-I mi ' r -i t - - v. . . - .. - :. n Times n ANDREW J. CONNER, PUBLISHER. at CAROLINA, CAROLINA, HEAVEN'S BLESSINGS ATTENE HER." SUBSCRIPTION S1.00 PER ANNUM - FOLDME Xin. RICH SQUAHE, NORTHAMPTON COUNTY, N. C., JULY 14, 1904. NUMBER 28 i Avers You can depend onAyer's Hair Vigorjp restore color to your gray hair, every time. Follow directions and it never fails to do this work. It stops - Zv 4 Hair Vigor fallingof the hair, also. There's great satisfaction in knowing you are not going to be disap pointed. : Isn't that so? "Mr hair faded until it was abont white. It took juit one bottle o Ayer'a Hair Vigor to Hwtnrn It. tn It fnrainr flarlr. nflh ftolor. oar Bair Vigor certainly doee what you claim for tt." A. M. BoeAll, Kockiogbam, N. C. fl.M a bottle. : - -" J. c atbr co. All drturelotii. I.owetl. Mas.. 1UI Fading Hair II. P. COPPEDGE, EL D. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Office it residence of M. J. Panton. Near Dr. StanceU's - MARGARETTSVTLLE, N. C. " " HOTEL BURGWYN. J CKSO N. C. : : ' .'-.. JAMES SCULL, PROPR '"'" Ratea $2.00 per day. 50c. per pea Notice. THE YELLOW LABOR The South Better off Without Large Influx of Foreigners . and their Isms. We desire to call especial atten tion, to the letter of the Hon. J. Pope Brown on "Cotton and La bor." We heartily endorse the views of Mr. Brown, and desire stands and waits for more weev- Ueese Dudley Nuptials, ils to hatch. It is hard to know Mi Tina Rmbi. i tho nnnniar what to believe, but in all of this anu accomplished daughter of business it seems to me I see a iyjr and Mrs. W. R Reps of Tw scheme well-informed and deep- istun was mnrriwl to Hanrv F. The labor problem is one that laid to depress the price of the Dudley a prosperous yountr man the farmer to make a very large has given the farmers of the growing cotton crop. The farm of Hickory, Vu., at theMetho crop. And every individual. far- South a great deal of concern ers are without organization, diet church June .29, 1004 at 9 mer wishes his own crop to be an ever since the war. It has been and I suppose they will let them o'clock. unusually large one tor him. liut the- great problem of problems. 1 uo re unless some otner ouny Tne church pas profusely deco- come up and the stand is very poor, and the insect pests seem to be unusually numerous and lively. We recognize the fact that eve rybody except the farmer wants Cotton and Labor. Mu. M. P. Walsh, Care N. Y. Herald, New York. My Dear Sib: Yours of recent date duly received SHINGLES & BRICK: :? Jf in need of Shingles or Brick call on or write. J. S. TURNER, - Weldon, if. 0. to say ,&.few things wnicn ne nas it is certainiy uot to the farmer's A great many men today would should appear on the scene later rated, the prevailing color bein- ncftsaid. The labor question is beyqgd doubt one of the most important now engaging the far. mers' 'attention. The negro is not a satisfactory laborer. This all, who have much to do with them ,recognize. And as the Ante-bellum negroes are dying out and the new generations are com ing up, they are getting more and more unreliable. They do not seem to feel the binding force to bull the market. Yours very truly, J. Pope Brown. Division Ahead. Some of these days there is go- der which green and white. The altar was covered with evergreen and Cape Jessamines in front of which was a beautiful arch of the same decorations un- the principals of the man and interest as a whole that the ag- be out farming -were it not for gregate crop should be a large the labor problem: It has run one. We urge' our farmer friends many a man from the farm, and to- keep out of debt, let the crop has kept a great many from go- belong to them when it is gather- ing there. ed, and sell slowly. As to I he introduction of any There is one turther point that foreign labor, 1 am not prepared mg to do trouoie in ine aerao- event were pronounced we failed 1 o mention at the prop- to say. that that would be ad cratic camp over the work ol its wjfe er place, put we aesire to say visaDie trom the tarmer's stana- conveununs. uis tuiug 01 m-i Kev. J. T. Stanford, castor of that we think the daily newspa- point. -The introduction of more sistmg on nominating canaiaates the church, very impressively pers are entirely at lauit wnen anq. cheaper labor would mesp oeiore any piauorm wnaiever is performed the marriage rites they claim that the farmers or the production of more and promulgated may work all right during which soft- music was agricultural writers are in favor I cheaper co tton,' That "would lie 1 and again it may not. When played a contest is about the cities and towns to have seen nothing in the agricul- point of the manufacturer, but I over, two.thirds of the delegates regular labor upon the farms. tma journals to indicate the do not see where the farmer wo-tf depart, leaving a mere handful hold oi to the negro. j truthfulness of such a charge; get anything out of it. it was i to adopt a platform and over vl South is left to . solve its own I nrnhloma Wo pan nrntt, our. o77y -Ives by such legislation and ; e. Thankit my many friends for past such management as the case de- Prior to the ceremony Mrs. J N. Hoggard rendered "Believe" in a most impressive manner. When the orsranist. Mrs. John . ' I . -. - I - ; ... I ..... . . . . - . - . . - I ' But notwithstanding these and and we do not thin k the solitary claimed in the beginning .of this this thing there is almost sure to Baugham, began playing the many other faults which he has, voice of one lone writer should belyear that it would be impossible become a division or split. It is march the ushers, Mr. Warland we are not prepared to swap the heralded forth, as the sentiment for the South to raise too much as sure as fate that had the en- Brett and Thomas Reese of Lew . i mil.! i. i ..... s. it ...'i a : mu I Jnl,.M4.:A V. HnA.4- 4 nA 1 . w . ... negro tor trie umaman. me 01 pne agricultural press ui uie cotion xne preseni season, ine i-" ueigttuuu uwu pieaeui; Mton, MrUiIlie Jarvis of Moy- negro is here, ana ne is nere to i soutn. 1 ne movers ueiimu mat i Atlanta uonscituiion auviseu ine jwuo nwu iuc omui m no ock, ana unarne uudley o stay, lie knows tne color line suggestion are not tne agricuuur planting 01 a Dig crop, ana went auupwm iu woum uuu uave ieau ureensboro came m crossing: and we, know it, and there is no ists of the country, but corpora-1 on to say that the world needed as it did. Conservatism is need- wheu they reached ;. the altar danger to be feared along the tions who seek to make money the cotton, was obliged to have ed. it is better to heed it betore Next came the bride leaning n 4ine - of social equality, if the by bringing in these immigrants, it, and that no matter how much ir- is too iate. All the talk about the arm of her maid of honor was made that it would bring a the party being so strong that it Miss Annie Barnes and groom big price this fall. A few days cannot De aeteatea is pnre rot, itlv best man, Mr. Charlie Dud after that Mr. Inman, who is in- tommy rot of the worst kind hey cf Greensboro. v Southern Cultivator. yatronage. June 6, 1904. J. & GxAirr, ' Jackson, N. G Pooblc3 tz Harris ATTORNEYS AND C0UNSELLEK3 AT UW - -"" Jackson. N. C. Practica in all courts.' Busi- ness promptly and faithfully at- gr0' mands. "But if you substitute the Chinaman, or any similar race of pauper labor from the old world,' we can net so success Banks are Helpful. At a recent meeting of farmers held in this section the question ras brought up, '-Does the mul finUnatinn rf cnnntrv hfl.ril:s hpln i the farmer," and some took the aay s aiterwaras terested in - the purchase of cot- Greensboro Record. ton. came out and endorsed the I 1 "v-r t a. j ? i Mr Edmonds, The bride was attired in a blue traveling suit and carried a bou quet of white carnations. Her maid of honor was gowned in white organdy carrying pink tended 'o. James A. V7orro 11 4TTC WEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW . Jackson, N. 0. ' Practice in all courts. Business promptly and faitifuUy attended to 1 imV n r DA1471?T T country and will help to ke VL fli. U.i r))UEiUU plenty 0f circulating medium Ques tions. Dosition that thev hurt, rather who is the editor of the Manu- war uamg w iiie irurn, fully do this. There will always than help, the larmer by witn- facturers Record, came out in an new questions 01 an international carnations, be trouble along thelineof social raus."j? au. interview endorsing the position cnaractea to De passeu upon oy The groom and best man wore equality, intermarriage and mis- ta bano Rich Souare Tmes: of the Constitution, and advising ainerent governments ana to conventional black cegenation. So for this reason, . . . the farmers of the country to aaa new cnapters to mternation- After the ceremony the bridal iffnrnn otW wo nrpfpr th ne. xub iveiiwLui 10 ui i riiant cotton. The whole idea, ai law. Aireauv iwu sucu ques- rmrt-.v wpk driven to p ford race to any other for the that no institution ismore neip- from beginning to end, was to ns have been brought out by where tnev boarded the train for iui to a cummuui tumi a u. pIant cotton. The Constitution e war Detweeu nussia ana da- the home of Mr. Dudley where a went of to say that the acreage pan. uue 01 luese uivoivcb iue reception was tendered them, O " in the HOUth. in ltft OlliniOn. hflXl ueaiuieui Ul WilCJCOO BVBlCUl Ul ThOW nror-o fho ron n anfo . . i I 7 . I J I . .- 1 AUV J V Jls .V1A)LU VKJ ucxiuci iui itnuictc ixUt.,uuc hpT, nnraaaacl . 33 1 if Trr cent,. wJiessrauuy, liio uliicih tuo ueoii lv.l fi ents. South. Again, we . know the negro s characteristic shiftlessness. We know that what money he earns he will spend right here among us, and that his entire earnings bank affords a place of safety TrVirnpiAtlv n.ftr 'rpnHno- thp floating mines at sea. Theseare wnere tne iarmers cau uepuwi article in the Constitution, and two ot the new problems which I i.L . M An mrAri A rf-af l-rtl-T?Tnr I. . . - .. - I a 1 . . j . I t l J. J. will tnus be a perpetual contri- muuej before .the communications jjf tne present war nas orougnt to bution to the DENTIST. , POTECASI, N. C. Can be found at his office at all times except when notice is given in this paper. resources of the to keep in motion. With the Chinaman as a laborer, this matter would be different. it' hid at some insecure place around home. It does not with draw the money from circulation to deposit in bank, but money is withdrawn from circulation when Mr. Inman and Mr. Edmonds ap- the front, ihere may be others peared, I took issue with the Con In any event, there will be some- stitution in a letter to the South thing for the international laws em Cultivator, in which I stated of the foreign departmentment that if the farmers of the South to busy themselves about after We believe Mr. Dudley has won a pearl of great price and we wish for this happy couple much suc cess m life. A The Bank of Rich Sauare. 4 T7 General Banking, EKChangend Collections. ' ' SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Interest, paid on one dollar and upwards and compounded every six months. - W. HI S. Burgwyh, President E. Baughajh, Cashier. OFFICERS: Dr- M. Bolton, . President, DIRECTORS: . Griffin. 'J. T. Bolton. .Tn. W Ww Peek, Dr M- Bolton, E. Baucham, - tW. H 8. Burgwyn. We intend to be a Help to our depositors and solicit the patronage of the communitv. , J. T. B. V MACHINERY, Engines and Boilers-, one tx 2000- H. P. v ' "Vance," Saw Mills, with Log Beam." ; : ; " "Queen," Shingle and Lathe Mills. . . - Planers. Moulders, Edgers, Resaws. -Gins and Presses, Modern System. .. Traction Engines, and Threshers'. For Safety and Economy, get a "Foos" Gasoline Engine. -Hon. Walter Clark, Raleigh, writes: - ' "Well pleased, no possibility of exploding or firing Gin House, runs A with less expense. Will drive the Steam Engine out of business." ' C SECOND DANp ENGINES. . In great variety, at low prices. . Try us. CAROLINA MAC H INERY COMPA NY, GKEENSBOBO, NORTH CAKULINM V '' The World's Progress. The following facts of interest, Ha would hoard his i1 is hid in Places aboutthehouse took thg advice that had been hostilities have been concluded as indicating the world's advance our mcomes; soon become an investor in real estate, and in a short time buy our heritage from under us, better AS it is. Neither of these results are at TVt T TJN 'JACOBS 811 desirable. Again, we j ' - " " I . Dr. Wr J. Ward DEIITIST. AVELDOX N.C 4- V- 1 fT I ty t t rro anA V,OT orniil Kr. oonr I4W1 are aiwap 'uj iu kuu . I nMMAii cirwiiini-hir o ni"l lt..l i i. neoule having money in bank r.nUV Wf til II 1 , H MM iH.kf IVlfMI V I A, L " fr-TT- nnn innAmAd Via nrTkli iVUl IUWUJL3, Ji. in. nvuiu withdraw it and lend it to others whenever they choose to do so. It is a good indication of pros perity in a community to have a good bank in 'which the farmers, given by the Constitution, cotton would decline to eight cents or below by next October. At that time, October cotton was bring ing 12.90 on the New York Ex change, Today it is "bringing 9:50. if not before Atlanta Constitu tion. The Commonwealth and the Negro.' Governor Aycock's address be- I hope this decline is rapid 1 fore the Convention at Greensbo- feuough to satisfy the Constitu- ro will be remembered as the no tion, or all others that might be blest of his life. It was not the . Dentist' Can be found in his office at all times except wden notice is given in this paper. . . ' " ,. as well as business men, deposit 4- -t- a rr - rr.i4- o inlw annm a i-v Kn 1 - . . V. LA. 1.Ana t Z J noro to hova .i.t lnro-o inflnv of . . 1 . ., u.- A v "J uu Bpetrcu iiao uwu ueu.eieu m v. v. j o wise mrmer wno i-twus uis muuty Q-n miT riw. ntmn 1 . j.j- 1 I --.! i r .jij uuif h1cuu'UVUi 1 LJLLIB Ouatut? L licX U licto J-LOiVJL oJ I 1 ca t r.acrn.Tiiam .nr onnfirHT.iT.ion or I . , , . i .r li.: 4.ul J r I w fe.o.v l O . m DanK lnSteUU Ol La,h.UlL iue XTr oil r,f Vno nnmaa ohnnf , 4-V,4- W - w.------.-m - nsK upon nimsen 01 eepaig 5y ieason o tlie mere proSpect We do not refer to his able and ij vuut.-. .au-cigmoiu "u I nrotected at home. ureenvme planted among us. We are glad to know that the Reflector. of a good crop, and I see letters conclusive defence of his adminis- frora the New York Exchange in tration That was worth while. Witt be tn Roxobel week after nd South has not yet reached the Snnday in each montk, ' WOO D LAND, place where we need an addition- The Japanese. The strangest people t hat have N. C House Moving - Over 20 Years Experience E. S. ELLIOTT - Rich Square. N. C. , E CoPiisn. " Josiah Copbland HOUSE HOVERS . ' rVe ar aow Drepared ; to moye hr es of any size. TMces low, J ' ili be to your interest to see us. COPELAND BROTHERS, - v. Ceorp". N C Bmx S. Gat Gablabd-E. .Midtbttb Gay & Xlidyette ATTORNEYS ANB COUNSELORS AT LAW JACKSON. N.C Practice io all courts.- Business - promptly and faithfully attened to XL Di ROUHTREE & CO., COTTON FACTORS COMMISSION - MERCHANTS Caiisa"K,t Solldred. Exchange Building, Froia t Stree NORFOLK, VA. Shingles! Cypress Shingles in all widths and grades. We. have them on hand .and are offering : them for sale at Bull Hill Mill, Northampton County. We will be pleased to quote prices to any one wishing .Shingles or fence boards. Occojfi-BCHEE Lumber Co. . - ; . ' Jackson, N.C al lot of human machines, of men ever come into the view 01 the brought here iust because they Christian world are the J apauese have so much muscle and so The war in which they are now much power of endurance. When engaged has served to throw new it enmra .o tho nnf-nfioT. of im. lip-ht unoii their national char- porting mere labor-power, we in- acter and to disclose a good fin it-olir nrofor a. roal Tvru-u-1 nr" mot I ma.TIV facts about them not al machine to a human machine, known betore. lliey are not If we' must be "dependent on ma- afraid to die tbat is the most nrominent fact. The next is that .., - ?m "-o- I r- - . .. . And in thie direction we think we the national spirit is stronger can look for the safe solution of than any other people. When- Vha, -UW emaatinn Taa mnro ever in the present warthev have tneiii es- and better machinerv met reverses, many ot i ... . , . i . . W nro not onnospd to the m- ptcially tneir women, mu e cum . . r r I - . . . . . - . t . . . . .1 coming of anv good, im elligent niittea suiciae accoi umS 10 lU man of anv race, who brings with testimony they have no religion, him a character and a little brain power and a little money. " e heartily welcome all such, and know that they will find a genial clime. . a hospitable people, a hearty welcome, and a friendly handshake. But we believe in "America for Americans" rather than for for eigners. And if we will take prop er care of our heritage and hand it down to our children and grandchildren, we will soon have heirs enough to inherit and claim all this sunny land of ours. We do not wish any of the yellow peril brought to our door. AS TO THE COTTON QUESTION. We do not care now to enter extensively into the cotton ques tion. Vfehave already done so, and Mr. Brown has handled this part of the question with singu lar ability. We simply desire to say that the present indications do not justify the predictions for a "bumber crop." It is true that quite a large acreage has been planted. But the crop is very late much of it has just recently which it is asserted, that if the last crop should exceed ten mill ion bales, it will be more than the world needs. Therefore, if the present crop, according to that authority, should amount to twelve million bales, where would the cotton planter be? It was only a few years ago that the v cry of over-production brouffbt every farmer in this country to the brink of bank ruptcy, by reason of having to bell his cotton at four or .five cents a pound. The importation of quantities of cheaper labor in the South to raise cotton would produce first the cry of over pro duction, and the next thing it would produce would be bank ruptcy from one end of the cot- We refer to his defence of his ed ucational and temperance policy It was in these two points that criticism has been offered him. Men who knew that the Consti tution of the United States made it impossible have gone up and down deceiving the people with talk of industrial education of the negroes, as' if the free school could give such education. But Governor Ay cock did not defend his policy on this ground. "Wp have taken charge of the negro," he said. "We are strong. He is weak. We willdo justly by him We will make the most of him. We need him and he needs us. God will wipe from the face of the earth a people who ha vihg power over a weaker race will not pro- is bauff sup ton country to the other, by rea- tect that race." These are not a rii l . . L or care lor any l ne iiiiuperur has been thinking of proclaiming UUIlSliaUlLV nr, liiTTii ..... .v..!- , , fAl,nf.n onrl A, n j. tired of hav-1 F "- i iue uovernor s worus, out iuete 1 ao not kuuw 01 uuyuuuy mat express his meaning, wouiu uuueiieuiteu uy tu euaw. He carried the Convention with of affairs except the manufactur- hirn There is no am t lmt The manuiacturers must ne rnon. because tie is D ' ing his people gazettad as pa- gans rney are enuray iviumji for this, but, as The Baptist Vn.tphman. of Boston, says, "of course there is no spiritual ete ment in this movement." What are you going to do with a peo- er. the men behind the scheme to n-ci- Kirr nmns of potton nlfl.ntn.l .v . r . and the importation of cheap, foreign labor. I do not think pie like this?-harlotte Observer that the farmers Qf this country have interested themselves along that line. It is possible however, that those who are talking about enough cotton and too much cot ton are doing it entirely in the interest of low prices. In other words, that they are represent- rt-hou -e in North Z the Bears. I noticed before planting time, wrnen xne iarmers were lieing encouraged to plant cotton, they were told that the boll weevil would do up the other fellow's cotton, therefore this would be the time for him to make his jack. Now they are telling us that they have discov ered a red ant that eats the boll weevil as fast as he hatches and A. and M. College Young men desiring prepara tion for industrial careers in life should write to President V- ins- ton, at. West Raleigh, N. C, for a catalogue of the A & M. College. Ti.nt.rn.nfft ftxammations will be held in each cou Carolina on Thursday, July 14, 1904. The Summer School for Teachers will begin July 4 and close July 29. The State Farm ers' Convention will begin August 1 and close August 3. The best Ice Cream Freezers are sold by The Pearee-Vhite-head Hareware Co., Weldon, N.C the negroes in North Carolina will receive too much education from the free schools. We should not grudge them the little that they receive. As the Governor says, they are in our power. We have taken charge of them. Let us deal with them justly aud with patience. Raleigh Christian Ad vocate. . : Happiness is up at auction all the time and sold in lots to suit the purchaser. The price is not exorbiant: It is prudence to plan for the simple pleasures that can be had for the asking, resolutions to cut off those that cost too much, Jdetermination to ampu tate our reflections the instant they develop morbid symptoms, aud to take an antitoxin against iret ana worry tne moment we feel their approach. W. D. JJyde in wealth and its moral improve ment, have been compiled by So cial Service: Labor. Wages in many trades are rising. v oris is abundant, the eight-hour day gaining. In the United States trades unions have doubled their membership since the era of the trusts. Wealth is accumulating, yet rich men give as never before. Public benefactions in the United States the last three years have averaged $97,000,000 per year. Hundreds of employers are intro ducing industrial betterment Institutions. Libraries, hos pitals, parks, playgrounds, pub lic baths, social settlements, in stitutional churches, kindergar tens, people's clubs, are multiply ing.- Health. Slums and sweatshops are giving place to improved ten ements, sanitary shop and mod el dwellings. The death-rate is falling. Reforms. Vice pressed and polit io.il corruption att icked iu almost every A meri- can city. Childivn are placed ir homes, not institutions; deJ.imu.'ntK are put under probation ufticevK, uot in reformatories (JhilU labor is less; child saving is increasing. Temperance. lhe consump tion ol -spirits is on tin- decrease iu Canada. 'Holland.'-Italy, New Zealand, Norwav, Portugal, Rus sia, Spain, Switzerland and the United States. ' A Wise Provision. Did you ever notice when a man smites his thumb with, a hammer ..while" putting down a carpet under his wife's supervi sion how quickly he thrusts the bruised and throbbing member into his mouth? People think it is because the application is soothing. But ;the movement is purely involuntary, like winking. The man cannuot help it The fact is that nature kuows what a man is apt to say under 8U' h circumstances and so has provided him with an automatic stopper. When a man hits his thumb hard enough to hurt and it doesn't take a very hard blow to almost kill a man when he is doing something that he doesn't like to do by a sort of nterlocking system his thumb flies into his mouth, and for the critical moment speech is cut oii. Ex. New Firm Having bought tht en tire interest of the old firm of Baugham & Liv , ermon, I announce to my . ; patrons and the public ' generally that I am still located at the old stand of Baughaui & Livermon and carry a stock of GENERAL MEECHiSDISE . which I am selling at re duced prices. Give me a trial. I am anxious to buy Chickens and Eggs, paying full market prices for them. Thanking you for past patronage, . Yours truly, M. G. L1YERA10N, Rich Square, N. C. Buggies, Harness Carts General Repair Work, If you are in need of a first class Buggy arid harness, Wagon, Cart and Wheels or anything in that line you will not nuke any mistake to see our stock betore you purchase We are putting up a nice lot of wagons and cart wheels that we intend to sell at reasona ble prices; in fact we guarantee our goods not to be excelled by anyone and our prices as low, and wiil pi ove it ii you will g.v? us a chance, Forf.uther information call on or write us and we will gladly explain t-very j question yvu may want t asx. vvr art p.e pareJ to do an' kind o; repair k .;; ihor notice; tot, ive us a trial will coaviaceyOi. that we can save you money. -" Respectfully, FUTR..LL OiX )M, wooUland, N. C THE NEXT 30 DAYS. Men's $12. Suits for $8.50. " $10. ' " $7.00." ' " $8. ' $6.00. 25c. Silk gingham at 18c the yard. ' ' . . ' - A Special Bargain in Gents Furnishings. ' Fine Millinery a Specialty -: with Annie Cora Lawrence ' from Armstrong & Ca- . tor's at the head. ' Give us a call before pur- : v chasing. ' , Yours to Serve, ' . MATTIE C. FUllVIS, PE0FEIET82" v NEW Y0SK RACKET STORE, '-- WOOIiLAND, N. C. Cigars ACigar that suits the idea of every smoker at -' - Bhyant & Lassitek's EUUOATiUIS, A & M. COLLEGE, .iALEIGH, N. C- Agriailture, Engineering (Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, and Mining), Industrial Chem istry, Textiie Ind:istry. 520 Students, 35 instructors, Tuition $20 a year, Board $8.00 a month, 1 10 Scholarships. Address T WESriiN, Kalei;!., X. C. CO UN AIN DHA Y I keep constantly on hand good ''V hite Corn, suitable for making table meal, best Timo thy Hay, M iddlings, Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls, all at lowest cash prices. M. H. Conner, Rich Square, N. C IMilwill :S-fr Aria-?;? CI Ji'uC . I every 1 - lift 1 article - ; --- - teed. Is tfuaran Come in take look at beautiful display of JEWELRY i On the counter you will also and catalog illus trating thousands- or useful and practical Gems .. If you want the very be at values for your money BUY HERB THAT'S ALL W. H, COGGINSCOi BOYKLXS, VA. - Jt

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