DR. THEODORE L. NORTHROP FALLS UPON SLEEP. Pr—tniot Phyriciam and Buaiaaaa Mu W Bt Paula DM la CharMta BaaplUl Early Manila? Mara lac—Waa Barm and Kaarad la Laarta fcur»—Paaaral Tmaaday. Although not unexpected, the an nouncement of the paaalng of Dr. Theodore U Northrop, which occur red is e Charlotte hospital Monday morning at 4 o’clock, brought with It a great weight of sorrow to all Lanrinbvrg and community. For several year* he ted eoffered from Bright’s disease, and more then a year ago was compelled to give op hie work aa a practicing physician. He sought relief in numerous hos pitals and received treatment from the most skilled specialists, but with out any Insting benefits. Two weeks ago kit cohdition grow m serious that bo wai carried from hie home at 8t. Paula to the Charlotte Sanatorium. Ha continued to grow weaker and weaker each day, and it waa evident to all for tome days past that the end waa bat a little way off. Dr. Northrop waa 41 yean eld, waa bom end reared in Leuiinburg. He received bit preparatory education ai der the late Prof. W. G. Quakenbuah. After finishing hie literary education at the University of North Carolina, he studied medicine at the University at Maryland and when be finished this preparation for hie life's work, grad uating in 1897, bn secured hie license to practice and located at St. Pauls in Robeson county. Prom the first be was recognised si a physician of unmans] ability and enjoyed a wide and select practice. He waa not only a good physician, but was a progressive and successful busi ness men end bad accumulated an at tractive little fortune. He lived not tor himself alone, but because of his flue character, culture and ability, his good deeds sad kindly disposition he had won aa amiable place in the hearts of the people ha chose to live among. He held many positions of ing president of the Bank of St. Pauls, a director in the St. Pauls Cotton Mills. He was a Meson of high rank, e loyal member end deacon of the St. Pauls Presbyterian church, and was a large land owner end extensive planter. The body was curled to St. Pauls Monday night. The funeral was held from the Presbyterian church Tues day morning end the burial was made with Masonic honors. Dr. Northrop la survived by Us wife (Miss Bettis McGeachy before mar riage) and six children. He is also survleod by bis mother, Mrs. Laura Northrop Hitch, of this city. STRUCK WITH BRICK. George Rich, Colored, ia Dangereaa CeadMoa—Win Smith ia Jail Lata Saturday afternoon George Rkh, colored, who ie employed aa a •table boy by J. T, Beetfck * Bro., waa (truck in the bead with a brick which was buried at him by Will Smith, also colored, and an employe ef Stubbs' Stubbs. Rich is at his heaaa ia a precariooi condition and SmRhbia jatL The trouble grow out of the toot that Rich slapped a brother cd Smith’s, aad be. Smith, had gone to Bostick StaMee to me Rich about the matter. They had soma words, aad Rich emurieg a whip ran Smith away from the stab lea. Aa they raa away, Rich strode Mm mviral timm with the whip. Smarting uadrr the lash ing ho waa gutting ha stopped aad gathering a nearby brick buried It at hie pursuer. Rick attempted to dodge, Vut only managed to yet the sida of hb baud tamed right for a danger ous blow. The brick (truck him Joat above the eel- and knocked him ancon sciuue. A physician was called aad teeter stives administered. The in jured man was carried to hb hams, and baaauaa of the uncertainty at hb condition. Smith waa refused the td vmntage ad bond aad la kc Jafl await ing the uate oca i of the injuries, which may prove fatal. i BIG COMMUNITY FESTIVAL. A Wondsrfnl Get Together Meeting la to ba HeM at tte Grated itheal Friday, tte 13rd. Are you looking for a good time, and would you Uka to wand an even ing with everybody else io town In a “Got Together Meeting"? Are yon anxious to spend a while with tte children, and show your in terest in them and in tha work that they are tntereeUd In? . Wouldn't you Uka te have au oppor tunity to taka some active part In perhaps tte greatest work that you I have occasion to engage in? Will you not invest a little more in that which ia more importaat and which Is dearer te yon than anything also in tte world—your child? Then get interested in the “Big Party" that la to te held at tte Grad ed School Building on Friday night, March the twenty-fourth. This ia for everybody from tte youngest to the oldest, and everybody can take part ia it It Is under tte direction of tte ladies of tte town, and origins ted in the minds of several visitors at tte morning exercises of the school last Friday. Of course some one had to make a start, so a committee waa ap pointed and through Ha efforts other committees arc at work on special feat urea of tha program Though you may not be on a committee, and have not beard of tha movement be fore this, do not feel slighted, but gladly contribute your Interest end adviea. What ia the plan? Well as far, it ia lomothlng like thia: Pint of all, gat la the spirit, and be reedy to have * good time •mingling with every one that it there. Bo not expect to have to pay aa adaelaslon fas, for It Is your party and thoaa who famish the en tertainment are not usually required to pay each a fee. Another require ment ie that you come hungry, for you will regret it if you de not, when you eee the tempting thing, that we will have to eat By word of advice, we might say that all the boya and men had better make an engagement with tome lady to aat lunch with them. Who Mid “Leap Tear"! Led in, "enough said." Tim music club will edd to the pleasure of the evening, and then, aa “Old-Time Spelling Baa". InH thU enough to show you that them ia a “Good Time ComJng". Who'* coming T everybody, whether they hare children or not Come early, and stay aa late aa yen ftltain torn** Grove Items. Bnood** Otovejdan* II, 1918. “A Poor Married Mon," a three act farce-comedy, will be praoouted by tbo High School and young people of this csoamnnHy, Friday night, Mew* 17th. A grant doe] of herd work ho* boon done la getting np thh ploy, and H ohoeld aaafty ha tho boot play ever given at tho Snead's Grave School Hoaoa Tho p minds turn tfaio oloy bo oaod in paying off a debt on ■efaool property, and it !* hoped that o good etowd will ooo tho p redaction ct thh ieoghoblo comedy. In oa intonating game of baseball Friday afternoon tho Sneed's Grove toaw defeated tho Laurel Hill School by tho score 74. Tho gents eras played on the local dhuaond end srae wit nessed by a good cswwd. Mro. Cottnnbue Snead, who boo bona eeriooely e*ek for two mem the, died Friday afternoon at her borne throe "dies north of hero. Her hatband, | Mr. Cel am bus Snood, has boon quite SI for sometime, bat in bettor at this writing. r Born to Mr. and Mrs. 8. A. Snood, Fob. 11, o eon, 8. A. Jr. Bara to Mr. and Mrs Ed Livingston on r»b. 89, n ton. Preparations for County Com moosswsnt are on la as meet. Tho •jjMoIjMiopio in particular and tho id !• to LwWtesrg AptiTtk”^ P«M Tntm. tnta mm frooa I Jt»t »ft*r it toft mrfhi wto ' i I THINGS PERTAINING TO LIFE • Br Harry M. Nartk. BOMB ELEMENTS OF MANHOOD—TRUTHFULNESS AND OBEDI ENCE. Thor* are only a ft* elements in tha natural world, and all tho many other tillage that wo oaa art mado ap of combinations of two or mort of thooa original oleomata. Thoy do not grow old, bat manifoot thorn talrot today in flower and fruit, in air and wator thth aa much beauty and vigor at thoy did la tho begin ning. And boildoa this, all tho uoo fal and beautiful things of the fit taro matt bo formed oat of that, aamc element*. Now tom. of them aro very modeet and homely, bat they appear gloriooa when they aro mado into a root or tho light or tho human body. Likewise there ere certain sle ■M«ta that go to the amkiog of a man. Tbeee are not aeer but are at old ii human life, yet they are aa val ; "We in thie time ai they were when they appeared in the characters at the first men who walked the earth. The world wonder* when they come oat In their perfection In rahie in this time as they were now being rwreelad for the first time, and I am euro that no age will come when they can be left out In the building of manhood. 1 notice truthfulness s» one of tbooe essential characteristics. Can any life be mado strong that has not truth at the bottom of It? 1 have had to deal with many cleeaea of peo ple, and it seesot to me that the least hopeful of them all is the men who will lie. The false »m< is diseased to the very core of his being. Nearly any wrong even to the point of crime is possible to him who will tail you a deliberate untruth. On the other hand be that speaks the truth in hie heart has in him a certain tittitwItisss upon which yoe may build the iofti eat structure and know that k wfl] stand. Such a man always keeps fnkh with himself end with you, but the man who lies wifi not keep faith with anybody. What ia In him will eo«u show itself in leak and wok} and manner. You strike him and be rings hollow. I» 1* Mid that tha belt wherewith Cod glide him self is truth, and the throne of "God la founded upon truth. 80 that which guards that Holy Ufa and tha thing which upholds His everlasting kingdom, is this mi eternal element. There far nothings more dear to Cod than the truth, and 1 suppose that wa are moat like Hhn when we live and ipeak it. Again the spirit of obedience must be u large factor in the formation of ■haraeter. No lift can be symmetri cal that has not ‘israsil to yield «iy tfanee to all right authority. Some ■sen hare the idea that they wUl loae the raepect of others and la ■oma way forfait their own self-rs •puct if they obey anything. It to trur that if they obey low things Uwdr Ufa will hamms corresponding ly base. Bat a man finds his true salf nowhere so surely as he doM to a loyal obedience to some great law er truth .or peemm. Only to this way can he be ennobled and —free. Can you give me to a sentence, why the old generation of negroes are hotter than tha newt Tha answer lies to this one thiag that they warn toagfat to obey. It wan a hard school to Which they learned, but to a very raal sense aU of as mutt haar tha yoka in sur youth er suffer for it Parents with mistaken ideas at kindness often fail to rsqaire their children to obey. At n result the cUM will be hampered all He life. Re will not make an acceptable em ployee beeaaae he haa never learned to obey, and Ms mnpleyer will not lent boar with him. Re will net ba successful as a man at btuints* with men order him. for no man la able to control others until be himself haa learned to obey. Soon he finds fit he does not fit life at any point So after awhile he must be krohan open the great harsh unsympathetic world beeaaae he finda nothing within him that yields to ouUdde authority. DO sot think that 70s eaa enter “7 large told at ondosoor or of happiness unless 70a on willing to oboy too tow* that govern in that raatoa. Maa am eeaetaatly trying to ooado this- Ons will took to bo rfak without obeying tho tow of bnr> mty. Asothor wd try to boooaM tosmod and pot refuse to hoop tho tow at patent drill sad hard study. Another thinks tost ha ess make asd hold friends without okaying the tow ad kiadnaaa. Mad Pant urged the rMldreu to obey their pamats, aad toe ouly ns ma ho gam was that h waa tight. He kaow they woaM laata the **why~ Of Um matter later on. Pant said that ha waa himself the equal at sth •r men at kia time It waa not for «* ta pay allegiance to them. Bat when Iww stood before hia ia all the gtaadeur of hia matchless Ufa, ha ■•id, -I hew nay kmee to HlauT it k • *r*ot thing to bo able to recognise the supreme authority when it ap panra. It ia atiH nobler far the soul te yield tha utmost obedience to tha ttinge that claim Ha loyalty. Tha by respect to the eternal laws with* «»d by obeying the highest lawn of your oem inner Ufa, we come after a while to that anriabte estate at naif ■natery. or seif-control. COLORED CIVIC LfAGCK. Nagru Organisation to Hold Week at BpecUl Excretes s. TTm Negro Civic League, as organi Mtioa mwipoaad of the colored peopta of th* town and community, will have a wnak of interesting exercises begin aing next Monday night They have arranged a program, which we pabliah below, that will be of unusual Interest to both the white and colored citlieaa of the community. They have enlisted the co-operation of a number of the leading whita pao ple of Laurinburg in their affects te •rouse e more sincere interest in the Physical spiritual and morel welfare M the rues, and it Is sure to result to great good to them. Special arrangements have been amde to provide for the comfort of tho white people who will attend upon the exercises. There will bo special mueic each night. The program follows: . _ UmdMy Night 1- President’s Annual Address. *- Address, Mr. R. G Staae. *•' A it dr am. Dr. K. A. Erwin. . 4- Samson. Eev. R. P. Bumpet I. FAddress, Dr. J. U. Gibson. * ' Address, Dr. Pstsr ». Sermon, Rev. J. B. Thomp^ W»dasadey Night. 1. Address, Judge EL H. Gibson. ** H H«re« Brown, *- Address by a Representative of Nosth Carolina Sanatorium, Sana torium, N. C. Tkanday Sight. t **/—. Rob7 Haaui, colored. Jl^ddre^ Her. J. A. LoatfUia. *. Addreoo, Dr. N. K. Jackaoa. COWPKL ' A Addreoe, Attorney G. H. Rtuoell Friday NltM. *• Addreoa, Attorney M. L. Jotsa. A Addreoa, Boo. Haary D. TU1 aaa, colored. A Boraaon. Boy. Jama Loo* Saaday Night, Mart* MU, Trtrial 1. Addreoa, B. L. Wall, colored. A Addreoo, Mr. A. D Curia. A Addreoo. Boy. M. G. CrtuepUr, noforad. A Bonaao, Boy, C 8. Cruaalar. colors. * Tha ondaraigned committee waa ap~ Pritoad by the Scotland Chaptar «d the U. D C., to make arrangaamota if P*—Ihla, to kara a fall nhsan-dara ed Manorial Day, which is May tha ltth, thramhoat tha obanty. It i* tha per riiaptar to hart tha graces of afl tha Confederate catenas in tha eoaaty dmmtid that day. It is earnestly arced that tlmaa tknaghoat tha eeanty whs an la tecaatad in this andottakteg wBI meat with the undersigned <w.stM it the eaart boose in Imuriabotg SaUnlay afteraoea at 4 o'oloek. If yoa are Inter sated and can not attend this meeting, please write Mrs. K totehaaon, Laurinbcrg. n orbs fora that date lndieatiag that you will aaaist to carrying out these plans to year neighborhood. Mrs. J. T. John Mrs. Doagald Stewart. - - 1 law. X. O. Kendrick, for years pad tor of tha Feraat Ac BaptJat S' his . __I 4d Fair View Baptist chore*. Parte •math. Va. The call wsa extended to JAMES P. McRAE ANSWERS THE CALL OP DEATH. iVaataM Lailrtl>*T» OtUaa DM at Ba AahavUa B—m YaatarAa? KBV. SAM W. SMALL, D. D. Seaageltot, Orator. National AH-Sa Uoa Loagoo Motor Who WIS *Mwi a Croat Wtllraal Prohibit loo Bally to Om City Stmday Night. Bov. Soar W. Small, tha fr«<nr Southern BrangeUrt, Editor aad Lae-' taro, to oaltod “A Prtoea at tha Flat- ’ form." Ha to a maa at exceptional attain-' manta. He waa bora in Knoxville. Tran amee. in tha city faaadad by Ma family forbear*; graduatad with Ugh honor* from Kmory aad Henry OoL1 lege to Vtogtoto. and after adauaeien to the bar to Taaaeaaae became pri- I > »u secretary to — Pr.airt.nt An-1 drew Johnson and followed that! atatcsnun’a political fortunes to the United States -rusts Ha holds the literary degrees ef A. B ead A. M. fraas ton Alma Meter; Dl D. fnm Taylor University, and D. D. frees the! Ohio Northern University Ha ia s trained Journalist, many yearn sdU. tor of loading Southern newspapers, principally the noted “Atlanta Con stitution." lie is the aether of ear-' oral hooka. By appointment of Pres-' IdatH Hayes he served as secretary of the American Commission ia Paris1 in 1*7*. end ae a delegate from this country to the International Literary Congreaa of that year. Ha has serv ed in many notable national conven tions of political, commercial and re formatory character. While ia the UnHad States Army in Cuba hi UN ha was Military ITiqiai riser of PnhUe Instruction, engaging in the reorgan isation of the public schools of the Island, A Soldier of the Oeaatry and dm In IMS Mr. Small, than a promi nent editor and pahBe offlelal, was eeuvstfed through the (tea till eg af lev. Sam Jones, the grset Geergle •rengaHat. and Joined with Urn in holding evangolietic service. hi all the grmtm cities ad the United to-* and Canada. Those warn (ha moat Umnm and missaafal religious maet *M» aver bald In this or any other Dr. Small has- lad oam P^sna rmtiUng to the rioatog of mom than ISAM drink timuo, aad la recogaimd to aS quartern ofth.ua tlaa as cue cf the foremost ap .atlas of Prohibition. Uml mo I Craw. Mra. D. A. Watkins expects to move lata har mum store tfah weak. She ha* efaapcad tha Mm of tka stare, sad H will be known aa tka Cash Bar gain More. Mra. Lather Stabba spent tka week-end with Mr. and Mra. naim Mr. Daaeaa MePbsnion, ut Sdotfa Carolina; la rUttlag fah mother this wssk. His wether baa bean vary HI bat is asms better st thU writing. Mr. J. L. Hargrave sad family via Itad Mr. Hargrave’s brother at Bobor daO tm I j in using . la tha absence a# Bar. L M. Clegg. Pmf. O. a WOUaeeeon will preset at Sd* MU Bin i lij moralag at U s’otaok Tha yenag paopta of Ida MOWhank doty two weeks age infilling sixteen mumkuuu. Tha eoMoty mot again lata jhmday night and had a moat latar Tha people gave tha MsthsdlM ah. InwlinJrmS^JSS^" ** Mr. iw« F. McJUa 4lad paotardap Monk 1*0, at his Ashantis bsoM a* ter o'clock la tha agnkp. -For «aa irsars Ms hsahfc haa bta fMUap, and ha haa attaraatad Ja Dviap hlma his haaM ban aad at AMDs Ha kapt ap with Ms asaal wash aatil laat ijrtp, trhaa ha raaipaad as praatdaat af tha thraa aotte ntlU hara. Far a aaahsr of roars ha had hasa a an* bar of tha tern Oaaaril, aad af tha (fcadad Moot Board of lVaataaa. bat tans or thraa paara apa, aa aasaaat af Ms boat*. ha raatpaad thaaa pwi ttaaa. For nBjranhawuiaaa bar of tha Mata Baaad af Aprindtaia. rastpatap from that vhaa Ma haalth Mafia tha travstiiHr raqatsad too aim • hifitott to |rim. «• Neftae w bom April I, l&M, «a hU fathoms fam fear mites fa tha mwtnr, » sop af the Bn Peter Me* 1m tad wife Mi*. «-It M. Me Keo. aad waa aaaaad far hia grand father, Jamaa Pattsrsoe. Ha attend* ad tha Cslsdoafa school nil pm* pemd far tha State University, wham ha stodlsd two pears. Ha thru ter sir wp famine aa hia Ufa wort, and was meat seecesafui. Urine at Stewarts* riUa, i* an elegant home, srfcich has bam bemad since Da left tha farm. Jaasaip «th. UN, ho waa married to Miaa Kata Mofeor, of Carthago, a daughter of Jadgs Jsmaa D. Matror. To this tmioii was horn one daughter, wba died in infaocy. to be followed Map 7, IBM, bp the mother. Tor srrtml years after this ha bmd on tha farm, alone, bat for tha servant*, wham ha dlsnsaasd opaa hoaofaalitv to sO hia anmarrisd frieMuTsodae casfaaanp with the aid of Me staters Zr?isr^!t*ta ** friyd* Bmaranp. M IMB.he waa haaathr marriad to Vr 1. ft. Coriagtaa aad srifa. Ma Coahigtae, af thfc rHy. To me girt whfaTdiod hi hMaacr^Hafai mrrirad bp hia wW* aad two ooaa Jamas P, Meftaa, Jr, aad Sodrrfak Mefta*. also a sister Mias Eflte Me Sm sad om brothsr, Mr. D. X. Mc Rae. Altar the boUdiag of Scotland Cat ton MB Mr. MeBaa ad than Jefamd ■ to a moveaant to build Dicfcaom Cot ton Mm, than, tutor n largo nabar of etortrhaMare. Mr. MeBaa waa •iaetad to tha Board af Dimtota. and that hie ability to P ■ »r _ y to town. baflt hie elegant hwa here to UOS. whan. ha ra.idad tone*, though a»toraaHn» •» Ada. mia for tha peat ten yearn. Mr. MeBaa waa wholehearted and arar^to to all hie ehene ta f end the !| ‘ hihtoea totot ^p~p!h STS* hT** *“ by tto whole A the; _ ^ thto (Ttmradey) — irrnliig. The*ftok be made at the etty f»erel eaeyiaae win to eeuSuetei hr J. M. Bee., D. D. -- f . ; / «0M for 0*1

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