66 Ys»r» Succm The Wonderful Record of Dr. Thaeher’s Liver and Blcod Syrup. Thoao medicine* which live for even m quarter of a eeniury are exeepOcnai, •Bid BOBtinnou* ue for ever tero-thirda of B Oaotury U indlrpnuble evideoee of wonderful merit. Dr. Thaoher'c Uver and Blood Byrup oemelnto axiatcnoe in IMS, and from that tuna to tne present tt baa drown ha tba onuUdance and arUmatian of its )Mil) i Miami ng number of ran. ThMUfh aU thMt yean It has ataadily Reasons! ihould at tboaeandao( kmnim actual Man of this medi cine. who speak from IE’SKS’SKi £ other worm tor to but year* have beenao maf •* girt ulna ui a inu r Take CARDUI trs Woman’s Toole Mr*. Miry J. Irvin, ol Cullen, Va., write* "About 11 yens ago, I •uUered untold aifcery with female trouble, bear ing-down paint, head ache, numbnen* ... I wwild go for three weaka almost bent double ... Myhaibend went to Dr. - lor Cartful . . . Alter taking about two bottle, l began gofc« ■round aad when (took three botflae I ootid do an my work.- Mi [Symptoms of Eye Strain WHILE THE LAMP HOLDS OUT. (Ur PROF. R. C BRANSON.) A f«rw piriat la erary community, not many, bat Ja*t • few— Arc wall abl* to bay liberty bonda and war stamps, bat so far bar* turn. *d a deaf ear l* lb* oall of their coun try aad th* aaaaa af baamaRy. Or hors bought a a mall bend or two when they could have bought a doseu *r mot* of large denomination*—bar* invested dimes instead of dollar*, to gat their names la the printed list of patriots. Or bars given not a penny or only 0 uia’a fee to th* Rod Cross, the Rad Triangle, or any other war banavo. loact. Or bare opened their poraas wide for interest-bearing bonds aad shut them tight against outright gifts to th* welfare ministry of tb* war work council. > Or haw* boon cold and unresponsive, lor Unfeeling aad eeen Insulting to the 1 devoted war-work on lolicitiag sub Tbor* have boa* a few such parsons atuiy what*—not folks, miad you, but TSm a< tham are wheeling, grasp, ing, hardened aM sinner*, without boo* in this wand or any other. Boom are gotta wnsmaalnaa hypo* crlte* who groat oaetueody in th* TarSfls&SSxS g$3£«Lafra? as Boifca of tRbm—tho Ralaigh papers ay^n m fBmjreU* of the aSt* and other* look forward to • yd ace la Paanwa'a Bio* Book. ' %’Way of Ceattsat. JS.asr.feT.Ers^s: mtirt than kotm of tktir whit# bon. The lepers cable their wav offerings from Molokai. The Filipino* buy war sacurilios ev s nr time they are offered. The German prianneis at Camp 9gl*thorpe petition to buy the liberty rands of America. The boys in the war camp colleger ray liberty bonds—180,000 worth ol Wake Forost, and £#1,000 worth ul tha university the other day. Our soldier* at the front and in the rsptnnment* bnjr bonds—mors than a million dollars worth of one Issue at Camp Greene. Oar soldier boys lay their lives and their pay envelopes side by side on Lbs altar. But— The little band of bomb-proof s'.tck m i*> every coram unity—they iniy fcUiing. they give nothing, they toc reodev nothing in the iismo at liberty ■»nil humanity, neither treasurv nor time nor offor.- nothing or dl«gr*cc "uUy near to nothing! Tb»v sr* few hcavon W praised for that! But they arc conspicuous—us con vpivun'is us Coir nr-1 Judas. Bcoeiu-l Arnold and Bolo Pasha. Their name* are ro»- in the paper*, Wt they nrs on everybody’s tongue. And they are making history—re corded history. The central authorities arc calling lor their names. And their name* arc bring sent lo the federal bureaus What they want with thtau slacker lilts, few people know and nobody cares—unless it be the secret service ■genes and the income tax officers. Which reminds us that a half doxen bank charters hava already been canceled because tha director* - - found in the slacker lists. And applications for new national bank vharters have recently been denied for the same reason. And so on end on. later—io various other chapters yet to be written. fliers cold-blooded, tight-listed per sona in ovary community are Junlhig with conscience and ertf-res sect. Uso they claim to he patriotic—each way, after his own manner that the deadliest of all __i ghat a man tails to hiae idf to silanes his own aoni—th* “He that atldceth is a mas.” In Baeoa’s thought-provoking phrase. At best they an lukewarm patriots. And lukewarm patriot# are aa nauseous to a community as the hska rm church at Laodtcaa was to tha in BewrtaUaa. thy works, teat thou art _ sold aar hot,” said ha. "T teoa weet sold ar hot. than beeaaea tea* ait taka warm, aad aaifter cold aar hot, I an thee out of our mouth.” of ineffable as am aad tempt Nothing eta* at cif Htara SOUTHEAST HEROES IN FRANCE GET SUPPI IT LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES OVER HERE TRIANGLE BHOULOCftt EXPENSE OF TRANSPORTATION FROM MANUFACTURERS TO CANTEENS IN FRANCE—SYSTEM REDUCED TO FINAL BASIS AND RESULTS NOW ARC VERY aRATIFYIIML America* nerreaaa with Perahiag have facilities ter eoeabetUlag high coat at llTlag that an absolstaly beyoad tha reach af rialllaae oa Ibla aide or tha AtbutOc. Xraa thrlr mail loauriaa, aeeh as tebanca. Me eoita. cakaa aad similar arJclaa. are obialaable at grlare that are coated •rably lower thaa thaaa charged by ratalkare la America* tetter. This la mad* pcateaic hccaaac the Army aad Kary T. Id C. A. baa takaa etar aU peat atebaagaa la Praaca at the direct regent at Oaaaral Parch**, ro that the Red Tfteagtr ta bow coadactlag the greeted bateaaar aalarfrlao ta tha world ■*>baroo aad other “aupliaaaiarT" rapdlas are dlatribatad ta the boy* la khaki at sadly what reals prices. The “V" makes ad a paaay of predt ■ ■ I —— ■ I ■ —— .■■——fc——————— I Designed Southeast Hostess Houses Ml*' Katherine C. Bjdd. of w>w Tort flefll. who IrnirM t>« haMfri te**** of Use Soul lira--1 at n Dv.iartnir-at, now engaged In Mirerrtsliu the eon»?rn<"..on of oro at Dorr Field. stwr Arcadia, r»- Mira Gertrude Mayo, of N‘»w York and Boat on architect for other Y. W. C. A. buildings at ualH uwy B«t*bil*hm*at*. FOUND BO S DEEP DOWN DUG-OUTS American Library Association Booka Bur* Roach Sol41 ora. Bay* Raymond Fardtek “1 found ihe booka of tho Amc/lcaa Library Axuotiatloa mrprhcni in franco." ray* Haymond foedJck. chair man of the National Cofntnlmdon tm Training Camp Activate*. who ha* jaat returned rrotn an rat an da it trip mr ••am, daring which ho conduct ad n thorough lDTmUgatioo of the work koine dour hr tha variooa war work IfCDCitl. “I found them la dngoula thirty or forty foot below ground, ka sow-burn* whara ahrapnal had Mown part* nf tha roof away, aa wall ha In tho eab ■tantial bn to and tanta tar back from (ha Bring Hna. "I hava fouad tb*a tn hoopitaia and «w>k( atatJona: la aentUrnd villager ta tha tradalag area where oar man art kOtotod and aaaa tm the madeta pan. ■< banana wheve tha Whiiry mlh nrw ■■irttag ant thatr lonely. b«« MUM and Uaaantlal work. Tour hoaka are la from tho time thr •bmp in Amartca j i * « SERVED LEMONADE TO CHATEAU-THIERRY YETS malvatlen Army Workers Fee* Death That Soldier Here** May Have Ro lled Free* Fa re lied Threat*. Hmar Mrrdi af letup—d* peered til the Aaaiku tea— dart— the ket tle *( Chateau-Thierry a— l**t**«x (t the readarad to the a oldie aid hi* altla* hr the varkats —« detailed at fit enza, Coughs and Colds Relieved By Ironized Paw-Paw Tnktn According to Direction* After Ye*- nr, nn vh« . Rond to Recovery Will Restore Year Strength, Vim and Appetite ' IT I WRIGLEY5 We will win this War Nothing elm natty matters until we do! ■ 1 ■' . -7 • i’ f. .• .* Be patient here—Oar Boys are getting WRKLEY5 over there! •1 i'Heahs'Yo’ .