'.w'. v.. r -PP : V-., i M f llltkl .-i Dr. and lira. i. M Jacobs vis ited ia Roxohel from Friday un til Monday and attended the Un ion Meeting at Kelford. r Miss Mary Mulder of Margar ettsville is the guest of Misses Fay and Nina Holloman. Mrs. A.P. Griffin and two chil dren visited Mrs. Griffin's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Cope land af Rich Square last Satur day and Sunday. We are sorry to report Mrs. J. B. Griffin 'quite sick. She has been confined to her bed since last Thursday, suffering with vertigo. ' v The many friends of Mrs. W. J. Brown of George are sorry to learn of her illness. Mrs. Brown has been suffering the past week from an attack of appendicitis. We are indeed sorry to chroni cle the death of Mrs. H. T. Las Biter, which occurred at her home at George last Thursday A. M. Mrs. Lassiter was an ideal neigh bor and will be greatly missed by her large circle of friends. Miss Mary Harrellleft last Fri day to visit friends in Suffolk for a few days. Misses Mae Benthall, Eunice Pope and Jessie Blanchard, in companywith Misses Eulezia Las siter and Nannie Britt of Pote casi spent an hour in Kelford last Saturday to call on Miss Lil lian Pope and greet some of their friends who were in attendance at the Union Meeting. The W. C. T. U. will meet with Miss Hettie Blanchard on next Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. The Union wishes all the members to be present. Mrs. S. E. J. Parker left Mon day for Lewiston to be at the bedside of her daughter, Mrs. Overton, whom we learn is criti eallv ill. Mr. C. J. Vaughan went to Norfolk last Thursday to see his father. Mr. J. C. Vaughan, who was there for treatment. He re turned Friday accompanied by his father who is improving. There will be a Recital given at the auditorium here Friday nhrht. Feb. 17th.. after which a box supper and refreshments will be served. In the meantime there will be a quilt sold to the highest bidder. The proceeds go to the Betterment Association Public cordially invited. Mrs. E. C. Parker ia aVhbnie after aoendins a tew days at her old homehvPotecaai. Rev, L., A. Parker, Messrs. C. Parker, Floyd VinsonV and J. T. Chitty attended the Union Meet-' ingat Kelford last Fridav and Saturday. rj': ' Mr. H; F. Liverman sustained a slight stroke of paralysis last Friday evening. He is doing as well as could be expected and we hope that he may soon, be fully restored to , health. ,The other sick are much improved. '" Little Bettie Parker, who has been suf fering so intensely from some affection of the ear. is able to be ud. Messrs. C. W. Parker and M. J. Britt are out again also. Misses Bessie and Janie Par ker spent Saturday night with their sister, Mrs. A. M. Browne of Mt. Tabor. Miss Mary Chitty, who lives near Muifreesboro. was the guest of her cousin, Miss Ada Vinson, from Friday until Sun day last. Mr. and Mrs. John Parker of the Mapleton section visited Mr. and Mrs. Council Parker Satur day. The ladies of the Missionary Society of Menola Baptist Church observed last week ' as .Week of Prayer and held services every afternoon. We are triad to see our boys taking an active interest in the Bov's Corn Club." Five boys from this school district have en rolled their names as contestants for the coming year. We have special cause to be proud of our . m bovs, the most successtui contest ant for two successive y ears v be ins from this school, and others made splendid records also. Last year prizes were won by three of the four Menola contestants. We predict for our farmers much success. ' The Euphemia Literary Society of Menola High School meets every Fridav afternoon at three o'clock. Teachers and students are always glad to have patrons or others interested, to encourage the children by their presence at these meetings. Wood's Seeds For The Farmed Garden have an established reputation extending over thirty years, be ing planted and used extensively by the best Farmers and Garden ers throughout the Middle and Southern States. Wood's New for 1911 will Seed Catalog $rS to what crops and seeds to plant for success and profit Our pub lications have long been noted for the full and complete 'infor mation which they give.' Catalog mailed free on request Write for it T.VV. WOOD 2r SONS. Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va. Under and by., virtue' 'of the au thority "conferred upon me by the order and decree of the superior cpurt of Hertford county, N. Ci rendered In the special proceeding entitled "Mollie A, Vaughan and her husband John P. , Vaughan, Lena G. Snipes and her husband John L. Snipes, Paul. Purvis, H. J. Purvis, and W. J, Purvis, peti tioners to, the Court". ;I- will as commissioner on Wednesday k the 8th.. day of February 1911; at about 11 A.. M. on the premises offer for sale-for cash . by public auction to the highest "bidder the tract " of land in said . Hertford cotintv. N. C. St. John's town ship, and more particularly des cribed as follows: Bounded on the north by the land of Charles Ren thai and the county road lead- incr from Menola to Murfreeboro; on the south by the land of W, P. Benthal; on, the east by the land of W. P. Benthal and on the west by the land of J. M. Tayloe or Z. T. Chitty and containing 125 acres more or less and being the same land conveyed by deed from Joseph R. Parker and Marv Par ker his wife and of record in reg ister of deeds office for the said county in book H. t page 205 et seq. Said property is' near Menola. This sale is made subject to the confirmation of the Court. This the 7th. day of January 1911 W. J. POBVIS. Commissioner. By Gat & MnY ettk, Attvs. ELECTRIC BITTERS THK BEST FOB BlL10ll8NE88 AND KIDNEYS "rTlbi Piio with C 8 Towu"; ! v...v ' .'..!. MV'.sp.. . f'-urt'. f i,t, Suil.2rn ; CwtuSS r'i . ,t.: ;." i. f : "i !j- 'i. !? '.-'; ''.': M- i:, v-. :'l ''. AH true Southerners prefer to buy and use Southern productions proyided they equal those of other sections. .. ; ; -p'- -Y'h-.l v' In a measure this may 'account for the triumphant success, of the ' ; STIEFF PIANO r made in the South', and the mast popular piano in Dixie.'' Equal to any superior to 'very many. Sold direct from maker to home, on easy terms. ' 7-. v1 ' Write for price list. ' ;". '' r:'. , Chas. M. Stlcf f , L. O. STEELE, MOB., 114 Granby St., Norfolk. Virginia. .'.' Mentioo this paper. . $ a n n 1 7$ GtEt Prices- ' At Official Piano Jamestown Exposition. Wsinted. : . .. Logger with three or more wag ons to log under contract. Sever al hundred acres of timber to cut. H. P. WmsLOw, Aulander, N. C. 12-8-tf Big Wanted. Contractor to cut in woods and haul to our mill several million feet of Pine, Cypres and Gum logs. Farmers Gin & Milling Co. Rich Square N. C. lAToYitAl Your oraert for JOB WalUCU PRINTING. See or write JAMES E SMITH Rich Square Two Hundred and Fifty MENS & BOYS SUITS to be sold Sale and At Horses and Mules -PS:: FOR Sale and Trade. I wish to announce to my friends and the public that I am located at Kelford, N. C, and would be pleased for you to inspect my I ' stock and prices before purchasing elsewhere. Will be at Lewiston each Thursday during the season. LIVERY ATTACHED. Thanking you in advance for jrour inspections. Respectfully, M. R. Bradley, Kelford. N. 0. Thonsands Hare Kidney Trouble and Hewi Sospect ft. - Bow To Find Out. Fill a bottle or common glass with your water anil let it stand twentv-four hoars: a DncKUUBiseai ment, or settling, stringy or milky appearance otten indicates an an healthy condi tion of' the kid- nevs: too fre quent desire-to ruacft it or nntn in the back are also symptoms that teil you the IriilnevR and bladder are out of order and need attention. What To Do. There is comfort in the knowledge so ofteif expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, fulfills almost every wish in correcting rnenmausoi, pain in mc iwck, luuucya, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. Corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following nse of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that nnpleasant ne cessity of being compelled to go often through the day, and to get up many times during the night The mild and immediate effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest be cause ot its remarra Die health restoring prop erties. If you need a medicine ' you should have the best. Sold by druggists in fifty-cent and Affie-dnllnr size. - You may have a sample bottle sent free by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bin g hamton. N. Y. Mention this paper and We are keeping constantly on hand f rorr 25 to 50 Horses and Mules. High class and work Horses and the best class of Mules that can be found in this section. We also keep on hand a lot of second hand stock which can be bought very cheap. We are willing to give our customers the benefit of our many years' experience which is an advantage to anyone in buying stock. . v ' When in need of any class of Horses and Mules you will do well to see us and examine our stock, before buying . . In connection with the alxve we are keeping on hand a full supply of Buggies, Carriages, Wagons, Harness of all kinds and the very best .improved Fanning Itaplements. Holoman Brothers, L J remember the name, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- Root, and the address, iiingnamten, N. Y., on every bottle, - Move to Warren County and Get Cured of. Malaria. 1 I offer for sale that nice home place of Rev. Archibald Cree, con taining 152 acres, situated five miles south of Macon, dwelling of six rooms, large shady grove, well splendid water, cotton, tobacco, corn, peanuts and fruits raised, convenient to churchy school and stores, good neighbors. For price and terms apply to W. G,. Egebton, Macon; N. C. 6 wks. - -! Phone No. 25, Rich Square, N. C. Notice; Note, Notice. rurf-. Any2person having farmlands, cord wood or standing timber for Bale should before mak-! in? sale write or come to see!us. - We are ir the market at all times"and we pay thel highest prices. - Property any where in. Northampton - county bought and sold by "us. Anyone de siring to purchase a good farm, will do well to Bee us before purchasing elsewhere. ' We give liberal terms as to "payment. , WeJ wilf also undertake, to sell property on cornmissiona .and any one having prdperty for sale w,ill do' . f'-well to place it with us. : 1 ' Pfl .Northampton Realty Company;. , Jaclwon, N'C, ; Oeiiii rtment Store Murfreesboro, N. C. and Below Cost : x . . ' ' ..: '::'": price in order to make room for Spring Stock. V MENS $15.00 SUITS - - - - NOW $9.50 " 12.50 . " - - - - " 8.50 10.00 " - - - '.- - " 9B0- 8.00 " ' - - - - - " 5.50 6.00 " - - --- " 4.50 " ; 5.00 - - - - - 3.50 BOYS $8.00 SUITS - ... NOW $5.50 6.00 " - - - , - ' V 4.50 5.00 " - - - - " . 3.50 4.00 " - - ... - ' 2,60 300 " - - - - - " 2.00 2.00 " - - - - - " l.W Big Slaughter in Ladies Tailored Suits it it $25.00 LADIES TAILORED SUITS 20.00 " 15.00 u 12.50 " 11.50.. " " 5.00 " $5.00 LADIES SWEATER COATS 2.50 " 2.25 " -NOW $15.00 12.50 ; 9.50 -8.50 7.50 3.75 $2.75 1 1.S0 125 ' -". lt " NOW Also Bi Bargains in Dress Goods v Don't Fail to Call and See Us. .'1, .:.(. : i. ...".'":.":: . :'jnnh,-Broso9 . "-P- ; '- :; i ' ;.-v;- ';. V'M ; p p-p-:p '.s : Murireesboro, C. Pil to 34-11 V: L. ,1. :t!P