* i , • '* ___ • I. VOLUME XXUV-NUMBER IE LAURZNBURG. H. C., THURSDAY. APILR IE 1916 —-——'———^^----.. .... LARGE CROWD ATTEND COUNTY COMMENCEMENT -THiipndh Weettter Kept Hhi Away Friday—fair etna Were fajeyed testa Pelted OK Except Baas U Scotland County Coae Day, dawn ad cloudy aad la tbs way of ((ne at despite the anoon fertebi* took of tka el—enta. a groat throng of people came to Laariaburg far tka oecasfoo, and bad the weather been as waa hoped for, tho attend ance would without question have IbMB A record hniVir Early to the morning from ovary nook aad corner of the county, people began to pour into town, aad by the hour appointed for the program to bo* gta, tka town waa filled with a happy aad eare-free people The little tola wan kora, the boy* aad girta, the yemag folks aad the old folk*—what a pity tka weather did not permit all that had planned to BOOH to do eo. Promptly at the appointed hour, the parade of tho children, represent ing every section, aad where a great interest centered, began its more laaat from the graded ecbool grounds. Each school we* represented to the leaf lino ef children, mad each ear ^>M banner* on which appeared the na—Sf the school* they represented. Following the panda, which took to the jh'nctpal sections ef the city, the UtordtV contests were to order. These wel* bold la the graded ecbool ' auditorium, which was packed to •tending room capacity, and era® then would not contain more than one 'half of thorn who aoaght admission. Just before the contacts a delight ful chorus was rendered by member* ' of the Spring Hill School. Then cam* the declamation contest. Pour pchooto, Snead's Grove. Spring HU1, ' Lauriabarg and Masoo'a Cross were represented hi this. ■ Flmt on the program was Mr. Wil liam Dwwjgto*. representing the Ma ■W eac'i Cross gto)k and,the winner of ' <tf JudamaNnd. aeedo). Mr. Johaaoo " Matthew* represented the Spring Silt' School, Mr. □array Evens, the ,• Lauriabarg School,' Mr, Patterson Covington, tho Sneed's Grove School. Following this waa a playlet rend ered by the Laurel Hill School, aad which took tha groat crowd by atom. It waa given by the little tots end waa delightful. Next eame the recitation contest, which was contested lor by four young ladies, these being Mlu Grace Monroe, representing the Spring H1U school, Mies Mary 8aead, represent ing the Snead’s Grove School, Miss Eugenie Morrison, representing the Laurel HID School, and the foYumate young lady who won the redtaMoa medal riven by the Thursday After noon Booh Qub, of Leurinborg, this young Indy being Big Martha Fair lay , at the Laorlaburg School. The Hoc Mala schoo\ treated the large assembly to a most excellent , musical selection. Than cams the reading of the prise essays. The for tunate students la this contest wore Miss Horten se McGregor, of the Booh dole school, who woe the John Charles MeNaOl mads), and Mias Bertha Baafetd, of the grammar gradsa, rrpfaanntlin the Leurinborg school, who won the Leurinborg Ex change modal. The spelling prime, which was coa . tasted for by all the schools, eras won by Mias Waa Grubbs, of the Lanrfas berg school. Ia winning this Mias Grubbs net only received the M. L. Jeha paisa (a dictionary), bat area 'for bar school thd silver loving cap. An instrumental quartette waa then rendered by Lanrinburg Graded School stud sots. Then cams tbs de livery ef the prises; delivery af di plomas aad than the dinner. The weather foafaads an out of door din ner, aa had bare planned, and it was served fas the scBbot building. By this time tbs rains began to dasesnd eed it looked as if the afternoon part of the program would knee to be omitted entirely, but the boy* ware . net to be bltried by a little rain and cold, and all at the athletic contests savo the base ball genre, ware polled off. The winners of the different con tests a* given to aa ware as follows; 100-yard dash McArthur, ef Law rel HBI asheeL W*nM dash are, of Spring Hill in laid ilaah Cougar, ad Laurhy burgsehoel. ■Ire flag high Jamp (large boys)— > MeArthar aad Cooper tied aad a tare ef the eain gave the dosMre to Me PETITION DUMIMBd! U«H«Un ft SmUuni Hut Carry Oat Contract. Although admitting the apparent juatiee of tha claim, tha North Caro Una Corporation Commiaoion last weak dismissed the petitioc of the Laurinbarg ft Southern Railroad vs. Seaboard Ate Lias. The ease Involv ed tha kind of interlocking switch to ba installed at tha crossing of tha Seaboard and tha Laurinbarg ft, •Utikam aaar Laurinbarg. The plalatiff, which had boon bound in contract to establish any kind of switch the Seaboard might suggest and having beast ordered by tha court to comply with this contract, must go to the court to have tha contract anrnUod, said the Corporation Com mission. The plaintiff, 'st tha tima of secur ing consent of the Seaboard to cross its track aaar Laarinburg, entered Into an agreement contracting to coo struct such interlocking switch or switch aa aa tha defendant oompany, through ita chief engineer, might at »«y time thereafter deal gnats. The ■witch Anally requested by defendant company appeared to plaintiff to be unreasonable because of its expense. The Seaboard applied to Judge Pritch ard, of the Federal Court, fer a man damus and a consent order was ent ered requiring the equipment as de amaded. Negotiation, than occurred without agreement having bean reach ed sad the defendant company ap plied to Judge Connor for a compli ance with the order of Judge Prltck ard. Subsequent to an order made in the premises by Jadge Connor, the plalatiff instituted proceeding with the Corporation Commission If it wane an original question aa to aa adequate interlocking plant, the commission la its order written by Chairman Travis declared It would | not be puuled, expressing the con jvietion that the “Cabin Door" switch which the plaintiff company offered aa a substitute to the defendant's sug gestion was entirely ssAcl mt for the ! protection of the public. But tha commission did not feat called upon to override the Federal Court's decree or nnlllfy the contract. Fine Lecture. ) Prof- N. Gl*t Gee. of the China Mie ■iena, a* announced in our last ia rac, delivered a aeries of moat Inter* •■tint lecture on Mission work in China- These wee* delivered mch night at the Xethedtet church. [ Prof. Gee was heard with great interest by the La oris berg people, and on Banday night he occupied the palp't at the Prastijteiian chnrch. TAKES OVER MILLING CO. ■ ■■ ■■ Hammond Ol, With New CapluHsa • Man Takes Ore McNair MHUag U«t week a boelneaa deal of large proportion! wae consummated in Lae rinherg. It was the purchase of the McNair Milling Company by the Hammond Company. Ip order to handle the proposition, the Hammond Company bad thoir charter amended ao that they could enter the milling industry. and tn creacd the anthoriaed capital uf their eonpany to HOOjOOO. The McNair Milling Company own ed and operated Laurlnburg’i new dour end feed min, which by the way, ia mm of the most up-to-date hi the South. In this addition to their buainaaa the Hammond Company becomes mU lera aa well as wholesale grocori. Running high jump (small boyij— McMClan, of Spring UiU. Running high Jump (large boy*)— Stubbs, Spring Hill. Standing bread Jump (large boys) —MeArther, Laurel HUL Standing brand Jump (small hoy*) 1 Shaw. Spring HUL Remaiag bread Jump (mean boys) —We have been enable to And who wee the winner.in this e—tmC Rmmhm bread Jump (huge boy*) —PhHMpe. Spring URL . Relay Race—This wee omitted on aereunt’of the rata and sold, bat H WM decided to give the prig* to Mm Arthur ef Laurel HUL hi reegnido. «f the fast that he hadl^weu the great 1 * h THINGS PERTAINING TO LIFE Br Hsny M. Kwtfc. PALM SUNDAY—TH* TSJUMFHAL DfTlY. April alxtaeatb will be this year at Palm Sunday. It *oa» naaarataa tha tins* whan Jeans rode into Jerusalem publicly announcing himself as th* Messiah, sad tha peo ple cut pahs branches and spread them ia th* road. Jesua had net up to this tha* proclaimed himself tha Christ before th* multitudes for He said hia time waa not yet eoase. Thar* waa danger on on* hand that they would try to make Him an earthly king, and on the other they might neek to put Him to death before he had accomplished Hia work. But now when they taw Him riding upon th* aaa’e ooH all would knew what claim He made far himself. He came proclaiming a kingdom ef truth rather than on* of physical force. Be put Mmeelf unarmed into th* hands of th* greatest world pow er ef those times. Be declared that HI* kingdom wma not ef this world or hia servants would fight for It Even yet th* world has not been able to understand a spiritual kingdom. On thU day tha multitudes war* elated in tha prospect ef th* king dom of Israel being restored. Jesus did not allow Mmeelf to become in to sics ted with the thought of world >r *lory. Ha knew that In a few days the people would be disappointed at his action and torn against Him. They would loon pat a reed ia Hia hand and mock Him; at beat those who wan praising Him at this tisie woold then be silent. Jeans alone knew what s week would bring forth, •o He waa set swept off hie feet by th* cheering. Out from the city He could see the hill a poo which He waa soon to suffer. Jeaua wept over th* city, saying “If thou hadst known. “ He forgets Hie own sorrow ia the thought of the desolation which shall come upon the city. Jeruaalem had had her glorious day, sad now her ana was to set in darimeaa. Who knows whet might bars been if Jerusalem bad received Him as her Lord. - So Jesua gave th* rulers th* last chance to accept Him as the Messiah, but they grew more hostile to Him every hoar and planned his ruin. That was the day on which the people se lected the lamb to be lolled for th* Passover, and it waa on this — day that th* rulers decided in their hearts that they must put to dmth Jesua, th* Lamb ef God. Bead, and learn by heart the following hymn which was written la memory of that tlase: Bide on, ride an In majesty! Haritl all the tribes Hosanna cry; 0 Saviour mask, pursue thy road With palms mod scattered garments strewed. Bide on, rido on in majesty! In lowly pomp ride on to dio: O Christ, thy triumphs now begin O’er captive death and conquered sin. Bid# on. ride on in majesty! Tho winged squadrons of tho sky Look down with end and wondering oyca To tea the approaching sacrifice. Bide oa, ride oo in majesty! Thy last and flarcaat strife is nigh; The Father, oa his sapphire throne, Expects bis own anointed Son. Bide oa, rido oo in majesty! In lowly pomp ride on to die; Bew thy meek hood to mortal pain, Ikon take, O God, thy power, sad reign. Stools Distributor. Some careless person whs happened to pose Mr. Joe Warwick's country how Monday night contributed to Ma own oao a brand bow Rex gnono distributor and at thta writing still "ho* H in Ma possession. Mr. Warwick hod loot purchased the distributor and used H oao day. il was loft In tho old by tho rood Mda and Toesday morning was aMotfcg The thief woe tracked to tho dtp liaita but hero tho trail eras loot and although ho ia still bring hanted, no trass of him has boon found. ‘ - • Mias Cwdngtan Whas. The many Leurtebnrg Monks of Miss Gladys Carrington are rsjnhdiia with her over her oneooas la tho Chnr lotts Oboarrer contest which closed Monday night. Mine Cortogton wno one of the win mn sf tho Ceaadtaa' trips that tho Ohaorvnr gore to is«nftl tnnttol »• atnof third tn the State, and «l Ao bond of tho Ust to Ats ~ MUS MeINTOttH TO MAKBT. HMbmaa lb»M Gina by Mhaaa Tlorm Hay mad Baa* at a mlacel Baturday after i j brida-to-ba. aad Miaa pro r*d to be tba moat1 in trie rampart. opening chorda of tba wadding 1 ekfllfiUly rendered by Mlw brought a took of an of tbooo aa-l txpraaa ata ' walked la with maaaarad fect-etape, bearing two large packagaa eoatato Ing a rariad aaeortmea* of dainty1 lift* dor tba bride to-be. Bafraah- I laaata fall a wad aad wna Mi-rod in two ' Tha tommy any realising the leteaeea of tha hear, bade fare wall to tha heat- ' aaa« aad gaod-bya and their good wiriae to tha brida-to-ba. Theme were ttogod by ,a abode of aadnaaa that Miaa Metotoah woald aaaka her borne to a Ptoea other than Laorinbory, where daring bar atay of a year aha ham made an many good aad etaonch dries*. Mho Molntomh toft for hor home town, WQmtogton. on Monday mom- , ■» — I Arettand county, according to oae ' faraQUc with the (ituation, will plant an increased acreage la cantaloepea 1 Mt cetimate of the to-; cent. j mo at and acreage doe* not e production proper- • thia being detenn «nea by fPee map and eonditieaa, it it ******* ***** there will be the chance of Scotland (hipping aa many aa were ■hipped laet year, If not mom. i tha abeeoee at potaah in the fertiU tatien may mean that the crop may not be bo large, bat the moat experi enoed gram pm eay that If the tte *»• faremhle, the fact that no ***** U aralUhle wlli aot make the Thh te the aeaaoa for planting and **»»«• botfly engaged in preparing 1® grow another hamper crop at the ***** taaalam Vpee and melon* that Cota tha market, for the Scotland P^”***1 haa that repotation army Death sf Mrs. Leak*. * Mis. W. H. Ladke, mother of Mrs. R. L. Rinsitd and Mist Daisy l*ah* <* tW» city, died at the home of a brother at Bandanon Thursday nlflU. Iff*. T Mki Ml hwt tiu SitmUy Ww ter death to visit bar Vanes mZ^ef^W dangktms bare. Mrm._ Mho. Utka hft Thursday_j and arrtvad at the bedside before the and same. H*r death was raaaad from waste twiiiallm. Ths.bsdy wwa carried to Kacwers »hare it wwa burled Saturday Mis, Lewke iwusa to Laurinhorjr last Daas^bsr, immadiwtaly following tbs daaA of kor kwobsad. to make ter terns hats with ter daughters, aad alttettgh bar May is I .aurinburg eras •boM, 4a bad attracted many sincere Meads wbe are deeply grieved be «wsm of ter md and sudden passing. Mr. R. L. Hammond accompanied by Mr. W. & Dunbar, left bare by ae tmmMU Friday afternoon to attawd *. - T..Boyette of f*w days ago. U is aaid that tte lata Tbm Panes, of 4a watlowal D—ntsUa whs died to Waahiagtoa Ml aw estate of show! »V ty, ft Is said, w£l ge to W. n'j'm of tsialgh, aw swale tf Mr. FSwaa. THIRD RpOZE FACTORY CAPTURED IN SCOTLAND . /•<x','v S«ltb Br«tei Iter* u* IHaHartlaa af I aiaH»t aad -ipiaila, Oaky U ***** MrtlUariaa la laalM Caaaty—AM S*aJa lap t* tWr Mto TWO MBUOU SHOT. TmM* CmmI Ahoot • Dn-Om Victim la BapM. “Too Gotta Quit Kinking My Dog Around” may bo jast • little (trine of poetry eat to music, bat it sapraw j aa a whole lot, aad at any rata to flat Kaaeel, colored, it ia ” to Me”, far Jim out Urea jaat baoaoaa of John Hartrlay aad aaethv n*r>. whaaa Basse aaa not ha learned, ware paealac oo the pabHe highway lead lag out by the Jaasae pimea toward Wagraa Monday morning. Upon raacfalsg the bane of Kaaaoil they •toppod to gat a driak of wator, aad white ohoat Gw well quenching their thirat, Rased]* dog can* to tares* gataL la the scrimmage that follow ad, eo the reports aay. the aakaawn otgro kicked aad otherwise abased the dog. Basaail did not approve of aacb ia koapitellty to kio dog aad raa te hte house. When ha reappeared, he ear. Had a bad looking shot gaa and forth with began U use it with the result that Hacktey ia in the negro hospital ■offering from palatal wounds ia kio side and nock. Basaail is under bond, and the unknown negro, abbot** wonaded, te sappoaed to b« hitting the highway yet. DEBATERS OFF. Scot] Mi's ttipnaiamlm Off to Chapel HUI for Kisal DtkU. Scotland county yratarday aaot U Chapel Hill two debating —if which will enter the Anal contest for the Ay cock Memorial Cap. , Lourinburg’i repmantatirea are Mm*a JUry John and Myy Fields, Maaaw^HihHa OQ1 aod MpirW^ Prof. 8. W. Robb and Mr. M. L. Jota Tha other school aasdi»n its faama >« the Spring HUI school. The rspr*. senutivee of this school are Him Gnioe Monroe, Messrs. Johnson Mat thews. Clifton Smith and Daniel Stubbe They were accompanied by Prof. Erwin Caro then. The Oibeon school, although cn Utlad to send iu teams, deckled to not do so, and Scotland will be up. raaaated by tha Baoriaberg and Spring HUI schools Tha preliminary, or eliminating contest, will be held tonight and the dtbtU ^pTinmw Th* series af until Nrvlni spok ** "f *» • «olnnms Ifcgan at tha First Baptist church Sunday mom ‘■‘f- . Dr Liard T. VHm, of WUmmL v*-. who la ■■atattng lUv. Jamas Long la tha meeting, arrived la the city Monday night aad bsgaa Ma work Immediately. Dr. WRaon la a awa of gnat iWer aad consociation, la a speaker of mach ability aad a treat treat is in store for thooe who hoar this gifted au of God. ServieM are being held both nam ing and evening. Ike —Tnliig serr iee bogine at M o’clock and tha even in# earriee at » o'clock. Glbeaa I team. Miae Mary Ella McCoU was a Gib soil rUitor )g§t wvoflte Mlao Fataar, af Wadeebora, is via itbig her brother, Mr. Toaa Fetaer. Mr. aad Mr*. Jiao Gtbaon, of Dil lon, spout the week-end with Mr. Gibeoa'a parents, Mr. and Mre. Sim oon Gibson. Mr. H. C. Smith bsa psrebaaed n new Dodge ear. Mn. HU), ef Camden, io visiting her sister, Mrs. Anne Osdand. Mr. end Mrs. J. C. Morgan, of Lns rinburg, apart Bunder with Mrs. Morgan's sister, Mrs. Christian Gib son Miss Both Bristow spent tbs week end la MsCeU wMh her mother. Mrs. a L. Moody, ef MWksM, Is vtn ittng her Pereata, Mr. and Mrs. Sfan een Gibson. rtoiat* t what r aay Emapf t Bern ard, m all mu7 ed lo ». tha ISSpv. lahaat a month- rather 'a>« Mr. J. E. Wright U da> •tfoyed tha Ito. day ad this Oaaitad Creak i _ „ jwOaa wam af Okie tha _ lam, this time with tha | aaithir brother, Mr. Haary_, ad Ceagame. 8. C, who ia ham aa a !«Wt to them, ' too. toey ed thia kind land aoiL & «a iah entfit, bat weald aad had bam pairing eat the joy jelee. The hunt r inwnl all of K<ahc ■*d about ft o'clock la the aflemaon aerag back in tha faatncm of the thick •waam they found a location tlmt had bom meently need far a mu, and after a long aad earnftU aaamk found tha oatftt hid ia the baahe* nearby. The opera ton had evidently getftm wlaa to the bunt aad had attempted ta gat tha outfit moved away, la thia they had partially ■»—H aad had gotten everythhig away examt tha Mill. Tfcte wma coafiaeated and - ■toaaght hara Monday Bight. *2! learjr 1 *"3 s & \-V <vf & m *V; **.• ■ r..|; ' tl-fl | ■ $ •• ' w n ~ r-« _ \ •

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