VlLUMfc X vXVI NUMBKK 4fi / LAURINBURG. N. C.. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 14. 1918 “THE WAR THUS COMES TO AN END” HmUUUm CuMd Monday Mondag at 11 O'clock, Kaiser and “Clowa" Prince Beat It To HoBaad Preeirisat Reads Terms to Congress. The World war Is ended! Sunday at midnight the German representatives signed the armistice and hostilities csnssd at 9 o’clock morning, Faria time, and 11 o’clock Washington time. TOi announce ment was made by the State department at 2:90 Monday mon tag. Asad Germany is now proceeding to moot the terms of the ■nnietUa, which art In all probability the most drastic ever ex acted of any congnerad people <9r moDOumut.) Wukiaitm, Nov. 11—“Dm war TV PvwMoat at tha Uatted tain tha The legislator* of the United States assembled upon the mast momentous eneeeinn in the history of the repnb Be, as VO perhaps the declaration of war, arose in acclaim to the coqu mander-io-cfclef of *,©00,000 Anari eane on tha western battle front “It waa the privilege of our own V * 4 f i tho Inn at rapraasatatli m, rwmnl bff Mt by Mk the unyielding nature at thoM turn, thorn won suppressed sounds of, incredulity, aafamd with ap probation. Bath tram tho advocates mad from detractors at Wilson dtplom Btsmarfc, the bap Chancellor, laid down to a eobaerrient Fiance tho pr recant iamamli at tho Prussian ktng dom, there had bean ao tarns as rwoopfaif In tribute and seirandar. Tbo tarma of tbs aasociatad gevala ments meant more than the haeksney •d phrase of "unconditional surrend ar." They represented to the nth decree tha gall and wormwood of de feat to imperial)atic Germany. The scene in the bouse of represen tatives, where gathered also tha mem ben of the senate, was without paral lel in the history of thia republic. The gallerias ware packed. Thar* was not an inch of standing room in them. Tha floor contained not only tbo political adherents bat tha political opponents ef tho President, now come to the final scans in the greatest drama of all American history. Mr. Hughes Heartily Applaud*. Jirat came the announcement of the doorkeeper at the house: “The Vico President of tha United States and tha members of the United States sen ate." Tho members ef the upper body cams bt, lad by Vice President Marshall, who wss followed Imme diately by Senator Martin, of Vir ginia, accompanied by a senate em ploye, followed by Senator Hoke Smith, of Georgia, and Senator Over man, of North Carolina. Nest march ed Senator Simmons, af North Caro lina, and Senator Trammell, at Flor lad. Besides them stepped with the sol emnity ef the moment other mam hart of the nation's greatest dslibersthra body. Ones they wars aaatad, the hocus doorkeeper announced the antral of the Seprame eonrt ef the United They took seats immediately in front of the speaker's rostrum, the renemUe CMaf Justice White bulg ing ertr a chair la the ewtar. OFFICIAL COUNTY VOTE I I I 1 ill!! s 1! i ! ! I 11 r y s'*??-m « « w « >« »• J. M. Morahaad ..00 47 I I t I I 14 For Ooairaaa L-O-Roblnoa-J« lftt FT 17 #7 t* Ml 044 0r*»« ~. K IT I | | i 1 M • .-**• A* 04 14 FT *7 U4 744 —* V* ’ * T ■ n --~M* * ft® ■ » 71 41 114 (M --- * u • • a 7 t n ~ ~ ~ —*-141 *** 04 14 *4 44 Ml TM * ..*•“ “ U 44 4» Ml 784 Foe X«|trtor of Doodo £ • «» M4 44 14 •# 4ft Ml 744 fw Vimj surveyor Wator^TMattkm —.•* lift *4 M 44 44 Ml 7S1 J. Mwta-—-•• lit *4 14 •» 4> Ml Tftl For Canty Canlaaimr w n -**1 »*» .** 1ft *4 4S Ml 74ft *■ ®* *<• 1M 44 14 *4 44 Ml TM y* -1M 44 II 44 «S Ml 744 For Trial J attic* County Coart y *.w u> •< » » « ui m For Froaocullm A tty. Canty Court y h/!1*..-.a4* Mft M 14 44 44 MO 747 For 8taU Sonator R. L. Burn*.444 118 *4 16 00 4ft 180 741 WUkn F. Horton.249 118 04 14 W 2 100 744 For RopreoanUUve A. E. Shaw- 840 84 04 14 40 34 MO 70S WOODVILLE NEWS NOTES. Special to The Exchange. Woodvflle, Nov. 13.—Mr*. Daa Hatty end little daaghtor, Thelma, of j Batty were recent visitor* in Wood-! viile. Mr. James Nicholson of Eller)* Springi epeat Sunday with Mr. sad Mra. Arch MoNeOL Mrs. R. N. Monro* left Toesday for Charlotte to attend tha Paris sym phony orchcitr*. While there ah* win vleit her daughter, Mrs. D. JE. Krimmlngar. Mlae Mary Uviagatoa win h* the attractive teacher of tha Wood rill* school, beginning Monday, November 35. Mr. and Mrs. James Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Pate were the gneata af Mrs. H. C. McMDUaa Sunday. Mlaa Panola Wright, after spending several day* with ratetrva* her*, m tonied to Washington,. D. C, Monday. Mrs. J. M. McLean and Mr. Arabia McLean visited relatives tat Fayette ville last Wednesday. Wa are glad to report that Mlm tema Lae McMillan, tha attractive daughter of Mrs. R C. McMillan, has recovered from a meant attack af tha •fn> and will resume bar atadtea at Flora McDonald Teasday. Mr. Ryfua Mirflallom, the anterprti tag yooag clarh at Fettemon Bma. stem, haa maignad effective with the now year, to taka ■ apodal conm* at WoodviU* so aa to b* fitted far a higher oad Doblar calling. Hia many friend* of this aacMan wish him aumh Dear hunting to now tha favorite apart In the Sandhill* MB. KENNETH H. McAEN DIKB AT KAOLB PASS. TEXAS. Yeuag Soldier DtaSaaday M_lag, November 16. KolWisg An At lack of Pataaseaia. Laannbqrg was grieved Sunday wNrn Ike »-ed nawa waa received here that Mr. Kenneth McArn, son of Mr. •ad Mrs. D. H. McArn, waa dead at Eads PaaT. Teams. News carat to the family bare eariy last weak that r«M Mr. McArn waa seriensly U] with pneumonia at tha army box boa. pttal at Eagle Pass. Messages ware rueet»ed from tha army physicians every day but no wood came tlat the xouag man wns improving st»d the aad news of Sunday did not come wholly unexpected, but under the cir cumstances was vary sboekiag. The tragic circumstances surrounding tha death of this splendid young man only add to the grief of ai makers at the fMrnOy aad friends here, aad tha cets m unity la in tears tar tha hey who volunteered tor military eervlss aad died fat tha Berries. It waa last year that Mr. MeAtn Teethed his majority aad waat to Pert Derives, Oa., aad waa latar trmaaferred to tha camp at Bagla Paaa. It Is expected the raaalaa will reach Lauriabarg Tharaday stoning. Wed n-dsy the funeral arraagaamu bad Mr. aad Mrs. McArn had four scan to the military aarviee. Hagh M. Me> Asa ed tha aviation oervtae la to Itom. Donald O. Is.at Part SUt, Olihm. Dongles. tha yoaagsat, la located at Gamp Taylor, Keatacky, aad la mrysstid to reach laarihhurg la time far the taasL CAaownAMn. 1. a HMCIMOBAlt mi tart*. Mw.tt.1ttt. vr Ml LnnmNAMT ooumwl IT11ITT NOW. *aM*ai«aaattfa*aM*artfcttaaa aa«, a Laartataug bay aart a am art waa* kaaa anaailart ta a lliakw mt Ortaamr. flaatttiaat ON. tv attt aiikaftai ttlaf at aaat at tta CHATAL'QUA 8ECIUD FOB laubinbubo in spying. J. w. Maatk. Mn. Jim C. Uhr, Mn. Jm. D. Anr, Hfarton Jama, Mn A. M. Falrtay, Mrs. M. J. Ma Wn, Mn J. A. Joaaa, Mm DnM •Ma*. U. W.. Malloy. D. K. McBaa, OaH B. Cnin. J. L. Gibaoa, MnJ.L «Mw». Thamaa J. GUI. B. C. Evaratt, Mr. and Mn. Loonte p-ml Max ey U John. Mr. aad Mn Walter Me j Bacbin. Mn Calvte McKteaon, Mn. Baaala B Wilkinaoa. Pater McLaaa, Wada 8. Daabar, J. T Piaida, A. H. Janas W. L. PtaMs W. D. McLaurai. Bdwta Marcaa. Mr. aad Mn W. G. Bate. Mn. D. S A Hamas Mn Al »•» MaLaas Mr. and Mm B. J. Jonas Chariaa W. Kagan. Mn C W.1 Bacax. Mn P. C. McCormick. D. A.! MrDoocald. W. B. Mlddtetan. Mr. aad Mn H. W. MeLaorin, Mr, aad Mn B. I. Nichalaaa. E. H. Davis W. MeN. Lytch. E. W. Bryaat, J. T. Boattek. G. H. Baaaall. C. Y. Joaaa. A. P. Fat tened, F. D. Gibaoa. -_ i W. X. CLAYTON WOUNDED AND 1 IN HOSPITAL. WritM Bnm That a “Big One” M Oaad mad large one Hava n*ed Searraalia Oat of “Sana Hoapttal M C VYanea. October IQ, ISIS 'Mr. J. T. Myorm. Laurinbarg, N. C. “DaerTbn:—Tbie ta bun writing lata V» tying flat ea my bark in bed and the ana that par bn the hand that paafces thin ’•tab’ U ob the ban Yen’ll excare It. I failed to go Veer the top’ nt-, ea S, as a ’big one* landed about Ms feat Mala street fna the lUabeard creasing at the aorth to the Coahd. ®*»»7 hew a niitiw mam of ho maaity. riding, walking. «. kaypy way ap and down natll the eeiebranta wore thaateic. out far (be night and fad, a few at a time, am ad the tanka, while the m-ire ar dent end jroethf at carried oofiaed ebration fade the wee small boor*. AatimokOm hying Sage and hearing thetar burden, ef happy, fayeu hu mreat, while the with great ' 5>; '* Sr i ti> i % $ SUM *1