tunmt .... cranes? ' : ' VOLUME ft. RICH SQUARE, NORTHAMPTON COTJN'JfY, H...0' THURSDAY. DECEMBER 26, 1900. HUMMER .V ' Look at year tongue. Isltsostsd? . 'w i : - Thea you kave a bad tiatt la your mouth eyery morning. ' Your appetito la poor, and food dis tresssa you. You have frequent headaches ad art. often; ulbiy.e.Tour stomach . Is -weak and your bowels are alwaya constipated. There's an Bid inf re-' liable ouret "" . v y Doa't take a cathartic dose aad thta atop. Bet tor take a laxative dose eaoh eJgbt, Juat oaouih to eauaoeaegood fromoye aioat tke day following. You fool better the t wy ; .dayi"i Year appotits . returns, -your dyipopsla ia cured, your headaches 'pass away, yeur toague -clears up. your UroQ-acta well; and your bevels, no longer give you trouble. Mm. . . AO "I kT kM Arr- Pilli for M 7mi, u4 1 osnalder tham tk bMt Od pill dm au mm roo4 fna Wlf box .1 uf oUmi kin 1 Kn m. M.1avi, ; M H, MM,, ; AnlfMM, Xfim-r, Jk. A A. A. A A 'in & Oat. Guhjihd t Hmmn 'Gay is Ilidyf tte, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW, Praotioe in .aloonrU Builnee ' promptly and bitblolly attended to. Furnishing : i'We''i iJ0W receiving "the laigaal ' . line : or ,nouae L mrniBning ever Something the Matter. Windsor ledger.! J . Our ; readers are acquainted with the Clark-Kilgo Gattie coo troveray. It culminated 1 slander ailt brought by Rev. J Oattls, a promioont mtalater i f the Methodist church, against Dr .-J. C. Bilgo, a roioistor and iroaidop t of T ri o ty CollegaLTh rasa was tried in Ozford.Oran rlllq County two weeks i ago. Odell una vuae,. two traaire 01 college. ' were also aoed la the na action. ' More than a dosan lawyers were -rD ployed, mee of the best legal Ulen t ; An prigb t judge;; tried fib case. The Jury was . composed of ( men of all shades of religious belief. ' The trial las' ted ' 4 wo weeks. Oattls got verdict for 120,000. r There has - not been an iuticuatlon thai i he jury was tam pared with; Not tt oitisen '.of Oxford has said aught In criticiem of the verdict The case was . tried in Oxford where Mr. Duke bas given many tbon sand a of dollara in charity and where the .Oxford Orphan Asy lum stands. He is a director of this, charity; aad baa given it at least twenty thousand dollars. We may well bappose then that local syinpatby was with bim and hia co-defendants. And, we may also conclude that the ore r whelm log weight of the evideace was fa favor bf the plaintiff, Gattis. The amount awarded is a small aum whan hi ' Himum 1a r.nnaiTdnrnd r -M I . " ---r LffTo say' nothing1 of a profitable Otss that was, destroyed, be en crushfed as a minister of tbe Gospel. " At least'the ei dence in the f ase supports these contentioBK ;Thare was no unu sual occurrence. during tbe trial save- the clash if legal -latelleota. Still there" is aomethlng the mat-, terand why da we say sa '' '' 1,. Whlle.ibe jury was eonsidi eciag. ibe case, Dr. Kilgo went btime loJlorbam aad was given agreettvreception aod ma stu-dante-iJtneds the air. noisy with 846' and to the' tune of Jobn Brown body they sang, "'Hang TTJIfa Gtfls ona Soarjapplfftrea.'T' That , ja(;an.;' unhealthy atate of things.:, .,, , 2. Tbe day after the trial the Post at Raleigh said editorially: -TheL jury Iil-the'GattuwlCngo brought Jt? this, point. of the Btato, :,'nd prices onsqpJ these gond&ir . below.what flitTr. mrpbant8,aiej.get ting for tbs same hwC.gnods,iAlL u .wool, balT wool bA tcofttonr fJajrpet- J(ng anys number, Xlof . yardf J'rpm 8 tft and even twenty colors; Arc squ" itbthall wobraria parr wool twenty five styks and ColorSY8-- Rngs from' 18 nohes to SJ .yardsc long.-ver fifty styles; joinety fonrpatteraa cotte - nip jaabtiug, xitq uuuwm rem XmH Uarpeting for making Rugs.' A large supply Tin Toilet Sets, Chins Chamber Bets. Slop Jars and Bnara- , eled warelTbifty six styles and paf terns Wood Heaters, best oan,be got- in, $2.50 and up, Sheet Irotf, Sheet TtBtEfofe Wd.-afid:Pl6nt StOs-l Pips on hand at aJI.time8.,,Sarenty flveVrt fes-Wrndow fihadeV'Fourteen patterns and Styles Laos' CurtainiW Jiinds Curtain Polee J and Fixtures; snsny other things for your heas:in Janoy good. Xpiue nd see them. - ;;.Tb largest stock of Millinery wa ewrJid.j iiu0kiiEaneyOaps for girls and boys, Capes, Cloaks, Skirts,Shirt Wnuts,- Childrens .Dresses, anal. styles "Underwear for. Ladies; Men ,nd Children. , , -4, ' A large stock' Of Single ancl. dooble bafltel. breech 'and-jiBsleJoadutg Slxit Guns, "a full stook of' empty" and " loaded sbells; gu'u'toots anil attaoh; taSnts;' ass'orteil styles "Revofire'ia, knd osrtvidgea; small and large Rifles. " ii'Weiiroinow itf iafgbrkslf Store and carry ,twintbo; mgak thi foil than srer before. : I s,,. irrs jtiyotners,,.- V ' l '""Scccessof ro H. C. SPIERS, .i.; J'-v-rin' 'k rr ft- - J.lirl'lJ; Clothing ... .. ,, , ;' If on "want' "Fine Clothing for a little money call and examine my stock, at . the t Poatoffice .building. Hav recently reooired another larg let, including a big Jine of OrercoRts for lien and Beys. My prices are so lowsa to be perfectly astoomhing. ' Buull ' be"'plc.i-'d to aLow you tuy stock. . M";'1 tx roatofliqe Building Rioh Square, N. C wndereda verdict yesterday against 'the -deftnd&nta, izrog the damage at 130,000. j ;r--.' di Of t wane." It i was Lord Baeon, weiibelieve, who, ' upon being 1a peached f,or hu spoliation, of the peo- ple.while ,-Yicuroy of India, pleaded that "considering his opportunities ne wss astonisnea at nis own mouer- Tbe verdict might have been for.s larger (umf A,Dpks ia tbe victim." vre are .aurpriBea i ouron- teoporaVy. to aay' notbisgof hia erroi ia accredfting :w Lord Ba- 9Qa"5i re mark of Lord Olive, we are much surprised at his article. Tbe .iniifcation that any twelve Uqaeo ia, North Carplloa drawn oa (- joryaner'S sifting' et the attor l5eyja.uljMCltialtefo':6fcourse glye ye1rdictagin.sVny pue :ia as iiisuHtopur people, -And tbe intimation tbaj Mr, Duke caonot haye ajfajrj trial iathia State is also - n n truei. . This com saen t.by thePost if 5nJf keepiag with Its temperate utteraueea in tbe pal t and there i nothing in this slan- def suit-that calls tor its v'.bleace ecb Tbe'edtior is sowing daugerous se'ed' -. rr--. 'lV',;;,-::r.; Tbe Methodist' Conference .at Newberrie' ' paassdT resolutions u'lghl' laudi tory "of Dr KilgQ. PUke and "Odell and Also paa'aed DK (Jattisas a mas of blamelRsd life aud-cbrcter.'-' These two situations are ; con t radio tery Priyaie f,rieeds pa seek to bring brethren together That proper. "' But tbe publib utter Unoea pl.t the Oensrenoe is not kly ,tot bipg goodesults:, It louKS lilts a row is oa nana in me church ode - of - the "greatest agencise fbr- good ' in J:e world. fhis, cause which sbpuld have re ceived .so more notice then any Vtber sui1;'Jia'sbesn'!Bb' digeifled bat it is like! f te breed rew 'a lbs college and church. " There is something tbe matter. r f)r diomlort, no Irritation M th ra ' testlnes-bul gnntla, prompt, thorowl , hMklUital ,'Oleaiwin; whan ran taka 1 Sold by all dross eavai Keeping (History Straight. - We see the statement frequent ly . in-vpapera wbiob. bolted Mr. Bryan or gave bim only half hearted support that hia somina tlon lost the Democratic party those ; northern and '': westers statea which we had occasionally carried previous to bis first pom inatioa. Let ua ; keep blatory t-traight. This is by bo means true..; In tbe elections of 1894, when tbe party attempted lo de fend Cleveland ' adainiatratioa in every stu, wnere his politics were aaopieq oy . me. party throughout tbe country, tbe Dem oo ratio party -did not carry a sin gle northern etate and we lost tbe following southern elates aloi Delaware, .West .Virginia, North Carolina. Tennessee, ; Eentecky and Misaouri. The Democratic membership of the house of rep resentatives was' reduced to" 104 less than it had been since the reorganization of the party af ter the war. The supremacy of tbe' party was confined to South Car olina, Georgia, Arkansas and tbe states bordering ba tbe Gulf of That' waa the condition of the party when Mr. Bryan waa first nominated... When tbeae ppera allege that we swapped New York for Colorado and Indiana for Montana they misstate tbe facts, for New "York and Indiana' were no longer ou ra, . New Yprk went i Republican in 1894. and such ve teran Democratic .congressman as Amos J. Cummings and otb ers. : representing hitherto rook ribbed iv Democratic m districts were defeated. The Democrats lost Indiana that year,' by over 44.000, and the Democratic eon gressionai delegation ,was. wiped out. In Teaaessee and Kentucky Misaouri and North Carolina, Re- pireiieans for the first time reprd aen'ed at Washington ooostituen ciee which bad alwaya remained true to tbe" Democratic party, The defeat of the Democratic party in 189c was,, the most oruab ing-wbich anyparty in power ever ustainetflfi the history of Amert .iV.,;-.v;,.-..- .r ; ft T7J can politics The present defeat ed ooadition oT- the Deafocratia party antedates eocalled Bryan ism. It began with tbe people's disappointment at tbe policies of the Cleveland administration, $tate,svil!e Mascot - ' Tbe Magi of Self Confix ; I Though ta of Great Mioda. ' f deuoe' ! ; All other knowledge is hurtful :r A man's success in life Is usu-1 lo bim wbo baa not honesty and ally ia proportion, to hia conn- good nature., Montaigne. dence In bim self and the energy Honor and shame from no condition and persistence with which he . ;'. rise; .' "; ;j --r '.-'. . pursues his aim; Un this com pet lAot well your .' part; there all tbe ing age there Is little hope for the ,bonor lies, j maoywho doeaV.'aot thoroughly uwftfe'; 'ijjj-; I ?v, ...pttP0!' believe in himself.? The man who Let honor be tq, us as Strong an can be easily discouraged or turn obligation aa .necessity is to ptb' ed aside froni bta pu rpoee; tbe I era rrfmfvWtffS. wZ$ man who has no Iron in bis blood, nds . mortgaged anavjr return, and in i - ... Mi-.'.r,. v.-J j will never win. i 'fc; "n"r w,i "ff..",. 'D.iiv. But honesty once, pawned la never ., . Middleton'.'.:i . . !-. lf-i r;,:i , . . A wit s a feather, and a chief's a rod An honest man's the' noblest work ' of Cod,1 ""J.'-::.-: I The more honesty a man has, "Half tbe glan fjf strength is I n the conviction that be is a giant, Tbo strength of a muscle is en hanced a huadrfdold by tbe will; power. Tbe sums m usde, when removed frosa the giant's arm! when divorced Vlrna aim the of the mighty will, cji sustain but a I ,ha ; uka 'h airu U alrofa fraotlonisoftheweight it did ihMvxXUi. ; ' . moment before It ed.;" iWhat.-miracles wrought! What impossible deeds: W'-wv. w ...i.-i .JfwJ aw jiewv uviivi m , vdi aw uii ;; aii; . i , 4 . ' took;Napoleon.pver the AMluWWfHWmfKWB .-. ' . . v r j lop ffru hairL nrivilnirinir him mlilwintnr it 1mlfl H'urraa-ikt and ir - or.- .ti. ;r'"r'.-iff- does and mines oi the enemy; it W--mw."". uw ISJU AVO10VS1 ewHDB VB V W IVWIJ 0 SSilallconnect f" ' '3' Q- M f 'Tbe1'aresttrlejroH Jr'i iswhet'rit can: bear a rlvat's racles Jconfidence baa whbouV triumpbkin. Imperfect, atkln Is always caused by bad blood. Remove the cause! Improve your blood. How? By tak ing the blood ourifier I that has stood the test ior uuny years It has thousands of happy . friends, i .Quart Bottle sell every where at $!. "TrlB M1CMIOAN ORUO COMPANY.9 - PtiaW, Mtea. ji- LrwwMM far Uww UU, -,: . Tk Ina IJttl Urm tUhk For Sale by ' ' ' ' '' Daniel Shaw Drng Co., Wlnton,' N. Baker A) Haggard, Lewlston, N. C. Peels Boa. Boxobel, N. O, ' Child Labor In Mills. ' Raleigh News and Observer. , ' ,The'. evil of employing young childiien in tbe oottou mill of tbe State is generally recognized. . It it baa been the gfeat toniq ia the Wna " poolio hietorys but a I j8 gross injustice , to arrange the and dis mill ownors and , denounce them the fol for its presence. Many of them sand"triumpha in'warand science lieB' land ,the 9. ""el" of tbose have always opposed and most of ill asaol ; WOti tkU0 tt aVUtU IB U0 " -sr - world of di8cover'; invention and register of the successes art; it has helped win the thou- appointments the vices. '.' .V Habit Ji ,"Myboy there hasn't a habit not a habit of any hind." waa th remark of a proud father one, day! What ho meant waa that hia sen did not use ' tobacco, drink wkis-' key or do anything of that hind. His nee of the work'habit,' ia not nnoostmon, , althoagh it ia inoer- Platarah said: "Habit ia seeoad nature." .Every person it ia often remarked ia but a bundle of habits A great ataay of the physical aad mental . notions of oar lives are puruly habitual. Wo arise ia the moruicg and drees mechanically , without considering which ariit le of clothing we shall pat ou first. almost without any mental atten tion to the physical movoments necessary for dressing. Oar minds may be in the South Sea Islands, while our Lerous system, through what wo ' term the force of habit, attends to the dressing of us.- A learned college professor who has made a special study of "habit- says that the gieat thing in alt ed ucation ie thus to tnake our nerv- oar system dor all instead of bur snemy, by giving to it the care of ; many details, of daily lite as peisiible. s I other r words, . we should, let habit attend to all the ordiaary , affairs and o save our mental strength, for ether things. rherO is no more : miserable hu man being" the professor rest arks, ' than oae ia whosa aetaiag is ha bitual but indecision. V- ,-.'.') Absent-mindedness ia not to be desired, bat it is still lees desira ble to ooaipel . the mind to decide each time wuish sock shall be pat on IrsC The happy mean be tween the two is to'aelaet the best way of doiag the ordinary routine things of evry-day !ift get into tbe habit of doiag them ia that way, and then let tbe nervous sys tem carry out toe programme. - .XjUh iEowpiuuou,:. 4 which were deemed impossible. The man without eelf-confidece and an iron will Is the plaything of chance, the pojppet of .hia en- viroaraont, ioe sieve oi ciroum stances. : With these he is king. ever master of the Success. ., k who engage in the contention for power. Paley. , You traverse the , world in search of f happiness which is within the reach of every man; a contented mind confers it on all. TT situation. -ww. Enow then SyT Maro Concord Standard.f The Hon B.-! W Hatcher, . the State lecture oL the Masonic order,' ' delivered ' Jhis . appointed lecture-In the courf tiouse-Thur's day, beginning afr2.45,' speaking for 80 'minutes. , Ha spoke from manuscript. Indeed it Is hardly possible for anyone ' to form ex temporaneous sentences witti'that sy mnjetxrnA beajitjyith which ne ciotned bte"tnpdguts. as no described the temp'eof Solomon in tha perfection of its parts mani pulated with . the "-akill of highest training, the rhetorical thin truth, enough for ,i man to know , . . .. Virtue alone in happiness below.- Nature .bas-g ranted to all, to be them, have mitigated its evil. We have no. patience with the spirit lhat advocates legislation against child labor because mill men are 'oruel1;'"ii'oppres8ive,"v and "in humane.?' ; The. evil, . has grown up gradually rand "the mill, men have put i.ohildren.; io-tbeir Jacto res in many places because par ents. who are skilled;workersand who are desired, refuse to accept employ snentjunless their children Cold . , ..,Vf. i Wave Cold weather is coming; get r 1 prepared for it by buying your -' . - Fall and Winter goods front us. .' ' A large stock of '. ' , . Dry goodi and Notions, r constantly on hand at lowest , prices. .We have in new a nice stock of ,.. ,,.,;, 5 , - .Ready made clothing ', j for Men and Boys, prioes from ' 5 totlS0pertuil;eaasuU you.' : A beautiful litis of " " ' v ' H' Hata aad caps' for Maraud.': Boys at usUsually'. , low iirices and the Styles are aL right. Our stock ol . , " f - J B00T8 AND 8H0E3JV1 is complete and ; are ' sure a v please in ' style and prices and r tbe quality is the best -' ' ' A big line of Groceries always on band at lowest market prioes Give us s call before purchasing' - We buy Peanuts, Pass, Ootto Stares &0.1 and pay top prices, ' cash orj trade. Call on as. ' Tours truly,-.''f B.P. BBOWJf 4 80N& v ' George, N. a happy, if we did;bnt know how to were "also employed.!". At law is useats bsneflts-rCaudiaq. . . , needed tb restrain such parents True happiness, if understood, and to preyenf th evils that al! Consists alone in doieg good-; ; recognise folloVtrom 'the' em ploy v -Thomson, meat and close confinement of No manlis blest by accldentor guess; children. ' ' - i . f ' True wisdom is the price of happiness Let the ad vocates of child labor t , r. - f Young, ., 1 law-a pressing necessityi-baBe He wbo- baa health ha hope, their advocacy upon thejrigheat anoT1)w1l!b"hVs2lpe.a8 everffl tfrotrndfiiwfcaaityr'tet the thing Arabian Proverb. J appeal to the best parental love How.easvit ia for one beaevo' those who have put their children th lent belnir to diffuse pleasure io faotoiiesand to the best nature i I - I - . i ill a a. r amnnr) h m. air1 hrt irn ir . a Ul sDLam mD BOO lUHHIl lUWir Lets ; End the CENTDRT- 1900-- ; ? w,;are going to, run , of ear . , entire stock of Worsted snd win- ' ter Dress Goods, Men's , anef . Boys Cjothin'g, Shoes, Millinery . and everyUungLwith.a smaller' i( profit than evsr before, bsgia ningwith Deo. X, thus 'BHD ll THE CENTUBY BIGHT.'- HOIIDAY GOODS t Beautiful new and fresh are now precision and the fluency -of "lit- kind heart a foantain of gladness co-operation t nap lopmi - h h : ho hmhffhl I Uiaaior O vry lUlUK IU It T1U1U11T r forth aeemetl- to make it easy to freshen into" smiles. Irving, realise that grand structure went A noble heart, , like the son, up without the sound of axe Of showeth its greateetoouatenance hammer. ' The figure referred to in its lowest estate Sir P. Sid tbe buiidisg upof 'well ronaded uey, moral character. -r'-' ' VL-'Haste and tasbne'ss are storma The Bible.' he sa'd.' ls"tb'e tight and tempests.' braaklagfftxand of Masonry. The' human mind wrecking business; 'but nimble with ' ' educators, teachers and all wbo wish to advance 'he mannfactur ing Interests in the State along with tbe education ; and develop ment of its youth. : That apptui will not fail. BuV an appeal has ed upon denunciation- of parents whose children- work in the mills or tbe mill' owners will fail, be cause such ao appeal, as to most looks iaquiringij fbr 'that which nessisafull. fair wind,' blowing I . hnth -.,. h hnih nn is Ttygnd.. - Masonry,.digs deep it with speed to heavea.-Fuller. warranted aid" unjust ;;; inio the quarry of DtviBirtf Oth and brings out. tbobeautoous character as if evolved from the divine-mind. ' ff He toached upon that mystic power ' or Masonic vratntog oy which aye answers to eye And re People' w ho are always' taking care Or tneir rjeann-are 'ike misers'whoare boarding a trees Of llllerest to Farmers. It ls deslt-ed to" call the atten- urer which they have never splr- tion of the farmer f ruitgrowers it enough to enjoy Sterne. : truckers; and alt others intersst Health is tbe greatest of all po- led , in. agricultural porsuita in sessions, and, 'tis a maxim wltb woruu; varoiiit u uw iac mai cognises tbe friend though,, he is pie; that a bale coble r Is a better the Entomologist rpf the De part- met in - the ranks of a deadly foe man than a sick king, Kicker, ment oi Agriculture, at Kateigb, staff. ' N.C.. desires them to send him Bei 'sober and tm Derate and epeoimetta of any injurioua in you will be happy. Ben Prank- h6?118 that may oome to their nor iin tice.. "They are ' '-alao invited to send '6peb'mens"pf any tii sects regarding vhich .tboy desire in formation, and such Information will be gived" ts far"aspossible. Itia desired to make the Depart ment of. s great practioalbenefit in thu nnonln as f.nssihlfi. and no .stru'ctBreptrituW ;v"'-!- A' - ; tWPMeTnjsaajf ut saut to oa Dollsl . Dolls I Toy Beau- Jtiful knamntv, ToiletOa- eT Wofir'Bofes,- 3haVilig-''Ci- Neotie, Handkerchief aad Caff Bozes, Gold Pens; Books' from famous writers snob ss Longfsl . low.Holmes, Browning, Xllioet, v Bos etc., Imai Cards and Bok lets.-Albums'and large line oil fancy Glassware he if afbl and ornamenU -besides' a oompletr line' of Ties, HsndlrerobiellL., . Muners t for ( Gents, CollarstteB ' " 'for ladies made of pleated lihN Wty silk and' hundreds of other' 1 things not' mentioned, a Oil -Pain tint-k a' specialty, heaatifoj "" p'annel ' picWres. 4 Also" a" aios 1 ' line of Parlor1 and "hall Lampa - Please ? come and call fbr that you do not tee. ' ' -1 ' 't MATTIE E. O0PELAND, Pr a .i New York BaekeS ator Woodlanp, N. C .. .:' edifices oc where words sre oottateiiigt Tho world's famdua were long. years iqubuUdJog even some measuring beyandJacentu. ry, but the temple b1 Sotowon, lin. Happiness it in tbe taste and not in the things themselves; wet the grandest oT alLwas fitt In art happy from possessing what about seven yeaM.,;T.nusMasqn we1 . like,' not from possessing ry leacnes toe an oi moral iram wnat olhera like. La Rochefou- ng: that faclliti tea VUC develop cauld. -A kt 1 I - L. .. . . ' " uiet Of be bappy low I -aappiness and eraft lWywiotoau'Khthbose L. ... I UwlUVfl Ui iWU-i 9aVs ncrtratned.l thrf istystoirjeA "of inanrnar. -s r The Si Tbefe a to add bapi die Ueta There,- i It aVdrxl ml jtw I bias's' HneCehd iuwhi'ne io niiUery. are. this rtiaies, tba-et- cpost bounds whereof we know not, Locke. j. -io.n ua , There ia this difference between happiness, and wisdom:1 he ibat thinks aim.self the -happiest , man really is '.ao. but be lhat thinks himself the wises V-is generally the greatest foof Col ton. j a mafe'rumntbatrtltptbrsbuh tbiaVebJitirJ0J$ ii& and l . ... TV 1 cucumDeraremarss inejuj-Bam r .. , i : Sun.' bu t . there la kotbng1 That , Hovr are ymr Kervea. soaks a maa's system ao lull of I i If they are weak and .yen feel uer thereat calm and benignity aslvoue aod easily 'flustrjted, " can't tbe smile of tbe man who always sleep, and rise in toe-4nornip(f un looks on tbe bright side of every tblsg. When' tbe chronic groaj- bier ' dies, ' humanity leels; as though it has got a good joke on the devil, but wbea the matt or perennial sunshine passes awsy tbe selfish.' world stops for a mo ment and ' drops a. tear on Uis grave, " --w 4' refreshed, your. Wood, .poor, I Strong nerves depend upon, noh, nourishing blood, -.Hood a Srsapa-1 pose. . D u ring , this , win tar, tbo. fruit growers are. especially: urged to matte -a,; careful examination of tbeir trees, and send any. insect or auspicious twig to the Depart iieot so-that the matter may be .uvesiigated! if lii. ia-bf jmpor lanca,,,, .. Aa i,thi,a ? office Ja fur the oenefi (oj the ,, people, we, hope tbaf they, will use it to the bes of their ability,: by oorreapoodt-n' urOtbetwiae.i''y'.ji (s.-is.,8'if; ! An -oiforf i being made -fv build up collection Of insects far tha" griculturaf Department and for exhibition in tbe State Museum."' The aid of all Isasked in getting specimens for this pur ... M rllla makes the nerves strong by en riching and vitalising the blood. , It I given, sweet, a refreshing sleepand completely cures nervous, trouble Begin taking it today,4. ; . V tfuusea,' mdigssUon.are cur d by H-odPUl,. . feend any specimens or inquir ies to. 1 .:.al . . " . Franklin Sherman, Jb., .- i- i ,u Eatomologis'. Agricultural Dfparimiti , f , . iw " Raleigb, N. C. Lisfenl XiistenI, !!,: and read what - - i ,'- T,;HriiieHou:,; , has to say;, ; am nam :. prepared, and taka pleaa. 'i: are ba ahowing the pahv lie the 'tnosf complete'" ' line Of "' '! HOLIDAY ever offered before, ia GOODS ii i .in 17 "-'Tl..Tw W - ware, Opal-ware iaclud , . .ing Silverware, -varioua - ' Novelfiea and TbyM' taii"' " nnmeroua ' to menttosw" " X?n ?an4 preaenta -i everybody. JalI as4.;4 mi . soe tham at hia Drag , store in Murfreesbor L;0;DAUGHTRET7 IZarblennd OrciJt ! Dealer V Special attention paid to Oom etefywork.1; ' 1 - " All orders reoeivodi by taai filledswithoak delay. , . Stone carefully boxed amis1'? pedatlowesll'rsVa. . ,1 defy comrettoa U rrt:; Save 33 per etui . i,. , Yard 723 a-I T:3 T " - ."- T:.-- ""1 1 .'.. v 1