lMti Mnnnm and Vfalitllv . " Mr. Joshua Uonwe.ll remains quite siok. "7-:" '7: 777 75': ; ; Mr. J. E. Capel, of Gemberry, was hero yesterday.; V- Mr. O. LHolomajk left Wednes ' day for Baltimore, Md. ' ' . "xr , , Mr. 1 J; , B. . LasBiter is off this ' . WW& 141 IUQ VI tulip 3 i uev. J.x. Jstwio -nt aown to iKwiston last Saturdayreturning a' m.AurAM .. f ....... IrX,, , -r ill.1 V ' ' t.uirt iinv lrtuda nf hunf nnfilA tn ' Baltimore yesterday.- , ' ' ."A new bell lias been Placed on fhji U'iraf flnlnrAfi KftnMu nhnrrtli and other ' improvements made about the, building. :K , No due able and "wanting work has been idle in this-vicinity dur . ins the past thiee weeks. There , has been wiik for all. VVa hv lost nnfc miVmni ihwr nn "; . aooonut of our opp.sitioa to "blind same cause, so we are uhead bo far, " , Our friend W. A,, Coltrane, of West Grove, Pa., sent us a nice lot of .f enusylvania apples this week for which we return our sincere N thanks. r -. r . It is reported that the first of the coming year will witness many changes in Rich Square. Let us . I U ZA 'niHZL ia ir. tolra on ner life. ; - ; . We were pleased to receive a call yesterday from our good friend G. H. Parker, of .George, who is one of the County's best and most ' pi ogreasive farmers. Miss Laura Bangham, who has been sick with typhoid-fever for over two months, had a change for the worse last Frfday and has been critically ill siuce. . Mr. J. It. Bangham, of Poteeasi, waB here last Friday . He express ed his appreciation of the Times by renewing for another year, bav iuK beon a subscriber for several years' ... .. . Mr. George Simpson of the firm of G. & 8,7 Simpson was here yesterday. They may bfy in Jo move the Cummer Go's, timber in this section in the early part of next year ; ' : His numerous friends will be glad to know that Mr. John W, Buxton "ii steadily improving in health, laving gained several pounds in ; weight recently. " His guuenu iiwtum in nun guuu There are three sales of personal property at public auction adver tised in this issue to take place in tnis vicinity .in mo nair uiiure, People are realizing the value oi newspaper advertising. But little nttATitinn is mud to eiruulara and posted notices. Rev. T T. Speight, D. D., of Bertie, passed through here Tues day on his way to Southampton County, Vs., to visit hia aged mother. He expected his brothei, Rer. Dr.J.A Speight,to meet him at bis mother's where a joyful fam ily reunion will be held. There will be an oyster supper and apron ' party in the High School building on '.thanksgiving night for the benefit of theMeth odtst church. Come,, and. in7ite your friends to come with you and enjoy 7 a pleasant evening arid at the same time help a good oause. Jdr John IL Stephenson of -Edenton, arrived heie Tuesday on the 2 o'clock.train and left Wednes eay morning for hia old home at Seaboard. His many friends here were delighted to set him. ' He is one of the most popular young men who 'ever redded nee. Ho( seems to be enjoying the very best of health. "" Mr. J. Barnes, our highly es teemed correspondent whose let ters from foreign lands published in this paper have been read with great interest, passed through here last Monday on hia" rstomjfrom a visit to his people near RoxobeL We ' regret we did not have the pleasure of meeting: him, being from home.: .;.:: 7. ... - Mr. James Ii Rhone, One of our good farmers, killed about thirty five hogs the '. past week and has about the same number yet to kill this season. ' He seems to have made a; success at, farming this year, judging from hia full barns. Hifl frier, ds who have visited him lately speak 'in glowing term of his unstinted liospitality. Bedcbe,billonnMi, biartbarn. Indi gestion, and all Htw ! " tan1 T CIccd'o Pills f (told by all dnjgglrta. ' - i From Union,- -; Mr. Sam Hardy, of Coleraln. I boarding Id town at '.Mod lie' hotel. ' V-1.-?' Mr, J. It. Pttmao spent Sab day In Gates, Co., with friend and relatlvea-i.'. .V.:v- . i Miss Helen ,1 Brown wis the guestof Miss MamleProc tor ber on Sunday. rt. ,v M r. J. H. Howard and fans ily visited friends and relatives in Bertie last week.:';' We gladly-welcome Miss Julia Cobb in our towns ; She will teach the publio school here this term, Misses Mattie '. Brett ' and Blanche Vano spent Saturday and Sunday in Lewiston with friends. " - Am glad to soe Oome who were on tho sick list last week out again, and to report the others slowly convalescing. - Mrs. J.H.Taylor and Mrs. John Freeman spent a very pleasan day with Mrs. Tom Brown nea Mapleton on Tun ad ay last. PresidiLg Elder J. E Under wood, of Littleton was the appre dated guest of Dr. W. H. Sears and family Wednesday night. Mr. J. H. Darden has his new store completed and we learn will move his goods this week. The store is indeed a beautiful one and adtta much to the attraction of our little town. Rev. R Greening tilled his ap TKHotment at tl.e M E. Church here Sunday and pit ached an ex celent sermon -to an attentive congregation. Aleht Lewiston JVew. The weather is very pleasant now. Misses Daisey Brett and Car rie (Jherry spent batuiaay in Windsor at Mr. G. T. Brett's A large crowd attend d the Grand Rally Services at the M. E church Sunday. Mr. R. W Askew of Windsor made a very fine talk. . Mr. Richard Barnes passed away last Thursday night after' an illness of only four days. He was one of the oldest members of Lewiston Baptist church. He left several relatives and many friends so mourn bis death. Rev. . S. B. Barnes long and faithful service as pastor of the Baptist church here ended, at present, last second Sunday May God be with him wherever he may go. Messrs R. W. Askew and E S Dail of Windsor, were in town Sunday. i . . Kev. J. I. Krwin prracdea His farewell sermon Sunday night God bless h ra in his future field of labor. Rich Square Circuit. Rev. J.T. Erwin will preach at Pinners first Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock instead of fourth Sun day as before announced The stewards will meet in Rich Sauare next Saturday to makei- final settlement for this confer ence year. It is hoped that every member of the charge willfully discharge his or her obligations so that Mr. Erwin can carry a good , report to the conference which is soou. to assemble at Washington, N. 0. News From Menola. Niss Mary Craig, ofTarboro, pent Sunday in our village the guest of Mrs. C. W Parker. Mr O. P. Chitty returned last week from Richmond, va. His many friends are glad to welcome him back home. Mr. W. P. Griffith, of Murfrees boro, has been spending the past few days with his brother, Messrs J. E. ard H.TJ. Griffith. Several of ourx young people spent Friday evening ; 77th inst very pleasantly at the home of Mr.R. G. Gotland. ' . ' Friends - Quarterly- Meeting will convene at Piney Woods church, nearBelvldere, Perqujm an's Ca Friday 24 inst. We learn that some of our Menola people expect to attend. - ' . , Two of our citizens, Messrs. C. W. Parker and J. H Jenkins, have very fast trotting horses,' and it is nothing strange to see quite a race between them. -' Miss Kittle S.-Snipes will leave Thursday 23 inst. for Perquimans County, where she will . take charge of a school near Belvi dere. . Nov. 2a 1899 ' .'':-V' W-, I . Bat Court Brnip, Imim Good. Vm t 1 ' r 111 tlmB. br dnwrl.t. f f lie Place PEELE BS0S. I ?;'Lf Roxobel. N. O.."-' ' New atylisjj and ood Shoes ar riving, every week-at way down prices. Try us foayour full bill ,v Big line of Outing to select from. 0 to 20 cent quality.; ; . - ' joia weatDer is near ana you need .a Heater and to say we oan please ypu is no joke. ; . ,' Furniture, '.and,'-' Mattresses right prloes.f " ' Our Underwear Departme nt pos sesses good value. "Dewey. -Storm Rubbers for La dies and Gents are "daisies.'1 We can 't name all but oome andsee for yourselves ; Our tine in Trunks, Dress Suit Cases, Telescopes, Ladles and Misses Capes, Sailors, Eats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Drugs and Patent Medicines, Peanut Rags and Twine, Dry goods, Notions, Heavy and Fancy Groceries, R. A G. Cor sets and most anything you wlsb. We Buy Peanuts. BUXTON & BAUGHAM, Rich Square, N. C. Florida Oranges I am prepared to furnish my customers this season with the very best Florida Oranges; which I buy direct fiom the growers in Florida. Lowest prices guaranteed." I nm now making up my order for Xmas and Holiday Goods, whick will be received in due time A lull line of ' Confectioneries, Fancy Groceries , and other goods in my line constantly on hand. Gome around to see me even if you do not want to buy goods. JOSEPH E. JOHNSON, Rich Square, 5. C Attention Ladies, We are receiving today November 22, our fourth shipment of Capes. Cheapest and prettiest yet, from 75 cents to $5. Come quick and get our pick. Yours to serve, Bex ton & Baugham. OVERCOATS. Just received today (Wednes day November 22) a big line of dvercoats which I am offering at "dirt cheap" prices. ; Don't fail to see them. - N' v W. H. ROBERTS, at Postoffice. Thanks. . lo our many friends and customers we wish to extend our earnest and sincere thanks for fa vois extendedin the past We fully appreciate your pat ronage and promise an earnest effort Jo sustain the confidence yon have so generously and constantly placed in us. It is our desire to deal with all who visit our place courteous ly and honestly, and hope otr past dealings may merit a con tinuation of your valued fa vors; and extend a cordial in vitation to all others. We have enroute goods in nearly every department in or der to supply your needs. Xmas is coming andjr we are preparing to receive and please you. When you read this we hope to have opened and ready for inspection a new line of GlothiLg, Shoes, Ladies Capes, Dress Goods, Furniture and in fact as com plete aa line in every depart ment as first of season. : Remember we are getting in new goods every day and try to keep our stock to its standard. It sh 01 be bur en deavor as in the past to merit your confidence. Again thank ing yon, with a request to call on us, we are i, ,j Sinoorely, . WEAVER & LA8SITER, Rich Square, -N. 0. Well Machinery. I ' am now prepared to furnish machinery and fixtures of every kind for putting down wells at lowest prices. ' ; vKiiv' ; I'M: P'T Hkk -v Lasker, Jf,' 0' MEN WANTED. ' I want at once 25 hands to cut Shingles.' For information appljvto-i':''- ?;-?-v y. fv Seaboard, N. Q TEE STATE UIIYEBSITT; Mow Unjoylog the best Session In , Its Uintory-Tltecent Valuable ilrU--IIow It Helps Poor : The University Record for October ; Is Just out Of especial interest . are statistics as to the students and Information to re gard to University life. "'' t ' On the Id of October, one month from the first day of the session, the enrplement was 480 id the academic, law, medical and pbar macy dapartmects. This is the largest, enrollment ever refl.bed during the first month of any term, and w(th the sura mer school enrollment, omitting duplicates, will carry the total up to 609. The1 followingdeuom inations are represented! Methodist, Episco pal, Baptist," Presbyterian, Lu theran, Disciples, Chrstians, Dis ciples of Christ, Moravians, M ,th odist Protestants, Dutch Reform ed and Jew. The new men of this year came from sixty pre paratory .schools and thirteen colleges and State Universities. The professions of the parents of the students, enroled are as fol lows: '-''r,: .7''-' Far m er s 35 pe r cc n t. La wy e rs 7 percent, Merchants 14 percent Ministers 5 per cent, Teachers 5 per cent - Manufactures 6 per cent others 20 per cent Tbe .following trustees have made gifts to the University: General Julian 8. Carr gives a handsome ' dormitory building, now In the course of erection, to cost $ 18,000.00. ... Mr." Henry Weil of Goldsboro gives the library $1,000.00. Mr. James Spruot provides for the publication of the Mono graphs on North Carolina and United States History. -Mr. "Jas-iB-Lloyd of Tarboro, 110.00 prize fof tne best thesis on "The Government Ownership of Roads."- - Old students will read with pleasure about many improve ments in the campus and village, and also of a well perfected plan for the organization of the Alum ni. " :-- ",;77 In the chemical departments new course in dyeing and bleach ing has been established for the study of tex"tile fibres, their prep aration for bleaching; the colors and dyo ctuffs, methods of dyeing and the sizing and finishing of cloth; thus giving the principles and theories of this side of the mill industry, and making the practice intelligible The University has more actual students than any Southern Uni versity North of Texas and it is reaching the whole people as it has never done before. During the past two years it has loaned with security and interest nearly six thousand dollars from the Deems Fund, thereby aiding many needy students. Over one third of the students are the sons of farmers, which show that it too is the school of the farmers as befits an agricultural State Two thirds of the number of students are at the University as the result of some sacrifice. Nearly one third are supporting them selves by money which they-have earned or borrowed. So strong the spirit of self help that seventy nine students are sup porting themselves by labor while in college, earning this half term about three thousand dol lars It is no exaggeration to say that the University by its loan fund, scholarships and op portunity for labor makes it pos sible for any worthy boy, howev er poor, to obtain in North Caro Una as good an education as rich boys are paying elsewhere. Chamberlain's Pain Bain l ares Oiners. Wliy Not In. ; My. wife has been usingChamber- lain's Pain Balm, with good results for alame shoulder that, bad pained her .continually for nine years. We have tried gU kinds of medicines and doctors without receiving' any benefit from any of them.'- One day we saw an advertisement of this medicine and thought .of trying it, which we did with the best of satis faction.;- She has used only one bot tle and her shoulder is almost well. Adolph L. M illett, Manchester, N. H. For sale by John Baugbam. SALT We buy Salt by the Car ' Load and are prepared to . ' '7, give you the very lowest .prices. k ':j ;7-'- Vjfi, ; . . Wxavkb & LAsaitan, 7 "7;.;;. Rich Square, N. 0.77. ' ' - . . - . . ; 7 Murfreesitoi-o New : We are listening every day for the marriage bells to ring Mr, L L. Parker is having his house enlarged which will be great improvement. " 7 T Messrs Hart well and Paul Scarboro of Wake , Forest visited tbeif home here last week. 7 Mr. William Smith, of Raleigh, has been visiting bis grand par ents here, Mr. and Mrs. M. W, Wise. 7 7 Miss 4.nnie - B. , Vinson and brother' Johnnie, attended ser vices at Roberts Chapel on yes terday. Hunting seems to be the chief enjojrmentof some now; we can hear their guns nearly every day. Our people are hurrying to get all their crops housed and every thing done so that they can enjoy the holidays Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Futrell and children spent Saturday night and Sunday last with relatives near town. Messrs Behnie Hines and Jar vislParker, students of Wintoc Male and Female Academy, spent Saturday night and Sunday wUh their home people here. The membersof MeberrinSun day school are preparing to have an entertainment at Christmas The committee to arrange the program are, Misses Tallie John son, Eva Hines, FlorencaParker and Lula Parker. The Meherrin Sunbeam Socie ty reorganized at its last meeting' and the present officers are as follows: president, Master Ben nie Porter; vice president, Miss Beulah Parker; secretary, Miss Nettie Griffith: corresponding secretary, Miss Tallie Johnson treasurer. Miss Lizzie Nelson Organist Miss Florence Parker assistant organist. Miss Brownie Parker; lady manager, Miss L'.- rena Parker. T. H. J. Eagletown Locals. Andrew A. Brown and family of near Rich Square spent one day last week at J. W. Hall's. Maggie Peele visited at Charles T. Outland's in Wondland on the 18th inst W. R. Baugham and wife of near Rich Square were the guests of Maggie Peele last Sabbath Lola S, Stanley visited Ibbie Outland in Woodland on the 18th and 19th.' E P. Copeland and wife of near Rich Square visited at J. W. Hall's yesterday. J. Rufus Copeland and daugh ter Mary spent last Sabbath af ternoon at A. W. Brown's, near George. Willian G Outland visited rela tives and friends in Woodland on the 17th and 18 th.. Little Reva Outland, daughter of T. E Outland, had a stroke of paralysis a few days ago from which she is suffering very much. B. Frank Copeland and Julia Ward visited at J. H. Copeland's near George, last Sabbath. Lyda Futrell and children and Gulia Outland visited Maggie Copeland last Sabbath. Maggie Copeland and 'Mattie Hall attended the "Needle Work Guild" at Woodland last week and reported a saitisfactory meet ing. Susannah Copeland is visiting at J. J. Parker's in Lasker. Thomas Parker, wife and two children of Barnesville, Ohio are visiting their brother, J. J. Par ker, and other relatives at this place. Olevia Blow was the appreciat ed guest of Annie McDaniel, of near Woodland, on the 18th and 19th. E. H. Harrell spent the night of the 18th at N. J. Brit ton's E. N. Copeland visited his son. N.J. Copeland, near Rich Square, last Sabbath. Elias Liverman and wife of : enola, Elwood and Sallie Boyce, Adelia Lassiter and son Thomas, Martha Lassiter and Eliza Nelson of George, visited at Henrietta Baker's last Sabbath. We, are sorry to report the death of Marcella Parker, wife of E. T. Parker, who died on the night of the ' 17th inst from the effects of a yellow chill. ' The funeral services were conducted on the 18th by E H Harrell after which her remains were interred in the family burying ground at her father's, N. J. Britton's 7 We extend, to the bereaved family our heart feltsy mpathy. v '-; ' We ar sorry t report Mark Outland sick at this writing. ,'; "It is m m Wind ; ; ;: 7,: 7t Blows Nobody Good. " ,Th&t sm< chc or pain or weakness is the f 'Ul wlnd"r th&t dirfcis yqor attention to the J necessity of purifying your blood by taking Hood's Sara partita. Then your whole body receives good, for the purified . blood goes tingling to every organ. If is the great remedy for alt ages and both sexes. ' Dyspepsia " CompUaUed M itoer ani Udnty troutl. I mxfftrtd for yn from (fyiptpsU. mvm pini. Hoof i SsnaparOU nuub nrn ftrong and hefty." - y. & Emtrton, Auburn, Kt. ,.; HoodV PI1U nr llTr UU th ou4iTlltln n only .'ai'itrUe to tk with Hood'l gcfuptriiGT. FBOMWOODLilD. Work ot Needlework Guild Helping: the Orphans Ke turned from Hospital Improved-Mr. Henry Peele is visiting his sisters, Mesdames Sallie J. Cope land Sr , and Margarette Hare Mr. J, H, Blanchard returned borne last Friday from the Johns Hopkins Hospital at Baltimore very much improved His many friends are very glad of his re covery as they had almost given up the hope of his getting well. Sunday evening as we were Roing home we found Esquire G M. Powell and Jndge R. I. Beau by the roadside indeepconver sation. Whether it was the me teoric showers or something else they were discussing we cannoi say; but by intense earnestness manifested by both a wedding must have been the topic as notb ing less could so much interss ihose two gallant gentlemen. On Wednesday the Needlework Guild of America met at the home of Mrs. Sallie J. Copeland Jr. with Mrs. Bettie Peele, President Mrs. Pee' j with her Directors different parts of the county had collected two hundred and tec warm garments which were dis tributed equaly between the or phanages at Oxford, High Poin t, and Thomasville excepting those that had deen requested to tx distributed here at homa On last Tuesday morning the Kings Daughters and Sons of Woodland with some of thai i friends met at the hospitabif home of "Uncle" Jesse Parker with a basket of dinner, their ob ject being to quilt a quilt that tbey had pieced by them for one of the orphanges. To say the day was enjoyed by all does noi begin to express their feelings Uncle Jesse and his good wife with Miss Loula and John did every thing in their power lor our enjoyment With the bar bacue f u rnished by uncle Jesse and the baskets brought by the company, we had a feast fit for a king. M. J. O. Conway News. Prof. Gregorry is expected to give an entertainment here to night. Rev. C. W.;Scarboro was in our community yesterday visiting he sick. - Miss Bessie Martin, of Pendle ton, spent a few days with friends here last week. f We are glad to hear that Mrs. B F. Martin, who has been ill uite a while, is rapidly improv ng. Mr. G. L. Harrell and sister, Mrs. W. P. Carter, of Roxobel, spent Saturday and Sunday here with relatives. . Miss Katie Sykes, of C. B. F Institute, accompanied by her friends, Misses Sallie Wiggins and Bessie Hollowel, spent Fri day night, Saturday and Sunday in our community. Miss Ida Sykes, the accom plished teacher of Pendleton High School, spent Saturday and Sunday in our town with friends and relatives. She was accompa nied by Miss Mary Stephenson.' Quite a number of our young people gathered at the hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sykes last Friday night, and the same crowd and a number more gath ered at Dr. and Mrs. . M. EL Futrell.'s Saturday night, in hon or of the young ladies in town. Nothing was left undone by Mr, and Mrs. Sykes, and Dr. and Mrs. Futrell to make both evenings two of the moit enjo.adle ones tbey had ever seut ;v - 7 Sunshine. A TruoStorv' . Our store, U not, as fine m some hlli vaA 47ill rmi 'arlia. la fmta OrViAn y y ' va v iwi w hs uw rv uuu wo auv hub iiiiHU xrtHD ivm ui imil . tvm Hrlf.Yt Wat. nlana (ViiaIlLa mem An A wvBH TTIVU MW VIMPB f WVQUV IVWHM hanJ stuff) which we are selling at vary iow prices, space oeing lim- jled we name only a few prices: ' uood bleached and unbleached cot tons 4o. yard and up; beautiful Una oi cauooes o, and up, yard. , xuo uiuai anraouve une we ever uiu. ureHi niainfi in an xiia ovj ivm ii uiu w m 6inj, per jritruj jjjiuu and fancy Worsteds. Serges Sea.. alula, ffww K . OK.. I . !..! (rota 10 to 40o. ier yard; very pret- from 8 to 35c, per yard: Outings 6o, Itnd lin- Kaailflfxl TAnuli.vlnin iHuuld " " -yjVMluvuuUMMIVUIHHUUUUV Drapeiies tc, at low prices am maty other things which we will pleased to show yon in this fine. ' Notion department 1 compter some special values in men s ove and under shirts, 'ladies vests Ac Hats and Caps (or men and boys We have them in almost any style you want and at prices that defy competition. Ready made Suits and Pants for men and boys. We have them and can give you some bargains Mens suits f2.&0 and up. Mens pants 50o. and up. Boys suits $1.25 and up. Boj s panta 25c. and up. SHOES AND BOOTS. is a necessity now we have what we believe to be the best mens everyday shoe made at $1.25 per pair jwomen's heavy oil grain at 90 cents; other kinds at reasonable prices. A big stock of CrocKeryware, Glassware, Tinware and'greyscone enamelled ware. Some special values . in these lines; it will pay you to see , i We have some bargains in Buggy Harness, BugyKobes, Horse Blank ets, Saddles Ac, and many other things. We pay highest market prices for cotton in the seed or lint and cotton seed, Staves, Cross Ties, &c. When selling any of the above Will pay you to see us as we ar e right at the depot aud are at no ex pense of handling thus enabling us to pay biger prices. Give us a call B. P. BROWN & SON, GeSrjte, N. C talk; IS CHEAP. Provided you do not talk by the use of Printers Ink; in that case it comes high unless yon have something worth saying. 7 What I am going to say is for the mu tual benefit to the reader and my self. To the point: I' now have a fairly well selected stock of Dry Goods and Notions, Hard ware Urockeryware, Tinware, Field Seed, Groceries, Drugs, &c. , &c , and my prices are mark ed way down. I am at small ex pense, comparatively, and don't have to add to the price of my goods to make up for bad ac counts as I sell for cash or bar ter only. Here are a few prices: Meat 6c; best Granulated Sugar 6c; choice coffee 10c; best cooking soda 5c; starch 5 to 10c; white fish small size kegs $2.50, stan dard size $2-70; best pure lard 8c; Ivory soap 5c; good assortment other toilet soaps at low prices, good laundry soap at 3c; Flour and all other groceries at lowes market prices. DRUGS AND MEDICINES. I keep a good line of Drugs, Medicines and Druggist Sun dries. Plenty 'of blue vitriol (bluestone) for wheat growers, so spices, borax, alum, salts, cop eras, pepper, sulphur, nutmegs oils, turpentine, flavoring exraCfc camphor guin,liniments,Porter's Healing oil (best in the world fc burns etc.) Chamberlain's med cines, Bromo Seltzer, Dr. Kings, '' David's Wurnnr'a n.n7r Piorra'a medicines, Laxative Bromo Qui nine, Grove's Chill Tonic and half hundred other articles in this line, all marked way down. DRY GOODS. 7 Good yard wide cotton cloth 5c; heavy quality 5 to 6c; bleach cotton cheap. Many , styles and ' grades of ladies dress jroods. at' 5, 6, 7, 10, 12i, 15, 18, 20, 25 cents per yard and up, . Men's shirts - , at from 25 cents to $1.00. Big ' vaiue at sue; Dig lot oi nandicer-- -; duets at stunningly low prices. t , '4 i PANTS,: .' 7 . .. VA targe lot of new Pants, bought very close, but my space is all v uBed and will have to wait till another week to tell you about them. Dont forget that I keep Brn Middlings, Meal, Corn and pay the highest market price for Eggs, Hides, Cotton, &c .; . : MILLS H, CONNER, , -:' "' ' , ' At Depot, ..-"'' . Rl sft ' -Sq jure. N.