MEN AND WOMEN who were weak, debilitated, half-tick, nervous and run down tall how MANTONE “King of BoeonstnitciTae" clean* out the ayatem. enrichea the blood and build t new ttrenjr+h. health and life. “MARES YOU FEEL GOOD ALL OVER” Full Treatment Guaranteed By All Dbuccis s jif.£££%8xs The Seed of Success * “If jom waat to kaow whether 70a are fohftobea aacceaa or failare ta life, 700 eaa eaaOj fiad oat The teat ieabnple and Infallhla. - Are 700 able to aara aoncr ? If not, drop oat. Ywwiil foil u sore ns yea live. You may net think so, but you wilL The SEED OF SUCCE8S is not in yoo."—JAMES J. HILL. Habits are seeds—Bash brings forth after ita kind. Do yen want to “drop out 7" Then take ease that yon SQM THE SEEp’OF SUCCESS! ", LEARN TO SAVE! WE WILL HELP YOU SCOTLAND COUNTY SAVINGS SANK Laurinbbrg, N. G. SAT, MR. FARMER let urn faumr* It ft* jroo. LAmHNBURG AGENCY CQ. umim ■%»*■* ' v , 4, • W 1. . _ _ . a _i rURft ONE OP WORST RNRMIBR OF CHILDREN. Direct Relation Mrm Pnmn of Wu ul Cmh of laawr Cm plait That Annually Takas 8a Many Little Lhrea. There is a direct relstlou between thf pretence of flies and the number a/ deaths from typhoid fever and a number of other diseases. In the cate of infant diarrhea the number is al most double among those who are ex posed to (lies as compared with thorn who arc protected. In other words, a baby whose patents do not screen the boaaa and da all possible to heap oat flies has just twice aa mach danger of ; having “summer complaint” which iu»cb year wipes out so many little Uvea. Primarily the cause of flies is filth. They cannot exist in thoroughly risen ■mroondinga. A house bussing with fliaa la a boost that has accumulations of filth somewhere, near it. If tha premises of tha House itself are clean, thea these of a near by neigh bar are noc ocreeoing, mad the am mi fly paper sad ewsttan against the few that gat baa* proved to be the mst effective weapon against diet. Screening I* i*. cxpcoehre. When wit* caucus can not bo purchased a email aasoueit af moaqtdto netting will serve to cover all window* end doom, and a sufficient quantity for the average hnosc can ba bought for a very email earn. If properly pat In the mosquito net screening wlU last usually two sea sons. The 91 thy fly, and there am no other kind, brings away diseases to both children aod grown people, but is par ticularly deadly to tha little anas. It carries typhoid favor, tnhcrculoals, on. thru, plague, trachoma, acpttcasaia, erysipelas, leprosy aad infantile pa ralysis. Tha pnewuc a€ these diseas es can be very largely reduced hy ahal iehiag the fliae that carry tha gerase. CALOMEL DYNAMITES A SLUG GISH LIVES. iMfcjVBWt" Calomel aaHvateel It*a ■■cur|. Calomel acta Hka dynamite aa a etoy ylah Urea. Wken calomel tomm Into contact with aonr bila It craihaa inU it, caoalay einmpiny and nauaaa. | K r» feel Uliana, headachy, Me at} pa tad and all kaackad oat, Jaat ye to year drnyyiat and yet a bottle of Podoon'o Liver Tone for a few canto which la a hannlam vayatolli aobeti tsto (or danyarooa toland TWW a •POanfol and if it doee^t eUjrt year liver and atxniyhtan yoa ap bettor and aoickar than naaty calami! and' without makiny you sick, yon Jaat yo bee* aad yet your money. If yon taka cahimal today yen’ll be aiek aad aaneaated tomorrow; baaidea, H may aaHvata yoa, while if yoa taka Padaia'a Uvar Tone yoa will wake ap faaHny yreat, fall at ambition and ready for work or play. Kb barmliai, plmiant aad mfa to ytva to chBdren; they Hka iL-Adv. DEATH ntOM TYPHOID IS SAME AS SUICIDE A Strong BSart to Being Mato to fee State U Materially Mate Death Sate Fieei Thii Cease. U the average fee fee peat four yeere la maintained feia year than will be ia North Carolina during tha "onfe ef June mere than live hun dred cates of typhoid fever, and one in each erven ef the persons having the die ease will die. That fell record of past yeare shall not be maintained is tha determination of tha Slats Board of Health, which is bonding ev ery effort to reduce fee typhoid death rate far MIS asateriaJly from fee rate of last year. There has hern n grati fying redaction for each at the peat four yean, and fee State Beard ef Health has set MO as tha maximum for this year. Working toward fell and active an t!-typhoid gampeiges are being waged to a namber ef counties. Typhoid v sodas Is being furnished free by the State LabenUry ef Hygiene, end in a namber of pie era Is being administered without charge. A number of coon, ties huvk taken advanced stage In mat tary togiatotina feat will greatly aid to pro venting fee «read of fee tew fuema. A death teem typhoid ia • ueeleae death, and tha raaUaatfee ef fete teat is nan sing wide-spread totem ret in fee methods ef prevention. The greatest handicap to fee fight age met' typhoid is fee nominee fly which breeds to filth and carries the germs of fee disease far and wide. Tha rfeords shew feat fee diaaaaa riaae add falls to direct ratio to feo By amass, reaching fee maximum to August'when flies are most pionttfai, aad falling to feo minimum ia March whan fee flies have been froaan out through fee cold winter months » . _ U. 8. NAVY KBCKUmNR STA TION. WILL PROTECT HEALTH OP BOTH IN CAMP. Army Medical Carp* Will Lm*A U —Campaign A* **l Baye Whs ar* Ealertag With thousand* of young man imv tog tbalr Homo* daring tha nut few week* to «Ur Southern training camp* the Army Mad.ncal Corps 1. again preparing far as totaaaive adu eatlonal campaign designed to teach the man to protest their health. As ounea of prevention |* worth store than a pound ef cure, and tha experi ence gained during the IIml y*ar of the wax has shown that the man In training can be kept practically free from contagion* while ta camps. Prominent to tha educational cam paign against disease will be the use of an attractive colored poster exhibit aa the health of the soldier that wa* prepared under the direction of the National Tabnreslooto Association. Tha exhibit cover* three different sub ject* with Ava panda ta a subject. Tha Amt subject ia “Diseases Am Spread by does Contact." For ip. Wasee the wamlag r ritual coughs ■wh^lliaatrua tmT ** to Waetmted bp taluk!?pSSJj’rf fear *c Idler, open mg a box from borne at night. One a ta the act of rm Ing to the face of hto tamiaili* Aha Uarip tha danger afapmndtag mm*. to graphically par. i of flv* penal* R m 1.“ to uaa of individual drinktageepe. tawJto and tha Ilka are illustrated. Tha to*, pwtasee ^ P*~t**T reporting to tha doctor evm th» aUgStast ailment to emphasised. 7W last scrim to a led* mMgwaefcwmi-em. HB AND YOU. rfta foUowfa, VWH. war. writ **• *r »U»*Ww WiTM. of tka Oh Mdlm Amy. lb. W«yaau waa at **• kattlaa af Vlaay Bi4fa aa4 tka BftflMM ind vu wova4t4 fovr tiaiB. Bafoa, anfrta, tka amy ha wmmT oactad with tka Kroniac Talayim, Toronto, Caiwda.) ™‘^EfilS£S('„eaiS ■ptt ****** ttka o4 ■cESsfE: 7‘ s % $ . w *v ••: 2 mOMC BY1DKNC&.