Ttar. m thuae and it ia entirely probable that Moat tT«in aide* ia thta who believe that Cenaajqr ia ea bar “but laca~ eo ts speak. And thaaa Waald Have ua think that tba war la all over bat the iheatjap Any ev> w on tba pact of Coda Sam would af aicmdip and the vary nature of the eaaa ba ehect and *t bttto aeoaa dHwdadiptwMta Mba? be that wajwea^gaaaaad wroc*. and *•** MM®_ I LIVING THB TRUTH. The editor mt Collier's Weakly la WWw om of the ablest editorial writers la Amedeo. Hla cenamU dal with a wide variety of eubjecU tmd usually be ctoeae hU cten with a gem that to eatvenai to adaptabil ity. We dip this eae frees a recent Three men ert fertb to eeerek ot Troth. The teat said: "I will uek H to tea wiedoaa of other*. There, If £££ to tSTdLJS £ a greet library aad begaa to pore ever the groat tomes of all the sages to all the centuries. Tears and years he delved thus. One-day, an old man, he abruptly closed the volumes spread ah sat him. They all contradict each other," said he. “There is no nock thing as Truth." The second maa had raid: “It is not in hooka het in the lives of my fallow aten that I shall And Troth." Be he went forth far the geest, through ell the marts and byways of mankind. In a few yeara be warned wearing the cynic's saeer. The third man had hesitated. Said he: "Before I go to seek Truth, I fancy It wW be well that I should try to practice It tayadf." Aad 1A that endeavor be became so absorbed that sriS J“*ttKisr,2<2g: » wew to kk tow xrotn, m mnr mured, "aad 1 have bcoksa my row." Aad then, seen aa he rained hie eyes thma deed before Cm a stowing ap tss? evrais Ss sreJftjEs £ as continued: • "Traly pea had aa aead to took for mm, yea find a* aad I tow boaa at your tide ever dace that sjrej&ac-'" A snail ir at school* to th* county tow* tom tto rodptanta of ttot took* awl it is stated that many of teem have tom toad aad re road by psopto, mho if it had net tom far tha pa •rasfcy «f tha unknown fiimds hi a hrmty city, amid to aft probability •aw tom daprtvad of tha opparteaity the tooks sffbr. ft to mid tha Gitosa ashmto ham naahrari aaO IN volamaa. which to pratobly tha largest single gift to always to goad condition aad wady far service. Mr. Prato nnaliil to as that this publicity might prove esa barrasstog to him. aa aay aawbir ad ■dinli may now be amldag applica tion far thsea books. Bat H to bapou •ibto to supply an needs aad demands The boohs cam to distributed only aa they are neelved, and the ngaist al ways comaa to sand them where they aw needed meat and where the school Is net able to purchase books. This story illustrates tha manner to which a gwat deal at good is being dona, the people who faraiah these books make no noise about their srork and they seek no reward other than the satisfaction of knowing1 that the books aw being wad and that they may to serving in this way to make tha world richer and better. Raid a man Saturday afternoon to ov **I am foinr to Charktttt tonight and 1 hope that twin will be an time. I base mad# more than a hundred trips oa it in tha lost few years aad only twice have I known; it to reach Charlotte oa nrhodnlo time. Last Saturday night was one at them.' This to tram a traveling man who works out of Charlotte. Another traveling asa recently mid, “8. A L. she’s always late.’’ Aad than to spoke and mid aoate thing that is worthy of thought. And that to, what would wu do without the raBreads? impatient as wo often era with the service that to given, bat what would wo do without them. Aad then to sslf wu would have no towns, do no hastoom and to nothtog orlthout tha railroads. AB of which to true. • .. I Tomorrow we will celebrate the u- i aivormry of the birth of Abrehua Lincoln. Fifty yean after ba caam ! fata this great world, ha waa elected ! presid eat cf thoae United Stated amid ] one of tka graatict atom fa the We- j tory at the world, row yean later 1 tka aaaaaafak ballet etraok him down. The matted neticm la bis mwieneaet, | the heart at oar paapla hie abrlaa. Aa a child. I.tacola waa a traa, hoa at boy. Hi* ewa mother pasaod eat of thli Ufa when ba waa a little bay, and aa they Head auu>y mil's freat a town Where m charch atoad, than waa no mlatoter to oondaet the ffawral earrfem, bat aa Uttfa Abraham atood baa Id* the open gran ha vawad that the proper saaretoaa should ooau day be read. Later fa the year a preachar same by that way and the little boy bagged him to road prayers for Wa mother. So tha two weat to the lone ly grave aad boM the sarrleai aa tha rate frit gently all abas* them. After awhile a new moth or ctm to thi Hry+ta Imml 9m ImimI to to* UttW Abmhm* aad helped Uo in every way aka could. Ho learned to road aad kla now mother did every thing la har power to accrue hooka aad papers for him to road, aad aha helped him da auma and to figare out the problem* which bad to ba dona when ha want to acheol Of We life Lincoln once aaid: “ft was a wild raglon whore we lend, with many bears aad ether aahaafa •dll In tha weed*. Unto were few eehoolc, but no quaHhcadona war# re quired of a taaebar beyond reading, wrttag aad ciphering to tha Rule of Three." In spite of them handicap* Lincoln acquired an education which fitted him for hit work, and ha |tf* tha credit t* hit mother, who wee hie friend aa well •• hit guide. Ia all he spent only U months in school, hot whenever ha eonid gat a book to read, no matter achat ldad aS a beak it waa, ha would spend all his leisure time reading and talking about the contents of the book with his BMther. One day ha bor rowed a book—the “Life of Washing ton," from a crusty old man who lived in tha neighborhood. That very night he aat up late to read this treasure and foil aslsep while ha rand. He waa a wakened later by drops of water fall ing on hie face. The roof leaked and a hard ahowar bad coats up. Tha book was vary wet, and Its red cover spoiled. . Ha did oot know what to da, bet the next day ha want to the old man and told him what had happened. The owner of the book was angry and told lkUa Aba that be would have to pay far tha book. Aba mid ha bad .no money but would work lor the man until tha book waa paid for. For three days ha worked from dayfigbt until dark aa tha farm, and at tha and of that tima the man came to him sad told hha ha had earned the hook,and it wma bin. Ibis was the first book that Lincoln ever owned. Abe enjoy ed reading this book to bis mother, and it was aba who helped him te be SprMg Of leg Nest Week. Mr. J. C. Morgan etatea that early ■at week he wfl] have on display stsae early arrivals h Iks new Spring Cent salts, Cents, shirts and shirt waists, shewing the latest creations in ladies' ready-to-wear. Be will be pleated to have Me easterners aad friends call aad aaa the new Spring Styles. Mr. Morgan states that a number have been 'asking a boot tha new Spring goods and ha takas this pish of letting all knew when the new msroherdlst will be oa display and James B. Laae, aged 71 years, sad a vs terms ef tha CMl war, la in a eritteat oeadlUoa in Brasil, Ind., as a malt of walking oat o€ doom in Ms sleep while sonority clothed. LAND FOR SAl^E 165 oaoo more or In* kim u “McLaaakHa" PkM, loeatsd in Seotfcad Comity, Wtwgf Uusl Hill and Hoffman. 100 acres botn* on Boot Mo Jltd Mi (bask* and 66 acm oa Wot Ms. Land good day found* non* rmruy CMfra, mm timber. Also 166 acres novo or Ins, klfws “L J. Ollrer” Place, Bvo nOn Bast of Hanlst, adjebiiif load of D. O. Camera*. Good pioco of hud wltli soon tinlmr. i , ■ Addreas * W. H. PATE, Jr. Boat 536, Flumes, 8. C. JUST RECEIVED • * My new Spring Coat Suits in all the Latest Colors and Styles. • . t ~ \ \ Also a shipment of Silk Taffet ta and Georgette Crepe Dresses. i % * . • • See me for anything in Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, Shoes, Etc. If we haven’t got it we can get it for you. J. W. MASON Laurinburg, North Carolina For a Better Garden Plant WOOD’S SEEDS The Best For The South. * 4 We here stocked this high grade line of • Garden and Farm Seeds. When you plant - Wood's yon plant the best. Special attention given to special orders for feed that we haven't in stock. Boy your Seeds from (ns and save transporta tion chargee. Our price is the Richmond price. Come In snd select yonr seeds now. « J.D. Sanfoi l& Son “The Quality Hardware Shop.” IT PAYS TO PAY CASH . . \ .•ERE E ALUMININUM WARE john if. McNair Laurinburg, N. C. Wt hart wiiwM to |ht to all oar cash easterners, as shown by paadt sards, their aelee ttoafromaa assortment of large high-grade . Alania him Cooking Utenaik, each of which hare a retail ralae of $S.M to I^.M. Theaeitemo are gfrea free for trading a paaeh card ef I66.M and the psyamnt af aWpplag and express charges aamaatlBg la 71 cents In cash. Always present yoer card la paying far OflUa ’Phone 1ft. store ’Phone lift. . T 1 . .