: - >k. Over tad over again yon ban adhd in yonr heart tha qnaetioa why gfei*. tion* ahoold ba year let Yogr rrl|V Com forth each day n)oMi| in hla atrangth, and poaaibiy yen bun mur haranae yoo can not do tha uot. You feel Bare that you eonld tent Gad and man batter out there than in hare abut away from tha world. Ypu had planned for large activity, and had dreamed of being awful and even gnat in a Ufa of aerated, but you realise now that thane hopea have fhllen to tha ground and «eue of them win be fnldUad. What a ermd disap pointment it tawnt to be. Tog foal that thie Buffering and '*rv]tr++ meot could be borne today tf tomor row prorslted help and rotaaee, but the future appear! no brighter than tha praaeot. Th* epriaa tiaeo cum and yaa m ran ad Mac Uttar, to* It podaad *~r r~T - Mud* Tba ramanr can. fan ad hope bat it Mt mawakana. Tba Ant touch of tba antama air wbiaparad (t ia bottar further an, atUI tba fall wttb oH its rlory eon Id brine oa mHat far tba bed'Tiddaa oad tba ertppia. Bo now tba winter to ban and yo* dnad it* darkneta and eold, ralato bug *t wiB bo poeoibto to lira tbnnrli ir oU. TT r BntmIt «. and that to rlaw ■odure oar i Ha would *kil# othan ilka day' to okfl# othara Iron oa tka not bacaoaa aa atcaaot too to thaaa a apaaka to ■: "I hare aa of aflUe ato tka boad yoa baaa « of thaaa DEATH or PEOr. JOHNSON. Pairing «f On at Spring P ; | _ _ • -a* Spring Bill township . hia flnsl rmii His death oociwrad. af tar s long Ulaaaa. at ths Wans of his ■Mm. Mrs. W. J. Matthews. Mr. Johaooa was a gentleman of the aid school, a companionable and ■rikohfij Bin, sad was knows far sod near aa a teacher of tly highest ■earita. Hs taagbt school la Prt laad and Bnhoaoa oosattes for auqp roars, and alwspa oxortod an tafioence for good whotaear ho cast Mo lot. wvmty with iknutin, bit daspat* hia tMrtfaa eoatlnaad n aetht and >w(il Ufa Mil abaoiw yaar an Ha is sorvhrad hjr ons sistar, Mrs. W. J. Matthaws, of Wa an, with ■. D. IX, aid John. WflUaaa ■ > rsst at tha itfMtar. hvafa rf aatrew Thla Ia not meant aa a far U l without like to - .j hare recently. added a fine _ _j fin track, and by the addition bare our fin fighting facilities aboot aa eoaiylaae as we ean hope to foe- yean to near, bat aa mow hare no system af notifying the public when then Is ailn. The fin whistle Ha. bad to be abandoned because of the fact that wa ban ae way a* Mewing it, since hot eir^rent do, and are have ae etama, end It requiree this (steam). Wa ban ae pdM fire dope rtai eat sad the necessarily be dene by aad the qusetton la. hew . . who an wilting te fl*ht the Urea to be notified that there M ana ta progress? During the day >t li net po ranch troWMe to spread a fin alarm bat wbat about the night wlaa the whale town is asleagt A «n at right would Just hare to heip Marif aatfi the team eeeJd bo awaken ri by a fnal : ahr •quaUy alow We hope am far a ft we fan* aetblag of, are la the If not, that there will be bat Mttte daisy hi getting a atari along tMa m . • TAB HREL TOPICS. 11 ' ■aa1lUrto a*£>>U C***^ tm teat weak, dial ~Tipi<»j aftar MMMrt^ettMk to Bax Hospital, lD« toon a eroebad leg and mat nalda mr nwk of Ida body. Bra. Ida Bail Tana aad Irwail CkHaty, uadar aantanea of death far tbO| amrdar bi 1IH, »oar Wlnetcq yraated a respite et*fM^WMkTl? Governor Craig at th# request of their ettimys, who nfcaiaid the respite to aide* to wake proper tor eoauaotatto*. -They wan hp tonwl to be electrocuted March .A W. n. ■mm. Of Mara. N.C, i talayzaphod the fttt* Deperhneot I pyiday that the potUebed A—~*y**— , Ir taalm Omri Oatnia tTSSm" aadrla, a» waahed upon the ahore of waa that ad Ua bJte? Ittortlto UOImi,, Aaaerieaa conatU at A*£ •o*t while on him way to hit port oa the Britteh Iter tala. «. C, Beckwith, for ftve yarnra oetae tr attorney far Wake aaaatr, rate** •d Friday faaKmttm^aM that In Ua abaonoo ha lad ha aamar Mded by I. WOkor Ban, who m Mated Waka in tka tet Layiototnra. Mr. Backwtth had been reeietiny «f- ' tota to dialodmhiat ttvm the caanty ttou and ha _ M the heard nutaya a{ hie' tha efty and of tha abot •ad voted to ytvo Bunn ntod r*t, ha eaya, whether er not ho -ID wake any Be had planned ta *ad«n anyway Match I. but ha ' •aye ha reaenta beta* treated aa ha *« and my dated* to min baton put out Of oteeo.

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