1 . 1 Gibson, a Town of Splendid Advantages iihi •! mp <*ncr wot or as ft . farm* in MortV Can.* > Vad tate ??3Sd r -IW^.utr?lnautt4> ^ Vat far a Ira wlh radio* af CAm practical!v every farmer «« in touch with tha rat of tha world ta that way. Only id aar cent of an' the fermhra in the United Slaton, trtckkl V • >«Hr ratr tha farm owner*, hare water wwrhr ta their hemes: white ia this crawwitr them modem improve ment* are taken for granted. Tha mra fc true of modern system* of Pmhaaa no batter indication of a com manky'* wealth may hi found than tha rain af it* land. Horn it b mom than panning interest that tha ratal of all tho farm land in tha county butaanH from S6.6U6.740 la MWt» tlt4TM*T la 1M0. and that. hihlP* **me pnted. the number of Individ eel farm* feerneeed from 14M te'tWth er abawt M per cent. Thiels if aonim adietioettea which ■‘t; S _J nemparatieely amah rather than grow ten faat fir K* awn rood la one af the tew eanimradthni la which pane Uratir every member of tha high tebnol graduating dan* gone off te :-m the general pen* i__ I, ate I I f -- «- - I/kT wy IwivpHWI PMkWHm, ’__ » werawlty of making a Rrhur done not rat rtem eoOege edu . ratten at the half-way er Qucifci way putet. If ynef irradiate study in da* it anuaftjr U «ra'te pe**ibte if afi element. The registration book* if .Tohr* Hnnfcw*, the U.”.’’w*alty «f •f Itenseytranta. ClliwtHa Uni rat oily, tha IW Graduate Wm! and Hee pttal of Mew York City and the other wading educational Institutions af the B33.V'-' This is M Americas community, In unbMs. Nearly M par cent of tha BlstlWiii af tna county is eorapowd of native-born whits people, with about S3 per east native-born neurons. Waving Just a fraction of cm par ewt foreign bent. Thera are only ST persona In the entire county of fo»e>ncn birth. This ia proved by the records et the public schools. Good An-Wcnn names, every so* of them, with hrmHy a foreign accent That is tile way It has been for genera tion s. Tbit Qifcvon community existed for more than n century before It as sumed the dignity of a town. In 1730, or seven year* before the iWrfaratlan of Independence wee rtgwril Thoroaooil l»*tc, of Welsch Operant. settled hum an land itostrod bv royal grunt from King Georgs III of Rn gland. Ua became tha founder of the Put# family tn North Catalina, one of the largest and meet influential Is this part of tha country- Wo *i*gle family has reetrlhated more to com munity hsttti'ueal. Dr. W. T. Pate nvactieed mrittii^— almost cocrtia—os1 (y from UBS witfl Ms death.in 1313 During a third of a century of active daily contact with his fellow-citizens, ha became one ef the moat popular man to the entire eouaty. Bh brother. X. V. Pats, new of Leuria hurg. ia owner of one of tha largest deportment atoms ia ths south and at tnr vim* ox 10 coimrwion voc .largest In North CaroUaa. Although not an actual resident of C.ihnon, Mr. Paw ha* always taken a day interest in the growth and progress of tho town and contributed ta it in many ways. I>r. Jamas 0. Pate, sow of the •liter Dr. Pate. Mill a comparatively venng man. i« rapidly becoming aa wall known as hi* father and alraady is one of the most successful physi rten* In the county. Other members of the Pate fondle are raemafd farmer* ami business man. The Gibsou family, from which Ant the railroad station and later the town got their name. U the largest single fondly group In tho community. Us ancestry hi English and Scotch, the original Gibson family emigrating from Scotland aad settling m Vir ginia. Just a short while before the outbreak of the Revolutionary War, :iro»um«hly about 1760. a wfdnw lady end her'two sons came to North Caro lina and settled in that part of Meh msml county that ia now Scotland. The team’s Amt mercantile business was started in 1M0. when Noah Glb •» married and settled here. At that time the present town site was a dean* forest, very little land being cleared. There were no railroad facilities, and ah freight had to be healed In wagons from Ohms, IS miles sway, or frusn Fayetteville, SO miles away. The buMnaaa prospered, and Ha ownsr soon accumulated a con siderable fortune. It teas then known deputy as Glbesn'a stars, a name ouf tcftfttly apod Ac at that thus. After Noah Gibaan’s death. Us eon. Frank B. Gibson, took dime of the basineHS in 1872, bocondag in n sense the founder of the present tows. He early recognised the need of adequate railroad faeWHos and set htmsaif to the task of seel fig that they worn provided. A ton-mils branch lino of the See board Air line from Hamlet to 01 boon was the result of hi* m itaavomi and at teto tho .tows of Gih ■tp was ia direct touch wtth the rest nf the world. The effect was almost settler* a j*» Within a ami two i “k— wilt «ona a tUJBootl Georgia; «h*«tf» V-*n»*wJ Paw to SSfSfi «*hw heara^away(ram the wta , The Gibson Drag Company, estab lished in 1(&* sadknown until a (Mr months ago as the W. X. Gfteoo drag storo, is tha town’s oldest busi ness institution. W. Z. Gibson, its ysmer, else owns a farm Just ontsida tha corporate Emits a ad baa served since IBIS as postmaster. Are men have done mere for the upbuild ing of tha town. W. D. Reynolds established the W. D. Reynolds department stare ia lfll and has been responsible (or its rapid growth te bs the second largest basi ns.* in Gibern. He too has been ac tive ih promoting tbs hast interests, of the v«n»« end community, always raking d yreui interest in public af fairs. Tars prosperous banks serve the banking seeds of the community. The Bank of Gibson was ealskHshsd in 1M04 and immediately became idsnti Aed with other **ml-public inatlta Uonc bodies ted te progress. By 1B10 the Imnking needs had aa expended that another bank was aided ts help asm far them: so the Carolina Stats Beak was organised. Otftuma of both iastftations, in their oIBciml capacities and aa eitixsa*, hove earned the ap preciation of thair follow-Liiisens far their effort* hi behalf of the earn rssnity as e whole. The Iowa's three physicians, Or, t. C. Pate. Dr. j. 8. Gtheen and Dr. E- A. T Kingston, am tarpital ef the tendency, already mentioned, te re turn to their home cmemity after cootpletiiiR titeir education and estab lish Utemseiver. among the men and women whrrn they have known all their lives. All three . were born I practically within the corporate limits land educated ia part ia the Glbeon pubtfe reboot*. Their nuccese aa phy «kians ha* shown that they selected their location wisely, and they have becMnc yn'aable citixcna. \Dr. J. M. Gtrrfner. tl* town’s only dentist, ia a na*rre of neither part of the stetn h>Jt eanw to Gibson as a young man and Han been anosually mcoaaefal In Ids practice, at the same time devot ing himself to community affairs. Typical of the up-to-dateness of the Gibeoa community la the move ment now under way to veto a bend b*-o* of ITS,0*0 far a coatplets system-ef is sold pal water works, Electric tight* and street paving. This l«ad 1mm aloos repreaewtu -an oWtra llon of more than *75 per capita, trfkel In Kseif of the wealth of the ennirnmlty. The town has bad street 1‘jrhti and lights for private real •lence* and stores far sereral years, bat dr plant has beam inadequate te mov'd# all the power needed; ao in e»nrion of a mould pel electric light] r-ient In the prorisieo* of the bend issue was decided upon. Tli* culture of Ita people is reflected in the town’s churches and schools. There are three of the former, each exerting a powerful influence ever the Uvea and conduct af ita members. Hrv. A. J. Parker ef the Methodist church. Rev. O. W. McManus ef the Baptist, and. Rev. J. A- Catigan of the Presbyterian have preawed a practical and livable religion, based on the fundamental troths ef the fttUe, carrying with Uietn the whale hearted support of their congrega tions In iflf when Rev. O.W. Dowd was pastor ef the Methedlsf church, the building was isHaJihd end several Sunday school room added. WHh succeeding years and a constantly Increasing membership, there is already a great need far a larger building. Last year the Bap XM* disposed of their ehereh Mid «it» ibJ enoeted n new church (tree-1 on form of W. N. McKonaU Gib ton, S. C. mat, la charge of Prwf. CMi •and the three offfenHowd county's eouraged to obtain aa education at whatever aerriflce. and many of thorn are bow iatalligent dtiaeoa and lead en among tho tUbi goaoratloa. Bat the Olbaon people do nidi town meat bare a high school own. The town was going to tho country to be educated. 10 wring the usual order of things- A group of progressive - dtioona undertook the task of arousing public witimont ini favor of tho project; aad its succaos j was «ooe assured. A band laoaa was! voted, a special school tax eras la vied, and aoon a large brick building areas oa the choice lit lot In town. It opened He doors in the fail of 1014 and in-, vited the state superintendent of pob 1 lie bistraetion, l)r. J. Y. Joyner, tej assist in the dedication and laying of the cornerstone. The first class, oaa-1 I psting of four Toombore, wee gmdn-! nted in April. 1915, in the presence of, »!* lets Governor Btekott, who was! then attorney general. Graduating! rI asses that have followed that first1 oaa Have been increasingly larger, and the total enrollment nas practi cally- doubled. The auditorium was, eut up into clam room*, but still thars wore not oaougfa to can for the . pupil* properly. The need far e now, building kept increasing, and tbs now, buiVfmg was provided. Pupils from e: radius of several miles an brought to school from thalr bo tups in huge motor tracks end carried boric in theJ aftrmi-ion. | That hospitality which the people of Gibson bars shown toward tho, rMtor port raw-comer has alao been wrtended to tho parson wishing to open a bosJnrrs her*. In each a com munity. legitimate business finds a fertile field foi expansion, and It is |N» that sorb an enterprise tails to. make a success. The statistician tell ns that the average fife of a re tail hus.nes* is about seven years; but bar* there has not been a badness failure in years, although the whole i rtomrlol fa'll*, of the sooth was I ripped and tom daring the depaasnhio, •f laid cm! 1920. With hand reds of successful farms surrounding it on1 all sides ant in its favored position as, the center of half * dome ether pro*-! pemus towns m Scotland. Richmond' and Mailhotc counties, the town of; Gibson is loyieatly the home of suc cessful business. capitalist with money to Invest hi now enterprises, the home-seeker tanking far a place to Use among congenial people, the business man nenktag a location far new baehtane, an>l til others who know what it memr to Hw in a good community "ill 4mi line a town that offers even mom than -t aspects in return. W. R. BARRINGTON. INSUR ANCE Beet den I Agent far tyany Leading Life. Fh* and Indemnity Companies There was a time when the insur »in man had to convince his pros-* pests au to the general desirability of lnrurai.ee. It was regarded as wtmething that was perhaps a good thing, but ft was not coiuddemd aa a neoessaty adjunct if business and of personal re*|ie>t *» Iiipm■>. h* can insure Hi* crnp.i n-.*oinrt tlw mouth or the freshet. If he ha* a jr<\, tie can in sure hii'sHl against K--« of hi* em ployment, or against Ins* of time by reaaoo of IHoos* or otherwise. If ha has netting else, he-can at least in sure Hi* Ufa, and thus mid matoriaOy to tH* value of Us own existence Hy providing an estate that will be worth •omatblng to his relative*, or that wilt be an aa*et in his own time of Mad by reason of affording him a source of obtaining funds whan emdsd by mean* of Urn loan previ sion* of Uio modem insurance policy. In th* present time, therefore, the Insurance man Ho* oaly to work at ■it calling isf order to severe results. 'Everybody I* a prospect By secur ing a connection with a good com pany. an insurance man can soon write a large amount of insurance, saining liberal eommlseious for hfai M*lf, ami at the same time conferring a real favor on the persona for whom he write* Insurance. | W. R, Barrington, inartlng insurance ngent of Gibson, has made such | connection*. While he represents a 'number of leading companies, hand ling life, Are, and indemnity insure lance, his chief company is the CUi sens Insurance Company of Missouri. — m ,.i.i .-in i t one, of the old companies of tho country, established in 1897. Mr. Barrington la • native of Mart boru county, S. C, and came to Gib eon about two years ago aa chief of tho police force. Recognising the op »oiUnities offered by tho community Tor a live Insurance agency, Ira »n ilrrtook this line of work, and haa mat with prooooneod success. Ho coj uucts the only Insurance agency (a town, and the location of sucn an office lu Gibson has proven quite a cun venteroo to the community. As n side line, Mr. Barrington him the rights in Scotland county and in the entire state of Sooth Carolina for tho "Ladies' Wand" clothoo pin, a novelty that has proven very popular wherever it haa boon introduced. U Is s motel pin that remains on tho line, never nista, never gets lost, and is alwavs ready for sorrica. He has mat with splendid success in this line. Mr. Barrington is a member of the Melhodlat church and an EUt. Ho is a avoided booster for Gibson, sad has full confidence In the growth and de velopment of Use town. County Agent E. 8. Mllbap*, Jr., of Randolph county signed up 48 boys 1 and girls In pig and poultry club work I at a recent mooting for young folk* nr *1* Farmer high school. -« Them ere more than 1300 pro peril accredited press or publicity agents in , Now York City aloao. Their work is to get free pebUcity for the individuals or move meets that employ thorn. -,--I New High School Building at Gibson, N. C. __ Insurance In all its Branches — FIRE, LIFE, INDEMITY, ETC. I Patronize your Home Town W. R. Barrington Gibson. North Carolina Drugs, Medicines, Prescriptions, Toilet and Rubber Goods. We guarantee Personal Attention to Prescriptions. Only Pure Drugs Used. LOWEST PRICES, QUALITY CONSIDERED Gibson Drug Company Phone 44 Gibson, N. C. W. D. REYNOLDS Matt r Woman I and Ckitdran 1 Oat fit tar • A Ccmptfa Lin• •/ Fkmitmrm % I • , I Prices A Iways the Rawest We Appreciate Year trade uS3Sntn.C. Gibson. N.C.