MAKING PREPARATIONS FOR COUNTY COMMENCEMENT Tto Auwl Cathoriat ot tto Betook of Scotland Ctomty, Which U to to HeU Hero April 7th Bid* Fair to to Groataot Brant of Ita Kind— B*«j School la County Contorting for Honor*. The schools mil over the county are working at white heat, getting ready for County Commencement which is to he held here April 7th. Judging from the intensity of the efforts be ing put forth, this will be the great tot commencement In the history of the county. Schools that In previous yean have had one man in training for each event now have r- In alasoet every school every pupil Is challenging the right of every other pupU to represent hit school. It is bo easy matter to hare oaa’s self chos en as a representative this year. ■ Hundreds of hoys and girls In the county are exerting their very bast efforts to be the excellent owe in souse field. In tome of the schools local pre liminaries have already beset bald to select reprueentativee for the Town ship Preliminaries, to bo hold on next Friday night. March 24th. The pre liminaries will be held at the asm* places this year in all the Townships, except Williamson. The contests in this Township will be held this ysar at the Lave! Hill School instaud of Gibson. The number entering the contest la Williamson is so greet, that two eights will be required for reci tations and declamations, tbs girls redtiag on Friday night and the boys declaiming on the following Monday night. Friday night will be a great night ia your Township. You can not afford to miss the treat ia store for you. Bo Ptoeant sad enjoy the contest your self, as well as show tbs children that you appreciate their efforts. Wastrel Pltsses The coming of Coburn's Minstrels, which is an annual event in Laarnv burg, la usually the Ugh water stark in theatrical circles in Laurinburg, and this year proved no exception. The minstrel came Monday end gars their performance Monday night It was the usual wuy as to crowds, the home was filled to Its capacity. The advanced sals of seats required every one available aad only the “Msaeh are" ware unanld when the doors were The performance was just as prom ised, better then ever, and this is say ing a good deal. Every feature was a real feature, and every moment ed the entire performance a delight Charlie Oano, who is a Laurinburg favorite, eras good as osnal, aad to gether With Tommy Donnelly, carried the has visa! weight of the rsunaitj parts. Being funny Is may to Oano, and the political skit presenting Ted dy and Gmpa Jules BUI was a soc osem. In the singing parts, Lunas uod Prosser of coarse starred aad de lighted the largest house of tbs sea son. Mr. Cdsrn is u successful minstrel promoter and this saassn has the hast •how he has ever brought to Laa rlnburg. Tonight Billy “Slagls” Clifford, supported by a strong musical comedy oompany, will appear presenting "Walk Thin Way*. Mr* Clifford has with him quits a number of tt-t is fhl vaudeville artists including Nick Glynn, who has often delighted Lao rinburg sudienses with his ehver wit, and who la, as Charlie Cano said Monday night, “One of, the bant htaek faoe snmsrtisns on tbs stags.” Mr. and Mrs. Carrel) Ifnttrttln. j Mr. end Kn B. E. L. Corrall wars at homo to a party of friends Friday night. It balaff tho occasion for tho cola braticn of at Patrick’. Day, tho homo was decorated la appropriate aotora, white aad green. Whoa the geasta had ataoniblcd the ploaNra of the rreainff bogaa with the recital of Irith jokes, Mr. T. I. OiU landing tho joko-toffiag. Fol lowing tblo Progressive look was hi order. At the eenelosian ef the game. Miss Drawings, of the city sohoal facutly, was daeterad flit meat pro <Wisst maaipatetor af hi oaada and raeatead the prise. Tbs gnash prise want te Mtea Betty dark. Than aama dailghtfni refreshments, ooaslatteg ef FIGHTING L1QU0B. Kev,. 8am Smell Heard by Large Crowd Sunday Night at Preeby tariaa Church. Bar. 8am Small, tha noted Georgia evangelist and lecturer, delivered e “oat telling and eloquent denuncia tion of tha liqoor traAc in oar count ry la tha Presbyterian church Sunday night. The church was crowded to its utmost capacity and many people who want to the church could not get •eats. Dr. Small had something to cay and said it with vim, vigor and eloquence. He named over tha usual objections that are offered against National pro hibition of the liquor traffic and ans wered each of them effectively. He laid special sfxeee upon the point that the liqoor business was not a private enterprise, ay many are prone to think, bat was owaed, operated, h cenead and controlled 6y the United States government, and proved to the satisfaction at hia hearers that they were all partners in the damnable en terprise. He said that there waa no question as to the effect of the light that is hel"g waged by the Anti-Saloon League of America, end told hia hear. m that they had the liquor folks hacked up against the walls of Coo greaa fanning themselves sod calling for leo water. According to his iUUumaU, liquor hnc besn thrown aside by 80 per cant of the territory la tbs United Status and that 60 par cant of our people lira in prohibition territory. He frankly predicted that National pro hibition. which be mid waa the only effective means of ssenring real pro hibition of Itht liquor traffic, would surely come and that, before long. Dr. Small la an interesting talker sad pleased his Laurinburg hearers. From reports that had bean re ceived here previous to his coming, tbs impression that his lecture waa rather rough and not just the thing for pulpit deliverance was in the minds of a good many, but Dr. ««»li disappointed any who may have gone expecting to hoar such. A marriage of surprise and inter est was solemnised at the home of Mrs. J. B. Cowan, on Bailiead street, Wednesday night, the 15th, when her daughter, Miss Cellie, became the bride of Mr. John W. Keane. The ceremony, which waa perform ed by the bride's paster, Rev. J. M. Boee. D. D, was witnessed by a small company of Hass friends of the con tracting parties. Immediately after the eeremony the happy couple left by automobile for Hamlet, where they boarded a train far Washington, D. C-, the bridal couple’s Psradios. Mm. Keanu to a bright, attractive young tody and has a boat of admir ing friends in Laartobarg. Mr. Keanu to a euoceaaful young business man of Wagram. Tha tittup joins tn wishing them a full measure of happiness Mn. Everett Entertain*. , On Wednesday afternoon lira. T. C. Everett entertained at a rook party in Honor of her naat, Mlaa Betty Clark of Bpanear. At the and of the Mlee Marion Clayton had tba hiaheat aoore and was praaaated wMh the prlM, a lovely pair ef ailk hose. Mlaa Clark alao raoeivad a pair of hoae. A ealad eourae waa aerved, fol lowed by coffee tad cokes. Friday Night. Tkia la to remind yon ef the Mg get together meeting nt the graded echeot Friday night. Thp whole com mon! ty will be en hand. Be sere that yon era present. . Band Cat. Mr. M. f. BMeae, foreman in t|» aaaffmabnl dapartmaot far (ha Ex. THINGS PERTAINING TO LIFE BrBiri7lLKorth. RIVXXKNC*. AN ILEMBNTOr MANHOOD. I spoke last week of truthfulness and obadlance as being essential bt the making of character. Another ana of thaoa important element* is reveraoc*. There are thooe who bald H a mark of grnarnaee to bo irrever ent. But no man can ever be groat ia the true sense who has not a deep raspeet for that which Is pure end good. Be must honor the Godlike wherever it le found. It map be ia the person of some old man. ia wo man, ia a child, la a sacred house, ia worship In presence of the dead, at the mention of the Help One. or at eight of e noble deed performed. We are living in a time when no great stress is laid on this matter of reverence. How few things are con sidered sacred bp the me sees of the people- One dap Is held bp them as another; the persons and reputation* W men are held up to ridicule; those in authority are criticised and even jeered; thousands place bat a low es timate upon the scriptures, while many take the name ad God as a Jest or oath. The motto of this practical age is “Uncover everythin* and let it be dissected, analysed, talked, about.” Can you tall me a single thing at which the writir* and read ing public will balk today? A solid argument is sat aside by a joke, a good man ie overcome by a cartoon. It was written! of Belshasser that ha was weighed in the belancee and fonnd wanting. Did you ever think to ask in what he was wanting? He was doubtless lacking in many things but especially in reverence. There was nothing sacred to this Idag. Ha cared nought for God. nought for his people- The temple was as any house to him, and be drank to drunk enness out of iu holy vassals. 1 do not vendor that his kingdom was short and bU life brief. Haro you not noticed that the really great moo of tho earth have ail base reverent? Taka the great books at the world; they did not come from tho hands at profane man Tha grant pneta, sv«n in bee then landa were man of rever anea. Tha. tame is tree, I think, of tho renowned musicians, •talesmen, •dentists and warriors. Ihi myste ries of the world ate shy and do not revsal themselves to tha irreverent Yan have wondered at times to ■as soma rough, ignorant man, u> ueod to the ways at polite society, bear himself In company with a ktag *7 grace, and In his own wsy show politeness and respect to those aboet kiss. Yon wonder whore ho coaid have learned all these things, sad 7«> call ft a native courtesy. X shoold rather say that deep down in this man’s eool is a reverence fer everything white and clean and this Imparts to him tha power to discern tha fttnees of things fat aU relations of lift, and to condact himself as suits ovary occasion. Hava yen noticed how the modem naval and tha popalar play hold tha ssost sacred things of Ufa In cob tmnpt? The betrothal of lovers, tha marriage bond, home life, a white haired saintly minister.;these am ca plotted net for the pity of tha thing, but foe a Jake. Tho church, the Sun day school, tho religion of awn earns la for their share tf ridicule. And the ssost deplorable part about H is that the people leva to have It no. Do ywa not thtnk that there is —rrn thing insane in Jesting about sacred things? lo the parable at the wteked via*, raid keeper* the owner had ant eer raat after aervaat to gat the rat from the vlaeyard. Tbeaa servants had been bee tan aad sara af tbm killed Aad lata of alt' ha ant hie •on. Ha said, "May be they will rev erence my Son.” Bat theoe mn had gram eo sordid aad ignoMe fat their lira that nothing was holy ta then the Soa in their eight was aa any ethsr mao and they east Him oat aad killed Him. Whoa 1 was a boy f went boating with aw father. We took refuge from a tain is a dilapidated country ehmak. I noticed on entering that be removed Ms hat with the grata* reaped. He told me afterward that ba always did this whether weekday or Saaday, whether the hmma ba seed or had, baamaaa it was the heoaa at Ood. He said also that if be sbeMd be far sermy on a desert wh|n San day earns, ba wseM got an the bast rtatbaa ba had in boner at the day, although aa ana ehenld ba than ta an Mm. Weed 1 taS yoa that this Than la h«ty grand atamSmk Than an mam things MSan wMah wa moat stand with ansa* arid head. Maaaa hod to pot a* Ms abosa ha OMM the place where be stood was holy. To deny our obligation to se eted things will make aa neither great nor good. It win only show the corruption and baseness of oar alnda. Kovatenca la the very begin ning sf wisdom, and shows the flaw naaaef the texture of the aoeL Truth and obedience and reverence, thee# three. Who will any which is great est T Mrs. Covington Entertains. Mrs. T. T. Covington waa hostess to the Thursday Afternoon Book Club Met weak. The home was tastily d sc ore tod in white sod green In deference to the season of His Honor 8t Pat rick. The first number on the program waa "Kaspoaees by dub Members" Irish Wit. Poll owing this-as interesting paper so tit led "Origin of St. Patrick*! Day," which was read by Mm. James L. McNair. Next came “Cerent Topics** by If re. W H. NaaL Mias Pan Louise Neal then delighted the dob with several Irish levs songs. 11m first item of amuaamant far the afternoon waa the Leap Tear Pro posals which each member and gleet haetfly prepared. These wore toad and na to rally caused much merriment. The prise for the best proposal, a groan and gold basket filled with mints, want to Mias Julia Stewart, and the consolation, a box la the shape of 8l Patrick's hat, which was filled srith mints, to Mrs. L. X. Benton. f Thm followed a contest, an Irish ; Story, in which the guests were ' ••qulred to arrange jumbled letters Into the ns won of popular Irish songs.' In this, a number cut for the pries, a pair of groan silk hose, which went to Mia. W. D. B. McEeehln, the cow ••latiew. a book-shaped box iwpro ■anting a copy of the history of Ire land, was presented to Mrs. T. J. GiU. The host son. assisted by Mieses Betty Clark and Emma Neal Coving «XW and aalfo followed bffEotiae, toasted marshmallows and That Jab PrUting. The prices on paper, inks, rollers everything that goes into the' w«*h of job printing have advanced 1 weMstahfr within, the put few, wertw and the Manufacturers give no | promj— of up reduction soon. It will therefore, be advisable to have that printing dene now. The lost' dboUtton on paper, received within the pant few days, announced an in crease of 33 1-1 per cent In prices on ■* paper stocks. chorg. Pr“Ur* either Wve to We are holding prices dewn^as^bort we can and win always hum lowest prices possible, but can not guarantee the prices we are now quoting to ap ply indefinitely. Tea can get your printing cheaper i °°w! thaa Uter. Better leek over yonr stock and gat pour supply btfere prices take another shot upward. TO Leave Lea rial erg. * The Taohsage regrets to record the fart-Owt Mrs. D. 0. CaidwsO, mother eMjjf^Jjhu L. Caldwell, is to lasv* un. Gridwall nm lun from Dm W«a^ S. O, to take dp bar reetdenoe to tondbuf, Md «1thnn|k aka tom **■4 km tat • abort while, aka taa ariftatad quite a nun bar of admiriag Makda oka greatly regret that aha haajdaaidad to return to her home at Boa Weet I —— ! »ao Trial. I M— Ldoi Quick, oka waa triad to Bea ne tteriOe laat weak for tha murder of Dtonaa Wright, waa eonvicted W Tl a (mlfhf judge lufttaad to ad* aait certain evidence Yea tha defaama daring the trial, aad after tha aaaa had beea paaaad ak hy the Jury a*d • *t*fiet ef. maaatoughter autoaoad, ha * dad that ha had cemodtted as aa* aafuatog to admit tha arid aaaa. ■Moat tha waadlat eeide. » da Make that tha caee wW ha tha defendant wm to* tjj® 4 to gbe bond to tha earn ad A htaf W. H. On, ct tha leaal Ur, healed tha earn for tha ptoaa GROWING CANTALOUPES IN SCOTLAND COUNIT (The following Interesting eksteh about tbo cantaloupe industry ef Soot land County, wee prepered by Mr. Arnold A. McKay, aad appeared la tbe Sunday edition ef tbe Neva aad Observer. Mr. McKay is a aoa rf Mr. aad Mia. A. McKay, ef Maxtou, R P. D. No. 2. He wee bom la Leurlaburg aad remain >d Mrs anti) quite a youngster, moving to the country near Maxtou with tbo family abate U fears ago. He giaduuted with bow er* from tbo tJaiverdty of North Car oline, later was Pmfassoc oi Bsg lieb there, sad daring tbe past year accepted tbe professorship ef Ger man and Greek History at Btaaetea Military Aeadeeeyv Staanua, Va., which by the tray, la one ef the aid and meet ariatoeretic schools la the South, end hne the honor at having tutored President Woodrow Wilson. War foal sere that our readers will appreciate and enjoy this Interesting! though lengthy erUde sheet one ef our pet Industries. Editor.) “A writer la the earreat leans ef a popular magazine asserts that a Scotchmen Uvea “to speak the truth, te pay his debts, gnd to vote the Democratic ticket.” This to rather faleome praise, because any one ef these virtues to redemptive. But he might not have stopped with that; be cotua easily nave added another qaah ity; «n interest in snythiag agncul toral. Probably the last ia really the rnofl distinguishing characteristic, after all, for who has evsr seen a! Scotchman orbs was sot, directly or, sympathetically, interested ia fann ing? It is true that many of them who ara reared in tbs friendly, ennob ling art aaafc fortune ia the storied hives of baafamai sad ait liurng the money changers; but H is harfto find •ren one of thaaa prodigals who dam out range*»e a good crap at com when ho sees it or la not visibly ecu eartiad about bow the garden grows. The preacher in the pulpit by droning may hypnotise himself and hearers in to a state of coma, yet whan he catcb ee through the window a glimpse of waving grain ha is forthwith trans formed into a firry Martin Luther. Tbe Scotch lawyer calloused to rrcit ela of crime, aomoambullsticaUy a won the bullot-headed negro witness; but if the season is spring and tbs sweet, •fcriby scent ad fresh soil comas flirt ing through the courthouse, be imme diatoly becomes coned sue, than hops, like love, returns with the spring. Probably this is a trifle over-drawn. Atavism U in all of us. Nrvsrths leas tbs Scotch ara realty farmers; they ara distinctly rural if nut rustic. Tbit seams to bs a digression from tbs osntznl theme cf this artieto. It is, but it Is going to be a kwmary digresden. Hess is nua morn aud then we are randy to tot tbs stotfy be Ws have hoard • groat dual about tbs ooe-erop system at the Sou*. Wo bars raved about the tyranny of old Xing Cotton. Wo has* discus sod oot teu as tbs only mosey crop at church, an the streets, behind the plow, ia our wiftocri parlor with Us eligible •usd tbs fact that wo must stop rsls *u tints merchant, stop doing srsry tbing but talking, telkisg, talking! Wf wo mocn mioinuM, WO tavi at )*rt com around to tha mum eeaduetaa on thb (object that Mark Twain reached regarding diecwaeloat of the weather—whnt’i the am of talking about the weather, netMagh been doM about h yet! Thia la tha and odour baling oa tha Job. New for the itory. Something really baa been dona to break the tyranny of cotton in one section, and that aaotion la inwpoaif largely a< Scotchmen who hare not lost their aaM Cor farming. Won the two yarn* grapha above oo irrelevant after eUT Lot na see. bapea grew Int If yen do net be Ueive thia, taka a ernta ef the Unit whkh ia Seofbnd'b yrndart and eaae* pare It with any other crate antnnA fermity, type, aad flavor. If there ia no difference but than b a differ eaae aad Is finer «f Seetbad’s m •• At aey rata, tha crop haa bdpad tranondouaty la tha Meant «. Modal AD tf which i« cratlTyim to thoe* who with to mm don well and ftcThnt the aw crtp ThMo factor* ar* aaniMa far j tegi anaa. Tha tail < without tha i aad Norfolk tha It would bo ThTidWf £ ILnty haa hoan coat paMd wtth that of tho ftuaaua Rocky Food ration in Colorado, (which i*r ian at cv ary ana haa aa io tha nattro lar la tastora aad anmaMatL Tha f*«N doaa not thrtrw woO on haary. ■ail rtaTfaTh^ aad far the ad that thno la hard Cuitnra haa it, too. lha Mod la dlract from Rocky Ford aa than la do. UrioMtloa In qaality whan tha aataa radcty it ylooted yaar aftor yaar in thia lection. Hum raiiatioa Dad readiest mis on the m ~ -ftocfcy Port, Netted reB'e Gem. The . for tbooa varieties is sport sad they axe each order aa to giro _ Becky Port to ready far tha market about tea days before tha Netted Gea^ and when the best frrit of the feaeaer has beau piekad, the latter is i<« begtonia* |a ripen. The last aauMd variety, BamBh Gaea. is aa improved strain of Me Netted Gees. *mdto ejate maturing variety. It has the other twTw*Htoe,*te1teropJ£ lor flavor and —i*liat autodif qoaBttoo have made It a favorite with shippers of faaey ateek. The had to usually lirutro deep, beoadeaatefl with etahto manure, harrowed, aad prepared for a ftna, arakhed seed bed. Heavy fertfllsatiea with a fer tiliser strong in aMrocea sad potash to* givau beet matte. Plea* flop to 1AM pounds of seek a fertilisar U •ead at pinntiag white tha growiag crap 1a often given a top frgiMnu ad nitrate of soda. Distance of pleat ing varies as seech aa —(bill af eri Uvntioa. dost rows, howei •va fast apart The aaad is oa a carefully prepared bad, t drills like cotton. The lator thinned to g < : eightooa inches. & 4 tong for the crondtog and for turn_ <r three ploughing. can ha crop. At the laot plo««h__pm •re sowed between the rowau Bot Mo making of the crop is net evsa half the batdo. The harvesting. McWng, aad marketiag and ad Me Inkiness ie the piece where experience a fcuhtkrirtn T^riuSI Me'riUMmt pewrocattoa; banco tha gmtect ears fruit that wir^^-^rS fttaM condition, Om wiMi»i tr fTMn ftaUkwpt ti i mH mv rain i 1

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