LAUpiNBUIG WANTS FEDERAL BUILDING • IWaMhr O. H. KmwU WIU Go La Washington to Prsoa Claims of City fsr Building Appropria tioa. Lasrinburg waata and needs a Fad and court house and postoffice build lag. Of special interest to those who beliovs in community progress ia the announcement that Postmaster G. H. Russell will go to Washington tn s lew days to proto the city's claims for recognition by the "powers that be" and to ask for prompt action on the part s< congwma in providing the ap propriation for a sits sad for a build ing sf am pis and scerpUUs propor tions. A MO providing for an appropria tion for thv purchase of a sit* for a postoffice building eras introduced at the last tongiess and is now ponding, hit the plan now to got another bill before congrats, which will provide fussysr Announcement U also made that tha receipts at tbs local poet office aril] for the year 191ft ran eoneiderebly ever the IlOyDOO mark, which la neces sary before am appropriation for a federal building can ba secured. This is tha Irst time in tha history of the local office when tha receipts reached this .figure, which indies to* that the otty has mads and is making stesuiy program despite the facta of a world war and a distressingly short cotton crop tn the county thro year. it m runner stated that It tbs fiscal year frotn July 1.1919, te July X, 1917, shows receipts at $10,000 or more (he city will he entitled to eity delivery of malls. And the service, in that event, will probably be inaugurated by January 1. 1919. The service would have at the beginning two carriers, who would receive salaries of eight or nine hundred dollars a year. This fact la in itself cause for congratula tion, and there la little doubt now that the city delivery of mails aril] beeusse a reality In the not distant future. But to get back to the big Issue— that of a new Federal building--we must call attention to another fact srhieh will have a strong bearing on the situation here, and that is this: Laurtaburg now has a Federal court and that court has no place of Its own fee bold its amaiona. It la stated l bury a Federal building tSat win corn pan facurably with similar ones in ' the larger teem a. It is stated that ho poo are now en tertained that the present congress will lake action in this matter and that the appropriations will he made before this congress adjourns. In fact that it the program upon which Mr. Russell and others arc planning to spend their best energies. How ever, it Is remembered that the p .'Se en t session of congress must of ne cessity be a short one and it is en tirely possible that no action can be secured before another congress con venes. But in that event, it la stated that an effort will be mad* to get the ball eroding at this congress at least, and than prompt action Ts almost sure to follow at the next one. Another fact that enters into ths discussion just here is that the pres ent Congressman, Hon. B. N. Page, will not serve this district longer than the present session of congress, and that his coco see or. the Hon. Lea D. Robinson of Wadoabogo, will repre sent the district in the next congress. But is is further stated that ff the present congress does not hood Laur mburg's claims, then it la believed that Urn matter aril] b* in splendid shape for Mr. Robinson to handle and that he will proceed at oace to push the measure through and secure the passage of a bill that win rtv* Laur inburg sad Scotland oounty an they aiu^ demanding in the way of a Fsd AnrwsyYK Is sew believed that the day it not far distant when Laurtn botg will bars cause to pride itself upon the distinction of having ons at the heat and most eomwedfoua and beautiful federal buildings In the State. BUD THOMPSON ACQUITTED OP MURDER CHARGE. Pit* KiUfaw ml -N*t | 1 L-- - . ... . TEACHERS WILL MEET AT GLB ; SON THU SATURDAY. Second Meeting at Baotlaad County Teachers' Aeaaciation far Tbs Year. At the naw graded school buildlag at Gibson this Saturday tbs Scotland County Teachers’ Association win hold its second meeting for this school year. The Brat mooting waa hold Saturday, November 4, at Launnbnrg. Th* big evaat of the program for the ■sating Saturday will b* an addreeo by Mrs. Bright Baker Ransom of Southport, and President 0f the North Carolina Story Tellers’ League. Mrs Ransom la not a stranger to tho teach ers of this county and her presence at Glbaon Saturday will prove a moat Inter**ling part at th* day's program. Tho Teachers' Association of this county la not an amphibious institu tion er animal, but it Is the next thing to that, and rajoys tha happy privilege of moving about from pines to p4ao* U the county sod bolding its mast ing* just wherever the "picking*” assm the most inviting. In fact one ftUew has already said that the toacb sr* will meat in task community which provide* the most royal entertainment for them, and to this fallow th* Mas of entertainment is cieosly silled with the demands and lodgings of his stomach. And that brings the matter down to th* point at which wa had been striving to reach. Th* teacher*. Ilk* the proverbial sasaQ boy, enjoy something good to sat and tbs dUrsr aat school communities of th* county have grown Into th* habit of loading them good and making a bid for the ■aotlag* on the strength of a splendid dinner, which la all good and well. If possible, * full report of tho mooting at Giboon will bo published In the next week’s is*** at this paper. LAUMNMIIG SOCIETY ctu‘ Oil Tuujiy afternoon, November 28, the memben of the Elisabeth Browyilng Book Chib and a number of invited gueati were entertained by Mrs. Georg* A ringer. Venice was the subject for the afternoon. Interest ing papers were contributed by Mrs. James A. Jones, Mrs. T. J. Dunn and Misi Roberta Coble. Mias Katie Mc Lean dosed the program with two appropriate musical selections. The amusement for the afternoon eras a Tbanksgtriag story, whom partners war* matched with turkey oosum druma sad answers The story to be fln*< ouyjrith Wmdt-af tytg U a* a _ _w Meedames Murphy' and Blue each re ceived consolation prism. Refresh ments, consisting of a salad course followed by plum pudding and coffee, were seryed by Mrs. Avtngar, assist ed by Mrs. Jmraea McNair and Miaa Emma Richt. ST. CECILIA CLUB WITH MISS COVINGTON. The regular meeting of (be St Ce cilia Mode Club was. held with Mias Mary Covington November £9. Nor wegian music was the subject for the afternoon. Hie following program eras rendered: rpteteh of Gtarig's life, Mr*. Jss. Long. Vocal eolo.^l Love Thee,” Mies Mary Phillips. Piano solo—To Spring, Mm Hand Jews*- In honor of Thanksgiving Mia* Covington departed from the usual simple entertainment and served sa elaborate salad course. Each member was presented with dainty souvenir, suggestive of the season. Miss Covington was assisted la re ceiving by her sister. Miss Berta Cov ington. THURSDAY AFTERNOON BOOK CLUB WITH MRS. Me EACH IN. On Bareasheg 1 the Thursday Af ternoon Book Club met with Mrs. Walter MeKnchtn at her elegant horn on 8outh Main street. *Ac Club's •tody fer the year is famitnre, and after tbs reading of the minute* thl following program wan carried nut: American Colonial Paraiturs, Mrs. Peter John. Court Cop board—Jacob ean, Mia* EfHe McRae. Furniture used in the boena ef John Howard Payne, Mr*. W. N. Robertson. After the program an open discussion was held on the subject of having a com munity Christmas tree foe Laurin burg. No definite plans wsra made for the proportion " Baa, and Mnsf^J*Max bar guests a mast dal SSTkSVt Janas, Mrs. Anew Caldwell, Mrs. B. 8. Rudd, Mrs. J. M. Gregg and Miss El ian lioNsm. DB. I. G. PATH CLAIMS MISS Me KILLIAN AS BBIDS. PoynUr and Pronin sat Tama Canal* *f Cwinty OaltW ta ^Marrte#* At tba hotaa at tea btMaH.pietear, Mr* Hartor MaMBhu, In tba ocunty Wadaaaday aranina rf Mat waak «u •olatncixeo a marnapa of orach biter aat to friend* of tea aawtractIn> par tie* in eoantr and state, whan Mias Sarah McMillan banana tba brid. of 5r J. G. Pate of Giboon. Aftar tea eamaony Dr. aad Mr*. Pate left far a waddlnr trip at aararaf day*, and apart thou ratam wffl maka teair haroa at Oibaaw. U • ImtSuSS fcr ASTtA wy?sir3 srvwsJS sss^-sjTsai rasas & SioaftA ar-etri a MISS IRENE HANFORD BRIDE OF WILLIAM PKB&ET COLE.. Beautiful Wedding HotemaUcd at Hoorn of Bride's Parnate Wednm. day Evening. At tho home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Sanford Wednesday evening at lena o’clock a beautiful wedding was eoi srnnlsod when chair deaghter. Irene Ellen both, waa united la marriage to Mr. William Persy Cole, of Hamlet. The home wma effectively decorated with ferns and chrysanthemums, the scheme being green and white. Be fore an improvised attar the ceremony was performed. Rev. R. F. Humana, pastor of the bride, officiating. Miss Mary Covingtoa prodded at the piano end rendered D'Amour and Schubert's Serenade as a prelude to (hi KrffDOQT At tba Srst strains of the Bridal Chorus from Lohengrin, the bride’s stater. Mias Mary Lou Sanford, maid of honor, entered. She was becom ingly attired in pink taffeta and silver Usee and carried pink Killarney rones. Following her came the tiny ring bearer, Hiss Mildred Brooks, niece of the bride, lovely In white accordion platted silk, carrying the ring lo the heart of a single white roes showered with Hites of tin valley. Then tho bridegroom, scooao panted by Ma brothsr" Mr. Alton Cote, of Carthage, entered and awaited the bride at the altar. The bride, a lose ly blood, exquisitely robed in duchess satin and Ceorgotta, with coart train and peari trimmings, carrying s show er bouquet ef bride’s roses and valtey UUee, entered with her father, J. V. Sanford, who gave her in marriage. The vail waa simply arranged in cap effect and caught with orange bloe-, ■ome The bride’s ornament waa d pin worn by bar mother on her wed ding day. During the ceremony* Traamen waa softly played, foUovrit ing which the bridal party loft tfcj altar to tbs strains of MsadoUshon’l wcddtne march. Shortly afterward* ths young coe j pie loft In * car for Ham lot, wharf? they boarded the train for Washing ton. Now York and otter northern cities. Mrs. Colo is a charming young wc/j man much Moral for ter many pcin sonsl charms. Mr. Cole is a populsi young business man at Hamlet, whelm ha bolds a responsible poelti/n wiM ths Seaboard Air Line Railway. f Among the out of town guests wail Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Brooks, Mr. Lsj at BUor City; Mr., and Mr*. 3. ^sSL£22f^iSl?l*ig,JB Mr. and Mrs. C'L Suford’nrSs.n, "option in honor of the Cota-BufoiM bridal party. Recital This Friday Bveaiag. Announcement ia made that the music class of the City schools wiD rive th* first of • series of public re citals at ths city echuol auditorium' this Friday evening at 8 o’clock. Misu' Pauliao Shows Iter ia bead of ths do-1 pertinent of masic this yoar sod har' class is doing fine work. No admis sion feu will be charged and it is stated that the public generally Is In vited to go out and tear the program Friday evening. Rad Cross Seale On Sale. Mrs Bessie Turner, chairman of the local Red Croas fommtttaa. status that the Rad Crass Baals are now ou •ala in Laurinborg at a Insoot every pi see at business the Cite schools. Last year the sales in this city totaled 5.780 aad H is sapseially < salted that >te sales this year stew « tealthv ineraase over test year, (teas little seats wffl be an sale until Christmas Day and sell for a penny. They can be used In mating Christmas Mdkagrs and are vary useful, besides adding a touch of the Christmas spirit to the gift and earring to warm the hearts rf good folk oesrywter* daring the tefiday season, lie mousy de rived from ths sale of tteos littls seals la spent in earing far tubertmlar patents and ia the light that hsalth instance in oa record bars hi oar site anu rsfjajsnnSM that ttevgfctfu! i3k wffl not forget the Red C'-naa seals this yaar and win paachssa them In literal quantities. I^JSLWBURQ HIGH SCHOOL IS OM ACCREDITED LIST. Wrt*« Supwtataa. >■* *ahh That School Hn ha Accepted. ^'ysrjsrZ'? six's jS^.*nsryeta,B IW. the Aeeoeietlon of CaUma -H S/tdary Schoole, which baidTU*! * fmv. d»f» aRo^ThU jg^S^*8*ato Inaimctor ofhfa£ “4ldr*"Kd 10 8upt- * V*.*"—°«that craduatce of the {*•£*• the 1>lRh«r InaJtutto!!. *2f fegajggaag.ea '*•*’ beia# required to etaod irrffiU’ffiiiSTLf .& acnool has boon admitted •5?** >“?» K la that tho echool and tha 1 t* dmld be proud of. _ ■■■ ■ . ». I Bwerwmwrt Get* $35. yjjaoditoriutn 'tandny night ^ ■ *MlfidMaciMaY3 J*MMda tnonitod to $5$. Tkia *T>< •* M atatcd, will bo oaod ia S* *■*■»•**»•• prononacad o P ** the arhool and the com jtMKU^PLTLEK M AtlilAPE. _n and til— jt—u Qylitly MarrJJd k r Eying. “ ■ diattnet ftn lo frianda at the contracting ^rrmiiiad Sunday arm. Pcoaatber 5, at nr o'clock at the MM«r. and lira. Nathan Uarg Mj; Walter C. Boaadlif ■rvad Mica Jennie Grace PlvHcr ftjjjjJ**** "»>^< J** "°*P fcfeatBaptirt ch^ch^U^i jgH^W**1”** to aktnea/1^# train for Ala— rli, of the bride. U d—Bribed at • most i„ Tractive young woman, possessing rhs marked degree the grace* and l”wm* of womanhood, She baa been It lag at Merton for some time and pj»w*» there that the courtship took osytee, wfciek culminated in the happy sd»t bare Sunday wooing. Mr. Has. s*l[ ia a son of Postmaster 0. B. Ru« fa]l of Laurinborg nod ia wail and .favorably known in tbe city. The boriMdaof this young coopt* wish them p voyage on the maa at matrimony. “Reform" Spelling Galas. fo*t isn’t safe for a humorist to poke ea£_*t eimplIMd spelling any mor*. ie/a Dr. A- Gideon, newspaper repre boSdathre of the simplified spelling ^Simplified spalling, say* Dr. Gid paK is now used by more than 400 sirper* h* U States and 299 unhrsr TH**. oollaga* and normal school*, tfci* Michigan Agrieutturu] CaSege. atf School W mb***, the State Nor d*jl College, Adrian, Alma, HOls £)• and Hope Collagaa have adopted sptoi. These are: Tho for though. gSo far although, thru for through, ifcruoot for throughout, thoro for . thorofaro far thorough /siySgaB GoriaTbwt hi the 1P1S convention Mhut aaeond step, which nouaiaU wjnMwg the latter t for ad whan it gij t change the pronunciation, 9 hr cad under the *amo eoadt W Ihaa dropped 1* apallad dropt, ynwUMod is spoiled pronoun* t, bat d^P«d ia ^not spirited^ hoyt, and da IS words have bean adopted w IT Stats teachers* ergsniaetioaa. dfriuding tat the Michigan aaaoria? jghi'ar/ISiat* that Kaosavait ipdMw,* [_ ***• *- H- BARCKAJfT AXD HIM BLANCHE BULLARD WED. •'•poUr Lanrinbnrf En*in*.r w*d» W**w« «ri and W« JUfc. RwIm. ferSsa3 iSss Zg&grfjz&sg \ ~l'1S^rwIS, ta'iSlI brow» c*i?<” bro_ ,1 aSJ&IUS £&,& KT IBLV“ ^ JSlj A Ward U Parents. 353SS“S* J2a STi .?• *• 5s»*-5® tfc?T#ccA£ fll.'£*yi*LJg •*«* ©SSggp p2Surw**,3r *^taM *rt&SSTJ ; &£? iX* &S££r C2L**S ! 22M.S-sasrftJr^1 •jg^of the children who are underher < ^HKjaSE*3EiS: W«SS3««aa: svsjta s <a«gc$6giwlii ggaygggjS Kemember that teacher* in not am* ehlim., bat human Mom, with like. Mfc* tho atmt teacher* bar* undergone a long course « training In nr* remain* their feci mga. It might Im> rational for a leather I to prefer someone rise’s child to yoers, I •van tho you cannot conceive of aorh a ponfWIrty. Dot remember I hat it i* the rarest thing in the world far the teacher to show ssch e prefer. gotten children’s accowjit* of thing* rn “n aehnol. With the Seat will in tli* world young children find it difficult to toll Tonight atonr. forget tint the teacher** point •* bi*® »•«* nm««r» as welt aa the child'll And finally, if Un teacher yeu can get for the money yen pay 1* not eat lafaetory, laatend of constantly crW eiibig h*lp to ralae more money and [ 2Jttor*"tt#r °**’—^vnl*t,r Vewa I . ■ I MISS WATIINS MAKES” WOMAN Sim AGE SPEECH '»d*y nt,bt 3^&£E££fi2s!^ SSraL^^£3:‘£~~ StSaSJSa® i# a»d tbt in;:; NoitU.M _ • baud af I punai si torero._the oath «£«•*• to CUrk <rf the Coart C. D. KeOoradefc, who Dim orlmioiotered Um oath to all the other officer.: !?. D McLaurin, sheriff: C. E. Mai frtriator of deed*; E. rf. Giboon, tadce of eonnty court; Geo. T. OwJtn, prworatina ottornvy at county court.

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