CANTALOUPE LABEL CONTRACT BROKEN—WILL HAVE NONE LaM Maauf act aria* Ceapaay Wiggle* Oat of CeatTMt With Ui, aaS W* WU1 TWm Net Be AM* t* Supply Them TWe Tear—War Cendl tt*a* GW.a aa Beaaea. Wi ngnt Try muoh to mniwmmn to tto growvn erf tkii no* Uon that we will not ba abla to sup ply cantaloupe la bale as wa have heretofore, and as ws bavs during the past fsw waskt, announced that wa expected to do. The company with whom wa were dealing unexpectedly imposed each anboeineso-Ufca sad foolish conditions la their doe lings with us censing a breach a# the contract and at the aams time earning ua to be forced to uski Urn contract waa entered iato aev oral weeks ago, and waa entirety Bel ief ectery to both parties concerned until within the pest 'em days, when they began to males n. and qabuei neas-Hha demands. Imposing unrea sonable and foolish conditions, and at tho tamo tins making us ao dsOnita promisee. We thought we had the cantaloups label question settled and would be in poeitioa to supply the local de mand, and we would have, had the company with whom we were dealing Used up to their pert of the contract. The company said to us ia u letter that bacauee of the existing condi tions and the advancing prices of ma terial, there had been a great advance in the cost of labels, which is evident ly the “nigger in the woodpile" and the reason they wanted to wiggle out of the contract. They were not ia po. eition to do so openly, but by making unreasonable demands and Imposing conditions that thoy kaew a business concern with even a !tUJa intelligence would not eubarut to, they got out. we anticipated that there weald be . advance* la the prices on label*, pod consequently contracted early in or der to avoid this and that we Might ■—= ha.ahie hwaappiy .fee local trade with • thongm we weald be able to ehow oar friend* this favor, but we banked too heavily on the honor of the com pany with whom we were dealing, end from whooo we purchased labels the peat year in a buaineae-lika manner. They wanted to wiggle, found a good place, wiggled, and that's all there is to it We regret this very mock, buf were aot in position to help it, end we are taking this, our 11 ret opportunity, to advice those who bought from us last ysar, aad ware perhaps expecting to do so again this year, that we will not be in position to furnish labels. Mm. Jssms BsWrtaiaa. Mrs. Jam. A. Jonas entertained last Thursday Meriting from 10:00 to 10:00 o’clock. Mrs. Jeoes’ guest* ware the Members at the Thuroday •Afternoon Book dub and a number of invited M saris The guests were introduced to the pleasures of the morning with a baby eoateet, in which Mm. B. D. Phillips meelled aad received as a prise, a beautiful hand-painted picture. Fol lowing this Progressive Book and Old Maids ocraptid the attention of the Cttaata. In this Mrs. A. M. Fairly Ftovod the meet proficient and m •Mved the prise, a towel. 11m oon aMdtien prise a at. Patrick’s Hat •Bed with mlata went to Mrs. D. a MoNeOL Mrt Jean, nktil by Mrs. J. L. McKrir and Min fan McNair, aarrad eodTn aad eakc. 1* tin afternoon at 4M o’clock, M*». fcaet entertained the Elisabeth Browsing Bonk Club and a number of # wnwfl gnim. As'Urn guests arrived they tears 7fr‘A"1 kf IsrrlgoraUag punch, whM was served la the hall bjr Mrs. 'J. L. McNair aad Kin laa McNair. After this nan tha regular program I 9t hooka. 1 /I . '*‘fp . Ms* leak aad OM Maids were" aa V gagad tn. la this sostest a smnber Mad In taasn, a eat gtriag tha • MrMy nthnidarsd tag la «*— gsU, to Mrs. Edwin Mar * St Patrick's •Mag ta Min WEEK OF SPECIAL EXERCISE. Negte Qrlc Ln|m Holds Uteres tiag Meeting niwgtett Weak. (Contributed.) Tbo Colored Civiq L«tw met in tte second annual convention at the Laurinburg Normal A Industrial In stitute last Monday aigbt A great crowd of people wan gathered at • o’clock, whan U L. King, tha president celled the heaae to order end the la ■titute Choir struck the musical chord for silence. After invocation, the President delivered Ms ansae! rTifnes which was followed by a strong ad dress dsllvsMd by Mr. S. 0. Stone. Mr. Stone said “that In order for tbs Colored Civic lasagne to prosper ws will have to go down la oar ‘Jeans' and posh it, it la worthy ef tha support of bpth tha white and catered peo ple. “ This address was followed by a wonderful sermon by Rev. R. F. Bnmpae Rev. Rune pas Ailed bis hear ers with enthusiasm. On Tuesday night two moat excel lent assays ware read by Mary McKay and Bennie Morton. An inspiring address by Mr. R. D. Phillips followed. l>r. J. L Gibson was slated far an ad dress but on account af business an gagvments he did not prepare* an ad dress for the occasion. The program on Wednesday night opened with an assay by Alois Hol man which was followed by an ad dress by Jadga E. H. Gibson. Tor mosw than half an hour be held kia hearers’ attention and the saying of tha people after h)a address was. "Mover eras a nun to speak as this men concerning criminal courts." Dr. H. H. Brown waa then called for and became forward aad thrilled the eon ^Ull • He-5km On Thursday night the program sraa opened with an excellent essay by Ruby 0. Haas, taaiaed nurse, foU •owed by an able address by Rev. J, A. Laugblln. An address on .Agri culture eras then delivered by L K. Hall, (colored) of the United 8tates Department of Agriculture. The ad dress was well delivered aad waa quite inspiring to the farmers. At torney ii. H. Russell made the dosing speech for tbs night In his usotl way, he stebtriftad the whale congre gation and lifted hie banrets almost to their feet HU Sayings will lira long lu the hearts of the colored etO MOB. Friday night eras the last night of tha regular session. Tbs program be gun with a strong and practical ad draaa by Attorney H. L. John on "Whet la Our Relation to Lertr aad Society.’' This address waa fallowed by aa Inspiring address by Rev. Henry D. Tillman which was full of whoia soass Instruction. After s ssng by the choir. Rev. Jamss Long was pre sented to the congregation and be prenehed a practical aad Instruct bra •ermon. This sermon marked aa apoch^ln the Christian side of the or The Laagua Beet in a apedal see ch* on Sunday night when it was ad *fessed by R. L. Wall and Rev. M. G. Crmuplsr. Thoss two litfmn were followed by a wide awake address by Mr. .A. D. Carrie. He biased the way •upssUUy far the colored girls. The crowning set of the night wee e seed stirring sermon by Rev. C. 8. Grump lar. f Lambert** Visiters. Quite a targe aamtor of the pod ettiMoa «f oar neighbor dtjr, Lum boetoa, were ken Tleeday attending “*»» the raaaiew of the Federal Ooart. A*»oag them we Bote: Umars. 8. Kelntyro, A. A. Bethmx, W. K. Bo tfcnna, Frank Googh, Bd Smith. Kd nylee, J. W. Barker, Bator Bryaat, M. W. Floyd, T. A. MeNein. Jr, H. *. Btaey end L. B. Varaer. _ . i Mm Sam MeMJBaa entertained wtth a weak-sad. honaa party at her Mntry heMe on B. F. D. Mo. 8, tkU Mm KeMUlq. hto aetor aa# 'Fhtor, atodiafi at Flora Mae doflltkl eMUffi lUd fitflaffi Wm AMBm will We tor KM^S^T'!yM nubnlaty «f u« words la this ns •ration. “Pa*" and “Graft," "Bribe." and “Bakeoff” grret the sar on rrerr hand. Men long trusted tee* played dwir coaotitaents false and brought dty or state late shame. Baa your city avar suffered by hayfaw wnteua **•« at the hsod of affairs T How different from such a schemer *• a true statesman. by ties of Idaohip to tbo poo pie ho sooks ttwir good. Ha stndlm as a —y m tbs law* and ralatians of goyen* ■mat He learns from the history of tha nations whom they auoooadad and when they failed. Awmtag tfwtr weak points ha tatau ha tease «•* Ufa- It Will rat hot tka religion, •Ithough It mag change the nature af P*HWm. Da rid, the king of In *•**• left tka government in tka Wn»Af of Solomon, hie am, and eaid to Mm: HBa thou drag therefore, and due thyself a men.” Take this aa a motto as you soak to reader the brat poo eihle aarvtaa to city aad state and natiea. rKDBXAL COURT. Tkrm af Padaral Coart Now la Saaaiaa. Tka aaaaod aaaaion of the raw Pad aral Chart began Tuesday mralag w*k Judge Henry Q. Connor, of WH *°n, preaiding. Other officers af tka wait are: Al« U Blow. Clark. P. D. Winston, District Attorney. W. T. Dortch. Marshal, Q. T. Dortch. Dapaty Ika grand jury ia compoeed af tha feDowing gentleman: L. E. McCall, foreman, Wm. T. McFadyen, W. A. W«tm, Isa Daria, NefU McKinnon, M. H. McLean, M. W. Jowem. J C. Tkemna, T. K. Parmer, W. H. Led Mttar, W. R. Bullard, Poetar WB Uaam. C. & MeMilUn, W. K. Dig**, Jokn D. McNeill, Marcus Smith, L. E. McNeill, J. G. McRae aad Wm. L Brook*. Tka fallawing case* have bean dio poaed of: (Read Brown, discharged William Daneogh, couthxoed. Luke Galbreeth, con tin rad Ham Lowing — Defendant plead *uil*y to a charge of improperly go ing the mails and was taxed with the certain tka ration aad plac'd radar a »m hand for hia appearance at the next torn af tha court. «Z iLhettdiatlDmjr, and waa sentenced to *ora few mouths io jail aad «~-rt •1*8 and tha coat*. Coat and iaapiia. ££ J£T who la sader indict maat upon a charge at Illicit dtstOl tag wua triad Tuesday, a*d at this hour Wednesday morning, (ha Jury in tha easehavu bean unabla to agree. ^ to a charge of llheK datflling la Hoke county and wua aantanoad to serve a term of aaa Tear sod — day in tha Federal prison at Atlanta, Ga_. aad to pay a flat of A* wa go to prase a ease at much interest la which Mr. A. A. Bath—, of Lam— ii being triad. Mr. Bath— is charged with interfering with the right of Lewis Herring to cast Ms rota ia the Morambsr alee Uoo 1M4 ia Betas on eouuty. ■1— the shore wae writ— tha j«7 M tha aasa at Sam TTmiglai. re portad to tha eourt that they wae fhto ta agree aad wars discharged by tha oosrt. Af— apendtag over an how tea Chief of Pat— John A. Wigga — tethw taraarigahMi ha—a tha aact I—d f*ry. Wigga shot a negro. Phi) Worth, had Instantly trilled hhn Brt <••7 aldht Tha rardict alas sake tha ■—hlpal authorities to cautfaua Wiggo as chief of pot— FINAL ARRANGEMENTS MADE FOR COUNTY COMMENCEMENT ■•wytM"* fc * »««■— tor tfe mg D*y in Whlrfi Wtu w DEBATE TOMOttOW XIOHT. Mhni Mary MB am4 Harr Ida ta Dabala fcgalaot f ■■bin Here. Tomorrow Bight throughout all «f North Caroline the students of the High School* at the State will debate the qaeeticn, should tha United State* greatly enlarge its Mary. the Leartabwrg school U repre ■ sated by two toaa*a aad will debate the gnartien ottk Tsprsieatatlvas from the high Thesis at Lutkortoa aad Sanford. Meow* Bdwin Gill ond Edgar Whitaker will go to Saaford aad take the nagathre aide of the goes tieo, aad Mleeee Mary Fields aad Mary Jeha will handle tha sO native ■Me of the question here and will be opposed by a team Croat T TWetrertea The negative team from Mateo's Cross will go to Spring Hill swd oi home tho normative will debate with Laarei HilL Spring Hill's negative team will go to Laurel Hill aad at home will debate with the Maaoc Croee team. "Waft TUa Way- Plum. A tolerable good house greeted -Walk Thia Wayy" her* Thursday night. The show eras all to the good and delighted those who took tho chance. The Weston sisters arc masks] wander* sod their every act was gflt adgw Nick Glynn always plaama end although he had the largest pan of tho comedy bentos to hoar, bo did it without falling doom a single thao Hia comedy leapt the audience laugh ing tho whole of tho evening. Him Mae Collins te -Canaa Scotch Days" captured the house. MrTCia&H la' sot's‘star Mr sly ■mom, bat has the abOky to pick a company that plraaaa. A baton of tho daw was tho ladiaa' bond, which gave an afternoon concert oa Main street. I — The Ant gates of base ball pUyad by the loaal high school team was pultod off oa the local grounds Fri day afternoon. They mgng*d a team rapcworitiiig tho Spring Hill school and trimmed then to tho tone of 10 be ». Up to the eighth inning tho aeort stood S to X. visiting pitcher the locate and piled i Anal gong v Nenriy Oaa-IMtff Off. The prod action of cotton in Scot bad county daring tho pact year M Mteptred with the piwvleua year, •mi a lose of nearly on*.third. The Mat gimmes report eh ewe that dur ing the past year SX.480 baUe wen risnad agate* XI4B4 for tho year Tha difference waa in wheat, onto, rye. Potatoes and other things that thb aa^ca has been boyteg, and it*, a mighty good raeetd after all. . f .... - i j>,v, 1 P >5^aity *f to* eitiaaM af the county wiM regiater toaMadMa la the mum of tlsa gmt Mt work af toa county. Everybody it avyatUif to *** aar and aarve Jt a* to* i, m toatl**wu r wn e*a Magia anil |M—toll far ooa day at laaat. an aaato aad aoctei bar rtaaa tom down by to* f^pecratfc Uavnocr. n warn la fatal aaf if w« bava aay Inflated tdoaa of kaa. «a *ut to forget tbaM aa fay, paat Ate I toa SCOTLAND OOCNTT COMMENCE. MKNT. Ayril Tth. ItM—lf **claek. Cbonta—Spring BUI High School. DECLAMATION CONTEST. I Subjoet—Williamson Townahip. 1 The Legacy of to* Confador. aey—Johnaon Matthew* * Subject—StrwarteviUa Town, akip. 4 Signing the w—»-- - taina Covington. _ Oni[Hitatiia"Uam HO) High NICTATION OOMTEST. * Higher Culture to Dixie—Xu