L*>£8i Notes k '. T. J. Will left Monday mom in* U r.p tad a few <!:*>* !n Charlotte. Mi-">a Kotolle Cox left Monday for Wilmington to visit horns folk* for a fi* days. Mr. L. A. Monro* went to Uarsh •vi’ie .-tad Monroe Tuesday on a "cow* hryiog” expedition. Mr. W. H. LI lee of Laurtnburg, mute 1, was a bueinetu* visitor here Monday. Mr. 4. C. Hodges of Lsurlnburg route 3, era* a visiter l:i the city Mon flay. a Mr. 4. A. Caldwell, of th* “Y* Hreice and located at Camp Greene, ^^Lusrlotte, spent the week-end in the Hey with hit family. HMt. and Mrs 1>. H. Lew la left Huesday monvinp for u visit of eav P^ra) day* with friends in Randolpli county. Mr. W. P. Henley ef Johns, who ha* hewn arorking at Petersburg, Va., cam* home last week to spend a few day*. Mr. Hanley has just recover**I from an attack of lnfluenaa. Attorney W. H. Woatherspoon sront to Raleigh Tuesday aight in th* inter tf. at hia clients who have soma cases an appeal to hr heard this week by th* Supreme court. Rrr. Dr. Dugald McIntyre, pastor, st*tea that the uaual Sunday morning service will be held at Learel Hill Prrebytarian church this Sunday morning. Bar. and Mrs. J. A. Bam and daughter, Mra. Smith. at Roxboro, re turned to thair homes Monday after a abort visit bare with Mr. and Mrs. D. A. McDougaM. Ex-Judge W. H. Neal aud Mr. T. I. Dunn want to Raleigh Wednesday morning to appear before the Su preme Court in eoaaa ease* that are ap from the Thirteenth judicial dis trict set appeal. It la announced that the turn of ' vh. ee who contribute to the United War Work fund will be published in Th* Exchange. The big drive begins , Monday of nnxt weak and continue* through Monday, November 18. Kv. Jno. M. Gibson, a well knoem young mar of Gifcaon who has Wan Imatsd at Annapolis, Mil., was a vis itor in Lsurinburg Monday. Mr. Gib son gos* this week to Chop*! Hill tn enter ths S. A. T. C. there. Mr. J A. Overstreet at th* south ern part uf the county wns In th* city Tuesday and stated that hi* ton, Mr. W. M. Overstreet, who has been very ill with Influenza and pneumonia, ia Improving rapidly now. The privilege of converting Liberty bonds bearing leas than four and a quarter per cunt tnto bonds bearing four and a quarter, expiree next Sat urday. Persons bolding bonds that may bo converted are urged to attend to the matter at their banks. The name of James W. Pittman, XermapoHs, N. C.. appeared in tbs casualty Hat Tueaday, as having bean kilted tat action in Prance. Mr. Pitt man, It ia stated, formerly lived at East Lsurinburg and eras well known hers. The Food Administration boo ' ncunood that tho corot ration hoo boon tnercuod to t pound* per par son per month. Mr. Don Show of tho Am at McLaarin * Show iteUo that tho amfp troabte with tbU raUn* U ItoOtar tho npu. Tho morchont hi permitted to mO tho t pound* par month for each poraim, hot it b *WJ h*rd to Rot ouRor nod ft the merchant rant R*t a oadhdant aupply ho ran senrooly bo aspoetod to fandoh bio easterner! with the full allowance. Mr. and Mra. D. H. MeAra received a Blimp early thia woolc odvldnR thorn that their ton. Mr. Konnoth Mc Arn. at tho U. 8. Amy and who id located at Xa«to Paso, Tan., waa vary HI with puma onto Another n» eaRo same later odvWnR that hi* condition was otfl] ration*. Mr. Doa etd O. MeAra, who we* bore on a viMt a (beat Mm* oro, h now heated at Fort SIB, Ohio., and wa* immodlataly ndviaod by wire by Wa parent* ,«f the told* ted*. Tb* many friend* of tMo will Join th* featjiy hap* that bo amp *ooa roaeeor W* ilfamoa. Mr. M. It. Brown of Oolumba* eoaa ty and a firmer citlran of Lamta woo a visitor in th* «Ky Satar pj up t/> mok. ky i on a farm whbdl < V p uo Min id from Mr. ina. F. Mo Weir a fow pin oro and pMeh ha now Brea aa la Col—bra. Htfh prie ra *ad Road trope ham braaRht Mra m oak prraprally that ho paid oat •hood of radwdalo Mrao aad ooram to te fan piramli. and owaonUp of a Baa farm. H* rays this poor ha M* taboo** crap of tbia I* Sl«n taboo** a taUL Mr. ^ _ myo ha was at fret ehepMeol *JJm» >M rada«r far iho-MMfl Kudo Glenn McLauvlu return I to her rto-Ucs at Pt-tHW Inrtitotc, Twrleivll. Tue. lu y afar a visit of a lew dry* horo at the hem* of .Sheriff W. D. McLaurin. Miss Eugenia Pairisy returned to Peace Institute, Raleigh, Tuesday, nflar * stay of several days hers with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Pair Ivy. during tha influeesa epidemic. Chief ef police D. W. gedberry la maklsg a special effect to cal one the town ordinance which forbids spitting nn tha sidewalks on Main struct. The Ana far this offense is 91 sod Chief 3-dberry has collected severs! doDan recently from persona who violate the law. The money was tamed ever tc the local Red Cross chapter fur aee in Its work among the Influenza suf fersrs. These who at* caught In the '.r“ •• I violating this ordiaaaca are 'J d to be glad to pay the smajl fins . •><■4 duller and thereby excuse thesn ! solves from (he duty of attending court end gutting a formal hearing, etc. NOTICE TO UBKRTV BOND HOLD ERS. “ Immediate -Secretary McAdoo maria the following announcement: The privilege of converting four per cent bonds of tbo First Liberty Loan Converted and four per cent bonds of tbs Second Liberty Loon Into four end a quarter per coat bonds expires on November Ninth Nineteen Eight een end cannot under existing law be extended. The Treasury has done all In its power to call the attention of the bond bolder* to the existence of this valuable privilege aad the date of its cxplrstioe. It is soft to as sume that upon the expiration of the conversion privilege the fact wiU re flect itself unfavorably in the market price of unconverted four per cent bonds which have heretofore been maintained substantially on a parity | with the converted four and s quarter j per cent bonds by the existence of the , privilege of conversion. Tbs Trrea , ury new nabs the newspapers of the ] United States, bankers, broker* sad j others to da wbet they can to bring ! thane facts before the attention of - tbs bond .holders.' Please make a : special effort at ooce to bring this | announcement to the attention of hoed : holders." LAUREL HILL NEWS. Special to Tbs Exchange. Laurel Hill, Nov h—Misses Martha | Hargrave, h>a Gibson and Elisabeth Flythe have returned to Flora Mc Donald College after being at home o week or two on account of the "flu" epidemic. Mrs. J. W. Wilcox and daughter, . Mist Jessamine, Misses Ellen Watson and Emma Vaotal spent a few days in Carthage last week. Little Mies I-ena and Master Frank lin Gibson are spending part of this week with their sunt, Mrs. Rachel Gibson, of near Gibson. Mis* Sadie Sailers is visiting her sister here, Mrs. Luther Stublie The many friends of Mr. 2. V. Pure are glad U know ha is recovering from a recent attack of influents. TOWNSHIP COMMITTEES FOB UNITED WAB WORK CAM PAWN. Mr. W. H. Waathenpoos, county ohalrmsn, ha* appointed tha foilawing Pomoas ta act aa Uadsrs af tha work bi tha Unit'd War Work campaign next wnak in their diatrieU : Sprtng HOI—I. F. Marray. WiWacaaoa township, north of t. A. u Baitway—Q. c. Matthews and Mrs. Z. V. Pate. WQUbmson township, sooth of S. A. L. railway—Bow. W. H. Brown and Mrs. T. J. Adams. Me appointment hoi boon made pat fee StewartarlUa township. LAUBINHUBC SCHOOLS OPEN MONDAY. Mrs. T. O. Hoilier, ■operintendent of the Lanrinharg orbonla, statoo that lha schooio wld ra-epaa Maadsy morn big, November 11th. It is laqoaotod that an pupils be praaoat promptly Monday morning. It to tha ragoaot ed tha school aatharttlsa that where there to any akknaae tnm toffaaaaa hi fsmflia* with ohBdiaa of school ago^thwo chfldrsn bo kaagiB mg beam bars roemreored from ths dbaaao and there to no farther danger of spread lag H. Parents arc expected to pay atriot attention to thto regnant and if there to aiikniai in tha family keep tha ehHdrea away from school aaUI all hare rsaororod. t. M. DEATON. Mr. P. M. Deaton, an aged end waB haosm monof the osewty^ died pa ram tali, and wan bnried Taeeday at Hto Btawart family ba;lg aneal Bar. E H. Daria oeadaeted dm fan aral amtoa. Mr. Daataa was nearly M yearn of nge owd was e ms. of |A'N ;JD VVAK VVOllK CAali'A.UN WKXiKAM. The campaign begin* on Monday morning, November 11. and enda at midnight on Monday, November IB. An approved by represent*three of the Govemaient at Waahlngten the *170400400 will be divided aa fol low*: Y. M. C. A_9100400400 Y. W. C. A. 19400400 National Catho de War Council (including Knight* of Columbus) .. 9040*400 War Camp Com munity Serv ice . 16400,000 Jewish . Welfare Board .. 8400,000 Amerioan Li brary Associa tion . 3400400 Salvation Army 8400.000 Any aurplu* will be divided pro rata. BETTER THAN A CURE FOR Spanish Influenza PREVENT IT! Notice to the Public: An oanre of prevention it worth B pound of car* 8ave youreelf end your fondly from the ravage* of th la dread plague Avoid erowda! Oat plenty of freab ah' and Keep the boweie moving net* orally! Knap cheerful! •as?a •ebw eel id Intel, h*l u% *Hfc DRECO Utara't fent! f rewMatiw M Met lew wee ML* IT MOt (MNOTt ETERTY1EIE BUSINESS LOCALS WANTED—Too to **e ray lino of tamplci of drew good* in wool, illkn end cotton. Sweater* for men and women. Service flag*, cur tain*, dniptrim, table linen, hath rebes. towel* and many other things. 1 shall b* glad to show toil Mis* Uuit Dowdy, city. M-tf FOR 8ALE—Fslehum oats, Abrn**i rjf*^ R. A WiUrinwra, Laurinborj^ FOR SALE—Two Ford tonring ear*. 1 Bnlek totmng car. All in good corutttinn. J. Epatein. Laurinborg. n. c. WANTED OTAR GRASS ROOTS. W* want ton* of Bur Grsa* root* dry at We par lb Ship by tqiw or mall, dwelt will ho malted ***** day nod* arrtv*. R. T Graar * Oo., Marion. V*. 40-*» NOnC*-We hare emptor** an ng g^rar 1"H~S3 "55.^1 "iB: John Pad*, at Bmtd'i Orera U-tf AUCTION *AL*_Xrtda7, No»«b« 8, at XX a. m. at Mtta ptaea wa^aU oktT a lead lat «£ eora aadMdar, 1 X-hoeae wagon, ana ijwceo *«g &1 Mae harrow. 1 etaBc cottar, X i plow*, I Oliver iriawa, X oat tan plantar*, heae, and gear, e*e. Wooldiall ec rant place at Mata ttea. McNeill and Steele. **-a* F<Mcl^LLTuriS|, N!C^ 44-JS ^JfSSW.a-Tr- ” elated and Cleared far a few a Month? ^J^sSTlfiLsreir SS.“&K“ iKSSi^K; SS&JZFc*~ * "V5 ^—^^P^^gggaaiMRNXaM 3TO* XAIX-Owo need reef togrbg SbL ^ ”** \ It DELCO-UGHT lb ib.iy. u»i»» Lighten* the tardea of the heaee wtfe. No more hoaeehoM 4radg •nr. We are headquarters for Dodge and Hudson parts. We are especial ly equipped to take care of the service on these cars. W e work on all makes of cars, and all work guaranteed. Electrical and battery work given espec ial attention. We carry a full line of accessories for all cars. If we do not have what you need we will get it for you. Try our bumpers. They protect your car where the insurance does not We help keep the Fords going by. Try us. • Bring us your battery work, and electri al business. . ’ V .... \y, \..,1 LAUBINBUBG, N. C. JAS. L» SUTHERLAND. Mgr. Gftnft. Thonf 151 Buyers of F th lib erty Bonds If on Gorcnment Installment plan— Pay 10 pm cant NOW. M per cent Nombcr 21st. 20 per cent December 19th. 20 per cent January 16th. M per cent January 66th. If all cash, payment is due NOW. Registered Bonds must be paid for by Oct. 24th. Don’t forget YOUR pledge to buy WAR SAVINGS STAMPS. f THE STATE BANK Authorized Agent of the United States Government Laurinburg, North Carolina •fvd COLDS and LaGRIPPE N* Mt mt m pm tottb '« »' , **' i f' >' ’!♦ r^' Vvfc f /T. -C ' * A * 'u-)‘s4 •Cf *1 tagi

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