LARGE NUMBER BENEFTTTED BY MOONUGH r SCHOOL Uorta of County Toockoro la MoonNgkt hM Work Bocurod Good Iwdk Warollnat Ov«r Two Huadrod g«ra Doao Bl( Tkiaya and G4v«u Luting Bouodto to tko Paopla. TV* effort* of tha teachers in Scot land county to loam tho flUtarst* dtisea* of tho county to rood and wrlta during tha paat fall, mot with a largo maaaura of success, and aa a result of their labors in tho moonlight schools 144 persona is Scotland wore greatly baneflttad. Thar* was enrolled In all of the achoala *21 pupils and the average at tendance, or those who gave evidence of intaraot in tho wark waa 144. This doaa not mass 144 paraono learned to road and write, for a good away of this number could road and writs ha fora, and attended that they might receive the bandits of other etadlca with which they war* not familiar. Just what proportion of tho 144 could road and write la net riven in tha re port handed us, hot 8upc Pad* is highly pleased because of tha work dona, and is putting forth an ener getic effort to make tho moonlight school ovan a biggs r sueceau this year. tm aur crept acnoou, um enrou BMDt and the average attendance fol low*: Laura] Hill, enrolled 97, aver age attwdaare 17; Woodvill*, enroll ed 18, avenge attendance 10; Me lon'* Cmei, enrolled XI, average at tendance 18; Rachel*, enrolled 9, av erage attendance 7; McOirt, enrolled 18, avenge attendance 14; Wright'*, enrolled XI, average attendance 18; Wtikes, enrolled 6, average attend ance 8; Laurtaburg, enrolled 77, av erage attendance 66; Snead's Grove, enrolled IS, average attendance 9. Sopt. Peels explained that average attendance meant those who really wanted to learn and received actual benefits from the schools. This be ing true, 144 parson* ia Sootland county, because at the aaerlfice* made by the teach*!* In tb* county, have boan enabled to attend school and re ceive, lasting benefits that otbsrwiea would have been denied them. The moonlight aebool movement In Scotland county was a eneceea, and that mean* that Scotland county ha* bow greatly beeefttted Tb* good accomplished, and the light abed into tb* minds at the Il literate person* at the county ia one that cannot be reckoned easily and that will beer fruit for many, many years to eome. The teachers, who, without compen sation or bop* at reward, except in the happiness they found hi the thought that they were helping their unfertunate fallowmen, deserve the fomm»rtitifm for Um atcri flew they her* made and the good that they have accomplished. Tha many Laarimbu* Wanda and relatives ad Mr. Prank T. Bissau warn glad ta graat him in Laurinborg yea tarday. Mr. BtsaaQ want ta Emp soma thing orar threw yean ago in aaarch of health, and returned to America tan day* ago, landing In Naw York. Bo spent a week In Norfolk, Va, and arrived hero yootorday morning. Prim his appearance ha has ha an imnrmafnl in finding tha Tatars of health ka aoogkt. Ha talks interest ingly of the war that to bring waged across the way, and It to oar hope to have him tall cor readers come of his impressions of the great strug gle, and of Ms trip. Frederick W. Tanner, eondeetar am tha “MQllectaire Express," of the Now York, Now Haven and Hartford rail road, has retired at the age of T8 years. Mr. Tanner, who to a riridmt of Pittsfield. Mass., estimates he‘has traveled 8,000,000 miles daring Ms M yean af aerrtoe on tha railroad. The Bov. Dr. C K. F. CheeUarii. a gradaate of the universities of Ger many and Oxford, to tearing too ■onto to ergs too negroes Is retan to Afrim at toe close of too Fsropr—i war. Mo soys ho has moored lfitO Basket Bail Guinea. Tha following report of two beakat ball game* should have appeared in our last issue, but because at the limited apace waa crowded out: On Friday, Fob. 18th, the basket ball taarai of Spring HU and Snead's Grove mat on the grounds of tha Ut tar. Two interesting games followed. The first played by the girls of the acbooU and tha second by the boys. Tha Spring Hill girla won an easy victory, tha ace re being IS to 3. All on tha team made brilliant plays, es pecially Mias Janie McKay, who prov ed herself to be aa exceptionally fine goal thrower. By winning this gams the girls of Spring H1U proved thsm aehrei to be the best basket ball pUy ere In tha county, as wail aa being tha bast young ladies In many other re spects. Immediately after tha game tha boys played with tha result that Spring Hill waa again tha winner. On account of the swiftness with which the ball kept continually going through the Spring Hill goal. It waa vary difficult to keep up with tha score. It was decided however that tha score was 36 to 11. I The following dope about the Leu rinburg High School baae ball club ha* beaa tent In bjr on* of the loyal Iotcm of th* gam*. Wall, wa have itartod, and we are goiag some. Start our epring practice next weak, with Mr. Baeeoa Weill ea ocr coach. W# mean business. Don’t be surprised to hare a call tWe weak. We figure to mH you one of our ticket*. W* hit upon thi* aa e way to get a start. You can look out for some good baft within a few weeks. AL Fields has bis old position a* manager again, but with a little more EXPERIENCE. Fatty says he wiD hare off enough weight to make th* teen this year, but there is a lot of doubt jet a* to the weight question. McArn's getting the pep and is going right after the old game again. Cooper says be would like to pitch this year, but ays if necessary he will be contest with anything. Herndon and Wallace end-are to fill the outer garden and prospects look good. Nani can’t be with us this year and w* will mine Ma very much as be was considered one of our beat man. Don’t forget to help us all you can when our nanresesis come around »■»! explain our plan. Temporarily Baited. Tha movement to erect a now Methodist ehorrh building in Laorin barr has baan temporarily baited. U la tha purpoaa of tha eangr^a tioa to tract the near church building oa the corner of lfala aad Charcfc streets, aad far this purpoaa a lot waa bought two yean ago. It was than tha plan to aril tha eld ehureh prop erty, aad at that time they had aa offer for it that would, give them a good profit Above fra price paid far tha now location. At this time they ♦annot Rat a eatlafpetory price of fered for fra old property, aad aa a reeult of this, tha pleas of ths eee gr*Ration for tha new church have boon temporarily upset. tt is the hope of avaryaaa that this weailng abataoU can aooa be remov ed, end that the MOthodiat congrega Hon may eoon be wnrnhiping in their aaw building. Tb Return Today. Tho family of Mr. B. E. Lae are ** pactiag him to return from Hot Spring*, Ark., today. Mr. Lee waa •erriad to Rat Spring* Christmas waak for treatment fee rheumatism. At that Haw he waa vary alrit aad eomplriely helpless, aad H i* a matter af modi pleasure to his frtoads hack k*«» to know that talas eafiietmiUj WWW* to retmra to Leeriaburg. MMff a f el lew win att on a boa at lean againat a wall aad talk about "National pnparadaaas" when ba engirt to be pwgnrtog Me garden. That** a tori, Maine Enquirer. THINGS PERTAINING TO LIFE By Harry M. North. OPPRE88TNG THE POOH. ta a gnat deal written in the Bible about the troetmont seconded to the poor. Evidently God thinks muck ef them, and I should be (low to oppress say ono who seems to be so near to Him. Many times Hs is represented as taking the port of the poor against than whs had wronged them. I am sure that Gad would make a very strong Advocate In the defense of the hoi pleas. Ha Identifies them end their cause with Himself. It is written that he that giraa ta the poor ie thereby lending to the Lord. That would seem to bo mossy wit invested. * God made provision for the peer beck in the early days. He directed that when man reaped their fields they should always leave e little for the poor people of the eommenlty, and the owner of trees must not thresh off the last of the fruit but must al low some to remain for the needy. They were not to take a poor man's garment or any such necessary thing as a pledge from kirn, nor should they hasp it over night, lest the men should suffer on account of not having it may be to cover himself at sight. When a workman bad finished hie task and had come fgr his pay. he was net to be sent away with Instructions to corns again, but hs was to be paid then. Ho needed this money to live on. Saint James speaks very bitterly egatnet certain rich man who had kept back the wages ot those who bed I reaped their fields. By oppressing the poor they had heaped together treasons for the bet days, but they should not last until than us God would see to it that theae Ul-gotton gains became corrupted in their pos session. 1 have known prices put up at company storm and commie-rise, and laborers compelled to trade there or lose their positions, and they had to pay extortionate prices. A terrible Judgment is earning some tin— upon those who have feathered their neats by making others hungry and eoM. i Sene times a mortgage ought vo be extended rather than dosed, it eoeans to m» If In thaws • willing mind, ftvs this poor man a chance tootui his fart one* morr. Do you think it Just right to taka his vegetables aad small fowls and cattle off tha little I farm to satisfy your claims? And may be the winter is coming on- It occurs to ms that God weald not like for you to do that. Aad those thing* that tha poor family bought from you on the installment plant they had paid much on them but not quite all; aad you took bark tha goods and kept tha money also. Do you think it was right? I tcH you with all my soul that it was wrong. But you say that the law allows you to do this vary thing. Why certainly it dees for It war anode for yoer sake. But the higher law of God would my other wise. The cases of assay ef these are dis posed of entirely too qeickly hi court. They have no strong friends sad no hacking, and nobody cares. Occa sionally n compassionate )udgs Will car* for such ones, but frequently he doss not understand tha circumstanc es. Yet each ana of us la supposed to ha equal before tha low. In theory this Is true, but darn it hold to fact aad peacUoa always? I can imagine this peer man sitting at home thinking over the injustice shown him. He spanks to Us wife and family shout tt all. nod knssTlug they place their oase fa the hands of the Greet God that Be may decide and administer for thrm. The goodness eg Gw badness of the poor should have nothing to do with Gw character of the treatment they rueehra from you. They are to be judged by Am other. I am not pleading that you do this b> pity last you might think wall of yoorself for showing them kind sees, but 1 am asking that you do it hi an justice and in the fear at God. Beetle**’* ArtwnMlw. Mr. C. a Miller, of the UnWeraitr of North Caroline, hee compiled mm latereetfaig atatleHre about the uto ■ehflee hi North Ouoliae, whfeh «ia yabiiabed to toe earrewl edition of the UafeereHy Neve Latter. •eetoued tanks fourth to the Uet oC eoaatiea, heria* » eatoeaohWee. or om to e*«T It f—ntee Moekloe har* has the laryeet aaatoer of any oeanty to toa State, NT. Them art three inoIIm that hare aa aaOoawtdlea. Theee aea AIU «he*y. Orafaaaa and MUehaD. Medt eea serf day hare ealy mm aaeh. FEDERAL COURT JURY. CM Alas U Blow and Jary CemmJa afaaar Pattcraae flalacto Jary far Federal Court. Col Ala L. Blow, Clerk to the Federal Court of the latent District of North Carolina, and Jury Comnio oloonr D. A. Pattoraon. rame to Leu rinburg Thuraday to drew a Jury to aarva at tha next term of Federal Court, which will eoareae here at tan o'clock, Tuaeday. the t8th day of Men*. Judge H. Q. Connor, ad WU •on, praalilhig. Following Is the liat ad Jerora drawn: T«yWr Ftelde, Laurinberg, C. & McMillan, Wayram, W. K. Bullard. Wayram, J. C. Clark. Laurtnbarg, WUBam E. Zonae, Lanrinburg, L. E. McCall, Laurinbury, J. B. Mae, Leu rfnbwrg. Jama H. Tarry, Leurlnbarg, 8am J. Siler, Laarinberg, T. K, Fa mar, Laurel Hill. County. W. A. Wilkb«, M>«ton, In Dario, Brta. Mura Smith, St. paoU. Ryan McBryde, Rad Springs, Footer WO llama, McDonald. R. A. Carter, Max Ion, J. A. McCormick, Rennert, P. B. KiaUv, Lamberton, B. C. McNair, Maztoa. John D. McNolIl, Rad Springs, 1. G. McRae, Maztoa, Don ean M. White, Loin be non. N. P. Me Arthur, Rad Springe, McKay McKin non. Maztoa, W. K. Culberth, Lam berton. Bake County. J- C. Tfcoaaa, Raeford, M- H. Me Raafaid. Lather Clark, Raeford, N«1U McKinnon, Dand arrack, W SI Ham McPadyao. Raoford D. W, SadWrry, Hamlet, N. A. Campbell. Hamlet, K. K. Diggm, A. J. Butler, Heflbaau. P- R. Hoffman, A. D. Sptrey Dockery, Rocking Kaway^ W. P. W. A. Me Gaantjr. H. Ledbetter, Sanford, Wll lism l.1 Brook*, Jonas boro. I __ Kn. Fairly Eatcrtaha. Th« tost meeting of the Thursday Afternoon Book Club mot with lira. A. M. Fairly aa hostess. 8L Valentina was the topic and the program was carried out in fall. 71m origin of 8t Valentino was a paper by Mrs. i. T. John. Mra. W. D. B. MeBacfcam road amoral love poems. Mrs. Daniel Shew gave a reading, “Lure gin Between Babbie and the Little Min uter." A selection waa lanilw id on the piano by Klee Begonia Fairly, ■ftor which entreat topics were given by Mrs. T. T. Covington. Pragma ehra lock waa then played, the acorn earde being baert-aheped Miss Elisa beth Whitfield made the Mgfcast aeon aad was presented with a pair of aUk koas. Mra. Fairly, aaeleted by bar daughters, Misses Eugenia aad Mar tha Fairly, and Mias Carolyn Fatten Freckles. —— The Broadway Arnarnt Cam paay. the producers of "FreaUae” wWA eoaMo to tho LauriahUrg opera home has spared neither pates nor *»"" •» otaging thte song play in "to** elaborate manner poeaibie. In tho Am place, there Is an Mrrlron mont to “Freckles-, which very few plays Pea#asi; chance* for scenic in *tofkare aamsingly natural and pie tortoque; and whew tt la understood tte< the management has brought tt ap to tb* highest standard of stage Pto^etkm, both from * scenic point ofvtow and by means of a thoroughly «■*, there it * double assurance of Merit “Freckles" will play here Thursday, Marsh Pth. Walter H. Maal *m mkH •d tw oOur craning a* latoialag be** to find Uawatf taattod to bk <bbg w, wbara a aikllaat Ham wma anal la k«a a< bk btttMag. Omn vara laid far lb. Mr. aad Mr*. Aim PalHg, Mr. aad Mn. A. L. imam, Mr. aad Mia. T. J. OUi. Mr. aa* Mr*. fidwnd Oftom. Mka MU Stowart aad Mr. W. R. SPECIAL BARGAIN DAY HERE NEXT SATURDAY Tmtb WW fca Pan af lm ami Atteaatfra «»—r-‘— -~T-, — ^ ta»aa«aaaa t* *a BayUt PaM. I Panaa Win Oa a Laag Way. Thaaa Wha Ara Otahg ^T-galai Next Saturday, March 4th, ia to be ftps rial Bargain Day In Laarinburg. Tha event to of more than passing Importance to tha baying public in this and sunouadiag eounttos. It doesn’t matter whether yea ecu rich or poor, white or Meek, tha invi tation to corns to Laurinburg to sa big, eo broad, that it manna yse— everybody. Of caarsa evarybody will ! not ho hare, wa wouldn’t have it an, ; because there would be nobody to go to Marten, Wagram aad Olbaoa, hat yea will And more folks hare ttot day than yen have ia away days, bseams Laurinburg to offering the attraction. You any peer purse looks like m elephant has stepped on ItT Well, that> the reaeea why yen must eome to I eiilaben nest* Saturday—roar dimes will work like bigger oolite, be cause the business men of Laoriabnfg hare mid se btenues they win aril yea goads cheeper than ever before. Thar* to nothing under the eon bat cotton and wheat that acta like tt wants to go down in price. Every thing you bay in going higher aad higher every day, bat ea Saturday wa are griug to forget the war, tha high prices, and easaa to Lauriaburg because In this good town tha Law Prices aad Big Bargains will malts you forget that there aver waa nay high prices. Yomr neighbor to coating; your frleede are earning—aad of course, you trill be here too. The business bouses that are offer ing you very special bargains far that day are as follows: D. O. A W. D. WRIGHT, MeLAL’RIN A SHAW, MRS. «7. D. JAMES, D. M. OILLI8 CO., MRS. C. E. ODOM, L A. MOM ROE A BON, THE YELLOW STORE. THE MODEL PHARMACY, BP REIN? DEPARTMENT STORE. PLANT, yRA TRADING CO, EU RANSPU A 1# CENT STORE; Z. ANTHONY and THE LAPKIWBUROI EXCHANGE. Visit any of tbaao places and you will And that yon will ha given RKAL BARGAINS Aa afternoon party ia honor of Miasm Mary Gordon and Pansy Fat. am of Hamlet was given at ths raai dmw« of Mrs. H. O. Covington by Miaaoa Mario Covington, Marlon day ton and Hattie Wall Bryaat. Rook was played and Mrs. Edwin Morgan auda the highest boots and received *he prise, a ban of eorraspoadsnea cards. Onset prism were gtvaa to both Mias Gordon and Mias Botnar. i » I [ i i t _ -- ,-_■ -khd h gob** r and It would he impoeaible Maam to bay the s oMerfa* for tho I he setting thsas f The sale is tab* H. M. McIntosh, an ( manager, and then is no t wfll W a real ■ PSB! ___ia by this sale. _ CWfW WHJ. StmWMkhf. | SW> McInto^TcoIored, «u «r »^Ud Thuraday ni*Wt open a ekarca oT apkUac «ka atara of Mn. c. K. Olo». On tka nkrkt of fakraary Utk tka atara waa brokoa Into and mbbad of a lot of dry rood., . SSrstiste • portion a* tka ar _ •«*»* CMaf Hubbard Want ot«M «Mk tka < 1 1 •t ‘ ' Mn Ana. *2* *•»*Mr *■ a. Modlia, of tho aight poOeo foooe, ha» S^em.** wtrfoitaao to break Ms Tho aeetdret oeearred Under «!-»■«• of loot about U rtink. Mar Modlia and Otar Bren had bore *• tCrVifeXta ta,1 jam turning to Mr. Breva'e aureatate. and whoa they reachad tho BeH TMo phoao ota, Mr. Modtaa alighted fnxa tho «ar. which had aot core* to a mm pteto atop, and ia aoree-rr foil ae ho otepped frtaa the reaidag board. la tho foil ho i r ri In hi breht* am oad • dislocation of hia wrlrt **• «*»d to aoda that tho Hi Jar <00 are booling Now Phyairfaa. for tho practice of Mudhdna!"* Dr. Oonnoday le a young. iniuoi Mad a gredreU of Mm Uidrer Mty of North CareUna. of tho JToffor M Modi col Cotta, Philadelphia, oad tho POM Gradaoto CoUogo. of Nov Tort After gradaalh^ (na M faraaa Medical College, ho did aan rtdorehlo hoopital work, aad la ori dontly wall orpgpp.j for hte chores The Erchaago ortredo to hha o real Uwrtaborg wotooMo. in Erertagton'a Dng Bhn A C— h —r tut I— «M« r||ii i ul m ■dvtrlla—far the B—tiek Male■ Ok, whkh Ml ten he— far 1. T. It—tick A AreO ■» The Beettth Me Q-— which Mr. J. T. Beadekw—the—tt— •bfe'BMlil uTfewtM.Mr’ Jim B—tiek ere rmtlaaiaa in the stock baa—. »t the ae-e where the Boetfck Mate Ck, operated, b— nader the Aim a— of 1. T. Boe tiek A Brether. The matters of the Beetick Mole Company are being closed op bp Mr. J. L. Sutherland. Bostick Broths— hare ho— la tha o—Mrof p—n^ —d7?plMMr BMick Mala On. is ratttag from S1JZS*,1 nu>"r* *bs sniTBcSsI ad appears in tb Mr. aad Man Boland Coviagt on en tertained in haa— mt thatr gn-ta. M*——Pkaey Fcdaer aad Mary Oer M ad Hamlet PWty two w— ployed. After the game it was d that Mi— Julia Stewart —d Or. l—hcr Oibo— tied with tha tifghaat seen. The cat gees Mi— Stewart the priaa. a eat gtasa took The gneals pris— were o]m eat gte— tun AIM with daffodil, and Vied with yeAow —da fenowed by aht'd—iW Lwr MtUMdi Ham*. R will b« a matter at good new* to tha Scotland county friends at Ur McLaaohtln. U, know that ha ha. •wGWontly rtoorared from tha tajar laa ha r«oat*«d torn weeks ago at H*nU, Ala., to roaac u Ida horn at Vagram for a rUR. . Mg. MalaaehHw wan a*Handy •tabbed by a negro man a* Placate ••ratal waste ago. R araa at Star thought that hie lajuttoe would peore **U1, and We Mam* frtoadi fan tbto ■action will be glad to knew that ha adttod to MmtN* teftorfd* Mmr A nf the N thafttol a totdge arhan tha artoasr Vdddngtcn yaaaed ant d tttlnto - mtohtateMi.k.t n» odmlrajwlttodtor^tb.dTaym ■Thawte an the an*. s

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