RQBT. LACY HESTER KILLED IN NORFOLK, VA. Son at Mr. sad Mr*. Newton Heater. Remains Bneykt Heme Monday and Buried Toeeday at Hobt Lacy Heater, ton of Mr. and Mrs. Newton E. Heeter of near John*, waa killed In a trolley ear accident at Norfelk. V«, Saturday afternoon about 5:SO. The remains wets ship ped hemi for burial and reached Johns Monday evening and were removed at oooo to the borne at the young man’s parents. Funeral services wars bald Tuesday aeeeutag at 11 o'clock at Caledonia Methodist church, of which the doeooted eras a member. The eervioa was in charge of the pastor. Rev. J. B. Thom peon, eaolitod by Dr. F. O. HelMer and Bov. Jna L. Ray. The pan b sauce were Me ten. Robert Stewart, Fred Kendall, George Mc Kay, Dougald Stewart, L. G. Kay and Ernest McLean. The many exquisite floral tributes wore beautifully ex pressive of the esteem in which the young man wae bold in hla homo com munity and in the service of hie coon try. A large crowd attended the funeral nod many were unable to gut inside the ehuteb, it Is said. Tha circumstances surrounding the reemingly untimely death of this noble young ms ore distressingly aad aad tha grief-stricken parents, brothers aad sisters, aad ether relatives have tha deep sympathy of the satire com munity. Kobe Lacy Hester enlisted in the aviation service ta December of last year aad Janaary 1 he aad Maasn: Wfll aad Hugh Stewart west to train. lag camp ia Florida. Later they wen traaaferred to Norfolk. The Miaou Stewart acsoaipaaiad the corpse home from Morfplk. So far aa knows Mr. Haatar is tha ilrst Scotland county hoy to mast death while ia tha aarriea of Us sen try since the wear with Germany was declared. Mr. Heater waa Jest f 1 years af aga aad eras a yeaag maa of evsmpiary he bite. Ha was intensity patriotic and volunteered hie savins to Us MMMil .to help as ha oould In tha IMI HI IMIMSMIPSIP waa a singular fate that decreed that death should claim Urn before ha had opportunity to go into active service. The foliiwiag is from the Virginian Pilot of Norfolk and gives aa account of tha accident in which Mr. Hester met Ms death: Two sailors mace killed aad one aoddsnt at Church and Twenty-sixth •trsets yesterday afternoon at »:«• o'clock, whan a Pins Beach ear raa late aa iahomsd Ocean View car. Baht. Lacy Haatar, af Jehn^ M. C, aad Purey Puflter, af. Cataashta, Maine. MR. G. A. ROPER DIES FOL LOWING SHORT ILLNESS. On* at a Family Lang From hunt la the Coaaty and WaU Known Throeghost This Section. Mr. Green Arch Roper, erelt known hi the county for many years, died Wednesday, May tt, at hia home near Laarinburg alter a serious illness af about three weeks. Mr. Roper suf fered a stroke of paralysis several weeks ago and never recovered his health, end recently hie condition bo oaase more serious and- gradually growing wares until the end. rami services were conducted at xpttSSS’jvirert H. Davis and Rev. J. B. Them peon ad ftci sting. The interment waa la the a&.TV&jsj' fcre ss *•D Mr. Ropsr waa born February it, 1*81, and waa la Ms Mth year. Be was a eon el the late Cot J. T. Roper, and Mary Ana MeBryde Roper. Hie father settled in this county in the year 1844 and became eae of the larg est land owners la this section and a man of much wealth. The family has long been premtneat la the county. Snrvtviag are a widow, who before marriage was Miss EDa Bethea of South Carol! as And two sons and three daughters: Msears. J. W. Raper, Jack Roper, and Mrs. J. M. Cooper of Clarkton. Misses Fannie and Annie B. Roper of Laurinbnrg. A sister, Mrs. Bailie Biisell and an «nd% Cant. M. 17 MeBryde of Lanr mbunr, alee survive. _ AMERICANS CAPTURE VILLAGE AND TAKE MO PRISONERS. Washington, Hi; SO—American troops In Picardy attacked this morn ing on a front of cac and a qnartor miles, captured ths village of CaaUg ny, took MO priaonsrs and inflicted aovero ’ looses hi killed and wounded sa the seamy, says Gan. Psrshiag's cmamaalqa* asad* pahUa tonight at tho war dapailaf t. Ths American raonaltlss war* ralaOvaty small. Tha statement. dated today, fol lows: “Thii morning la Picardy snr troops altaafrlag oa a front ad aa* and oaa foartl miles adraacad ear Unas and taptomd tha village ad Cantigny. Wa weuwded. Onr rosnaltlaa war* rela tively small. Hostile counter-attacks broke down under onr firs. “In Lorraine and In tha Weavre ar tillery on both sidas continued active. Early la the day our aviators shot down a hostile machine.** PSnstdsat R. B. John of Carolina CaOaga states that thaoa who may da air* to hoar tha address ad Dr. Oar man Pos at Carolina Callage Tnea day, June 4. will renaathar to bo peasant promptly at liM p. sa. as tho mmerlam wffl begin at that hoar- A meat nwriaie was snpsctsd for this mens bat did ast reach us ia tins*. Miasm SBoa, Samis sti Flora Kay McNeill left Wednesday far Montana* to spend the nas a m at this wall known mart. ONWARD CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS, MARCHING AS TO WAR Bovagvry, in comparison with and tha poisoned ar row e( the savages of aid warn it* head end strikes it* awfel fangs deep into the heart at Women, pure aad hply, met of God, are ravished by bestial brute* whoa* tearb Inga for to take whatever you want whatever and whenever you have juuIb, of money and ef all other forms of material things, aad of and mors prinalaas things of Uf*. Innocent babies, whooa lisping •jrea light the pathway to Heaven, are beast*, and thair <offerings Jihad at ailed with all the vihmeas ef their Fields are made daaolata, re blotted out, walls ere prisoned, whole villages m awfel devastation unequalod In reigns wherever flower of the wot- fertilised a thousand battlefields, and widows, fathers sad ■others end sweethearts, bereft ef then life Itself, cry he Heaven from hearts crushed by anguish, end still the awful reign of ruin a And why all this Why three murdered men, v Why these broken hearts ? Why tha bone* of babies bleaching tha pathways through the forests and over the they fled from burning ho»*«* to escape the ravishar'a Why t Because Germany through It* heU-devisrd eehrase of conquest, rU a definite, pre determined campaign id thieving and murder eed rape that 1 paleet. age, and his a world and This is the that ts\t large. This la the roaring II levad ana* aad year j*u**n\jind ye a you are euro to he fight then we Bust, and as sure as right is better than might, aa ear* as good la i Heaven is better than hell, we shall win, thm«h Lot ua than glory i* tha soateat. Germany's flaten-deviead aright Let aruaader** spirit of eld and thank Gad and in His eaurn. Then, “Onward. Christian even might mvy you this supreme opportunity rivUlmtiee from barbarism, Christianity from from brutish bsesta, and hear tha plaudit ef tha and faithfal servant, enter thou Into tha Jay rf thy ollone) born tutwacn Jew •, 1M. and Juno 6, lNT, inded ht, except xOem aad adbtal wen of tke rermlar army, oary aad marine oorpa, aad tha ne tlrnial rnard and naral militia wklle la Moral oarvtee, aad ad aad aaliatad ma la aaUatadN? antra nxpi wHllo la aettra oorr iea. Ob Wodaoaday, J«me *, INI, between 7 A. H ard • P. M. Whwo At eOee od local baud hade* jBHad bn re, by * W. S. 8. CAMPAIGN LAST , I WEEK IN JUNE.! CawiaUtses Win CaN O* Kerry Mm D<Mta* W»Ir A*k A" *• Chairman W. H. Wrathrrrpoon of the war laving* stamp* campaign fa this county states that tha last weak in June, or the wash of Jane M-», will be war eavmge stamps wsek thfoagboat tha United States. It is —eeted that Prsrtdrnt Wilson will eoon and plans far tha Mg drive «W he worked out aad annnsnmi as wMrti M practicable. Br. Waathsnpoon states that aa •Meleat ergasiaatlis far this work to tMs county wfll have to be beilt tip and he ie expecting the aid and ee operation of many of the people fa this effort. It to tentatively planned to have cnmmlltu orgMiaaUoM ia every township, with a town ship earn rtittae, working in dooe touch wftb the eoanty rtislimsa'i offlee, aad cab commit tecs who wlO do tha actual so liciting or visiting gad calling oo tha pwpl* of tha township. Mr. Waath erspoon ham farther atataa that previous to tho arack of Jana 24-28 be will need the awtoteacs of a num ber of people to copying namm from the county tea books and preparing and arranging a Hat cf these names with canto that are to be presented la every am daring the weak ef the big drive. He states that school tmchcre who ate at hoses far the —m mar or Ugh school aad cattoga sta dia t* at haaaa far thair raaatlna aoa reader macb asvviea hy offering thair help in this mi Tho work may ha daaa at hours rcnvsalsal t* tha work are aad ate sat any aa* can wall gtva aaam time to this work, h to ale* Mgnetad that the Jmrior lad Crew help wiadarfaPy to this work. If they wNl vohmtaar thair aarrlcaa the act will be appnrlitif sad Chair man Waathcwgaaa to to peolttoa to aw their eervtow to great advantage. h thii campaign It to atatod that la ■ t to tr Invest to war r tng this year. This in be written apsa a to tbe offlee bf the «. thaw who lava pat aetMag to b wty Bands, war savings stamps and toe Bad Ones will ha given an oppsr taaity to m state sag wfll alas he •Aad what they.wfll d* to the fa tars for them nans. Thair answers, it to stated, win hs sa the i aad tha sartto wfll hs tmreed to the Civrnsmmt for farther , Is this way It is sx win get • Uns ta ted to •Jy sf MIS. SAKAI J. McCOL MAN SATIVIAY i 't laat txibau ta tba ■nay Jt tbia ■•fatly woman. Tka iataamant wat <a tka family baryta* gran i aad tha wtlw mam laid ta mat haaaatk a maatty aad la tka haaaa (mm wtuc*

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