Things You Want to Know About Scotland County ' r— ■ (Continued from pace t) a net work of over 800 mUeo of Anal highway* which place the farm In easy reach of shipping points. Market Accessibility Through the service given by the rail toads named above, the market is itiUy MoHtibk. Lsarixiburg in only 16 mike from Hemlet, where di rest seen»ctie* is made with the main line of the Seaboard Air Line Rail read. It ie only 1? mike from Pem broke, where connection with the mala Una of the Atlantic Coast Lice Railroad is mads. In freight, das to the Leurlnborg and Southern, there is as changing of cars, all prodocts being mat straight through to desti nation. Norfolk is within 16 hour*— Washington 11 hours—Atlanta 11 hour*—Jacksonville It boors. Charles ton sad Richmond and other cities are easily stmidbli. The other towns of the county an in tho about sell ado Is with only a half hour or so difference either way according to their location and the rood need. Raw Material Proximity Sootiwed county being one of the richest counties, it thus gives manu facturing plants the background of abundant snppUoa of raw materials. The transportation service being aa it is, moons aa easy way for securing raw mat*risk not does at hand. Bgeebll Climate Scotland county Is n county of equably element weather with an average temperature for tho year of about <1 degreei which seldom draw to sera or isechse 100 degrees. The county has a mein annual precipita tion of shoot 61.0 inches evenly distributed throughout the year. Out of-doer work Is practise! nearly the year around, a condition which large ly enters into the consideration of e locution. Kart and Power Electricity la obtained from the Yadkin Rbor Power Company who ran transmission lines through this territory from tbair hydro electric plant at Blewttt Falls In the adjoining county of Richmond. Electric power ■ rates aaa raasnhahla. Coal can be easily obtained also. Unlimited Water Mapplg A now water works aad filtering station is being constructed in Lao rinbarg and that community aril] have a supply sufficient to Inst for 10 yean at the present rata of growth. Hie county la wall supplied with water which meets the standard tests for drinking aad is good for bolters. Deal rahls Factory Sites Throughout the entire couoty there are many exceptionally mod manu facturing sites- - Soma of them con tain am much as Sfi acres of mad lead la clone ptulalty to the raoiaada to Which a.spur track can be laid. Other lay* directly on the railroads named above. »» chamber of oomiagaae in no way acts a* agent for thcoe prop erties, bat ta always ready aad anxiohs to act aa a mediant for ia formatton concerning them ae any In formation that may be desired oa the available labor, proximity of homes to properties, assessed values etc, tat fact anything which will assist in ar riviag, at a salt able and proper loca tion for any^reUsbie onterpriss^ Thm m hwb titabliahtd btnko which have oomhlnari renoareas of over tUNffil aad these beaks haw adequate facMHlee which era a asses nary adjunct to manufacturing eon corns and gonazml boaineaa as wall as ta the community at large. The banka ef the county have the Mghaet standing and are In a flourishing con dition. ^UI|M im Battersctery^Luasr^ of native efflrlsat labor obtainable at a very reasonable wage. Ideal Living Ooaditiaaa The homes to bo found in the coun ty rank ameag the beet of the entire country. In the towns are to • be found sufficient water, electric lights,! telephones as la the ease all over the' acuity and In Xonriahuf, concrete sidewalks, adoqaata sewerage, and paved streets. The public schools ef the eoenty and towns are of a par ticularly high standing under the able management of the county super intendent and superintendent respec tively. These school* are a source of pride to the entire county. There are 49 school* with 1X9 teachers, school population MM Or M per oent of the entire population of the eoenty. The vales ef the school property 1* XtWy 400 with ITS ,000 in process of build ing and a private negro industrial school valued at approximately 1100, 000. la recreation Laurinburs has an oncioaed ball park, golf Oaks and other means of eajcymant. MhVrg in this soot ion is a great sport. TVs to tVc teligioes ami social life of the **0fW' FsMc Utilities The tiiepbons system is maintained by the Brother n Ml Tsltpbsas aad te a abort tpeee. Xpvs riioeld be said upon tide sae gbaae ef Ur* mmmsaHy (aasmarir U H k. 'M WMw • - financially, but Beotlairi county b well known all over tko aariant half of tho United States, eepoelnllj in tin ■oath and wo have therefore dealt more upon the industrial advantages. Boll analysis—ete rations in various •ection* of the oounty—drainage con ditions in certain areas—and other pertinent factor*—ell of these are things that must be dealt with in ru ■ponee to ip irifle inquires. The eeunty has tfijM acres of land of which Hi per oaut is cultivated. The total approximated earn seed valuation of pwjwrty in the oounty In IMS was U3400400 on taxable prcpertiea. with s tax rate of M cents par $100. Tho total value of animal farm prod net* for the county (10M censes) was 984MJ00 and its ia estimated that this figure passed the $10,000400 ia 10U. Commercial The commerce of the towns ef Sootland county 1* very brisk, the trade bring generally conceded to be a little above normal There are op portunities for outside commercial business locating in the county and there ia further oppertaaittea for the enlargement of tho preoont establish ments. Mooov la spent freely lor the nanaaihJee of life and all the concerns now located bore are in a healthful and flourishing condition. This fea ture of the community life wsQ have to be treated aa like the agricultural phase, specific inquires a* to location mast oe individually Investigated. i Population of Scotland county (estimated) 1$4$0. 90H growing days enabling two or three crops to be grown on the same acre. , One of the leading agricultural counties in North Carolina r nxjuosj over z nuu oi cotton to •vary inhabitant. One of the foremost cantaloupe producing counties in the United States. Wonderful watermelon railing county. Excellent county for peachc* and tobeeco. Most productive county In relation to else of farm arm of any county In the United States. Laaiiabvg Population (estimated 1928 ) 3,000. Eight manufacturing pleats Includ ing 4 large cotton mills manufactur ing hosiery yams, one fertilizer plant manufacturing acid phosphate and seven other brands or kinds, one oil company making ) variety of .prod ucts from cotton sued, one flour and feed mill, capacity 800 barrels Sour and 40 tone of feed per day, one ice end. eopl plant, production loe 12 to 18 tons par day. 8u mounded by one of the richest farming sections in the United Stales, thug firing man ef entering plants the natural Inducements of abundant sup plies of raw materials. Excellent transportation facilities. Excellent highways. Cnmmlariun form ef government. Abundance ef hydra smetric power. White way. Abundance of excellent water. Excellent sewerage system. Concrete sidewalks. Paved streets. Excellent school facilities. Beautiful homos. - * Eight shurchaa. Hr schools. Three banka. Tax rate*lJ4 per 8100. ine ocner town* in me county al though smaller than Uuitoluit are forging to the forefront and wfll at* a great deni of dqyeiopznant within the next daends. At citisenship of theta town* ate awahs to the op partunltlas which they offer and the spirit of coopamboa displayed ia rw markabl*. . lafmttko The Scotland County Chamber of Commerce, Laurinborg, North Caro lina, will fondoh any information about Scotland county or its towns and Inquiries are soifeited. SCOTLAND SUPPLY CO. One at County's Largest and -Meet Active Mercantile Concerns ' Located at Jebno The Scotland, Supply Company is really a xupply company. It handles •very daaertptioa of merdiagdbw, from notion* to beery hardware, and in prop# rad to take care of the needs of the residents of the community in which it is located in almost every of mtmtitili ruppU**. Stub Hnhod In 1PM, the Scotland. Supply Company has had the nab of action of seeing it* bud new grow ataedSy and regularly for the past nineteen yearn. Scotland Supply Co, Store, Johns, N. C. Occupying a Urn and euhatantlal building. containing nearly MM square leut of floor space, the Scot land Supply Cnmnssy finds that tt baa non# toe mush mam for the mat stacks of assorted merchandise that It carries In its ware roams- It could easily utilise additional space, and that may become necessary within a year or two, if the rate of growth enjoyed far the peat two or three years continual Tha problem of buying for such an establishment U net an easy one. Te select tha Unde of goads, and in the quantities nJtable for tM demanda mode ipm the mmsvBo ngwlm the beet of judgment end dieeretion. Handling full Unas of shoos, cloth i&%cv^a.,issa Supply Company la exclusive agent In this locality for many leadingb rands of nationally advertised merchandise. Among these may be mentioned Firestone and Oldfield automobile tires, Avery farm Implements, Inter national Harvester Company imple ments, Auburn wagons. Hunt Club shoot. Central She* Company's Unas of St. Loala, the glue fertiliser Uie tribuior, menu facte rad by John Blue at Laurie berg, Dixie Phosphate Com pany's fertilizer, and many others. In addition to its general mercan tile lines, tha Scotland Supply Com pany buys cotton and cotton weed, paying tha full market prices for them articles, thus enabling the farmers of this section of the county to market their products with a mini mum of trouble and hauling expense, large quantities of cotton and eotton seed arc handled by tha company each season. Id connection with this fea ture of Us operations, the company runs Its own ginning plant, wtth a capacity of about BO bales pur day. Many farmers haul their cotton to the gin and sell both tha cotton and the seed on the spot, receiving the money for tha crap without further trouble. * Mr. MeLauHn originally founded this business in 1901. The Scotland Supply Company was formed by H. W. MeLauHn and E P. Janes In 1906, and succeeded the tanner bust nets. Both of these gentlemen are well known in the commeoity and through out this section of tha state They are men of high standing, and hats hosts of friends. Both, ate natives of the county, end have spent their en tire lives aa residents of Scotland. Mr. McLaurin is a member of the Presbyterian church, and is keenly interested in the development of his section. He is always ready to co operate in any movement taking to the improvement of the community or the county at large. Ha Is especially 1 enthusiastic In his support of im proved highways, regarding this as one of the leading needs of tbs smaller communities of the south. Mr. Jones has large farming in terests. operating a to horse farm a short distance from town. He la a member of the Methodist church. The Scotland Supply Company la n teal a seat, to the tewn In which It is located, and is wail patiwniacd by the eWsena of Mnu, aa well aa these re siding within a radhts of a doasa miles of the town. Its business is continually growing, both in votniae and in the Unit rj reach id by its sphere of activities. \ a ■ i 1. T. JQHN COMPANY OM Established Mercantile Cancan and in AdMnUg There may be people who think the “modem" department atom la a mod ern InatUntlua. People tfvtng in citiee have grown enrustamod to tha idea that the department store is a de velopment of the peat half oentnry, □•cause m larger mtannerrmaim el this kind harm reads the Imp metier that they harm biased new trails la mtmntlh wwthtdn. Preotically every man who has lived la the country or the small town kaown that the depart mant atom la merely a city adaptatloa of the gen lend store of the twee made or the email Tillage. It eparataa upon «x act 's the aaaa principle. K la a return to fundamentals hi metehaadbtoig, r*thpr than a new development. It Ta a reaction from the highly specialised establishments of the larger dtioe, and probably If truth were known, it is In response to the demand that baa been created In the larger da*, r. those who, earlier In their Uvea, pat ronised the good old-faahioaed gen eral store. At any rate. Scotland county people •hoy find a country department store In fall operation at the village of Johns. It lx the establishment of the J. T. John Company, which began business la 1«M, end was ineorpor ***d shout twanty-flre years later, in 1*10. ' The . John Company was ene of the first business concern* to op erate In this section of tho county, and has had a great deal to de wKh Um development of the section sur rounding tire town. It has handled a lull Una of every sort of _ , mi of Urn M J^ttal**** Oliver plows aad CtTBaBB Md tha Uka. It -yJr ■ Tilai MMtafc M by HO feat, aad ^Ze wee aa additional building about half *d aa Ha watehottaa. Tha Ana alto dsala ia aotton and aattua seed. It haa recaatly taken over the laaal •fancy for the Chevrolet astemo bfluT and carriee a complete Mac of parte ter this popular ear. J. T. John, president of tha aaca pany, founded dm Ant hnslnccs estab lishment in this sscUaa of fcdlaad county. He ie active in the chamber of ecrnawtee, aad ia a atabe i of tha Vsthodlat chanh. F. A. Kendall, •wtatarr and treasurer, ie a native of Jb county, and haa been connected wth the concern, for the past sixteen wars. Ha is a Sbrtner aad a wear bar of tha Methodist ebareh. Them emplowd*'kr>tt>otheoapany.*i<iue "alt popabur and well known cttiaaaa, and are loyal residents of the community. Laurinburg Situated (Contiai-ed front pegs 3) county and which are maintained at county expense Tha county haa modem road const rue lion and main tenance equipment and two forces aie kept constantly at work on tbs oounty reads. Free and convict labor i* employed and competent engineer* sod superintendents are in charge. The State of New York has 9,000 more students hi soUegte aad uirieay. allies than tha UaitecTKlngdom. J. T. John Co. Store, Johns* IV. C. 1 Some Recollections of Rev. John JHonroe Known to Everbody as Uncle John Monroe One of Greatest Relig* ions Leaders of Hie Day. (Mr UTDMITON lomnoo) Uw *** ftm **■. MM. emtainly Hmr. John Monro*'. Th* tot church cervine I stunted wan at #U Bwrtnx Hill and th* venembfe mb aboat whom t am writing war tka paator. Ha was, whan I can tot re number, aa old man with white hair. Ht waa of naniaandtat appearance, tearing • striking roimbEneTto Oaorge Washington. For a man of bis ani ha was remarkably careful ahmic Ma dress, wearing in the pulpit a Print* Albert salt of broadcloth, with Immaculate linen, a large folded collar with th* old-fashioned stock as a tie. When he drew oat his hand kerchief it was always of « mows w hi tenses and carefully folded. Ho rarely ever preached lea* than ar hour, and frequently ran over that tiny*. The benches in the aid chump wsea high awl my feat could not touch th* floor whan I was Ant aar rted to church with my mother. There wa* no stows hi Urn-church at “ t tuua as the old people i ■ an Idea that aae could gat tl of'a religious mrrles if ha d it in a* house without to whan the thermometer was with!eg down to *u tunica flnk. |»Tb —— w too aaadtor am out too toMtoillp at o ttow. Medan toMto'tf'tto UTitoa!*^!* Sto m EfcmMm flaatapa a tow toriitmli I mh» tor about Undo John _. to hi# mm iraatfoa. Ha did ato' confloa to* datta to hia own flock, tot called aw too member* of too riaahjrtoitoa dwrch a.wetL Than waaa bwt to* churchea to «to community at that tone—tha Bavttot and tha PmW. ttriaa. *».V % s xr •i-. 4$ •V '»* U >» v & $ :'i ■ ‘ l" '■:• v •■ v: •*. * 1 '> .. .1 ’ John Blue, One of Sc land County’s Manufacturer of Rex .Guano Distributors, John Blue Cotton Planters, Etc. The story of tba devsloymsat of tho business of John Bios. whoso plant la loootod about two and oao half miles ftpto Laoiinburg on tho Lauriabarg-Gibson mad, roods Uho noma not It Is of Intaroot particularly as shewing how a man of fores and energy can forgo shied In any Iw In which his lot may be east Tho Moo family it one of the old est aim best known in this aoctiaa. It has beta resident of LourinbByg for ISO yearn, and It* member* Kavo boon known no honest industrious own and women, .given to handling their own business in their own wsy ,while of fering tho spirit of neighborly topd nous and friendly help to all in their; community. • i flown* tMtty-flv* year* ago, John Bloe bog on tho op* ration of n block aonlth ahop. ft wax a crude little ahpp, oowtainiwg only tha araiiaet and aw at prlndtivo topla and apparattm. It waa li a M teat, aad than waa Htt% mearfar more than tho owner of tho ahap inatd*. Darn ehaateg waa aa important part of hie waft, teat thte wa* mat-aril y doHb outride tha ahop, beeaaao then want flaw Inaidt. Ban, aim waa lava*tad and mane faeto red Um flrat ootton ataDc | cutter. The practical and inventive mind of : John Bta* took hold *f tho thing* ha I hadl at that timo, ho trover, and began to eoariruri impromananto. Than wan many Mttte attachnwarta and ap 1 plianooe that ha avelvod from tha | opafatiaae in Ida ahop, am of than 1 for hU owe eanvaaknca in oponUom, ' other* ter tho an of hU ntight art or hi* owe farm or pardon Made, ft Boon began to he apparent, aapariaWy to John BUao Maaarif, (hat ha wa* abla te da many thing, hi *n im proved way and by Improved aootfiodo, thought out Mmaolf From thl* at ago of hia actlvtUa* ho tentepud gradually, leaning am aad mon about tea potrihilMi** of hia ihap, mrrtU tha aaada of tha neighbor ing farman began to cacao to Mm in ikar oooeoptlcna of IniprQi’mtaada that might ha mada M tha Imptamaati thoy warn aaing aa thatr forma. Tha mda aaathada of dlatri bating farttB ter and »!—*<■« nfftlra wad rtliturbad tha biveoti*e facahie* af data Bhaa, u wall aa Ma pwn apnathm aa Ma awn farm. Be 'a* that haprovo aaenta on thaaae Implements were hath peoalhla aad daairabk, and he at about patting Ma aancapUeoa Into eonedete farm Tha caaalt waa that ha Invented and haa patented tha Bax guapo distributor, and tho John Bhaa cotton plantar. Bath ef thaaa imple ment* mat with Inatant recognition on the part of the fanner*, and the advantage* paaaaaaid by thaaa soon •rove them wide popularity, Thar have bean on tha marfcet for aavwral veer* new, aod thay ara so hi in largo number* in the Carolina*. Georgia, and Florida, and ara shortly to bo pushed la several at the other aotten state*. ManUfactunag them Implement* in hie own plant, they are timed oat la large numbers, and a complete eteck la atwkpa on Kend. The building de voted to tkie parpoec la 1U to 4* foot- hi addition, the metal portion* of the machine* am enat in Mr. Blna'i own foundry, which in operated in • nearby building 40 by M feetta area. Thorn Invention* ape oxclaafvCty own ed bp Mr. Bhm, who Kill gfvm Ida personal attention to thdr manufae t*A aad *ale. In addition to thorn aetWtW*. Mr. Bio# operates a general farm impW ment be da an. which tempi le alii, another bedldtng. 1M by 40 feet. with an "til” M kp SS feet. AH kinds of Innilkitiniiil »-- t_ SeivfrswOTIBBPa wen W plows, n Ota, re See, harrow*, reapers, and h feet everything In fee way af eqtipoeewt needed bp the madam planter, are carried In tMa Wage establishment operated bp Mr. Bhm. The eetibHA meat ha* the Waal agency far the complete One ef Internationa] Har vester Company farm tmptmmtia, and dee* a large bastoeee tai this Mae. la lttt Mr. Bim won tha priae ta North Ud South Carolina fee aaUlag the largest amoent of Implement* of to wtfiUMi mm and dtorttoa, Mr. Bin* cpamtea a luge farm. containing aaveml heated auaa, on which ha produce* largo crop* of cotton and com. Ha ia teg* * Ip fattaro«ted ha thin Una of work, which ha ha* Mceeaafany annrtacted far many pear*. Ha ia Anaiy con vinced that farming la a decidedly re munerative occupation far the man who ia willing to giro oaana brain, aa wan aa few meaele, to it* operation He ia deeply In targeted in the im provement of farm towthoda, net alone hecaaae he mil* implement* daaigned to bring about nteh Improvement*, bat baeaaar ha ia lata mat ad In tha improved condition and the incmaaad productivity of the farmer* them aalvaa.. Mr. Bhm b constantly sludy iag farm problem*, aa well aa thorn connected with Me knainanr. and ia al way* ready to give ami to receive ad vice aad Information an tha eeccaaa fel ape rati on of farming anderUk ■r. Him ha* lone bw* on* of th* ho* taon dtioon* of thU Motion of tho date. He f* connected with the chamber of oommoiw. of which he U a kyat and active wnahet. Ho ia a director of the Boot land, Dixon and Waveity rank, a diradar of tho Bootidad Ooaaty Baotac* Baak. tho BUto Bank andthcL.A8.ILR. Ho to atwaya ready to lend hie aadnUnea to tho aadettoldaya of the** enpadae tUao far tha yromotion of tho tn IBUi of tha eouaty, aa won ao to ghdlBa holy to any et ho* tho umi obloft* Mae, Jr* I* mmXSnI la tha lSrkoi that' yart trf'th^Bhw hrtiriili. Mr. liMir in hM aeit to i&vtHNi ymmf iwM—rS aMarBawBa a wauhar of the rirahiliilea ehvrah.

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