UNTY, N, C, TliOP JAY, DECEMBER 2V, 1899, , NUMBER 51 rav V-L;J lib f 'i t : - ? V w. . "J ... Vi - .., J k-J " ; . I , . , JA I We never did; but we hve seen the clothing' it this time of the year so covered with dandruff that if looked is if il had been out in t regular snow surm. -.--..(., - . " No need of this snowstorm.'. -. As 'the summer tun would ) I1 melt tji falling enow so will n . i j -v x ( i aU 1 ,W melt these flakes of dandruff la the scalp. It goes further than this: it prevents their formation. It bas still other properties I it will restore color to gray hair in just tea times out of every ten cases. , - . f- And it does even, more: it feeds and -nourishes the roots of the hair. ' Thin bair becomes thick bair; and short bair be comes long bair. -,- v: :, v . Ve have a book on the Hair and Scalp. It is yours, for the t8king.'.:.'i'"'-''v t- vr - If yao do aot ebtata all thabnfltt yon xpcte from Mid ose o( tb Vigor, wrlL tin doctor sbout It. rrobiibir thr la Mfw diotoultr with jour gen . M ...torn which mt b. MUj ra. uxve" Address, m ., ' ( : ( ; Expert Watchmaker, 25 Team EzperienpgJ Mais St, Nait to Mrs. Barrett's StsrV V Vv i- v Windsor;' NV Cf. . " - -. , "First class 'Watch Repairing, '. U-'L,.' .v iTewelry, .Clocka and "Spectacles. i-"M- '"Ml sizes Watch Glasses on hand; ,t " nldt nmn.ll atv.k of WntRheft.- i. 1 Fay. cash for old Gold ahd Silver. Job Printing. J. H. Parker & Co., Wood .'land, N. C, are now prepar ' ed to do your Job Printing at low rates. W. IL JOHNSON. - ATTORNEINs,T liAW WINDSOR, N.C. ! Practices in all Courts. i -All business intrusted to him will ' receive prompt attention. Establishes" IMt,-. ' , : J. E. BKITTON, ' COMMISSION MEHCUiNT. . , 4e Boaaoke Dock. NOKFOLK, VA. '. ' Special tiea. : - : . ; ' figgjai ' I Hides,' I Peas, Peanuts . Poultry, I Uve Stock, and Potatoes. Eaferenoe: Bank ot Commerce ,. : Cotton Seed wantbd. . .' Having: Connected myself, on a salary, with the Goldsboro Oil Com pany I am prepared to offer mil ; prices for Cotton Seed in car lots. 'My territory 's the lioanoke and Chowan sectiou. . Write me before Belling. ; , JR. W, Rawls, ' ''j ' At ' Lewiston N. 0' HIDES I want one tb.ous.md pounds of of Cow -Hides. Will pay hlgh'es cash piices tlwongh tlie seasou for ' all Hides and Fur. W. T.Nobvdx, . Seaboard, N. '. -.FoREUGCnS-"'. . , : , C1EEIAGES ' EAXmAtZ EAE5ISS E2ICLES ... SICCUS iC at reasonable prices go to ' V; T. PICARD'S Jackson, N.C., . s. Handmade. Harness at about the price you ave to pay for ma chine made, ' ' " j Agen for Wrenn's Buggies. J w Beaton & Son Ct "n if pn -'- pt fr I wra 217 County Street. Specialties. ' Hams, Eggs, thick ens, .Lambs, and all kinds of Strclc POSTS."GUrH - VIRGINIA. reference People's Bank. I :. 1 t.i I'.d'.. ; r. My boy, be ktud ts tuVm-r, l', r lie's bion klml to jju; I.Vs tiouKht to 1 ', juu uafoiy . Your life'u brief pathway through He's cured:' for you and loved yyu lie's tried to save you pain, And given kindly counsel- , -I hope not all In vuin. . He wants to see you happy, He wants you to be true; . " Hu hopes'and pride are oenterd,. Believe it, boy, In you. v How much of joy and comfort Is in your power to give . . v This faithful loving fathei. If rlghtf ulty yoa live. Ce manly, true, and honest , In everything that s done, And show bim that hit counsel" Is treasnred.by his son: Be kind when olf age sprinkles Its snowflakes in bis hair, And make bis last da: 8 happy, ,Wlth loving words and care.- . ' . . - Selected. What Are Yon. - Tarboro Southerner. Your neighbor may be derelict in every particular, whether it be about observing the amenitjes of an adjoining farm , or a d well! tig In town. He may neglect bis wife and even 'his grocer,, to say nothintr of bis barkeeper. He may do all tbese, and yet are you in the (position to cast at him a .tone? Your neighbor' may be so de void of public spirit aud partriot ism that be would not subscribe dollar to a cotton factory or a penny toa display of firecrackers on a fourth of July, How much better in this respect are yQu tbanhef" Your neighbor may'be near sighted when the list to help tbe n6eiy' $r the" contribution plate passkB.- What hate youone to gieyooaisuncupnr'-""v' f -'ilj regulate the worJd we must begfr.'witb ourseivbi," . Doing ecfuity, we can asn for equity; do ing justly, we can insist upon ustice; being charitable, we can solicit alms with grace and con. aistency,1 - But let;ns not set bursel ve. up as critics to give precept wunoui being the example thereof. Let us not- pronounce others all evil until we have eliminated tbe old Adam fiom ourselves.- The man who lives a consistent life la resDectedt If in this life there is charity and loving kind. ness, be who so lives is beloved Where do you stand in life? Are you finding fault with your neighbor, picking : flaws in his character and showing instances of petty meanness in his family, or are you so condncting your self that the most exacting cannot with truth find aught against you?, " . - It is much easier to see the beam in a brother's eve than to cast out tbe mote in our own; but you grow in moral statue if you follow the "Goldern Rule,';kving your neighbor; but never neglect yourself to devote too much time and attention to him and bis af fairs. -V - ' '. , - Cows Wearing: Glasses. Cattle with spectacles are to be seen on th Russian steppes. The steppes are covered with snow more than six months of the year. The cows subsist on tbe tufts of grass which crop above the snow, and the rays of the sun on tbe now are so dazzling as to cause blind npt. -Tt obviate this cala mity, itoccured to a kind-hearted man tp protect the cos' eyes in the same way at those of human Dt'inss, a lid be manufactured -Di- kn colored npuctacles vhich oil d bs a fely : worn by cattle Tliesn sp ciacles were a great urct8, and arc uow worn by up waidof 'forty thousand hea i ol cat ile. who no lo- gcr sufTer the snow blinJness which once cans-"d-sucb suffe ijig among them. 1 ' 'It the Cap Fits Wear it." If you are suffering from the con sequence ot impure blood- -have boils pimples or scrofula sore's; If your.focd does not digest or you suffer from catarrh or rheamatisra. you are the one who should take Hwd's Sarsaparilla. It will fit your case exactly, make your blood pure and cure salt rheum, scrofula, rheu matism, dyspepsia, catarrh, and give you perfect health. -..j-L Hood's Fills cure all liver ills. Nun-irritating. .... i , . RICH SQUARE 1- A Plea for the lJIrds, "Tliore is a stulu of blood on every ' bonnet' i" - .,' Tbut bus a deud bird startcbed up on it."- ,r .; -" . '-, , ; - Will liere be a song-bird left in the country anotberyear? Look at milliners' or eotDg,-4nd answer..' the question fur yoar solves The slaughter .of the songbirds is sometimes appall log. Tbey are killed, not by the hundred, not by tbe thousand, but by TFie million. ; Millions of skins are sold every year to the millinery trade. i- 1 i While feeding its young, each bird will - destroy hundreds' of insects every day; and all through the summer they are busily at work feeding upon the grubs and worms .that devour the grain and fruit foliage of trees.'- iWheil famine come upon the la'ndvH will ne no "my stenous dlspensattOQ; of God V It will be tbe result of this fearful sacrifice of tjird life. Every woinad" with, woman's heart in her breast should take a firm' stand in this .matter. She sboul d 6avt,"I will hot wear1 tbe plumage; I blush to think I have ever done so. " -It may be too late ' i j JLl 1 i .- uirettuy , m; save ourselves irom the con sequences of our si n. .b u t at least we can leave such a supV ply of breasts i and dead birds on hand 'J bat the few' live bi rd er re main next season will not have'' to be murdered to satisfy the blood 1 thirsty demand of this crue.fash ioo.The Living Chu rchl'ifcjf-'; ' - .a. ..Mi t.s. ?, . ' Cure S Cold In One Day J 'Vake Laxative Bro'inb Quinine Tablets All druggist retaud money- It H tails t tare, ,S6e.-. - .'. -T7 ., a. - " 'Boiled Potatoes..' pare potatoes with a eharp veg etable knife, ' jnet asjhin'as possi ble, fpr that part : of tbe tuber ly ing close to the skin is richest in mineral salts; and put each potato as pteled into a: pan of cold water to- prevent .' discolor ition. : Have ready meanwhile a kettle of boil ing water, . and when' tbe peeling process is complete take the pota- EoeS"Irom the cold water, and." cov eriug them with boiling salted wa ter set them on the range, covered to boil. Twenty minutes will nsu ally snffice, but to test them use a skewer or fork, and when they can be pierced easily remove at once from the fire, pour off oil the water and set them on the back of the range, ' uncovered, to stoam dry, assisting that process occasionally by a slight shaking of the kettle. If one asks the reason why po tatoes should always be cooked in boiling water, try the following experiment for proof: lake two cups, in eacn ol wmcn Has Deeu put a ' teaspoonf nl ' of ordinary starch. Ponr over one a quarter of a cupful of boiling water and over the other the same quantity of cold water and observe the re al!. The one over which the boil ing water was poured sidy in shapo a compact mass, while the vne with the cold water dissolves in a soft paste. The potato is largely com posed of starch, and from this tunl any one may draw his own conclu sions If you - wish a pulpy, wa tery potato, use cold water, bnt if a dry,: meaV snowy, ball that would delight the heart of Epicu rus himself, always use boiling wa ter. New York Commercial. . DO YOU GET UP . : WITH a LAJIE BACK ? Kidney Trouble Males Ton Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the news papers is sure to know of the. wonderful cures made By or. k Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great Kidney, liver and bladder remedy. It Is the great medi cal triumph of the nine teenth century; dis covered after years of scientific research by Dr. Kilmer, the emi nent kidney and blad der specialist, and a wonderfully successful In promptly curing lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou- sr, uric acid trou which Is the worst and Brteht's Dl: form of kidney trouble. . Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root Is not rec ommended for everything but If you have kid ney, liver or bladder trouble tt will be found hist the remedy you need. It has been tested In so many ways. In hospital work. In private practice, among the helpless too poor to pur chase relief and has proved so successful In every esse that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried It, may have a sample bottle sent free by mall, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out If you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this naoer and tTT. and i iof Dr. Kilmer St Co.,Bi TWIN suiuieae hamton, N. Y. Tbe repular fifty cent and Hrf rj..p-hoo. dollar alw-s are anld by all fwl rf"--', .8 ilia' Only cot White llj .' -it Material In .rld..v. i - m V..-'. ' pably t inosfreaiar'iabla it rockdepOsiUn Jifd occurSjar hydaulic cei the known River Jnnct tbat point lh several mile, of the A pain ernly to Asr i,f l'lolda From aposit extends for long the Teft bank liopla Riversonth lagaiThis trirly remarkable f rmation comprises something over 2,000 aores, and has a thickt!"ss of 'eighty feet above the rivrTHqw far it may be below,has iiat been ascertain' ed " Enough i ax posed, however. to warrant the sse.riioh.that the deposit con hi! as, sufficient raw material ' to roduee. 'ovir? two' billion barrels it cemenit ?- Thpf material isusuallyoftr enough to-j be cutout witn a spade, but tpe lumps, when pliiced in kHnvba'r den sufflcienUyTtw pjeVebt them from cru m biinjf. while", vsfgo. ing.caIcibationfy-':i;'$''; ; Several aualy sis ; of sam pies taken :f rem vaHospartsf the formation show a remarkable on- iformation of proportions of the ingredients essential to the pro duction, of a flrstclass hydraulic cement. ; - : '.-v,.", Butxthe distinguishing feature xpf tbis depoti; consists in 4h"e perieci poruy oi coior., xne raw material is whiii, and the manu factured prod ocj; is tfs white as the whitestabliIiB this i re spect it is an ideal cement fox tbe architect, -as'lt ijlnot stain he wal is or tine ma sonry. , uncks made of One pal;t ofahis cenrent and twoparts' white sand are in use . in 1 many 'buildingst-in ttQ South, and ;they ;jBXr' ' bard and oeautii aif; op ia a known; this is tlu only deport of white hydraulic cement material it the world. A, small but con venient plant is in operation at River Junction, and the prsprie- tors term the manufactured pro duct, .'white JRQroapJiydauIic cement of Florida. "Commerci al at d Financial World. - Mother1 at Prayer ' ."Once," says a'Writer,."I sud denly . opened, tbe door of my mother's room and saw her on her knees bedside ber chair, and beard ber speak my name in prayer. I quickly aud quietly v withdrew with a feeling of awe.and rever ence in my-heart. ? Soon I went away from hometo-schooVthen to college, t he n.iD to .life's sterner duties. But I never .forgot that one glimse of my-mother atjpray er, nor the one word my own name which ;I heard her utter. Well did I know that what I had seen that day was but a glimpse of what was going on every day in that sacred closet-of prayer, and the consciousness strengthened me a thousand limes in.duty, in danger, and in struggle." Mer Little Blunt. Tbe teacher of an east side sew ing school has been much annoy ed of late by children making all sorts of excuses to out early. So many and so urgent were these requests that the school became more or less demoralized in con sequence, and the , wealthy wo men who were its philanthropic and financial backers advised tbe teachers to render cull and void any, morr appeals oi tbe sort. This the teachers endeavored to do. The other ojormog, howev er, a little girl, afterjthe prelimi nary hand raising, announced that it was imperative that she kave at a quarter of 12 o'clock. Why can't you stay until 12?" asked t! e teacher. '"It is onlyi 15 minutes later,- and it creates I Florida , Kuu 1 dnuilict Annnal Statement. - V The following is a true and accurate statement of each member of th Board of Connty Commiasioners of Korthamptou County from December 1, J898, to November 30, 18t, to the county seat, their per aiera number of miles traveled, session: B. D. Stancell;. No. miles 520 Q J. E. Drake, " A. R. Jacobs. 0. R. Haireil, " J. A. Garris, 1. P. Parker,.5; ', 250 450 & 375 364 280 O 840 RM.Pngh The Board was in session wre audited. In compliance with : I Ti. Vl. V.nnvD-m d order "for you to leave before t:.e rest" " Mtmma'wlshes me to kave at a quarter of 12, 'I return ed tbe Thild with an assumption of the grand manner tbat, in spite of her rags .and tangled bair, much impressed even, tbe teach -er. . "You see," went on the little gi rl. '1 1 gives the waitress so m neb trouble to prepare me an extra lucheon, and that's what she bas todo when I don't ge home until after 42., Mamma would a task it if it wasn't for the waitress and the luncheon." -The, teacher, was even more impresed with ''the; waitress" and (he "luncheon'! then she bad been "wttn "mamma, so sne we granted tbe request. But as tbe little one skipped gently past the others to get ber wrap tbe teach Uf heard.one of tbe other children say I say, Ma'mie, what did ye mean bjr vputtia. up that awful rblufff Much mamma' and wait ress and 'luncheon you've got!" Of course I haven't got'em." feplied Mamie, .:'but I've heard tbat Tricb v littler irl that lives around ;' the . corner 1 tattt, heap abt:hi,ud3ust though I'd try 1 1 too'."-New York Sun.;! v Home Remedies, ; As the seasonfoccbld appfbach- es perTbapi a fef Ijot 4e rpuedies win not rcome .amiss. . j? or icri- mationrf 'kinds, especially of tne v tnroat ana,, tungsiners ts nothingjVj betifbWpTi! a poltice4Pie , and. alios foar p.r f ('araf i$&tri 'elUeyar6iuttc S apply as hot as can be borne, .C ibisr put v rindjfj-flannel, ( 4pj V Usually 'finfiQibnt, b-' e"-1 e required a i. . ;iCPply as s j. n -j , the' hxsi bne begins to cooL . v -iiieiullamation, is very acute ad aHlittle vjnegar-orafew drops pi camphor just-belore tag' ing from, tha-fire. a For cough: Peel and slice tbin six large onions and cook until .tender in, one quart of vinegar. When done 6train through a thin cloth. Af thrall the Juice haabeen extracted add one cup granulated sugar and boil until reduced one- halt For a child, one teasponf ul every two or three hours accord ing to the severity of the attack. Another home remedy for coughe: Beat the white of an egg to a stiff froth. Into a glass squeeze the juice of a lemon and add as m uch sugaras itwill dissolve, then stir in the beaten white of egg. Take a spoonful every few minutes. For earache roast an onion and put a drop of thewarm juice in the ear and cover the ear with warm flannel or a hot poultice made of hops and vinegar. There is nothing better fpr colds than cooked onions. 1 They acton stomach, liver and kidney a Our children are very fond of a soup made of potatoes and onions boiled with a small slice of pork. When tender- mash through the colander, and just before serving add a little cream, and salt and pepper to taste. To be eaten with toasted breador crackers. National Stockman. Free of charge- Any adult sufferms; from a oold settled on the breast, bronohltia, throat or long troubles of any nature, who will eallat M. EC Conner's,Blch Square, N.C.,wiU be pre sented with a sample bottle, of Bosohee's German Syrup, tree of charge. Only one bottle given to one person, and none to children without order from parents. '- ; No throat or lmtg remedy ever bad audi a sale as Bochee'a German Syrup in all parts of the civilised world, I Twenty yean ago millions of bottles were given away, and your druggist .will tell you itasuooess was marvelous. It to really the only throat and Lung- Remedy generally endorsed by physiaiana. . One 75 cent bottle will oure or prove its value, ' Sold by dealers in all civilised oountoies and by M. H. Conner, Stah Ronavs. N fl and Dr. 1. L. Outlud woodland, n. a i number of days the Board was in 5a $26. per diem $52. total 7&0a 60. 12.60 " ' 15a " ' 62.00 6c 22.50 " ; ' 5a .. - 72 50 5a 18.75 " $3a " - 48.75 5o. 18 20 " ; " $28. 'm ' 46.20 5c. $14. $28. ' " 42.00 6c $42. w $28. 70.00 26 daya and no unverified ar 5unte Section 713. " PlArt Ttn&rrl rJ fVunntlDcinnan :. -S, A' '? sgwy. Mdtes food rr.srs C cciun cc: Proceedings of the Northampton Board Proposals For Jiew'-r: ,- Jteeord Butldlng. ': The Board of Commissioners of Northampton County held an adjourned meeting in the' Court- bouse in Jackson ,.Monday,"De- cember 11, 1899, alt the members present as foilowsVJJ. JJ Stan- cell, chairman; C- .U,' Harrell, J, A. Garris, B. M, Pugh, A. R. Jacobs, I. P. Parker and John EL Drake, r E. E. Roberts. Clerk. V J." W, Draper; was, granted cense to sell , medicine of bis ow b manufacture 1n .tbs county for twelve months,'; by; 'com plying with the law, fWt'frJ S' t was ordered that Jere Joy ; ner, . JUXlward ueioatcn, . Aaron Powell Mrs, Virginia L. Collier, K. T. -Brislowe. tbe Sarah Pope place, Robt Stewart and" Andrew Dennis be cbatged with the nec essary tax in Roanoke township for' 1899. f MmM M It is ordered '-that the Treasur er pay for services a$: members OUru auunty vuuiimesivuoia up tor and l ading this, date; ! d, r. m$k't&friM$- J . : Ai aYW : . .1., f la OUj, . A jacoosft; fo.pw. mm J.JiJ)raki $2..50. 'V' MV P.-Parker, ' It is ordered tba theBjoard of County 'Commissioners meet on lfTdayof January, 1900. receive sealed bidstforhe building and equipment : of fire-' proorRe cord Building, together with metal fur niture complete, tor-Northampton -County, ' Jackson, N. C. PJaaa-and'"Bpeiatia lions may be seen at the office Register of Deeds for said County, and at the office of the Architect, Room 56 Metzerott Building, Washington' D. C. Bids to be accompanied by a certified cheek in tbe sum of two : hundred ; and fifty dollars. The . right to reject any and all bids specially reserved. It ,1s ordered uthat Dr. H. W. Lewis be appointed a commis sioner of one to have all necessa ry repairs done to the County jail. - The Board will meet on the first Monday in January, 1900. . E. K Roberts. Clerk NO CURE NO PAT. That is the way all druggists sell Gbc vs Tastslsih Chill Tonic for Chills and Ma aria, tt is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasetois form. Children love It. Adults enter It to bitter neanseating- tonics. Fo- Hlls and fever and all formi of malaria rioefiO cents. Start at the Bottom, Two boys left home with just money enough to take them through , college, after which they must depend entirely upon their own efforts. They attacked tbe collegiate problems success fully, passed to graduation, re ceived their diplomas from the faculty, also commendatory let ters to a large ship- building firm which they desired employment Ushered into t ie waiting room of the head of the firm, the first was given an audience He present ed his letters ' ' "What can you do?" said the man ot millions. "I woold - like some sort of clerkship," , ' 'Well,' sir, I will ' take your name and address, and should we have Anything of the kind open, will correspond with you." . As he passed but he remarked to his waiting companion; "You can go in and 'leave your ad dress. ' - The other presented bi mself and papers. "What can you do?" wasa ked "I can do anything that a gran hand can do, sir," was the reply. The magnate touched a bell. which called a superintendent. : "Have you anything to put a man to work at?" "We want a man to sort scrap- iron, " replied the superinte tde r ' : . ... ; A r" t clous and wholesome And the college graduate went to ' ortlDgcrap-iroDv , ;"J :. One fweek: passef . and Jhe ' . president, meeting-Ibe superlniii t ' 1 tendent," asked :.'::.; ' 1 k ' f'HowM the hew man getting ' C- ' . Oh.sald the boss, ?Vid - bis worirsowin.and neverwatcn ed.'4be clock Bock.rlbat I pat hit him over ttlA Crane In I one' )?ear thiS; 'jnau. bad-n . reached the IjeatTof a Separtment aT?d on ad visory position with the.e managemejn,-jt a salary rep're-,, , sented (by fofur figures, while hiiV,' whilbta companion was maintain ' ' log h3 dfgdty as I'clerk' in a ana carriages. nix. Holiday 5t 1 ... . '". ' ..... -v- fc ;-.k p. ThiiTime - SI "i have '.. in Jwrwa nice Une of . Xmas goods which I went tbiNew York myself and purchased and am how able to display a complete . Une (not many -frivolous toys) but osef Hi. and prnanental fancy " 1. glassware beautifully decorated fancy clocks, mantle ornaments from $2.00 to 13.00 a pair; fancy bowls, lamps, baskets, dolls," ea- - , ' sels, oil paintings, Japanese painted tables, rugs, fancy towels nice napkins, tidies, table covers, counterpanes, blankets, smokers sets, necktie cases,' shaving sets, -fancy brushes; a nice fine of books (ah assortment of poems) Xmaa bibles, picture frames of various ' descriptions,'.! fancy handker- chiefs, svoeautif ut'line ef ties and gents furuishiDjs ' in generali ' jewelry In astonishing vilue and' prices; ladies . silver bracelets guaranteed for five years, 65c; genisgold chains guaranteed five years $1.00; solid gold rings for ladies $1.00; besides fancy Xmaa cards and booklets and numbers cf other things which space will not allow mentioning, but come for yourselves and see and tell all your neighbors. No danger here! t MATTIE R. 00PELAND, Prop ' Hew York Racket Store .' Woodland, K, c - . ; A Big Rush. The .bi? rush continues. - Big sales for November. Filling or ders daily from far and near. During iny stay in New York in ; the early fall I bought a large stock of Christmas goods most: of them direct from the manu-v facturers, and when prices were low and can sell all Christmas c goods much cheaper than if I had . waited till late in the fall .. ' Fine grade cotton warp ma tings 12, 18c; all wool carpeting -v 35, 40, 49c; best grade china mat- " ' tings 11, 13, 17c; floor oil cloth 1, U, H, 2 yards wide 20, 25c; chen- ile curtains 10 feet long $148; lace curtains 83,49, 75c; curtain Swiss dots and stripes 8, 10, 12c; rugs . yard wide two yards long 88e; fine rugs It yards long $1.25; wool- . rt squares any size 40o sq. yard; part wool art squares 25, 35c sq. yard. 488 yards fine velvet car - peting" 50c; 875 yards Brussels carpeting 80, 40c; 425 yard s In grain carpeting 15, 20, 25c; 650 yards remnant carpeting 15 to 50; 288 rugs some at half price 20c to $2.50; 600 yards remnant matting . 5 to 10c; 65 dozen ladies and girls .. hats and caps. Late styles from one half to two thirds regular prices. A large line curtain poles window shades, curtain drapery and other styles curtain goods on hand at low prices, Have just received a large line of picture frames 15 to 20 sizes. R. TT. r December lc C.