CHARLOTTE LADY OF 78 i YEARS HAS GAINED 10 POUNDS Mi*. J. P. UM Wu Down to N PojmW—Now Able te Do Howe work. "Just think of it. I MB 7* year* old nod was down to 90 pound* when I start ad on Tanlac; now, after taking only a aingta bottle I have gained 10 pounds and am again able to do all my housework," declared Mr*. J. P. Hitch, 700 North Davkleon street, Charlotte. "Now I have a splendid appetite and am really ashamed of myself at times for eating to much," the aged lady smiled on. "And enljr n while hack I was in a pretty had way. La grippe and bronchitis last winter left mi in i very week and rundown state. 1 was alarmed at ray condition for I never wu any too strong in my Mfe and then I-bed fallen off to 90 pounds. “Now 1 am on my mcond bottle of Teniae and weigh exactly 100 pound* end am much wronger and can do-my housework. ] advise anyone suffer ing u I wu te give Tanlac a fair tnal and the rest will take car* of itself." she ended happily. Genuine Tanlac is sold in l-eurin bvg only by Bias's Drug Store; Gib son, WTl. Gibson; Lexington, Smith Drag Co.; Hamlet, Roy* Pharmacy; Fairmount, Pnlrmoont Drug Co.; Maxton, Bernes Bros.; Hoffman, Hoff man Drag Co.—Adv. r Dag Saw the Daager. The right hind of e dog makes a splendid protector for the children. It seems to be the chosen occupation of certain breeds to watch the little tod dler* when the parents' eyes are not upon them. How utacy times does the quick wilted four-footed playmate end guardian keep the little ones from daager and barm I Instance* are with out number. The editor of the Fort Deposit (Alabama) Clarion asnds ua for pobUeation tha following true story related to him by bis neighbor, a druruist: This gentleman has a full-blooded, r# filtered colli* about oac year and a half old. He a Lao hai a bright little boy of throe. The little bey and dog are great friend*. Wherever you eee one you toe the other. Some time ago the little boy came down to the drug store to pay his fa ther a visit. Many train* pas* her* in the afternoon, and he'asked hie f.uher to let him go outside a ad eee them as they passed. HI* father if*** him permission and the boy went out and stood at the edge <tf the pavement for a while. the dog keeping do** to his side. S»un a fast unseenger train came along—one of those that doesn’t •top but rushes past at about forty miles »i hour, Child-Ilka, the little fellow lift the pavemont and started to go Avar the back. /After going a few steps the co'.lie tdnk hold of the - boy’s arm with his teeth nnd wouldn’t "let him go one step nearer the track until the fast train pnsacd on. The little boy scolded the dog. and struck bins with his free hand but the collie petbackand held on to him until the *bor^o^Uhest^l?h*t icg It worth his weight in gold, and proved to be much more careful with Ms charge than the average nurse would have boon.—Our Dumb Animals. Concerning the Purchasing of Ground Umtm and Marl. Firman will generally nnd It poeai bla to Mva considerable sums of moo •y on thair purchaaaa of ground llme •wna and marl by getting price# from the State Department of Africultare which baa (tale contracts with the hading line grinding companies that are located near enough to North Carolina territory to do business In this Bute. W. A. GRAHAM. Commissioner of Agrletdtare. Aa Error. Aa exchange prints the following: "A Westerner had hanged himself to the bed poet by his suspenders. The verdict of the coroner's jury ran, 'De ceased came to his death by coming home fall and mistaking himself for his pants.’ "—Galveston Tribune. True Spirit. Ha—"Your boo did not graduate, after allt” She- -“No—Charlie hae ae aiacb col lage Spirit! Yoa know then are as many graduating every year that k cripple* college athletics/—Judge. TaCara a CaU la Oae Day NOTICE. This it to certify that my lands ia Scotland county are “POSTED” and tree peering on line is forbidden un der penalty of the law. Mrs. J. C. Powell. it-dl-S OtleenOat Msearta, HuSds Uplyeka TaeOM eeeaUeri seeeesl eneiamhu leeie. oiom TABTUtitaacant Tome, ieteee eee leas a tree leeie. r~r eNn eel ratline M* AUCTION SALE TV Bostick Mule Co. win offer for sale to the highest bidder all of their property, real and personal, at their offices on JANUARY 16th, 1917. Th^y will offer one house and lot la the tywn of Lanrin burg, known as the Hinson house, one warehouse and two lota in the town of Wag ram. now used at a cotton storage house by the Cotton Warehouse Co. Several mules and horse*, plow* and agricultural implement*, office fixtures, desk* and adding machine, harness and all of the accounts, notes and chattel mortgagee remaining unpaid on that data. Thi* is a bona fide sale, every thing will be sold to the high est bidder. All account* due the Boetick Mule Co. must be settled before January 16. 1917 or they will be exposed for sale at public outcry. / All perron* desiring to settle their accounts before that date must see me as no one else has the authority to make settlement for the Boetick Mule Co. Rttmembc^ the date, January. 16th, 1917. at TEN O’CLOCK at the offices of the BOSTICK MULE CO. Any thing* belonging to the above Company can be bought at private saleLefore the publi^juKtJw- ’Phone or see e I J. Jji. Sutherland “Ten Degrees Down!” But the shrinkage of the mercury doesn't concern your comfort if you've bean fora* handed with a Perfection Smokeless Ofl Heater. i It stands for praparadnaaa •(mine* sudden weather ctunttc Gives comfort losurance i when the fumece has an off day. Drives away those little W) chile that a coal fire’* too ex pensive to cope with. Wanna badranaa, barhrair, and library. Too can •any it any wear*: aed !«*• atwaya daaa. fceMb and Mote tkan t^oaoao aaara ara in ekmaM. AW any food dayarunant aaora. fomitara or kardwara en. (Am AAaddTn Saoertiy Oit-for boot raaoAa STANDARD OIL COMPANY ettSs?; % * C**r1«mta W.Vb. I C. OMrkMMW&C PERF TION . ^HEATEM An extraordinary number of owners have little or no occasion to call on the dealer for service. v . ' Is is 1 that with a little care and a trifling expendi ture a car bail! ns Dodfe Brothers car isbuih can maintain itself for an indefinite period. This Is not an accidental nor an occasional reeuii. It is the general experience doe to the design of the car. Its light, strong construction was carefully calculated to promote economy as well as capable performance. It will pmy yoe to visit m txmmins this eer. Tkt Ift-T1*" cwiapdM U uaaaally U». * TS* Ura bUnO »• aaaamaUj Sign Tssiiai Car *r XoaSitac, ITS*; Wtator Taariag Car tf SaaSatar, K to, SaSaa, SUSS • (AU pricaa L*S Datrelt) GIBSON BROS. Laurinburg, ‘ North Carota. t ■ ‘ ' That's tit* earns that baa beso given to Daybreak Finely Ground Phosphate by soar* of the boat farmer* la 8eotkod, Richmond and Robeaoa Counties. They have been using ft for ■ix years and have proved it to be ths moot economical and profitable fsrtiliaar. Daybreak Pboaphato is tbs only fertilizer that remain* the same pries aa before the War. Here's what some of the best farmers have to aay about It: Ur. Von. L. Uihem says be used Day bread Pboephate and to entirely satisfied with results. Wltl um it again this year. Mr. Gibsoa to ooa of the best farmers la hto tonality and knows a good thing when ha ness it Mrv. D, O. Wright a prosperous farmer of Route 1. Gibson. N C., bee tread Day brsek Pboaphnte for **.*ral years aad will eontlno* to use. Bays ha ip aotireiy mtisfled with results. B. F. Paste, a leading fanner of this seettou. say* bs has used Daybreak Phos phate six years and is entirely satisfied with results; eays he will ese no other as ' bag mb* can get Daybreak Phosphate. Daybreak Phosphate to prepared in perfect mechanical condition to give results. Ninety five per seat wtH pass through a screen with 10,000 openings to tbs equals inch; about 78 per cent petting a screen with 40,000 opening* to the square Ieoh; aad 60 par seat being . of the earns finances as floor: TWs mechanically perfect product Is quick la action and it contains «ufRei#nt Phosphoric -Add to supply the crop from • tart to maturity. * Each ton of Daybreak Phosphate is guaranteed to contain a minimum of St per cent, that Is 888 pound*, of Phophoric Add. ThU makes the ooet per pound, or the seat per i unit, exceedingly tow. 1 Get ready now for big crop*. Write or tebpboae your Mead, Mr. W. T. Wright, Roots 1, Gibson, N. C.. (Telephone 8808). for prises delivered to year station. « Federal Chemical Company 1 Ground Rock Dept, : Columbia, Tenn. i •__

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