Town of Wagram and the Spring Hill Community One of the Finest Com munities Anywhere, a . Progressive Town and 0 Sturdy Citizen ship. ' vU m the w*fl**®> eom Uf, Urn know? S fit Spites Bill MttWHAlty, And M country section of the Sooth eon claim aon for itself than this local ity. It ni settled entirely by tha Scotch and descendants of this sturdy race are still the majority pepotation. As ear forefathers Wit their homes they alee built a church, with tha Httla school house hard by, and ae this country neighborhood has had •oel reboots for mote than a hundred years. • From U>e school men and woman tl*r* *""• *° bloaa tha world aa prsseuTf** WNw, doctors, lawyer*, editors, stairiQHett, nurses and mtesionaiiaa to foreign lands. It haa been said of this com munity by oaa who haa recently come to Isa hero, “The anasbfao hero la- a little brighter, the birds ring a HttW a warier .the moonlight is a little softer, and the color of tha flowers a Gertrude McLauchJin, Mary J*"*4 Livingston .and Atm Mcl.auchUn. Tha summer resort at Wagram to at Klvsrtoa Park on tha Linwhaa Here tha ciaaag&tbir' fet tha vecs Uon aaa«aa, hbd aeary afternoon tha ■towr. ia crowdsd with bathers from Vouth to old ags, enjoying a dip in this daiightfU stream of^ure wider. From a business standpoint — gram caa aat he maaag*^, .. of the town. * ^ 1*»• . tad asaaon 10,#00 baton or button vans ahippad from Wagram. More than IOjOOO teas of faraiiaar ara sold hare aaaaaOy. • . A new industry has sprung ap la the peach baldness. Mr. Jno. F. Mc Nair has a hondrad-acr* orchard. Mr. Jno. A. McKay has a hundred-acre orchard and there are numbers of smaller orchards. Tobacco ia also grown suocaaafnlty. Naurs. K. £. Cooley, Jr, and E. F. Murray are the largest tobacco farmers. Wagram has aa active and progres sive Woman's Club of fifty -iZSZT Vweh ftas raoaoUy baefl federated with the state organliatlon, with Mrs. Allan McLean as president an<l Mlsa Ban McloneftHn secretary and treasurer. ■■ ■ ■ a-— Tamteeo ia the world's greatest oil port. Often nina million barrels of oil ara shipped from there ia a month. * Spring Hill High School, Wagram, N. C. little gayer than any place 1 have , ever Uved.” In adch surroundingb the poet lau reate of North Carolina, John Charles McNeill, area bora and reared, and hare Ms body lies sleeping. McNeill was a genius. His books, “Songs, Merry aad SadP aad “Lyrics from' Cotton Load,” will live km* after oar: generation has bean forgotten and through him the streams and woods and flowers that ha loved and ef which ha sang will live forever. I The town of Wagram ia situated twelve miles from Laurinbnrg, Max ton and Raeford. and ia surrounded, by very fine farming lands. The town was named by Capt. J. W. Wil-1 Hama, who breaght a narrow gaage railroad to the present alto from Rod Springs in January. IBM, to taka ears of Ms hanker business The name may from one ef the battles ‘of the Napoleonic wars in Austria. Urn A sat store In 'Wagram was the firm of Alderman A Bolt. This was firet boated at Gilchrist bridge and was moved to Wagram in March, IBM. In October. 1900, the Aberdeen and Roekflah Railroad was completed as Car as Wagram, and in Fabraary, 1MB, the Laurinburg and Southern Railroad Company also ton plated its line to this point. Both rail rood companies operated trains daily un til 1911,, when the Aberdeen and Rocknehr ww oat to the LMnkteit doily passenger and freight train# from John#, N. C.. to Knfnd, county •out of Hoke county. Wegrem has a population- of 200 people. There are 12 store*, 1 beak, 1 garage*, dee filling stations, 2 cot-, ten gins, 1 dour mill, and an opening for cotton mill* and oil mill. Thera ewe two strong ehureho*, one Baptist, the other Presbyterian. Both have idee brick building*. Rev. 3. 1C. Ar nett* le pastor of the Baptist church and has Id* residence here. Dr. Ar netts is beloved by Ms people and hug an active, wide-awake ehuach. Their gift* to benevolence* and cur rent ea pen see average seventy dollar* per.month. Rov. V. R. Oaaton la pastor of tho Praobjtoelan church. Through the ton year* of Me pastorate all rela tion* havo boon harmonious and pteecaeri. Tho gifts from this church avenge fifty dollars par member. Het Spring HOI high school, now I at Wagrom. 5 maintaining Ha sends In peers gene by. Pmf J ‘ NASS IF BROTHERS Pr«r«Mi«« Kira Operates Two Stem hi Chic to Servo Wagram PMt Whit to eat and what to wmi con stitute two questions that am an swered every day, and pat are never finally answered. Practically every one la interested la them tw* continu ing problems every day In hia life. Anawer the question today, and it presents Itself to be answered again to mo new. The people of Wagram and the sec tion of country surrounding ate given material assistance in the considera tion and solution of thorn continuing problems by reason of the laaiaanHia establishment in the town conducted by Naaaif Brothers. Thia concern tarries practically taro storm la ana. conducting a complete clothing and dry goods establishment hi oae de partment, and an up-to-date and wall stocked grocery store In the adjoining store roam. Both of tbeee depart ments of the firm arc conducted tn the mast efficient and modem manner, and the public has long age learned that Naaairs la tha place where they may be auto to find what they want in the lines carried by this progres sive firm. in me clothing department a num ber of exclusive lines of well known roods are handled. including several Wading brand* of elotMng, the fsmoaa Had 8aal shoes, KruHcott-Johnson shoes, Jeekeon corsets, end many others. The stock of ladies' ready-to wear Is kept up to date both in styW and quality. The buying In this de part mfnt la done with an unusual de cree of taste and itiacriminstien. and the tendencies of the styles are care fully considered. In groceries, Nasadf Brother* are widely known as the best stocked and busiest grocers in this section of the oounty. Not only lu the ordinary •roods that are called fef^eshry day, but many erduht lino* ef fancy geode, canned feeds, crackers, jellies, and the tike, are always keif hi stock. In feet, the queidlon of what to eat is usually seised by a visit t* the gre w*/ twptrotw ox £100*1 • JlfirUTI. EstaMbhed In 1MB, the firm ef Nasaif Brothers has grown to large proportions, and new occupies s much targe? space than was needed 1» the beginning. It emplsys from flee ta tan pe masts In the operation ef the SSSJS*a‘&.&rTT4: It* buying power, by meson ef the 'pi >/• “ *ade of the two big atom, la enor iBtous Saving* to euatomera by ma [aon at tha large amount* of goods purchvW by (be firm are consider •bio, and (be Ana l* thus enabled to add continually tu th* volume of busi ness dona. W. G. BU^COMPANy"' ' UeaHag hi Genial1 €*««■ aad Fertiliser* • Beginning basineaa about thirty eight year* ago aa a small eocarala* Bate Company Hid gWM tfl M MS M the largest and bant known store* at ita kind in the northern section of tha eouaty. Tha people at Wagram and tha surrounding country have 11 bo ral ly patronised this store, bees ate It rentes Ml and nranphta atocka of practically everything needed for tha home, aad because K handle* tha batter class of goods Tha Bale Company ha* occupied ita prevent location for tha past tweniy A*e yean, bat in 1919 a new budd ing wm erected to meat the growing demand* «f the bnalnem for mere, apace. ThU building |a two stories In height with a large balcony, and con-: tains nearly 9,000 square fast of floor. ■BBL every available portion ot < which is pressed into service in order! to accommodate the vary large stocks af goads handled. The company handles dry goods, clothing, hard- i warn, furniture, shoes, bate, and In fact practically every article that may j be aaadad for the man, woman, and ghOdran of the household and tbs home and farm. Implements for] practically all farming operations Ami handled. Cotton aad fertiliser* am! handled in bug* qoaatltiae daring tbs --Jinny ortha farmers or this section have fegmad the habit af sail ini tMr cotun onto to tltl* coo earn, which pays full BIftdt MIA for tha staple. The company Aid Bf corporatsd under the laws af tfeftBj Carolina in 1909. ! Among the many excursive Unas or i good* canted by the Bute Company may ba mentioned a tear that show* the character of goad* handled, rack • as Craddock-Tarry and H. C Godmon i ahoes, Msrx-Hsas clothing, and oth J. A. McKay is president of the company, and W. G. Bute is secretary and active manager of the store, i which employs from live to seven persona Mr. McKay is pmddcit of the Bank of Wagrum. and has many 1 other interests, particularly in the way of 'farming. Tie Is a well known oral popular citiaen, who has many fritnih in this section Mr. Buie has been In the mercantile business for ■nuny years, and is regarded as an unusually well equipped business men. He is an active member of the chans-, ber of commerce, and is connected, with the Presbyterian church. Both I of these gentlemen are important fee-' tors In the development of the section around the town of Wegram. SHAW A KTLBAN Loading Physicians of Wegram Op erate First Close Drug Stare Recognising the need of a tint class drug- store in Wagram, not only for the convenience of the physicians of tho surrounding section, but also for the convenience of the people who might need the type of eervine offered by ■ modem pharmacy, Drs. Show and McLean .about a do sea year* ago, established the drag business which is operated under their nomas The venture Immediately prosed eueoiee fnl, and has enjoyed liberal potraaogu from the general public, which hoe found the satabiishmeat a real napes «ty. Its bus loess has steadily grown In volume .until at preseat it is a busty and active concern, much larger In extent than the comparatively small atom opened in 1111 viitjbu a general dim oi a rage •net sundries, die Shew £ McLean Drug SUre give* special attention to the preparation of prescription*. Thi* piut of the work la regarded aa the moat in*portent, even though it may not be the moat remunerative, and there i* a certain confidence on the part of the public that roust be gained and retained by the saeeeanfui drag store, especially In tha handling of prescription*. This confidents* la inasaanetl by this progressiva estab lishment, and every effort is put forth to retain it. In the way of drug store merchan dise, tha establishment is wall stock ed. It is a large store, with hand aoaaety trimmed oak fixtures, and a marble soda fountain. Arranged In eenvenUnt and attraetfve form, the atoek Is wall displayed by mean* of modern show eaaea, which ala* pro Uet^thajtood^ from the duet and the Everything la kept in tha ***'***"* tery and carafkl manner. In teflat artieles, U ary, and drag sandrlea, the Wi atom is fully aa wall Mocked aa tea average drag Mae* in thi* station of aoantey. A large buMnees I* done la tea handbag of thaaa article*, as wall •a in tea batter etna* of candies and aanfaatlpi*. Two naplsye* tie reguiarty required to aura for tea tradewMd extra sentence 1* used on Dr'ToMiir^‘Trtan Vi Lean, owner* *f tec Mate, have ttaMr affeaa In tha ranr. They at* engaged arrirgsar fig’s wSSST to. ShUfCtTStoaSlM* Wyil Mtiaani of Wagram and Scot land county. Tho monagoamnt oflK drag store U la chan* of Mr. Bdwfn Maw, n native of Wogram. Mr. Bcw U a Mason, and a Fiesbytertdp. Ha la on* of tha loading of tea young *r business ami of tho team, end-la well Weed by aU. Mia* Mattia Laaai of tea Iptht church. % • i S. H. Dunlap Enterprises i ■.. ■■ - \ ■ ; • ' A town ia fortunate whan a man of unoanal ability, succeeding in pm |Uoa. And. It poeaifate to develop [ptame af business fa the community. U»ua affording to the town tba benefit af Ida ability ami irptrlaaaa in more lh"* -Pf depart*** of tba bodmaa Hfc af tba community. Mow and than, la • anal! town, a business men la teem! wtlo, If be WM in a Ltt*e «Hy. would be connected with mtr caatilar banking, real estate, aad eth er Interests, ter the simple reason that Ms ability would draw Mm Into those activities fey reason of his as aodatian with men who would he able to recognise the value af Us aaaist *nae la all these Unas of. endeavor. In the smaller tows, ho were r, he hag somewhat the stftio experience, As he ;!• practically forced Into severe! dif ferent lines of activity, not particular ly because he can mo tba financial re | wards from all of them, but because .he can see the means of being of service to Ms neighbors aad Us eom l muiytv by providing the facilities ter several different Unde of business, in i all of which bo is squally capable and emdinL • Wagranl Id torttsfiato, thentow, In i tha fact that Mr. & U, bdnUp la aaa M har dtiaaea. The vnriotU tinea of business Conducted by Mr. Danlap aid wali known throughout thta Motion of tha county, and he ha* mao* ««r Wend* by reaaon of Me contact* and iwraiae ta am in the savers! U iff* rant ! (oHm ft baafatau in which ha M to* ' I ' Amo** Ihe kind! af business ear ; on by Hr. Dunhto, perhapa tha , neat t* tfeir conducted un der the title of Ate Sanitary Maat Market. In this establishment an to ha found not only the beat af moats j of oil kind*, inctading Ash aad gatoa hi aeaaon. but ganarat Uaaa of mcr , * undue. Established about idxtoen month* ago, this store has already broom* one of the busiest and moat popular is this section of the county. It handles a full line of gHueilea. which am kept fresh • at ail Times Both native and western meats are kept on hand, the Urge stocks being , kapt in Arat-ela** condition at* all time* by the wall known Shannon re frigerating proses*. Butter, eggs, poultry, and tha like are handled in _— -* E£«ar3 modi ties- w1' -^5* jrlMmif" to Kavferd' fo t&o__ _ iut2SSA"i?2K. £02 In tanM ^b. • SS wiSXS w*f. lirHui to furnished at all hows of ths day sad night, and tha telephone exchange has been a Tory Important factor to tho Hfo of this] section of the county. It to aoed fme*r by the people, most gf whom' •to Hibwfbort sad i'noy aid In tils' 'manner kept ebroast of tbs nows of' all sorts going on id tho city. Among 'tho important uses of tho tatophans i In tits section May be maetlonad tho information that Csn be secured as to markstiatoftmdda* totem, etc. the Csimar cin find ittt the condition of I tho market befftn be decider to dU IPOM of his prod sets, and can nso Ms Judgment before hasling bis tobacco or Mo I* y lading Inaar-' Mto k a arerwretont wa"y for tha :.*ni!2hs tiSEa* Up?!**6 •elf In Ud. Hw Mr. Stoeto. cashier of the Bank of wagnun. tUa agancy1 represent* aaaaa of the leading *ye« and Ufa fauaraMM companies af tha world, including the Hartford tin Insurance Company, the Virginia Fire *ad Marina Insurance Company, tha Atlantic Fire Insurance Company, and the Padflc Mutual Company's policies covering life, health, and accident. This form of insurance has gmun rapidly in popularity In the past few yaars. Its advantages becoming, menu nnd more generally reeogniaod. Tho health and accident policy on ah toe a man to receive amount* In case of (li nes* or injury which etc oqniTatoat to hto wage*. Workman are coating more and more to avail thamaalTae of. the^advantage# offered by thia form die uJUTnwnbiJrrf*pelidoa'of *3£ kind, which are written by thorn in ' mr. • i i '4 C l i - . I lib trm will iorrpUt* taw_, tad e«w» A* «ttt a* < which win be for tab or fTr*—gr Raying largo qaawlttbo of food gad. kmU<* for their own in, tin drat will aUo «w (how artbba In ofeook s^wtsSRAjtf ssjfifsjsinkiiuz [Atlanta. wta^ha^hM^aagegaTtn Arm WU1 °oonUmo>tho ££«* aw* ducting It on a Mill larger and wore ^-ilHC'orrioiy* hut eoantry. Mr. Wetaow la a netfo of Boko aogntjr, and U m of the bntoat farmer* tn the ooaaiy. ESss&KSfi. Eft&rHEWSi’S.'S: sJhrcrits&s aaaasfegirgy-d; SSapuSaRitava: while (he benedU ef the ayetem iiir liberally ahaied with the pubHc to Watt pTxti md bm pMBtt Mreiee. Ia view ef all theee ictirmN ef Mr. DuUp. It to clear that he to am ef the key man to the buetooea fife of Wagtem. He to ponaaaod of m boeodod (mhiatry and energy, and to never *c well eettodod'ae when he ia baldly engaged to the handling ef the prohtom* that eome before him hi hie various interests. He ha* maided at Wagram far the peat eight year*, during which ttone he ha* horamo am ef the town’* landing cHtoane, with many friend* throughout this taction af the country. Be to a native of Scot land county. Be to aothve to the Shriner. Mr. JXuatop'w deeply V teeoMod to the growth and pngiuaa ef thto entire eeetton. awl to afima ready ta aid to any undertaking look ing to that end. 9 • • ■ ' ' ' ■ f J. A. McKay, President W. G. Buie, Secretmry . - ■ . The W. G. Buie • • ■ - • .« * * 4 • i. S. Dealers in «• • ■ General Merchandise * / Cotton and Fertilizers * • . M ,,, - . . •“ * Warrant, North Carottnar • « V . ' ’ • '

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