NEW CHURCH DEDICATED AT WAGRAM SUNDAY Caagregstioo af Spring HIU Baptist Church Dedicatee Haadeeme New Church House. At Waaram Sunday the congrega tion of Spring Hill Baptist church held dedicatory exercise*, which marked the completion and occupancy af the handsome and commodious saw church hou** at that place Tbs dedi cation sermon wai preached by Rev. M. I.. Kaslar, manager of the Thom aarilla Baptist Orphanage. Mr. Kee ler was 15 year* ago pastor of the 8pring HIU church and. It la stated, la now the only man in the state who ever served the church as pastor, ex cept of course. Rev. W. E. Goode, who ie now serving the Spring Hilt folk. It h stated that a largo crowd was present Sunday and a moat plseaant service was held. In addition to the sermon by Mr. XeaUr, Mr. Bay Mc Millan, a promising and popular yang aaaa of the Spring HiU section, made a moat Interesting talk. 1b* Spring Hill congregation earn* months ago decided to build a new church aad reluctantly, but wisely, it is thought, voted to move front the historic Hill to ths growing and prog ressive town af Wagram, which la ■mat two miles from tbs old site. Spring HIU church la a landmark b» . the history af North tista and has b (batch at Wi l eataaeat sf *_ aad U boUt af and la ^ fat A BUM non UMKT GANG. COMMUNITT CHRISTMAS TUBE WAS A SPLENDID SUCCESS. LurUni'i First Municipal Christ mm Tree a Pleasant Feature of the Holiday Season. Lourinburg’s first municipal Christ man tree waa a splendid success, and was most eminently symbolic of tbe Chrictmas spirit. Monday evening, December So, appropriate Christmas exercises war* held on th* lawn at th* court house, whore waa planted. In all Its primeval beauty, a magnificent holly tree. About the trae, which was brilliantly Illuminated in colors, gath ered ■ larr* crowd, representing a major portion of the city's popula tion. Service* were conducted by Dr. Rose, Rev. JaaMS Long, Rev. R. F. Bumps* and Rev. J. B. Thompson. Special Christmas music and carols wen sung by u eel acted cbeix, as sisted by the congregation. Th* committee, which had in charge the collection aid distribution of gifts, hold opua house Friday and Saturday In the store ropm next door to th* Model Pharmacy and there received from Umm who offered thorn, a groat quantity of Christmas good tea, as wen aa things mors substantial. Tims* war* distributed Christmas day among th* needy of the community and a •pedal effort era* mad* to me that no on* waa fergsttun, Th* sue cam of Urn venture was do* largely to th* unselfiih effort* of a number of people in the aty, whom name* are net known readily and who perhaps would not eure to nave them in the hnfelight Th* tre* utUt stands on th* court aouss agnate and th* eng feetlon ha* base mad* that M WeJd not b* a bad Idas to plant i an those fur annual turn, and which would add to th* beauty of the uuust lawn. Drj W. C. Cridwtl ud Mia Ethel Dumber IT. Dr. W. <1 CaldwsU of tUa city aad Min Ethel Seamen wen married Wedneeday, December 37. et the bride's boats at Statesville aad after a Short rtatt to Dr. Ce Id welt's eld kom at Canned. the Doctor aad Ua bride caaae to Lanrinberp aad are atogftag with Mr. aid Mrs. K. E. L. The bride bolenra to cae ef States* sine's ben faaU&a aad U i yeaf wiair of cettare aad poeaaaaea the £$*£2? dFcSmS* baa Wit If an. ad aada a pad bastes to coagrata. i.e.'ssi'mras Mat aeraaaeat raidatx ef city am! wfetbeTaTplaadld addhfee to social Ufa of the community. TO OUK SUBSCRIBERS. Siec* December 27 we here mailed oet letters te every ■ ab ler, ber, whose name la on our subscription book and whose subscription Is not paid in ad vance, aanoenelec the fact that The Exchange is te be here after a cash-ia-advance paper. In short, the chaage means thst wa are putting eur sub scription business on n rash basis and the paper will not be sent to any one whose subscrip tion is not paid in advance* after this issue. * It i« useless for us to giva the why of this change. Wa sin cerely hope that we may not be mltundoretood ia any instance and that our friends and eub •eribere will land us their bfor ty Co-operation in adopting and making practicable the cask system. "With malice toward none and good will to all," ia the spirit in which ws are working. It it sirflfcly a business proposition aad aa such, we have decided to inaugurate the system and stand or fall by tbs results. We are proud of our subscrip tion lists and, with a few pos sible exceptions, we know ev ery man whose name ia on oar list Is as hsnaet aa a summer day ia loag; aad there is hard ly a man among them that wa would net lead meaty all we had if he needed it—aad treat him to^ayj^ hack. But we paper without tb ad vance. Hot * era afraid to credit him, bat be en see we can not wait for the money aad continue to publish a newspaper. Good aa thane folks are. whoee ■ernes it is oar boner te have «i oar subscription lists, they have permitted ue to be aasfaer ransed at times osM account of ably prompt with the payment of their soberrlption accounts Aad we are f arsed to tsho this •top in self defense We most sincerely hope that no one who received one of the tetters will take it to boast aad feel aggrieved. A few—a very few—we have been told fool this way about it. Bat, we are glad to aar, ao one has come to ua aad mid bo was hart or Insulted shoot M. We would rather have the good wol of a eu beer! bar than have Ms uJMM on eur list « foSie atom- • •r I I