Local1 Notes Mr. J. Lloyd White of Charlotte •pent Sander in tho city with friend*. Bom to Mr. and Mr*. Dan W. Mc Lsan Monday, a daughter. Court convene* Monday, March IS. Judge Jams* L. Webb will proald*. Mr. Sam Jooea. a wall known ekl eoa of John**, waa In tha city Satur Mr. Jack MeGirt and ion of Max ton, route ^ were in the city Saturday da Mr. Norman Stewart, a prominent riheon of near John's, waa in the etty , Mr. L. T. Sanford, who is engaged m buxine** at Kewnt’a Fall*, apoet Sunday la the dty with hocaa folks. Mr. Bogar D. Sanford of Palnaount 1* in the Sty, visiting hi* parents, Mr. aad Mia..J. D Sanford. Mi**** Irma, Elizabeth and Georgia WhltdoM of Lumber ton are in the city, visiting their slater, Mra. Dan Tho poet office department has sent to the local postoffice a sow Royal standard typewriter for uee in this ogee. Mr. J. W. Mason ia (pending the weak in Baltimore and Mew York, baying now Spring and Summer mer chandise. Mr. Maaon will return to tho city ia e few day*. Mrs. Bowland Covington will Join Mra. C| MeCreight and Mias Mary Gordon Thursday morning and will go with them to risk bar Mater, Mrs. J. B. Barbour, at Benaen. Mr. H. B. Walll baa returnod from a hartnom trip to Atlanta and other potato, aad ae Mated in WoOl Bros, ad this wash, will have to arrive "Thursday another ear of mules. Mias Rattle Jam**, tha popular mflUnar at Mice MKtie Sanford's last Maaon. ia expected to return in a few day* sad will be with Mias Sanford yigain thie season. Misses Minnie May and Mamie 1 HaAiraond returned Monday evening from an extended trip to Wilmington •»d other points, whore they visited friend* Bays tha McColl correspondent in ■ the Pec Dos Advocate: Mrs. Jose phine Graham ha* returned from a visit to the home of Mr. J. T. Bostick of Lauriaburg. ttov. J. H. Dixon write* The Ex change to change hit address to 1R27 North Pegram street, Charlotte. Mr. Dixon is pastor of Pegram Street Presbyterian church in the Queen city. Mrs. A. P. Fletcher, a well known woman o* the county, has liaan seri ously ill at her home near (libeon for amroral days. liar friood* will b* pleased to laarn that her condition shows improvemsst this week. Mrs. Fletcher 1* a sister of Mrs. J. C. Mor gan of this city. Mr. H. 1. Odom of McColl, S. C, has rented the store room on Main ■treat recently vacated by Mr. N. Hammond and is opening up a-stock «f general merchandise. Mr. Odom, • » said, Meided to locate at Laurtn bur^ because he boUevea it lk a prog Tvaahre town. Epstein’w department store Is re aring a handsome cabinet addition, which wlU bo used to stock a Una of ladies' ready to-wear marc hand iaa this Spring. Mr. Epatain states that he win add a splendid line of this kind to hie stock this Spring and is making amplo preparation to accommodate it. Mr. S. L. Peony, a wail known mer chant, of the city, has rented the store '•Main Street now occupied by J. C. Birmingham, and will shortly altar March 1 open up a branch store gwire. Mr. Penny will carry a gaagral line of heavy and fancy groceries end notions. The new store will bo hi charge of Mr. J. D. Sweet. Vernon of the county are moving fertOixare in large quantities now and -the season is near at band whan tho plows will ho turning the noil aad pro-. SSSSJS SiFFiflSi £i wiD bo'grown this your and something to sat wiH bo forthcoming at tho har Ywte But the bic drop in th|» oountv to oottoa and the conations a^fcuZ for It, as the** is a fertile sod and plenty of malm and nigger*. Mm Jmn at haWt HoapttaL IN IDLE MOMENTS Tfclaga of Passing Interest Heard ami Over hoard oa tb* Street* ami About Town. Every now and then wc mast with u Kan who loftily tolls us that ho dona | not ear* anything about th* local county papor, am bo mats a dally and a*** all the news ia lb On* of thaa* Important fallow* wap In this office recently and after paying Ms aub aerlption aocount wen in advance, paaaod along tb* innocent assertion he did aot ears about the nupar, fact b* never baa time to raadlt, aa he reads a dally aid vets tha Ood Maas tb* women I And if It wsr* not for the women how many things would go U tha bad? Of court*, we do aot believe that a local pnpor is wholly dependant upon its women readan for support and fur. »vor, we dent believe that men. as a M to read and appreciate th* local sheet. But now and then th* feitow cornea along who fuel* a tittle ■uppluh* because He • read* a dally paper. Doubtless be bus not been reeding It long and tb* probabilities ■re that he sever read much of any thing, Mae be would be able to see things In a better light. It is not ear parpoo* to talk shop la thia column, but this suggestion lends to a few observations. It Ts high time all poop)* la all piece* know that dm weekly and the dally an In no a*Mt competitors, and that their alau sad effort* in no way oonflleb The weekly to not e* “abbreviated" edition of * tally and woe never meant to be. .Tb* dally boa a Add sad a alas ion. sad so has tb* weekly. But these are entirely dMTerssit and distinct. The statement that a man does not have time to rend a local weekly paper 1* all boeh! With aa air of disdain for little things, thia all-important fel low would have on* think his Ufa la the, strenuous on* and that hi* tie** la taken up with th* big things at life. As a matter of fact, it ia extremely doubtful If he to really eanabla of thorough**** la anything. So much for him and Us kind. What or* wanted to aay hare Is thia: The weekly paper la aa economic ne eoaeitv. It baa its own particular field and aarvaa th* interests of th* local community to a way that iki ether agsoey can. It ahcui'.d be. and some times it. a constructive force to th* community and la a modium through which Is idealised and cxystalizcd the hopes sad pirn* of the bod element ef society. It it often nothing but *he more shadow of what it might bo, hat usually it ia a* good as a com munity deserve*. K not, there would be a better. An to ita news value, the weakly Is ia a class hy itself. It chronklet the event* at tb* day and the week and gives them a local color that can he approbated only when oa* wanders from th* familiar ecene* ef the home town. Then it is that one can fully appreciate tb* local paper. It por tray* vividly those little things that are ao precious to him who is sepa rated from the life of the home com munity. ,Th* dally may well aaaay to cover th* big things, but the weekly should be primarily concerned with tb* thing* at home and play them up as vividly a* possible always. U ia laid that Marty aU tfai mil lionaire* ia the United SUtee claim to hare found their fortuuoa in tbttr back yard*. Of course literally thin ia not true. But what thane men who have gambled with fortune nod won mean to ear ia thin: They did not go away from homo to find opportanltion. They worn ilert enough to eoUo in op portunity when it pruoeatod iteeif end aimoet hi ways it wm« knorfdagat their back doore—right at home. The raa eon why more mb do not raocood is probably that they hare eyee and eeO not. Bat this it not meant for e aucceee talk. What have you in your hack yard ? Ia there a garden than and ere you able toue and appreciate Ha possibilities. Oove^eoieet exents ten u* that the world'» food supply is rMdng short and the imperative need of the year ia a Mg crop. There i* plenty of money—hut you can’t oat money. Bettor clean out that back yard and try your hand at gardening Uils Serin*. Thedortor aaya you ought to get more axardaa aad aat mom roughage —arch enemies of dtoaaae and doc thr’e bilk.. That bank lot la a world of possibilities aad you arc a failure if you do not realise a good 'proOt from A Leurfabarg Mean baa bees experi menting for mm time with Intensive fanning imhi* bach yard. He k in tensely interested in the work, and it pays him. This wtatar ha had a fine crop of lettuce under canvass. Bob ss’arsrfcss arirs woe*. About aomnty-ftvu dollars A good garden thd* year will moan Water i*4 Kr. M. V. plumbing BUSINESS LOCALS a—mono .. NOW la a food tint* to hava mom now atatioaary printed. Call at thia offica and m what you cap get.■ SEND your ordora for lob printing to tbo Exchange print ahop. We have 83u£.‘.x?^,n.:8S and are prepared to execute poor order* promptly and ahraya guar antee aatldactloa. FOB SAI.E—Five-room houae. All modarn convenieneao. Good horn, outbuilding! and garden. Clean in. Apply at Exchange office 6-tf NEATS foot OIL—An ideal dreea ^tknB^toT^telStehha^utShtel Blue a Drag Store. »-tf FOB SALE—Pea vine her. Roland Covington, Laurinburg, N. C. DODGE BROS Touring car. Will exchange eocondhaad car for S good mule*, or take X ami on a* part pay ment oa a new car. Jaaper T. Cib *on- 8-if FOB BALK—Pea vine bay. Roland Covington, Lauriaborg, N. C. WANTED—To hoy 200 hoahela corn. Apply at Exchange office. *-tf FOR SALE—On* Mcwd hand Ford touring oar. Good condition. Just boon overhauled Also second hand E. M. F. parts. Jim Sutherland. 4-tf BM BUSHELS Bert or »Na> oaU and HO bushels rtut proof seed oats for sals. D. C. McNeill. La or N. C. 6-31 FOR SALE—On* touring car at a bargain for cash. Address Boa D, Hamlet, N. C.gt-T-j SEED OATS—600 buabeis Burt or •0-day oets and 260 bushels rast proof oat*. See D. C. McNeill, Laurinhurg, N. C. 6-61 WANTED—Agent to represent an A-l Casualty 8 Surety Company for Scotland county. Address Thoa. H Haughton. Son 8 Co, Charlotte, N. C. St-7-0-pd POR SALE—Seed oats. 600 boshek Burt or BO-dny oats, and 260 bush R «>» ruat proof oats. D. C. McNeill. FOR RENT—Morph first, store room oo Main street now occupied by J. C. Birmingham. Apply to W. N. Robertson at Evsnngton'a Drug Store. , gt-7-B LOST—In neighborhood of Barnes bridge, a white female hound with with tan ears. Reward for return to The Exchange officer 7-tf LOST—Strayed off, one Red Dorse sow. tail osbbti, eight Red ‘ptge about three months old. One rad msle shdkt, nne sandy hlack spotted mate shost. Have bean sway about three weeks. Finder notify C. 8. McLaorin, MtCoJl. 3. C . and get re ward. tl-7-8 FOUND—A big gleet. Owner may get same by calling at this office and paying for this ad. Tbo Exchange. Aak roar neighbor about Porcelain floor. Thrower and Mlldnn * * * * * • * INSURANCE. * If Its Are or Life laawrence yea * * want write or phone W. T. * Cramp, Wagnua. N. C. It mat* • * ter* not where yea Mvo, )aet so * * yen era h> Best lend. Eaheean, ■ • * And Hoid CAmtiM. Nittiwi • j * doea H matter whether yea are * * la tew* or the Country. Give • * me e trlaL last drop am a Ha* * * or phoae me, aad I will her* • * an agent to call aad see year * * property, end «OI he glad to * * beadle year note for the press- • * iam to to mold when amet eon* * * veaiont with yon. • Tours vary tody, • * W. T. CRUMP. • * * asses s ■ u.uni i-,J i !■ "A GUARANTEED1 INCOME”* 7 How can a man proTida a certain guaranteed IN* COME for his family or for his own old age? The answer is,. by mesne of a MONTHi Y INCOME POLICY. We will be glad to explain the MONTHLY INCOME POLICY to you. LAURINBURG AGENCY COMPANY • ’Phone 144. Insurance and Loans. HINTON JAMES. Free. A. LJAME8. Vice Prce. W. 8. DUNBAR. 8m. A Timm. Tknv«r sad McLain Why Look So Thin?* It is not hsrnmWig tier safe (of your h«skL Add ( Shivar Ale tMk. S. C. V yew mda