—-- * *1 -/j . it. ttf* ^#W®S,r» =aggg^- ' ”**-—e—s^^a S VOLUME XXXIV—NUMBEB 14. _LAUB1NBUBO. N. C, THUB80AY, APILR 6. 1916 ‘ ’ 1 County Commencement Friday, LAURINBURG WON AT HOME AND ABROAD LwabrrtOB'o Young Mon Debater* Lent to Laurtabarg Young La dir*. WMI* Laartnbnrg Lad* Taka II on on at Sanford—Throe Hr boat* In County Win. Three Scotland county schools are eligible to aead debating team to Chapal Hill tha latter part of thia month to enter tha contest for tho Ay cock Memorial Cup, which will bo contested for by tho High Mmols of tho State. The Laurinburg school had the dis tinction of winning both the attramt hre and tha negative side of the ijnia lion: Resolved that the United States should adopt tha policy of greatly enlarging tta navy. Tha •ehool at Spring Hill woo the same distinction. Mtsaes Mary John and Mary Fields bald ap for tha affirmative side of tha question and engaged Messrs. Robert Proctor and Ertla Carlyle, at tha Lumber too High School, bore at tha graded school auditorium, while Keaars. Edwin Gill and Edgar Whit aker, taking tha negative aide of the question, debated the team of the Sanford High School at their own home. PBOF. S. W. BABB. Principal of tfaa Laurinfaarg Schools. Prof. Babb is Jastly proud of th* fine work that bis school is doing, and aspects to go to Chapel Hill with tfaa Laortnbuxg debaters and eaptnr* th* Ayooek Manorial Cop. The d abate Kara waa largely at tended, tfaa large school saditorium being Mad with an interested gath ering gg Scotland county people. At the appointed hour and Just following a musical selection by Mlsesa Eugeaia Fairly and Carolyn Patterson, Mr. X. EL Glbeon, who presided over tha ^testing, stated, the object and intro duced the speakers. Miss Mary ‘ Fields came first and pat ferth a most planeible and con vincing argument for enlarging th* navy. She handled the subject easi ly and received gaits an ovation at the cksa* of her remarks. Mr. Bobert Procter followed Miss Fields and prsnentsJ tfae negative aid* of the matter in a manner that was meet pleasing to Ms beaten. Than cans* Mias Mary John, wfae Ilka Mica Fields, captured the andb •see with a well prepared and beauti fully delivered argument for the af firmative aide, and she like bar eol league, won the approval ht the large Hr. Krtlc Carlyle doted for the Negative and proved to he quite a polimhed apeaher. He held hit bear er* tleealy daring hit entire talk, and proved hi* ride of the qutttion to be a* nearly correct at potaJbta. Then came the rejeteden. each gpnakar cooing on the program as . While the judge*. Hen. L. M. Blae. of Giheon, Rev. B. M. Dixon, ad Bed Spring* and Prof. Wad* Cranford, at McOotl, 8. C., were making up their doth Ion. a ebons warn rendered by the high school ttadente. The debit ton of, (he Judges, which favored the affirmative aide, wne greeted with delight by the large ao viaMng debater*. as mm ad thma *<* *hny had bean beaten be fore the dsrtffiia waa raadwnd. Tmwedlttdy fallowing the dcM*. • wiflH waa ghm at the wheel kaOdteg in hanor cd the viatten. The Oilman aahee), which waa te have debated with RoberdeH aad Hoff man, la entitled to aatar the final de bate because of the fact that neither of tho opposing schools would enter into the debate. W a gram. Ilka Laurinburg, won on both lidos of the question. At boats they won from Mason's Cross aad their negative team won oror the Laurel Hill team. Scotland will have the privilege of tending three teems to Chapel BUI. Those entitled to go are; Xieeee John, Plaids, and Meeen. GUI and Whitaker, of the Lstortnburg school; Misses Nancy White and Hortenaa McGregor, aad Mceara. Allison Gib son and Douglas Siieraors, of the Rockdale school, Gibaon; Messrs. Johnson Matthews, Clifton 8mith, Daniel Stubbs aad Mies Grace Mon roe, of Spring Hill school. W AGRAM-RIVBRTON NOT Kg. Spring Hill Sdmal BxccUe—Mrs. Uv lagstsn Recovering. All the acquaintance* or Mr*. Chariei Livingston, of Riverton, will b* glad to know ah* is rapidly re covering after a successful operation ia the hospital at Fayetteville. Mte* Martha Watson is visiting In Kinston. Mr. D. W. L Smith is lost com puting a new dairy house. His large hsnl of cows make a pretty picture tint memlng si the green rye tdH1 The faw lawns that are sodded to grain in this community are now showing np nioely. The ladies of Wa gram got busy last Spring and beau tified several spots by the streets with beds of bright flower*. 'This spring would be a good rime to (tart shade trees. My, but some of your yards look uninviting in July aad August to the country passerby, so blistering hot. 8pring Hill High School is coming into its own now. Thera sasms to ba a great spirit among ths students. They not only had the winning busiest bull team this sea sou. Their score board shows more victorias ia bus* hull than any other country school ia Scotland. Their debating team will go to Chapel Hill, and the County Commencement Is yet to be heard flam. There are men aad women in a giuat many of ths Northern states who know msra shout ths bluffs, growth sad beauties of Lumbea River than you da. So many eea R only where the public roads lead them aeraea aad where you soma ta the swimming hale. Why not arrange a weeks boating party end make ths trip ef ISO er S00 miles down this river in the Spring or Summer! Ways* McNeill, of Wsgism, might put you wise to the cost of canoes, tents, cooking kits, ate. A Fmk Ir. D«p«tr As* iff Icnu p. Smith ex hibited to tW Atm* nan Tuesday, • han Rtf Oat woo entirely oat ok tho ordinary and wy, Tory freakish. It wrtgho nno farter of a pound) re floated I 1-t inches of a porfoetly ear net tap* On* to Marti around its ends aad I 1-8 taohaa to mascara araoad tho cantor of It. W* omuroatod that A send It to Col. Al Palrbrothcr, who la wa an rallably informed Tory fond of tho fndt, bat A aaya that A ox poets to Am it or or to tho first old bon oa bia place that doretepoe a mania far “esttin' ” and la waMart that the >• oolt will at boot A twins If not trip*. Mr*. Utah Bettor. TA aawoaa Learie borg frlanda of Mn. Um Mtah wiH bo «tod to Aon that she is MaoVsria* tram an attaoh at flwky okM sA has atf. Mn. Utok An Aon at It. Parts with Mn. T. L. Northrop dm A* death at Dr. Nntbop, and it wao dsr tag hor otrtt thooo that rtto woo atrlab THINGS PERTAINING TO LIFE Br Hour M. Norik, PASfllOf The last faw days of oar Lord’s I Ufa on earth art known aa Pass low Week, or tha weak of hia sufferings. We have already seen how Ho oame >oto the city on Palm Sunday. Begin ning with that time we will trace aa wall as possible tha course of ovents to the end. Not far from Jerusalem was the little town of BoUiany where Mary, Martha and Lasanu lived. Now Jaaaa and Hie disciples ware there each evening of this weak and spent the night at tha home uf these friends. On Monday as He came in He pronounced the cures against the barren fig tree.. Having taught in tha temple that day He went again to Bethany. Tuesday was a very event ful day in which ha contested with tha rulers, answering all argument* which they coaid bring, giving them alto those great parables written la the flat and 22ad chapter! of Salat Mat thew. Wo do not know what Ha did on Wednesday, but it is likely that Ha rested. About this time Jadas closed hia bargain with the chief priests. On Thursday He comes for the last time into the city tending two men to pre pare for the Passover. It was that night when Supper was over that Jesus gave the greatest of all Hia discourses. These are found in five chapters of Saint John's Gospel be ginning with the thirteenth. Whcu He was through spooking they sang the Halid, which is Psalms 114-11A, and then went out across the break into the Garden of Cathsamaae. It erne there that Jaaaa agonised in prayer, naving ten Ms diaeipJvt t tebiad Him. They am* not able tali watch with Kim aaa boor, rnamltii JriiwwOT tepUtasreyd ViA. ..hM a Mss aad tha mob arrested Jesvt | Pater raatnted tha affront hot would not allow him to aaa hit Lang before day on that Friday ing they carried Him before j tha father-in-law of tha high priest i Next they carried Him to ^“'-fhsf < who waa acting Ugh priaat A faw : af the mien who had remained awake i for the occasion met Him thara aad baring questioned Him condemned Him unfairly. They left Him then until day-Ugbt aad they aaaamlilad the Sanhedrim, or Jewish court Dur ing this tima they mack ad Him and spit on Him, aad Pater denies Him. Whan It was light they tried Him be fore their court aad afterwards teeh Him to Pilate, the governor, it waa now that Jndas, eeeiag how thdaga were going, brought tha mow ay beck ■ad want and hanged MtmiIT For the Drat time Jean* eaters the palace of a Mag. ft waa riz o'clock, aad the city waa scarcely awake. Ft lata eosJd find nothing wrong wKh Him aad aent Him to Herod who waa in town for tha feast This waa the Herod who had killed John the B« tist. After he had net Jeans at naught aad ia derision had draaaid Him 1* gargaoue elotbiag ha aaat Mm agate to Pi lata. * Tha governor triad to have Him released bet the people 'nletmad Barmbbee brat and. After bailing tha dream of his wtfe Plata tried to wash Ms head* of the matter tad tha crowd emntd not alfcw tea. They clamored fer Me death. Be whan Flat* ted aaonrgsd Him he delivered Jseas to be aradflad. All of tMs had tatea Pl»«a before nine o'clock in the mon tag an Friday. Compelling Him to tear Ms cross they earns ©at to Oal HtaL WW" Ot McLnurin cams up from Lat M am Friday p. m. by way ad Clio and McCall, and stated that ha sew some ■Mss already planted to the coun Aapfcd JMtioa and Marlboro, 8. C. We irujftot yet through planting corn to •'WiMbcs, pnd I sat glad to note «Nr W* wIB be probably no indue. U8;8|8ba acraagu from that ad last E"V PiAoH a n*i|jhl»r lady one p. —v eeeO n pile of corn oobo aha ^ J tP11 to a branch batwacn her “T and.Maj which bad ooatatopd Modi ocra. and ware placed la rua that hit earn crop should to psfer from drouth. Ibis Is an dd dtoperstition, handed down through “w innstieM, and 1 have often iSQUitbi cabs down in the Mg broach bima, but I have never yet mo#a any eaa “to own Mis fugitive * Jwt been nodia* with hor * X eewe X Vi tie's street ties la M« oe» whereby e father and four mm wore Ant tortured, end tkw shot • < M*h- The life X the jtmum M» wee spared, when the bandit M serried beck to the stricken ■X «r, teUac her that "he left Met •“* ‘ to Mffnt ter." The eole X hM i X this family wee m» «—WH 7 *We certain lafoneattea, which WP# wee carious to obtain. The K«fcaa sheet! on seems u offer a •XWMb piMsn to ear ndjno one eon predict the , Ajb*o«t the whole rifejot far Meed, end the i iXiliiM X the ineeoristewq^ X (be a? X|f^TMettees who rise op to slay 4* »«*Mie schools to the Feck ere IM|N toe doss X the prsosnt jjjjj jMse^TJddp X the Tuns Out toebkh iaotsiit- Abe erpente to shop-* ■4* the peptic dewa to Lambsrton •• toe Tto, else Was Letty MeMfllea X She Oak Qcere eeheoL We are fMnt toy tow* this way, end would X>«M » (M nda, which wiB ^SSrxXtoJ^eSwxrinerttoe* bet pom about ell killed TOMORROW WILL BE GREAT DAY IN LAURINBURG Greatest lataraat Bear Wm la Canty O—niariant [„ to In HoM Bara Tnoarraw—Great CmrA From Srsry Section of I MB. R. a GIBSON IB DEAD. Om af SmUsal’s Msst Beloved CM sms Suddenly Called Away. Mr. B. D. Gibson, aged about M roars, died at his country hoses in Williamson township Tuesday afcfct at 110. The imaaediate cause tt Us death was a stroho of paralysis which followed a leasee of mom than a year of declining health. His death has brought the Uttar cap af sorrow to the hpo of friends and relatives. His was a heart of gold. Ho eras one of nature's noble men in its truest sense—basso, gan orona. Manly. Bin was thu soul af hoaer, and Us friend i and friendships wars sacred to him. There waa a daily beauty about bis life which won every heart. In tans* perament be waa mild aad candid; and yat remarkable for an linumpiii raising flnaneaa. He gainad oaafl deaca when ha sesassd least to aaak It Ha believed in the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood at mam. Ho believed that the nan who scattered flower* in the pathway of hi* fallow men, who let into the dark plena of life the eonahine of human sympathy and human happinoaa, followed in the footstep* of hie Heater. he wa* appointed officer to the grand jury and until b* death helj tha peeb Uoa aad dlaffisrgid tha dutlm Hka ha did everything else, thoroughly. Ho we* a prominent and consecrated rows her of the 8l John's Methodist church sad gore liberally of his than sod his means to f either the cause aad noble work done by this church. Ho was a prosperous plantar, a good neighbor, and hi* kindly offices aad gaastem ministrations will ha soraly mimed by maay. Yesterday afternoon at o'clock, all that waa mortal of thin fine citixea was laid to net at the BU Glboaa burytnx grnaari The faaaral was conducted by Be*. Mr. Brown, peeler of tha »t. John's eharch at* the ckarek. Ho la ahrrtvad by his wife, his aged mother, two heathers, Messrs. Hoary f. Gtbaon aad John K. Gfb «oo, bpth ad Willi smaou towasMp; Bra Maun, Mn. Archie Janas aad Mrs. Gary Barker, of Hebe ooonty, Mrs. Beverly, of Marlboro county, South Caroline, Mrs. John X. ffibaon, of Oambarland ooonty aad Mn. T. 9. Bullard, of Gris ooonty. Na Charge far Ball Gama. Then will be no charge for admit Sion to the baaabaU gam# lil ns the Untabatt school tsaxa and fla Paata has asked that ws make lUn mod gams, and without soot tnaay one. township, end is this way the awt iataosa interest ta aeaatfested. Ms •pirlt, white fHssKfiy, has developed lata a rirslry that mmkm ovary par son alt ap and taka srHra Every township will aaaae hare tomorrow with a -*itsrailnatlsn to win its share of tha hoe ws. aad U w :-'V 3n 4 Thm SwMt GW i tte Fmirly. .‘■'■j *' 2 | DaDrary to Dtpkuaa. ATHLETIC CONTESTS. . Ttktmg ***• »t 2:00 p. bl. 1 10© Yard Daah. 1 > So rSIdoUi ( 4 Stoodtag High Jaap (largo koya.) ^tjtoaalag High Jumv («aU 4J1# «* *-*«— I Standing Broad Jams (nail h«T*->