noillOKt-CHOVAH TIUES, PUBUBViK" w3f.sxy . BY ANDREW CONNLR Entered at the Bich Square Pes: effice as Second Class mail matter. : " SUBSCRIPTION : $1.00 per year i-n advance. a TOPTTRTNG RATES furnish- n ' V - ed & application. .. . for the views or statements vf cor respondentsand reserves the right .... " . raiMt anv at all times to re v oc . y - article we may think proper. On side: only, of the paptr must be written on and the real name ot the writer accompany the contribu tion. No attention will be paid to -anonymous communications. ' I0H SQTJABE, S. QAf B3L 24, 1902 HEtf ADVEETISEMENTS Painter J, H. Jones Jeweler J. TPutreiL For Sale J. T. Elliott. Photographs--James -Parker. ' Auction Sale G. E Midyette. Trnstee. " Goods to Gire Away Mattie ' R Copeland. - . " r Estimated Wanted Farmers -- j- CROP BULLETIN Small crops, unsalable veg etables, result from want of v Potash. Vegetables are especially fond of Potash. Write for oar' free pamphlets. GERMAN KALI WORKS, Issued by the North Carolina Sec tion of the TJ. S. Department of Agriculture for week end ing April 21,1902. . Pi ogre rs in the growth of crops fitid in iarin work was somewhat retarded during the past week, but an ini provenient in . general conditions is noticeable. The temperature was again much be low the normal, the deficiency averaging nearly 5 degrees daily; and a faiily heavy frot occurred Saturday morning without much damag except to young: tomato i!nn is in the cbntral Dortion. Tb souuuuedlow temperature which checks the growth of vegetation is. the chiI disadvantageous con- M O A MV JL j;-Mr wraN&eo MURFREESBORO, NORTH CAROLINA. To the ladies We cater especially to the ladies trad e, though by no means do we Elight the wants of the gentlemen they, will surely follow the ladies and hereby we mean to get both. In our (lections we tried hard to remember lb needs of all and if you will exam ine our stock you will see it is useless From Aurora. Rev H. T. Oatland left last Fri da, to attend Philadelphia Year Is? M 0 tine. . Hav Raniamin Rrown and idition of the present season, and to try to daplicate our offerings quan warm, sonny weather- is m uch titles, qualities, style and prices all needed. Showers fell Monday "ken lnto consideration. JB'riaay was night, and a cold rain Thursday, quite " interesting day with us as which hindered fatm work to wealmost gave away goods which some extent, but the rainfall was created no little sensation. We would moderate and left the soil in cood suggest it would be a good idea for daughter visited HeurjrOatland's I diti0a for plowing and plant- V0Q V frequent our store often as family Saturday. Mrs. T. P. Outland and Mrs. L T: Shnulars visited at Mr. T. C. Peele's last Tuesday: Mr. E. S. Elliott and family spent Sunday at Mr. Charlie El liotl's near Rich Square. Miss Delia Suioes spoctlast il 1 - - . . I A. ! 511 - . .IIHTH IM ! lm IIIILT WIIKL kllliM WM Will me. Ana ma moisture assisiea i o - the sprouting of seeds. There 1)6001116 wreckks8 nd do Uke was a deficiency in the amount of sunshine received. On the whole, therefore, the week was cot en tirely favorable; however, plow ing and planting continue to make good headway over most of the "rSS:.. Mow T-y -gb. P 8,. ... of tfc. Biu. Kidge. Md ing Machine H. P. Harrelt jppiease mention the Roanoke -Chowan Times when waiting to advertisers ' Now " is the time to work the with Miss Lizzie Parker at ticn Square Depo. Mr. and Mrs. J A Cop land of Lasker. and Mr. I. P. Ou Hand of Anne ta were the guests of Mr i T P. Outland's family Saturday. Prof. Edgar Thomas Snipes though sprimg is late and work behind, farmersappear generally to be more cheerful of good re sults than last year and are push iag work forward with energy. wise, then you can take advantage of it. We are often asked the question: How can you afford to sell this arti cle so cheap? Jf you could only see our invoices showing the large quan tities in which we buy you would readily see our advantage and this we give our customers. It would be impossible for us to do justice to our stock were we to at tempt to describe to you our many tempting offerings so we will only call your attention to a few headings in the different departments and ex A full crop of corn will be plant educational ed,and the work.or Plan.tinS this tend to ou and all your friends a smi- w jHWBwiy!,.-"! - most coraial welcome to visit our t the nieht with Mr ceptin northern C0UQtiea and store and to make it your headquar 9 - I . . 9 iLA - am m fain e. irt f Via far I . ... . always anx Each year we are adding different departments to our stock and this season we are showing a greater variety than ever. White and O olored 1 adies waists ready made. Wash goods. Quite a number of our customers have told us that our selections in this line are richer and more beautiful than ever, and of course we agree with them. Lace striped Lenos, satin striped BatiBte, Silk tissuef oulards, Lace ef fects in white fancy weaves, Dotted muslins i a plain and fancy in all shades, Batiste in sideband effect, very nobby, Brown linens at all prices, India linens, organdie, madras Persian lawns. I n the dress ment Percale 25. 40, 50 and 75c Silk wais Special Leader $2 25 Very handsome waists at $3 00 and $3 25 in all shades White lawn waists in. embroidered fronts etc Ladies muslin under wear in all desirable garments Dutchess Capes which are the ver ( latest in pink, blue and cream embroidered with silk dots $1 50 to $3 50 Gibson waists in lovely patterns at 50, 75, $1 00, $1 25, $1 50 To be "in the swim" you must have one rcAa. but farmers are , oubj hoard Mr. uunier s TjreDarinff land and planting address at Woodland Friday even crops and the roads will have to Ung, and span be negieciea. xW - r.ui rUlv,a. , : , ; . Ural-east nortion the bulk of the 5 :M nntwuhnrfi farming and put ue con Aurora High school nas recent I ac . mh : - It come in possession of thirty- ' . . ' west of the mountains; in the cen tor8 you wiU find us a nit victs to work on the public roads; at sach work they will abt come in competition with labor, skilled j or unskilled. school in general. Fabmng in the Roanoke and ; The closing exercises of Auro- Chowan section of the : State is ra igh School will begin in the gradually undergoing a great af iemoon at 2:50 o'clock, in the change, and for the better. Instead evening, at 8 o'clock Exercises of cotton fields and coin patches wm begin promptly. People that of a few years ago we find a great hear the whole program will be variety of crops, and the latest im- on tim. As stated in our last proved machinery. Manure spread letter, ihe closing exercises will ; en, grain drills, mowing and reap oe on me. nrst oi may ' ing machines and sucn - maenmery nAnM Tint VfcA f 01111 d a J- f "A neighber ran in on the larms m uui f chambelaill.a colic: cholera and ' IflaflffAnrn k nnin snnthftrn mun i v.i ;m.o1o oi II -r ;-- . . . .-u : i. ttes,- but needs warmth for rapid -.atB..n.t,.ha growth. Preparations for cotton more cotton was planted, but this work is not yet general, and it is too soon to estimate acreage. To bacco plants in beds are still small, but may reach proper size in' time; the scarcity of plants re ported in many counties is unfor tunate in view of the enlarged acreage contemplated; transplant ing tobacco will not become gen eral before May 1st, though a few M. WZNN & COMPANY Murfreesboro, N. C, We are showing all of the most de sirable weaves for the spring and Bum mer. - ' The moBt delicate shades are still enjoying tbe same popularity as of last season, a slight depanure being made in the weaves, introducing the light weight open effects. We have great value in a 25c wool albatros in black, white, olive and pink also in 35c, 50, 75o grades. Nun's veiling, Batiste, melrose and many other de sirable fabrics m price from f Oc to $1 25 per yard Complete line of black dress goods ' J. M ,WTNN & COMPANY . Murfreesboro, N. C. . Notions of every de scription Newest belts for ladies, ladies chatelaine purses 50, 75( $1 00 $1 50 and $2 00 Hosiery in newest styles Ladies Parasols in fancy and plain colors 50c to $3 00 Children's at 25c B. & G. Corsets, C. & B Corsets Grecian Girdles 50c also in summer we know a woman's weakness for the article of merchandise therefore we are t-ying to please them ia our offerings wonderful thy are! Heady made clothing-. ileus sui8 $3 00 to $14 00 Yonths suits $2 50 to $8 00 ' Boys suits 62c to $5 00. We are showing the largest stock of Clothing in town. Our garments -were all made np especially for us in the latest and most nobby styles 1 We are offering great values and you should price them before-buying Hats, hats, Gapscaps You won't be "in it" nn ess you "sport" a Prince Henry or ' some other of tbe new shaoea which ju- now so popular We bave them all and the beauty of it, at prices that will "make you ' mile' -.- Full line of straw goods in nobby shapes , - - ' bee our 3 folding Screeens atf 1 1 ' in oak. white enamrl Mattings in Wire - Grass lasts best of all Carpeting for floor ant stair, Curtain drapery, Harness, stationery in all the hewest styles Embroicferies In theBe we are making great drives and our prices will startle you when you learn them Y u see J M WYNN COMPANY Murfreesboro, N. C WTe hand e Hamilton Brown cele.' brated Shoes' - in v all styles and also sole agents for Queen Quality shoes for ladies ' . - Special inducements offered to S cash buyers . . J. M. WYNN & COMPANY ; Murfreesboro, ' N. C. : - HURFEEESBOEO LEITEE Snowdrops. Misses Pollock and Scarboro rendered a beautiful and impress ive vocal duet in tbe Bap'ist church, Sanday . Mrs. W. W, Smith of Raleigh was summoned- to attcDd be' father, who U in a critical condition, snpervoniog from u continued iodisposition1 She ar rived last weftr, and will admin-istt-r to her father's comfort The tintinnabulation of the with a hottle plants have been set in Onslow section, noW K-K,; rhno n.nA I nnsnt'v. Wheat is health v and is they are largely nsed and the sale )iarrbpea Remedy when my son stoohng nicely, but'poor stands for them is rapidly . increasing. wa3 suffering with severe cramps indicate a much smaller yield Sale of Western . meat in this sec- anj was given upas beyond hope than last year spring oats are tion has decreased fully one nun- by my regular pnysician, who Krowifle well. dred per cent m ten years wmi uuB improving, especially onions. fui riag might have resounded the shipment ol beet came xrom - beaQg an potatoes; cabbage througn 0ur town when the marl weddiDg belU has not greeted Truck crops are our ftar8 for months, yet the joy here has assumed large - propor tions, whereas a few years ago raising of cattle for market was not attempted. ; son regained consciousness and re covered entirely within twenty-four hours," says Mrs. Mary Haller, of Mt. Crawford, , Va. This remedy is for sale by Kich Square' Drug oo. v SMALLPOX, Ta nn more dreaded and not near THE GREAT DISMAL 8WAMP. Of Virginia is a breeding ground seems to bave served so dangerous as cholera, cholera mor- of Malaria germs. So is low, wet or purpose of thinning the fruit on bus, diarrhoea, dysentery, and sum- marshy ground everywhere. These the trees, and without further in mer complaints which ycu are aub germs cause weakness, chills and fev jury the prospects for all kinds ject to. If you will 'provide your er, ach s in the boses and muscles, 0f fruit m ust be considered very home with a bottle of Dr. Worthing- and may induce dangerous maladies good. Grass and clover are be ton's Be medy The- Great Pain Con- cut Jfilectrio Uitters never fail to de- querer,' you need have no fear, as stroy them and cure malarial troub- pain yields to its touch like magic les. They will surely prevent typhoid and has saved many lives. Price 25 "We tried many remedies for malrria cents at Bich Square Drug Co's- and stomach and liver troubles," writes John Charleston, of Byesville Iiasker Locals. , 1 0., "but never found anything as Miaa Sallie A. Barnes died at good as Electric Bitters.'' Try them w hnm near here Mooday at Only 50c Dr. J L Outland, Wood 1 i j ir . tt m a n at Funeral ser l8nu ru jutreii, K)nway, collard and tomato plants are be riteS proclaiming the conju- ginning to be transplanted, -,--:a gal -union of Mr. Jonn Watson scarcity of sweet potato seed for arKj jjgg jffa Parker was solemn bedding is reported. Strawber ;zed last Wednesday afternoon, nes are beginning to ripen, ine DT r6V. q. ; W. Scarboro. The damage to fruit by frosts so lar marriage was at tbe residence of the useful thft hrida'a mother. Mrs. W. T. Parker near town. Miss Sallie Adkins left last I W.E .Dauikl, Resident. Db. J. N. Kamsat, Vice President. Seaboard, No'atnpton Co , N, C AV. K. Smjtp Caskier ginning to grow cicely. fV. an advanced age. ,e will he conducted at the home of her sister, Mrs. L. T. Bridgers. v . Mrs. John W. Spivey died at Roanoke Rapids last week and her remains brought here , for burial. Her- funeral services were conducted at the borne of Mr. T. E. Draper, near here, by the preacher in charge of the Methodist church at Roanoke Rapids. - : Mrs Bettie Harris of Warren ton is on a visit to her children in this vicinity, r ' Dr. R. P. Morehead will return from West Virginia this week. T. H. Nicholson, Murfreesboro, guarantee satisfaction.' ? iieorge Locals. Loreaa Ldverman spent last - i week with her cousin, Sallie Brid I gers, of Potecasi. We are sorry to report Rebec ca and Emily Copeland on the sick list this week. B. P. Brown left here yester day the 2l8t inst. to attend Phila delphia Yearly Meeting. Fannie Vick, of Le,wistoo, ac companied by her grand-daugh ter I vey Harrington have been spending the past few days with K L. Tick's family. The last meetiog of the Union Thursday to visit her brother and nephew in Norfolk. Mr. James L. Adkins, her nephew, is con nected with the U. S. Express Co and has a lucre tive salary She will enjoy the society and kind attention of his wife and have little Jim mie. the youthfu aspirant to her affections, as an additional charm. Miss Martin, who was here by the bedside of another victim o; disease, is installed as the pro Emulsion is not a r.iedlcine for fat folks. ve never tried giving it J fessional nurse to attend Judge fat person. Yom see Scott's Emul- ; builds :- new flesh. Fat ie clon't want it Strons: need it. Temperance Society which was A quiet worker. I am now located at KichSquar and. am prepared to do general repair work of watch, ciocrs a jewr, . inst was well attended. The next If received a Certificate of proficiency from the Philadelphia College of Horolo- meeting will be hold at Menola gy, and am prepared to do good work. My the third Sabbath in next month charges are reasouapie. at 3:30 o'clock. Eleve. We don t IB. B. Winborne during his con valescence Mrs. T. D. Boone. Misses Wil lie Bopne and Annie Taylor were guests of Mrs. W. G. FreemaD and the C. B. F. Institute last - r - ' . t P u :;v.t ii you are tr.m acous Wednesday. The visit was en iiilsion is the medicine for couraged by the desire to wit It doesn't tire you out. nes s the display of the accesso ;-ere is no strain. The work riand requisites of the female .11 v,U,l mcv Vnn re-H weu as w enjoy me "cxl"1" rr presence of friends, t take the medicine and Te c B. B Institute is Aim at's all there is to it. Mater of Mrs. Lucy H. Robert The next thing you know son. who will succeed Dr. Peacock ou feel better you eat better as President of Greensboro Fe vn.. weJjrh more. It is mal College for the ensuing ses Send for free sample. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, 409 Pearl St., N. V. $oca& lldruggista. A rood tookliMr notae and poor look- - wont kind of m com- : blnMton. Eureka Harness Oil! bona loo better, bat make tbe 1 lihM anft .nd niiahle. Bats It In con- II 11 id ciaoa (a imn w iob tune MA Mltordlnaruywoola. Sold mrr-whm to Ml T11 m. MUM y STANDARD Q1LCQ. D BANK The of WELD0N Give Your Horse a Chance! WELDONJN.C Organized under the laws of the State of North Carolina Aug. 20, 1892 State Depository. - s ' - -" Capital and Surplus.... .-. .. .. .. . Alive to the bpporiunity.' For nearly nine provided banking facilities for this section. Money is loaned upon approved security at the legal rate of interest six per centum. Accounts of all are solicited. : ' years ..$21,000,00 ;-. this institution t Win teaching in Tropic, Fla, is expect ed here soon. Mr. James P. Freeman of ton was in town last Wednesday and dined with his brother. Dr. W. G Freeman; iohal- duties were urgent, the brothers were deprived of each Other's society, and hospitality was dispensed by his help meet It is announced that Miss Eunice McDowell, Lady PrSo cipal of the Baptist Female University at Raleigh, has tender ed her resignation and will retire from the position at the expira tion of tbe present session. She is conversant with the different phases of educational work, and. if she choose, can accept other eligible positions "There's no place like home." and our former townsmen attest this sentiment by, ever and anon. seeking the asylum of their youtb ful years. Mr. Charlie Sewell verifies this same yearning and, was at home Sunday. He assist ed the program at the Sunbeam meetibg at the Biptist church by rendering: a solo, the title of which was, The White pity." Mr, George K. Freeman was a The National Bank OF WELDON. N. G. Capital paid up in cash, $25,000.00 ' ; v Individual liabilitity of stockholders, t25,00o!oo Bank's circulation secured by TJ. S. bonds, $25,000,00 but, as profess fJomTnp.rp.Tal dftnflrtirtPnr. 'Ttant tha ) - General banking Exchange and collections. ' " Saying's department Interest paid and compounded. . , i " Safe deposit Vault Boxes to rent for $3.00 and $5.00 per year, - V Money Orders for Sale Cheaper than Express Payable anywhere in TJ. S. OFFICERS: PRESIDENT W. H. S. B URQ WYN V, PRESIDENT- SAM'L. F. PAIl 'msnK CASHIER JAMES T. GOOCH TELLER JOHN M. BREWER Correspondence Solicited EDWARD JOHNSON Commission Merchant, 219 SOUTH STREET, PORTSMOUTH, VIRGINIA. I am located near the City Mar ket, and am prepared to get best prices for all shipments, and most respectfully solicit a share of your patronage I make a specialty of great sufferer from a great boil omiry ana Jggs, ana guarante on hia neck and head, last Sundav blgbest market prices and prompt , -i ; r' w and Monday morning,- His suf returns. Reference.' People's Bank, Portsmouth, Va- JAMES T. FUTREIX, Rich Square, N. C McCormick Mowing arid Reaping machine ' At cotton is fast becoming a pauper crop and grass and stock alone pays, ; and no man ever did or ever will make money with the' plow and hoe alone. Jo those viishing to buy the above Machine,the best made, on time or for cash I would say that I can save them freight if they will call on or address H. P. HARRELL, KeVord, N. O. ion. Mrs Robertson is the niece of Mrs. Mary H. McDow -fl, the consort of Rev. A. McDowell during his career as a minister and educator. Mrs. Robertson's V EL YET BEA? S, persoual appearance were very The great soil enricher and forage similar to Mrs. McDowell, aod. plant, for sale by while a student at the Institute. MILLS H. CONNER, she was frequently mistaken for Rich Square, N. O. her aunt. Also Pearl or Oatfcail and ?erman Mrs. Quessie Mowbrey has ' completed her time in Maney's PHOTOGEfAPHS FOR SALE I have for sale a nice lot of Oat and Wheat Straw and Grass Hay at Eagletown, N. 0. J. T- ELLIOTT. Neck with Mrs Samuel Howeli and has returned to her father's in town Her friends around Co mo regret to see her withdraw from this community. Her sis ter Miss. Mollie Parker, who is faring was so intense that he was unfitted for any enjoyment The inftamatioo was extensive and his neck very uncomfortable when be left for Conway Monday morn WOODLAND ART GALE Y ing. Woodland , N. C, Dr, Soutbgate Leigh was sum We are now in our new Gallery ; moned to visit Mr M. W. Wise and are prepared to do good work Monday. The solicitude of his Call and see ns and bring your children and wife prompted them old pictures of your grandfather and to seek the additional advice of grandmother and have them enUrg this physician. led as we do the work at our Galery There will ba an excursion aQd you can have any change made from this town to Holly's Wharf J011 wisI- and save agents profits. on the first day of May. The We make -Pasls, Crayons all steamer Keystone, will be under sizes and Photos all sizes and priceB. the management of Caot. Smith. lm type the best vou ever saw who is wall known and rnsnfiP.tPd Cal1 and Bee DS- Y will be " - IT for his courteous manners. Disctpula. waited on with pleasure. L. W. Baker, Photographer. Fine ; .: PianosJ Mr. J. M. Qoad, a representative of the manufacturers of the famous SUeif Pianos, is working in this sec' on of the State and is meeting with great success. The-Stieff is too well known as a firsf class instrument to needaoj commendation from me. These pianos are leading all and Afr Good always gives the Lowes! Prices and easiest terms fine Mrrshall & Wendell u ordare taken for any J call and see me at the above place: L. W. BAKER, Woodland, N. ' i .ml A M