WILL OPEN MEMORIAL LIBRARY IN HENDERSON H«xUr*on. Aug. . »7—Tentative vMm that have bean worked out lor tha dedication aad formal open ing of th* H. Inal la Parry memorial ■ library bar* on tha night of Monday. wafcUfMwar'ji! •»* Era. La aha Party, gave tha lib rary to tha coammnity as a mamorfld to thair nan and husband. Workman at* at thU tim* engaged ta cleaning up the grounds, and the ftnishiag toueba* an being pot on tha interior of the building. Was Craig, the librarian, and Wsa Fournoy, *f tha state library commission, with other*. Just now aia aagagad in com pleting tha catalegaing of the books aad putting them into plaao prior to the opening. A lam number af mag 3ir«r«%i£i,,7S£S5 Tha library wfli hare a total of sp pr^jatal^OOO^book# whrn h hi mtrehasod with'^Too® donated by*the Panya for that tarpon, and also books that hare baa* donated to tha library, aad there hare bean a great many af tha latter. bufldtag is to eoat tttjOOO, «x HaaNa of thalet upon which H is lo aatad, tha can* where stood tho law aMsaa of tha lata LnR* Parry, aad nchiahre of tha additional gift of ftj EBKAT WELCOME IS PLANNED IN BONOS W ML (CLEAN Murphy, Aug. *7—With MMli sc «ptOM flaw A. W. NtUaa that ha wlfl ^bo bars September 1 to meet a So aha pa for a tkn. While tha details af tha pia «m have aot bean definitely V nagad as yet. the Mf faaturaa af tha day. baaida* tha MeLe sneaking, wtB ba a fraa baibaeo* artbsriMl g»rs:-*-srwt MOETH CAROLINA PEACHES OO TO LONDON. ENGLAND •f jjesehea have raacbad tbs London, England ■toijbal «£d baeT-tocoaaafji^aold. ^ of markets here today. "iSa pm iff i war* shipped by Roger A. Darby, of Uekaoa Springs, andi Edward A. •Untea, of Plnehurrt, on tha stoamer Olyypie, largely as an nxparimaat. ™ paaehaa sold for from $4 to $fl • arato or about twice the average price prarafllag on tha New York market. •bkakeTbawls PEON / raw TO WOMANS HAND . Woodstock, Va!, Aog. K^-P1ahlng imta&ssvs saall-mouth mS buT weighing , three pounds and threeauneca. Laad b»g ths Ash in tha boat, In which aba and bar beyond ware fishing, Mrs. Wuadat took H by tha srifla and erooth Md was bbatit to oxtoact the . beak ss.twr.a:sjffia1” Before Mrs. Wander raadtoad what It was, tha male 'Bad irtaaiail itaeif njjhjraagsi^ai^ A few trace. Sowars and shrubbery around any house help to aaabo It a more attractive howto and add to Its value. r ON THE JIBING UNB “teat*" Bry repetition tlpaagh the J*5- flo k my be M M the atery which tUrted recently Winn Hanry Ford «u «MM irfeiee for tSa IndUaapoUa automobile clastic. tp tin affaat that ha waa an aatomeWa Ma lay drtmr in tha early dm Ha dU ££»%£&& S&S'S Mm. Jotd waa a maalhanla. derebn tag an angina, and ahraa ^aady dBr fag ha did waa incidental tptStt.” A lac ad Orfng, that anTw ted*j warn not ao whan tha atactea atartad. Or Walter Baltigh did nat tntenhna te.sujsxtf last riaaad fa gantena do not rid tha gar dnn of grata aad other naota, hot All t&myurmate^Tbfnot bary thtir haada M»d. A blacktmet fi> tiog'a — * “^a .Riw^f FALL OAHUHM ^Ons • tha gardan sod 1* not Cteda af •dMMtaa.. ___ rsuarcsa: fafaBWM dry fretted. la tha • ah graufSS^H n-z.’yx.-u.^JZ 5^*3? sjScpiris ' (; *i . * P«or. Ttato to especially advtoabto wbhjufereno* to tha rutabaga turnip 4. It win be a mistake to lot August mm and not ptet a -1 crop at Irish potatoes. Cut tbo pieces iMgtr than you would for spring pUnUn* and press them well into the •WL Keep up weakly cuMration un til a perfect stand is obtained. *. The following vegetables re ad's, under norma! conditions, the number of daya Indicated before they are tody for use. Snap boons, 42 to M days! sugar com, « to TO days; »• 140 daya; tomatoes, 10* to 126 days; beau 49 to 63 days; sweet potatoes, 188 to 140 days. PUn t« »neka suoeeestoe plantings aa long an you cam. 6. Tbo tomato worm ia bod and is tho um insect that oats sweet cam. Remstiaoe good result* are obtained by planting corn in tho tomato patch • tree crop or bait for tbo tomato worm. The worm prefers com to to SMtoee. Tb* com should bo plantod at such a time that It will bo hut earning tato silk when the Amt fruit to forming on tbo tomato. PURCHASE rvfcm SEED NOW! Tbirtr-Uu** hundred pound* of Mteh Mod hu boon ordered for Die f»e*» od Scotland county at a coot of QUO for late flmtasnbci delivery, nd* ia much cheaper than the awl will probably b« at that time. Them b *o winter legume superior to vetch grwf yuss? make bottarcropa. and leave their bnd in more fertile condition to bo ”dod down to the next generation erf nTMn. COT« CROPS ktOTKCT LAND . "Nd* la the season of yoar when we ahquld make plans fori sodding oar wmtar sever eropo. Winter cover erepe w&b am aeoded In the fall end Mve over (he winter. A wver mp. to he moot effective, ■weld bo MOded aa aarly aa DOMible hi the fall when tbam Ef a gtEdaea! •on la the mead. Aa a general rate 5? rrr *%■ •* «w*e» berie el liight for seeding e winter aaver crap, enggeete C. P. BtaekweR, agmaperiM, who thinks that the fana emof thb state aheeid give mere at S^SlL° «>Uato« ^-wrerc,, Some of the prineipe) advantage* £3*;ins. prevent* winter mud an. and. whom “PW are used. It may add larg* qeantlliaa of nitrogen and erganle matte,. Some of tEe moat nWd winter soar trope are hairy vetch, erhmwB cW. ryu. and oat*. Rye is •specially wen adapted to poor bad end wm stead awaifteaahicrim. f*® **■ b an exrelbwt cover crop taA^etand b aaeumd. butit b not aa mb of «0 pound* of no peed end yn pound* of rye awd and M pound* of wteh seed per acre. The rye, being "*7 hardy ,<■ almost osrtaia to live end grow wall. The vetch ha* a vary Upod thane* of growing wall when planted with the m. Thb raafcoo an txcelleet combination for e winter "w* crop end will glee as good re mits as Almost aayaunjg which we Every asm of land b North Caro tina that eaa possibly be to a wwr crop should hr pleated to oom* of these crops thb faU. except the land which b to be planted la notion la the early spring. Wo do not reeom MadOe planting'of the cover crop pwtwdbg cotton ualam the faiteer tea sandy soil or auflkbet plows to r.&’ss ■* tk« comfy of tfeo mfboodo, vm .dittos fhxtlNr hzto tfc* interior. And now tko yrmlwoi i — ^ “We wT»?rSEfit* Bhc’i Drag Store «/ reindeer herds ud the growth ot the market garden and the toara-lot -■— --1 . --TT g. i pelung down reindeer ud tha Hre atock of farmer*, ha *u treated a* • wolf end huntad down. WILL TXT POISON GAS ON TUB SOLA. WKXVIL Washington, A eg. 27.—Official* af Uw army’s chemical warfare carries wM be sent Immediately to Griffin, G«.. to make experiments wKfc a stow to eiadiuOag boll weaeU. . Senator HanrU Democrat, Georgia, —tenif ,Th* •mriceHnral depart ment will alee conduct experiment! |irri;Srsa,s^i52.*a he added. In a formal statement, the Georgia icnitor nid; ■ “I oowferred today with Gam Amos friaa, chief of the chemical warfare •errim. who retomad from Georgia last night, after visiting tha ofictela of the Georgia experiment eutioa, mlattee to the experiments to he made by tha cbawAeal warfare sen lee in **jr oJzZtjr: 5lS9» “* weerfl. General Fries derided ft was an idaal location In the center af tha cotton belt aad believed that he am accomplish aomrihfng by tha ese af oiBdnla down right away to atahe «• S5ST8,*"' u. *«. w. « “Tho experiment* by the agricul ture ritpartmanl will be mode next week at tha Bute College at Athene, against tha boll weevil, and are pea rible from a separate appropriatiee, the Georgia senater pointed cat »:- ' If a "High Time" to Be Ordering Thai— Coal! ■i^-i i ——————-m—r . V'; j ■* • LAURINBURG PUBLIC SCHOOls ] Book List and Court* of Study for Elementary Grades_1924-25 1 * FUST GRADS 2£ jffiiay --—I * « Supplementary Readers .. .71 Writing and Dr*artng Supplies_.... JOO SECOND GRADE Aldto* Render. Book 1_ .78 Rent on Supplementary Readers 1 oo iS Writing and Drawing Supplies_I 1.00 ' THIRD GRADE Aldlnn Render. Book I_;__ 36 %C.aBSrS%«ar::~-:: '2 • »"^EE s. Writing and.Drawing BupptieeT..._1.00 FOURTH GRADE *£^° ~ lxt •^^aafJNUkTainrz 2 * HnHnrmy, Bank 1-1.10 g&ftSF? ^-2 WiMas'nad Drawing SappMes_:..~T IjO# FIFTH GRADE* Rent on Rondon ...... _rBi LDD Oeugraphy Tarr dTHdliumy,' 8aofc*I1III Lit 'fsdhte£?aK «rr= 2 *■— . ■■■ aaflataf»======= s I no ___*_ _ ae II 1W 9mA jJ ^ I 140 I 4# I s I 40 H 46 II JO I 140 | 44 I iS ■90 140 140 140 .40 t»: - 3 140 40 _,^'5l | LAURINBURG HIGH SCHOOL 1 Book List and Course of Study—192425 I Mart Tmt ■Bd Than*..11.10 i5 * 1 man __ 140 Eaaiydar-140 -140 Tart Book la dtiaaahlp_140 .—^-140 40 141 .40 1.00 .00 1 salt 8arai-aaaaal faa_5.00 14 unit. SECOND TEAM . t ' Brfldln* —>.-0140 -140 -1_US fut 1 --140 -140 ---140 140 140 — 40 “I 40 -r. 140 p.. 040 a. • * MtKteaay, Book t-9140 -140 --140 . . i t ■

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