dost to maintain saeti battalion or oth w laew warn nalt at tki pmtritod Tha language follows dowdy that «f (he aelloaal oafeaee at, to which tha unorganised nil. tie is daflaed as U» Ctadiag every able bodied onto eiti m within tue prewtibeO axe limit ot those who l»vt declared their insee tic*, nf 1) r,.jn:: - title .The rational guard regulations, vkl.ii will b smpliacd it ^ ret de li! later, also etrtoc at tha problem f dependon t fmll>> of rail dare which 'to t«>: tho go emateat na.orai mil haiSar mMUhatteaT’kanaMSm ftcava for the rmtioasl guarj aiu t\C (acted to die-oarage the ewlieuao&t oi amrriud mot or tfcuaa with others dc ■u- Un‘ itpoo lb n. Such parse as an ta ho accepted on!/ for reasons in the public Intcre >t. m n who wrtnk to Iks m- efHoin home the only clone poclAtaUy e.-ccatcd. It la provided in the regdationa that •« *• of the ga 'r-l hrrraftor shall he recognised aa such under the de 'iseuc . t u-tlrnn ho shall have aab rrfbed to ea oath binding him to obey he orders «; the PrrsMeus and of the K L J S A I 8 | I I ■ m i i < And Hearty Good Wishes for a Prosperous 1917 to the Many Friends and Customers who made it possible for us to close the Year 1916 with a Record of business that exceeds any Previous year. Starting the Year 1917 we wish to express the wish that for Our Friends it will mean much in Happiness and Good Things. And we want to give expression of our Determination to render a greater service in the New Year, and we Hope You will help us to make 1917 even greater than \ was 1916. THE EXTRA POWERED TOURING CAR The 5-passenger 6-30 ^ Chalmers is rated at - 30 h. p. It’s remark-; able simple engine develops well over 45 h. p. Sjo that you UNIVERSAL CAR COMPANY Laurinburg, North Carolina ** V ' | NEVER HEARD OR MAVRT. _ 3mt ScWntiat Hwni Knrjr*Wn lm !■ HJa 0*» Cnatrjf. who left no irwprsea on tho sends of, Timo and U silent as to on* who ox- i stored tho mysteries of ths great1 deep, charted it» currents and ren dered Ita navigation a subject of rule i and cernpess instead of conjecture? Aad what la education that leevcs a generation of youth ee untaught of | the hvaa and characters of the man who have refloated most glory on their country, that of a aumbor of aehoolboye interrogated by Johan Street none ever heard of Matthew Maury? Is the omission accidental ? Per haps dlscusstoa of that question would bo psafltlaas. But at toast Vir ginia should aae that It to repaired, so for ea the textbooks la aae la her s: r&8J2;yKS&,12n Confederate. All the men reaeon why Us own people should too that thetr children's children should be reared in know!edge and Nwersnct of that masatt' deras at vunsraMa. Our hoys aad (Ms should not ha dopaad aot on texts which ignore the renown of their a Masters Bow for the per utotous taflasnee of soch has extend ed Is Olastrsted by a resent local oc cur ranee The pupils of one of oor Norfolk schools took part Is a u re wrier dram euppoood to tho gsneato of oar auaatry. __ set pictured the voyage aad diaoo af a now rowttnoart bp Col am hue. second irmniril the ‘ pilgrims at Plvasouth Virginia, wUch was aetltod many rys prtorto the ^ warning^ of tho vTrglato, wbleL^ bod a raprmcntatlve SENTENCED A BOYHOOD FK1END Bat Al Mato .Hart^Piiaolljr^ Lighter *a (Kernel City BUr.) When they went to achooi together they celled each other Jim end Al. Bat whoa they mot ia the Wyandotte county diatrict court recently it wo* Jadgo A. J. Harrod aad Jama* Box ton, fonfaaaad check forger. Toe judge looked down from the hooch at th* prieonrr, who fttmhlad hia hat aad lookod at tha floor. Jim ted admitted to Al that ho ted forged the oarna of Denial Stnmpf to alght *■*1 ha aaated at tho Cnmmarrial National bank. Kaaaaa aide. mST«jT“ “ Hi* ^r-a^s.jTsrsK-4:. Hear BaHiaa Auto ArridaaL *«rtoa»l aceSer *TT* * moat «»* of town Friday mnW d lat* “ 7?m PteTof Olbaon droea hi* Mg OadlUar towrtajr car In to aa afl wagon o4 th* OulflUffadng . SSK^bo MjTewafcf moruor Im injury to it* ocrupaaUrflr. Pat* wna braiaad and amrtoehed tmt not aarlowty hart. The ofl wagon waa damaged. It aamMttet th* mmbuMo OtijMB th* wagon about SSe/WS Si TjLfZS h»>»»T