lAfflHUn MUKRIMiN PREACHES DEMOCRACY In PWwfil Political Addiau Iku l«ta Lawyer Baida Up Be card af Party la Stale a ad Nation. Par an hour and a half at tbs court house at Lanrimburg Tuesday after noon Cameron Morrison at Charlotte, •leetor-et-Urg*, preached Jaffsraon ian Democracy to a representative gathering at voter* from all section* at the county. Ml* speech ia pro nounced cue at tha beat heard here ia year*. Chairman Bdward H. Gibson pre sented to the audience Hon. Loci* M. Blue of Gibson, Democratic candidate for the State aaoata, who ia turn la w's?*^ **•■»•■)»* 01 ft* *** Mr. Blue^ referred to Mr. Morrison as suitable and aaasanad gubernatorial tnnber and served notice on him that four year* Knee he will bo called to head tha State ticket. J With a few complimentary remarks directed at local Democratic leader* Mr. Morrison passed to state and na tional issues and In word* that born and with a natural vigor that carried conviction laid bars til* record of Re publicanism la state and nation for the peat half century at one of unparal leted extravagance, corruption and po litical stagnation He refened to the record at eon legislation of tha Democratic Party ia North Carolina tor the past •wteeu years, and reviewed tha eehteransaata along line* of education, public health, agriculture and wealth. Mr. Morrison commented upon the high Mae# occupied by tha South ia the affair* of ths nation and stated that this was the logical outcome of circumstances, the South having re malned true through all tha years of Republican misrule and extravagance to the cardinal principle* of Democ racy and bonastv, and being therefor* the «av*our at ths nation. The speaker was mild in his re marks concerning Republican* and the Republican party, ,saying that h* ?**•£ Mn but loved sinners." Theo dor* Roosevelt, he said, with all his fault*, is the greatest man this party ha* produced almco Lincoln. And Ruoeeyelt says the Republican party is in "corrupt alii area with Big Baal Mr. Morrison allowed how for aoarly ■ half a century tha country and the South struggled under the burdens Imposed and kept alive by Rapcblicaa miagovernmaot. H* showed now un der the old banking system, the far mar, tha merchant and the local banka dmUred that there it no longer there never will be credit moooply again in thia country. declared that the regional re aerve banking tyitara wai the great aet piece of eoaatroctWe legislation ever credited to any body of lawmak ers in any age. and paid tribute to the wisdom and statesmanship of Woodrow Wilson, proclaiming him the ^tesrtnmn in tfa prs.idcncy since Referring to the derisive insinuations «rf SoaeevoH and Republicans fa which they characterise the diplomatic coe renoadcnca of the Wilson Adminis tration aa “notes," he declared that these notes were neat state docu ments that would live aa long aa tho cowotitetion itself; and he mid they wane framed fa language aa nobla, aa mnu and as elegant as ever eaune from the nan of Gladstone or Temple ton. In tide connection and at a high pitch the speaker declared fa teQfaf ■armor that ^Woodrow W11 use's name . r" ■ mock-heroic vein he referred to thejmdBanjmoaa efforts of Oaadl date Hughes la attacking President Wilson and the preeeat Admlnistra Uom He wound sp with a fervent ap peal to the Democrats «f Scotland oaoatf to eoms out to the pods la No vamhnr with a record vets tor Dsmao ’ I*'the audience was Mr. W. N. Ive rett of Rockingham, candidate with Hon. L. M. BtoTto?’the State soneS from this district. Mr. Morrison §oS$3i£5SH5 ■■ — ' THE HEAT 18 GOOD FOB TOU. A.VTl-Ti f HOiD CAMPAIGN GRT TING GOOD START. Mare Than Twa Hundred Took Treat ment Monday at Wagrani aad Saead*a Greve. ' Dr. A. C. Bulla, who arrived here Sunday, and Monday, began tha work •f vaccination against typhoid fever, states that results Monday at Wagram and at Snead’* Grave were highly satisfactory, more than two hundred people coming to the dlapenaariea at th*»« places Tor the treatment. l>r. Bulla otataa that a pleasing feature of the work was tho fact that at each plac* it was what is usually termed the beat folks, who tool the treat ment. They camo in automobiles and bora themselves as men and women «rf a bish type. Ttda Indicate# that tho Intelligence ef tha community has been reached and Ineurt. . splendid ■Rllisa for the vaccination work in this county. This example on the part of the beet people will be an encouragement to these of bumbler station in life, who might under certain circumstan ce hesitate to take the treatment. It la> especially desirable that landlords and farm managers encourage tenants help generally U go to the *n3 bko tha treatment, which Is absolutely free of charge. Is the wish of those in authority that all the people understand that tins treatment la in no way painful and does not interfere with the nor mal activities. The pels is nothing ■nor* than a pin scratch, and the treatment usually occasions only a •light reaction in tha system. It does not make ■ sore. It Is stated also that persona who failed to ge to tha dispensaries this . paster of brjde, officiating. Simplicity waa the keynote tkat graced the skillful hands sad minds of those who directed the decorationi in whits and green. The pulpit and spaee beyond was a: fTr*ml^.0,.Lon* l*** RMa, palms sod ‘•mm, the ebsacal column* festooned I . «aP»*»*»M and white tulle, above waa a white: arch draped in | white and green. The setting waa °®T <* 4«*Pt‘«*wl baanty. where I riematic* gleamed like stars, while iafms « altar caadlssticks il lumined the whole scene. Mias Janet Waathersnoon of San ford artistienny renderod^To A Wild **•« «m the giane, then to the strains SmifiarfjH** M"h M1.. »e»d Thorn, of LlttUton, with z&r&LA*#- **fc Kendall Mltelfoby Jones with Mr. wAnWftSigja: *“ The bridesmaids wore draasas of not over white satin with lace trimmiaga and carried bouquets of brides rooes and asparagus fern. The flower girls, ttttie Misses Sarah Grmc* »*cLaurin. tarried baMcet bouquets of brides roast. scat Jtri* The bride la the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mr*. Malcolm Jonasof John., who.* paternal lineage here link* W yoad tea Bevolutionary parted in the making of our great commonwealth. 5? f* Littleton and Tftnjty Colleges, and is a woman of bright mentality and attractive per sonality. Mr. Yoder’s family has long been P*"**S*w* in the educational and so da] life of Western North Carolina. H«‘» the son of the late R. A. Yoder. D. D„ who for years was President of UnohrCollega. Hie forspareate wars angapd in odaeatioaal work In pion eer dan and ha is also'engaged ia edocattenal work, in which profession he is very popular. wsliCiHfsAjF* *• * CURRIE annual reunion. u Raacaa c Carrie P*4*** at OM Hoaraetoad fee Aa aual Lovr Peaat. ' • ; , Seacial to The Exchange. .JAaguat 14. at the boas t^* eoaotiy toy, of Nr W. N. Cur «J»tar LaaNnbery. the nnnryU r* ■Jlw rf the deawBvfootr of the late Daaeaa^C. Currie and hi* brother* fl»* weather eraa ideal lor the oe •f*1®*- R**Aeeed under £*'?!?*• te partake of the b3Ii“5 .if"** to the ****** * the family—a dinner that BSr^mhSSKu "to to thm Um s~ isra ,sia -s, is ******** »»e fehtre, erCw the yoonger membere aajeyed an innocent errantry jjj£“ along with other pan and umt .tn wore rrmdy to no- I the grove to bo rofrcohod by' •f to **• good to match their tklU to jj* ?—U< dt Looriaborg; Mr. i. A. £■"£ m fIdrraad Mra. W. Omja, M*. aad tin. L. P. Carrie, Old Sg*.1*** *Jr *■ Oorri* and family. ®5£3£?jrteii“» 3£fiS5Hfe ™ *_ ttJS&agetrE aidt, Lanrinborg; Mrs. D. W. McNeill tad, daaghtor. Mi.i Jaeei*, R*d •At a leu boar the family and ntenda rehuoed to their komea, ear Kuz?£rpl—11 ■tan SLAVE CASE FOR FED * BEAL COURT HERB. r«mg WMU Maa Held ia Daamrcr Wl to Be Tried Herr oa fleriaae » Charge. , JOd Wilmington Star of Wedacaday gtrnUgeanSc the following etory: fca^ffa!iUTa,*&r 58b. I. k.2?s iJSSs:: llw thpt hie daughter. Both Fft. SHIPPING mix IS PASSED ST SKNATJL i>mtm Shlpglmi Heard ul Ann Brteta. IHSMM to Bay «r Oy •nli Bfcipi. Wwhla^tan, Aun. II—The Govern sftWrtwSfwgsse q^argtnwgia mmiitration. In tb« 1aAt Conmtit gvsarayaesgaagaa jg'i'agg aSSjanis-jS ffliSwisrttrJE by the aala irf Panama Canal boada. Several important ■nmalmaiH ware SSnsAs&^sas && sSttauaefiSK withhold clearance from maeten ed SttS^£",,*s -A* »»I* effort* wot* made by Senator Borah, to attach the Inclination MU to the 8hiyyb« 4"?±5*ssJKjsrsrtS! &3»££u* PrevWoo* ad the Maaaara. . uThe Shipyty bill woaM create a K$£§« Mamben haetny bean tv,I ho«f would ho aatboriaed, either™ Pwtljr or indirectly, through a oor P ~ taSrssS* *srz ?^c2£^'7S3L&Z*mLZ W9mli PfohlMt d« g^uf^iitSrssjTs at £ 5? 19m