Local Notes. t - Xr.jj; r. Bbm want Co Charlotte Tuanday an baSnia* Mra.' D. A. Watkins of Laurel HiU warn a vtailor In tha city Monday. Mr. H. D. Gibeou of Gibson spant a law honra in th* city Monday. Dr. 3. 0. Pst* of Gibooo was in th* city Friday on boslaoa* Mr. Douglas Baxter of Glaon was s visitor In th* city Friday. Mr. John M. McCormick apont Sun day and Monday at Morwn, visiting bis aiatar. Mrs. Ckariaa May. Mrs. M. J. Caasidey hai raturnad from Richmond, Va, whars eh* visit ad her ton, Mr. W P Caasidey. Mitt Cora Msa McNsilt of near Raaford baa baan visiting Miss Agnss Lyrm Back an nan. Mr*. J. R. Bivaas and children of McColi, S. C., spent Tuesdsy In the city with raiotlvra. Miss Mary Sykoo of Savannah, Ga ls snendlnj^a ewk In the city, a guest of Him Mary Whitaker. Mr*. R. E Lea raturnad Monday evening from Wilmington and Bladen county, where th* visited relatives. Judge W. H. Neal returned Tues day evening from a two daya’ buai nasa trip to Charlotte and Lexington. Mias Mary Morgan of Rod Springs has bead apending aavoral days In Laurlnburg, visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Morgan and ethers. Sheriff W. D. MeLaurin. Mr. J. L Jamas and Dr. Albeit Jamas hav* goat to Hot Springs, Arkansas, for • vacation of two or tkra* weeks. Miss Eugenia Cassiday raturnad Tuesday from Gram villa, where ah* baa been attending the East Carolina Teacher*' Training School. Mr. end Mr*. Grady Gibsoo of Fairfield county, 8. C., are spending several days hare, guests of Sham and Mrs. Lamer Smith. Miss Margaret McNeill returned •' Saturday evening from CharietU, where the attended a house party given by Mias Esther Caldwell of that etty. Postmaster G. H. Ruaatll returned Sunday morning from Hot Springs, Arkansas, where be spent about three weeks. Mr. Russell La delighted with hie trip. Bov. R. F. Busnpee, pastor of the Methodist church, accompanied by Mr*. Bum pat, returned Friday even ing from Chatham county, where they spent several days with relatives. Mr*. Christian Gibson, Mias Lola Gibson. Mrs. Middleton and Mr. Kil gore Gibson of Giboon spent a few hours in the city Sunday, guest* of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Morgan. The Universal Gar Goar posy, agents for the Ford automobile in Scotland county, report aiz aalea Tuesday fol lowing the announcement of the new 1817 prices. r Mr. W. H. Cooper, cashier of the 1 Stats bank. Mr*. Cooper and son, W. H. Cooper, Jr., Ml Tuesday for a tan days' trip to Richmond, Ocean View ana Virginia Beach. Mr. L. Brace Gibson loft Saturday for Fort McPherson, G*., where he joined the reserves of the United States Army, who are being mobilized at that point, presumably for service on the Mexican border. Messrs. M. G. and James Thompson of Juniper Bridge were business visit ors hi taurlnubrg Saturday. Mr. M. G. Thompson la met recovering from an eight weeks* eeig* of typhoid fever. Mr. J. W. Meson left Sunday for Mooresvilie to join Mrs. Maaoe and children, who have bean visiting rela tives there for several week*. The family will return to their home bars Friday. Mrs. W. A. Johnson and children «f ML Vernon. Ga, who have been spending several day* her* with Mrs. Jobnton’* parents, Mr. nad Mrs. A. D. Currie, left Monday via automobile tor their home. Bo*. W. D. Long of Monroe spent Thursday and Friday have with his aoo, Bov. James Long. Mr. Long stopped over en rente home from Wllendegtea, where he attended the issbUb of Confederate veterans. s®St!S.^2 gjs8sr Bucxiitsm ahiaat mfateters In the State and those !?*!!?‘VS. ?“ ■••flogs last week ***** teat he mars than sustained his rspotaaaa as a preacher. Attorney H. W. Cox went to Char. Wtt", *K«'W to o*Mad the Kaput*, oaa JoliiAcetion nesting at Lakewood p**k\«-*«Pub,k*n, if**" from all over the State and Coiumassama Rod eatmsg of Illinois andUneU Joe Can oa" “ U. I. A. were preseat. Mr. Cax says Mr. Rodenburg'e speech wee ■ «a*«™rpiete and the beat political address ho ex er beard. Scotland county people have an en viable reputation financially, aa well aa in other ways. The impression to be general teat people hero bars money. It is a heppy situation and sack that outaiders are ready to •sails*. As proof of this «i mention the quarter-page ad In this issue of the First National Bank of Hamlet. However. Hamlet is not far removed from Scotland. Mr. J. J. McHugh of Gibson was In Laurinhurg Saturday. Mr. McHugh is an Irishman and ia fully in symp athy with the effort* of the Iriah to rain their Independence. He is an in* terse ting talker and eras the center •f an interested crowd on the court house atop* daring his stay bars Sat urday. Mim Maria Oevtaftan. whe hae lu*' CbrnST*lufiUJd*slater. Mto Ctodya 23WSttAftr... ! eta toe and Ctwda, left W morning for Fulaon to apand weeks with lhair aunt, Mrs. „ Olbeon. Mr. Torn Fetaer. au»*|W af thi Soatkam Cotton Oil Company’s plant at Cl been, and who waa called .to Camp Glenn at Moruhoad City with the National Guard, la exueried home this weak for a few days* riaK. Mra. Falser and little eon left last weak for Shelby to spend the summer with her parents. Mrs. Charlotte McUeachy •/ Chip ley, Florida, and aon. Mr. Arthur, McCsachy. a prominent yoang attoav noy Of Milton. Florida, have been rnoata of Mr. and Mra. Sddle Bo conn nan for day*. Mr. Mo* Goaehy ha. aorrdd aereral terrma in both houses of the State lagwlatura of Florida and la new State solicitor. Mias Mary McKlnnoa returned borne Tuesday from Lenoir. where she spent three week* with her slstear, Mrs. L. C. Pegram. Mias McKinnon brings tha same stopr that others bring of the fearful damage wrought by the floods In that section. to kkka Thai fleas flst tftsat to laafl 7mrVaoslo|0yi>ri*>rK FOR THAT HOT, DRY THROAT On a hot Summer day, tVtn’i nothin* that will reach the spot and give yoa "pep” like a bottle of Coca Cola or tome of the other delicious flavor* we manufacture-just off the ice or medium, as you like it Yoa only need to drink one bottle to know why it is sold in eysry town hereabouts and by the most progressive morehantc. Laurinburg Coca Cola Bottling Co. Laurinburg, N. C. EAST CAROLINA TEACHERS’ TRAINING SCHOOL A State school to train teachers for the public schools of North Carolina. Every energy is direct* ed to this one purpose. Tuition free to all who arree to teach. Fall term begins September 26, 1916. For catalogue and other Information address, ROBT. H. WRIGHT, Pres. Greenville, N. C. 26-39 BIG SALE TO GO ON AUGUST FOURTH Beginning Friday, August 4, and continuing ten days, we will offer special bargains in Millinery and all summer merchandise. A big stock will be ckmed out at greatly reduced prices. Be sure to coaee to this sals. We need the space and you need the goods. We want room for a full stock of goods. Come and bring your neighbors. Remem ber the sale will last ten days. Be sure you find the right place, at MRS. D. A. WATKINS Laurel Hill, North Carolina The Strong Box The newspapers often tell of instances where people less their sayings, becanae they here pat their money in a stocking, or i bureau drawer, or a strong box, and hare boon ROBBED. When yon hare money around the house you INVITE tike burglar and the sneak thief. The BEST STRONG BOX IN THE WORLD IS THE SAVINGS BANK. There your money is protected as well as it can be protected ANYWHERE. The State Bank * Of LAURINBUBiQ, “The Bank Per Year tarings." m ——mL * AUGUST CLEARANCE SALE ; ■> •/ '• y- ' ; While our special 15-day sale has been a great suc cess, we still have left a big lot of Summer Dress Goods, Ladies and Men’s Oxfords, also a big lot of white canvas oxfords and Tennis goods, Men’s straw and panama hats, Boys’ and Men’s Mohair and Palm Beach and Cool Cloth suits. Men s Shirts and Underwear, Men’s Palm Beach Pants, Men’s and Boys’ Sport Shirts. Boys’ Wash Pants, a big lot of Suit Cases and bags, both straw and leather. Ladies’ Skirts and Spring Coat Suits, which we are going to continue to sell during the month of August at die • ' \ *'• slaughtered prices that you found in our previous 15-day sale. Everything tagged and marked in plain figures. And if you haven't visited this sale, it will pay you investigate our prices and inspect our goods before you purchase. Look for the big Red sign. J. W. MASON Laurinburg, North Carolina The First National Bank Of Hamlet WHICH IS “The Only National Bank of Richmond County” Announces • I* I* i» podtfam to loam FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS for the j »**•■• •ftorvarfiag their erepa. The nto of htamt wffl ho ; dx pm east, aad laaaa will to allowed to rna from throe to abc ■mAl ; -- ! #• j Thle Bank being a member of The Federal Reserve System, its pottey let# enable-Thrifty Formers to obtain loans at loir rates I of interest. Wo pay 4 par cent Interest in oar Savings Department, interest compounded quarterly. The First National Bank Of Hamlet i ’ • * HAMLET, N. C. B. «. RHODES, President NOAH H. JENERETTE, flmMm