/ BOYS AND GIRLS WILL CONTEST FOB MEDALS N T. PWtctor, Gibson Banker, Offer. Bank Aceenat to Winner High ttoheel Been/ Contest. Special to Ike Exchange. Laurinbarg. Feb. *).—Next to hav ing the thought to expvaae the great cet accomplishment of m«»> Is the art cltsrty and beautifully expressing that thought To stimulate cultiva tion at this art among the children of the county, our oompotttiv* coo teats are hew each year at our county eom mancauient. Th* tlttls prices, os sym bols of excellence, can of necessity go only to tha most successful ones. But ws, as teachers and parents, can aot afford to close our eyas to this great opportunity given us of spurting the children of the whole county to their beet efforts. With th* purpose of de veloping the child, we should eon •tontly keep before hit mind’s eye during th* next four weeks the potoi billty of distinguishing himself and hie school in aease one of the i literary Ik* committee has wisely chosen *8a Books* for the grammar grades. . *veey hoes* In the oeunty eheuld he Interested la these two vital sub jects. Can we not substitute discs*, ilea of these two subjects during th* nmetfeur weeks for the usual ffrtaM* hoodith* committed every parent think on i__.... and dteeam it with hi* children, ostensibly •avTamoa. '*1k* ffff*1, prtlBa^r *• oeernty are anthnsiaatie to their deeto ratton that th* only salvation forth* gSMSg&j’ssi&si Mr. N. T. Fletcher, honker of Gib sea, Is ao late* sated ia tk* rshjirt and the contest that he efface th/wWr •g|]|ggtei jsetmf h*smr?Wl— rtr*1,y iat »*• iavtooks are the "eel teachers. The more good books your boy reads and appreciate* the greater will his ap pracixtion end sympathies be. Not only de facta cams to hie mted thro hie tending, but thsy com* grade), related end eyctnmetised. The beat aattdoi* for narrowness, ahem, affec tation and hypocrisy, la th* p*Mtiit ing rays of * good book. To snoour ag* the sat-of-nchool reading th* Aunty Baud has offered eertlftcstea for a minimum number of hooks read during th* school year. Thus the grammar grades have a Ur* sad val Itbll rabUK fray child ia the county above the foanth grade should- gat to this eon. tmd- jyhenr: soo thst year boy Awe as* this awtheJ**! feeathtoTto* breath of artia tots your school Jest at this dm* of yoor, when lethargyu rOLICBMKN GET BUND TIGER SATURDAY AFTERNOON. Negro Had On Hla Person Total of Soroa Plato of ‘Threa-in-oao’* Brand. Policemen B. H. Redfeern and F. R. Smith Saturday afternoon took into tha toil* one Angus, or Gus, McLean, colored. It ia stated that Qoe has bean suspected for soma time.at being on gand la tha liquor traffic. And Sat urday afternoon tha officers, keeping a close aya on hla movements, taw him in tho act of patting something in his ',‘bosom.1* Ha waui searched,and after examining hla pockets careful ly, it ta stated, nothing was found. But a closer investigation disclosed d stock of spirits Ingeniously stored about Guo* parson. A la knapsack, be had fasUnad about hisSody lost be neath the arms, a sort of bait with pockets into which were fitted pint bottlaa. Seven bottlaa wars found and confiscated. It ia said that Gus stoutly protested his innocence and aa tha Drat bottle was produced declared it was all he &ZS[hJ!*u.-lxrxz & the addition of waterSd Mgdg the •evea plnta. Ha waa ballad before the Mart Tanadar morning and glvJn a term of six months oa the public roada Tha effiean stats that ia all thair « ynisaae with isttad tigers. Goa’ ■■wsms ia ana of the cleverest they have known. MAY FAVOR DRY STATK8 WITH BOHR DRY LAW. 91AM FIh far Any firm . Traaoporttag Ugaar lata Dry "* Tsrritaay. Washington, Fab. 1*.—"Whoever ahaJI order, parches*, sr esusa tntead fating liquor* to b* transported hi hlOTUIl^wssmi, oaoopt foroolou. teanioal wppsasa, late any state or territory ths tew ef which stats or territory prohibit ths i •ale therein of taiorico awnthsta JaU or both.’ The above little “Jeker" which Sen •Ur Reed placed in the poetofflce ap. propriatlon bill is giving members of Qpngresa and sens ton from dry state* M **d of (rouble. It is also worry* fig ths preUWttea isod we. It has worried the Uttar so mock that not. withstanding the fact that insofar as dry territory is concerned the passage of this amendment means “bone dry” state* whatever the state* desire sack a condition. E. C. Dinwiddis, bead of the national temperance bureau and president of the Notional Anti-Saloon ••ague, would not give a direct answer wb**> asked If tee league favored tee MDe • 7 ' • : ;. 1 ' • . • ’ ORRATBXW PRELIM INART CON TSflT FRIDAY EVENING. 1 At City School Auditorium Young Speakers Will Cost ml far final ■■ iifDon. .At the city school andltoriaai this ' FrWny night. Pabroary D, a taeaa of , ton speaker* will ontor a Anal pro Uatiaaiv drbato aad contest to dolor "to who »h*U represent tha Laurln h®rr tehepla In the triangular debate against Monroe aad Carthage, which wlU be held March SO. The public is moat cordially Invited to attend. The following have been aclacted to taka part is Friday eight’s dlscuaaioa and were the winners In a preliminary held at the auditorium Monday of last week, when SO contestants debated (?r, this honor; James Redream, Halstead Covbigtoa, Edwin Gill. “mr Whitoker, John Wallace, Thomas Neal. James McRae, Sngtsia FairiS. ZUaabeth Elliott. It ia stated mat these young apeak - era handle theenhjeete well aadgira promise <rf ability oa the restrain. If b hoped that a large number will at preharinary antf •Jw^thaao boys sad girls eaeoarugs ROBESON WILL SEND OLD SOL DIERS TO REUNION. Special Art Authorises fV-.-iT.un Pay hytaa Thane Nat - Able to Pay. ’* - "* £Sii£gf ' rf the.District of CokmbkTrtetod to him that arrangements were h«i«g ■ate for comfortable teats. cetsaad ■ sassiTansram thana quarters weald be furnished to sIP Confederate veterans who daeiH to taka advantage of aatoe, during the roaBloa, Jane fourth, l»lf. Captain Beall further ears that it la exported of all Confederate veto-. 1ST £5^ I**? k. apirorto. me Jo I ■ I a I wBmw^ ■ . eluding hat. caa ha L Mr*M2ann°__W'-iia MU authorising the board of oneT of Rob coon county to nay i Confederate sraaafe'gnf'*Ksr LAURINBURG SOCIETY MUSIC CLUB WITH MB8. LONG. ,, The St. Cocilia Musk Club was de lightfully entertained by Mrs. Jea. London Wednesday, February U. Appropriate of the season. Valentine hearts were banded each jniailiir with Sjo raqueat that aha write a verso. They were then exchanged aad mad akad, which reading created much merriment. Mias Katie MeLeen plny *d Pukoalae by Chopin. The Club then practised “I Softer Dream.” a fhaenjVdieawaL Mrs. bag served J J ewmt Msnt At a lata hear ths Ckb adjaaraad to ausat again February 28 with Mtac Parts James MRS. COOPER CITES ' DINNERPARTY., .. H. Carper gave a meat do lightful dinner party‘Saturday evan tag, Oortra ware laid far twelve. The dinner was served far eight eoars •s. Afterwards th ware ee Jt?£&TS£:. Mrs. Daniel Shaw • • - . ’< • - At Hama •• 'j. •••••• Ttiwhy aaamtng, .. Fabmmry tl, IMT • • „ _ 18-11 shUck. -. Mies WWtflalil. <• . Uy.i. ■ JOHN McSAK. COLO BHD. HAS BIB KILL OH BOSTON. L .. — ! Lmwtabw* Negro, Lika dm Black Cat, Cam* Back aad Win Narar Da It Agmla. ! lii^ohn »*«»—. cojorjd. aad battar | knewn^ here aa "Bo," returned last tha elty of Boston and • thereby Image a tala. Joha k a wall • known character among people of both i races her#. In December at iaat year 11 ha era# sailed with the wanderhwt and i sacrificing a corcsiderabk amount af | personal property, as weU aa aaHing 1 f '?’’??• •hi lat at Rockingham, ha i took Himself aad family sway toBoe to"-, Th«*» John sacurad employment r f* J«Jt©r at a ratkar pretentious * r,th*r hiJvl*om« ■a'ary, ,t • .Bnt last waak John came hack, a i w»e«^b«t . poorer negro. Tha im-, ■ - be assigns, for hi, re Laorinburg wma die tllnaaa of . Bat now since he is bar*1 I i ha trill never wander - ——d.. It k said ha tnOm t JBfcsaaKSxtS: • *e apacukUng aa last what slid I grass*£.«f-aas: . **k* fcWfSc ** CBN. YUNSTON DUN SUDDENLY AT SAN ANTONIO. as^jygVA.TSi gWSsSrtt: isa«««?a W»» taken to a room, bat phytkdnne SSttL2r£IZ‘i~‘g'3: oat tka United Stalaa aa a Aral ilaaa I JgMite man. bat Wa frieod* la Kan. fm—mara b* epeat hi* early aha.! ^jd !—* had aa Her died bias | Aa a atadanl at the Umreraity of Kama, whan be weighed leas than 10U 2«aada, be conquered a 200-peund , ma*Z ttogt«"i* u» with j a raior. To add to the giant's hamfl-1 iatiaa, Ponaten marched him through the street* of Lawrence. Kan., at the *»bit of a revolver, to a police ate. Ji£JW£gi2tjSy2£ ^risaraa: awa political party leaden during the ■baan of hie editor-(■'Chief. Many, thrnata are eaid to have baaa made *nd superior returned a^xi^th^! tamed aver the plant nahaaaed. In cidentally, Faastoa alee reetgned. - Along gte -ianu Fa nSSJi they eUH recall haw Yanetoa, pa a pae erager trala eoadactor, threw a draak aa eawbaj df a train and later, whan he karted a reek through a coach «h gs-dgaasa**-.", «ir8£*js? stsr*z. ti ggS|g|gi CROP LIEN MIX CRTS A PAVOR j ABLB REPORT. Hear* Tables BIN to Prohibit •—‘-r OmH Pleylar. . ii Bah. Ag-—m* Uu Mil received favorable mart thU •ftarMoa at tka hand i of tka Mat comalttoa to wjMh N waa referred ■ advocacy larludad Preiufent n. Q. Alexander and Organiser Green, of tka Kar*a*BUn|«n[TKit<>r Clarence Poe. of^the Procraaaiva Farmer, and otk- ^ Senator Coach, of Robeeon, and farmer Comrreaaiman Pattern* led the opposition. Tka bill limits prone of 00 hnppliee under crop lalaa * 10. “*h P«°*- Banks and individuals cm charpr a eammia 1 °f 10 par east on moot* auppiiad lavder crop Mu is Han of I per cent interact. 1 la the Hooae tosicht the Mil to prohibit Sandy foif was tabled? A ’ s^Aigr^jpS: g^sSwsug£. **•»*•«? p* Tka Hanaa want taro bom debst I - ' nrra ikxnu, roum soot. LAND COUNTT NEC BO. CWrlMt* Q*»nii BriMim Nmm Wh* a** ft I

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