Titvn Trn4; 'C2l 4. mi7jJi im 11 inrn ac? "1 ("ifi"l'Vj;,:i v'Vtf 5 . , ANliEEW J. CONNER, PUBIiSlfeR. "CAROLINA, CAROLINA, HEAVEN'S BLESSINGS ATTEND HER." SUBSCRIPTION PER ANNVM $1.00 Volume XX. : RICH SQUARE, NORTHAMPTON COUNT. N. C.i THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, MM l. N uaer 40. 1 mm 11 li liV , MASON. & WORJRElir ,kttWKm ft Counsellor at Law, JACKSON, M. C. ' tNctic to all Courts. BnsincM ifuttpthr and faithfulh attended to. Offlc 2nd floor bank building. RAYMOND G. PARKER, attorney and Counselor at Lav, Jackson, N. C Practice in all court. All boaineea grren prompt and faithful attention. Office 2nd Floor Bank Building. U- 8 Ptli P. ILBuite PEEBLES & HARRIS. ATTOBNEYS AT LAW. JACKSON. M. C Practice in all Court. Bcaineaa . promptly and faithfully attended to. DR. C. G. POWELL DENTIST, POTECASI, N. C. Can be found at bia office at all time inept when notice ia given in this paper fW.H.S.BURGWYN JR. Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Jackson, N. C. Practices where service desired. 8. T. STANCELlL . Attorney and Counselor at law Law Building Norfolk. Virginia Practicing in all Courts in North Caro lina and Virginia HI. B, WlMBOBMB. Stamlvt Wniowa WIN BORNE & W1NB0RNE. Attornevs at Law, MURFREESBORO. N. C r'bonea Noa. 1? and 21. I.ISW a.E.HidTCtw ' GAY & WIDYETTE AktorneTg St Counsellor at Taw JACKSON. M. C ' Practice in all Courts. All buaineai oromptlv and faitniuilT attenaea to. Office 2nd floor. New Bank building DR. J. M. JACOBS DENTIST, R0XOBEL, N. C. Extracting from children at same price aa adulta. Dr. W. J. Ward, DENTIST. WELDON.N.CV Dr. E. Ehringhaus, Dentist Now located at Jackson, N.c, where h ta prepared to do first class dental work, Office in 2nd. story Bank build ing. : ' . . Ship Us Your Poultry & Eggs and all Country Produce and set best results obtainable on this ' market. . V, BRIXTON & OOGGIN. . i 42 Roanoke Square, Norfolk, Va. Reference Seaboard Bank. Fire Insurance Notice. I will be glad to furnish rates, etc. on aU classes of fire in surance in North Carolina and ' . write your insurance' for you. Take the safe course and run no risk by insuring your prop- " erty. in the Virginia Fire and ' Marine Insurance Company, . ' of Richmond,' Va. or the Dix ie Fire Insurance Co., of . Greensboro, N. C. . : : : R.E.BROWN,AgL ' Gabtsbubo, N. 0. Notice- Land Posted. Notice is hereby given that aU my lands in Rich Square Town ship are posted, and all persons are forbidden to hunt on them with or without gun or dog, night or day.. Thia July 25, 1911. , A. J. Conner.' " A years subscription to the New York World and the Roanoke-Chowan Times' for only $1.65, old or new subscribers. SUUIXIIUCAL! MeetfBgs it Eialit Cttsrck-Left lor College Cold Winter fn-dlded-Persooi)s. The bright nights of the past week have bern admired and en joyed by everybody, It is rare to have a succession of such brilliant nights. Many evening calls and journeys here and there have been indulged in by ,&e Seaboardians. We are sorry such lovely evenings are of such short duration. Mr, John W. Gay of Littleton, formerly of this place, is here for a few days visiting among friends who are always glad to see him. Littleton seems to be agreeing with him as we have never seen him looking better. Mrs. Alice Darden left last week for an indefinite visit to friends in and around Branch ville, Vs. Mr. Burton Rod well of Macon, was a welcome guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. L. Crock er the past Sunday. Mr. Andrew Crocker left Mon day for the Northern markets where he will purchase, this week, the fall and winter stock of merchandise for R. W. Ed wards & Co. A bountiful rain fell here Mon- aay morning, living nas since been more endurable. It seems that the oppressively hot days will remain with us indefinitely. Some of our weather wise are predicting that the approaching winter will be as cold as this summer has been hot, saying, one extreme always follows an other, If their prophecies should come true we are sure all kinds of fuel will advance in price at a more rapid rate than sugar has been soaring recently. Miss Marguerite Maddrey. af ter a ten day's visit to friends at Pleasant Hill and Rosemary, ex pects to reach home about the middle of this week. Mr. Parham JEd wards left last week for the University College of Medicine where he purposes to prepare himself for the prac tice of medicine, We miss his familiar face here very much but hope he will win honors in hiB chosen profession. We feel a just pride in our oung people and it pleases us so much when we hear of their success in any line of endeavor. Mrs. W. R. Vick, after a brief recreation in Norfolk, Va., is at home again as busy as ever.; We gladly report our three ty phoid patients almost themselves again, but sorry to report little Miss Inez Bradley on the sick list. She has been unwell for about a week. We are not cer tain she has typhoid while there are some rumors to that effect. We understand Dr. Stephenson fears that is the nature of her malady. The series of' meetings with the M. E. church began under favorable auspices Sunday morn ing. Pastor Harrison preached twice Sunday to attentive audi ences and again Monday after noon. Rev. L. J. Holden of En field, arrived Monday afternoon and occupied the pulpit at the evening service. If every Chris tian was as much interested as pastoi Harrison a great revival would necessarily ' follow. It is to be hoped a great meeting will follow, '' ' ' 4 Miss Velna Pope, a - graduate of tne State Normal, who has been spending her vacation with her uncle, Mr. C. R. Parker, left last week for her position in the Graded school at Hamlet.. . : i Mrs. Maude Brickhouse and infant of New York City are vis iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs J. D. Yates. Mr. R. E, Stephenson, travel ling salesman of the 8. and S. Co. with headquarters in Nor folk, Va., spent Monday after noon and evening in the hqme of his brother-in-law, Mr. J. T, Maddrey. Be left on the 11:40 P. M. train for Weldon and other points on his route. Several from here attended the protracted services at Jack son Baptist church last week and heard, with profit, the excellent sermons of Rev. I. N. Lof tin of Elizabeth City. Our cotton market has been very active the past few days for this early in the season. More than a dozen new bales of cotton have been marketed here up to date. Beef, eauirrels, fresh mill-pond fish and coon have found eager purchasers in our market the past week. With such a whole some list to select from there is no reason whv Seaboardians should not be well fed, content ed and happy. Old Zick, Severn News. Mrs. Ben F. Britte of Boykine, Va., Mrs. Davenport and Misses Louise and ,Josie Lawrence of Franklin, Va., who were guests in the home of Mr. J,H. S. Britte last week, returned to their homes Saturday. Miss Maude Harris of Gum berry, teacher in the primary de partment of the school at this place, arrived Saturday & week ago. Owing to personal ill health she was unable to be present at the opening of the school. " A 1 the teachers are now in their places and the work is beginning to take on its usual regularity and earnestness. Mr. J. W. Fleetwood and Dr. Henderson of Boykins, Va.,were seen cn our streets last week. We are glad to report Mrs. G D. Barnes and little Howard, who have been ill so long, improving daily. We pray they may recov er right speedily. Mr. G. W. Pruden and daugh ter Miss Lily, spent Sunday in the home of Mr. G. S. Pruden near Seaboard. , The excursion to Norfolk last Friday was well patronized by the citizens of Severn and vicin ity, about 60 going. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Fiythe and little Frances of Conway spent Sunday with relatives here Misses Claude Stephenson, Mary Emma Long, Una and Jes sie White, Lois Howell, Dora Fleetwood, and Ila Britte left for Chowan College last Wednes day. They will be greatly miss ed in their homes and in the so cial life of the community, hut our loss is their gain and we wish for them a very successful year's work. Miss Audrey Pruden leaves Wednesdaylfor Greensboro where she will resume her studies at the State Normal College. While we who are left behind will de plore Miss Pruden's absence we know the work will be . both profitable and pleasant to her. raptor watt niied his regular appointment here Sunday after noon and night His sermon on the Ministry of Angels was es pecially enjoyed by some : of his audience. Mr. James Britton of the U. S. Army, who is stationed at Old Point, is on a visit , to his sister. Mrs. W, B, Smith, v . There will be a lawn party on the school grounds next Friday evening, given for the benefit of the school Everybody, both young and old, is invited to come and spend a pleasant evening and help a good cause. ' FIOI JACKSON. Tie Cotton Crop Clse ot SevlvM j Dr. Nortb's SermoBS-GeBera! News Items. The first new cotton in thiB community was ginned here to day for Mess. W. H. Taylor, J. W. Wheeler and Luther Boone. The cotton crop in this section will be much shorter than it was thought the first of August. The revival services at the Baptist church conducted by Rev. Ive Loften of Elizabeth City closed last Friday night with three addition to the church. There was much interest mani fested on the last night of the meeting, but mostly by members of the church. 'Miss May Belle Gay left last Friday for Murfreesboro where she will attend Chowan College this terra. Messrs. Allen Flvthe and Bad ger Gay left last week for the Warrecton High School. Mre. Dr- Ehringhaus has been visiting her parents at Hender sonville for the past week. We were pleased indeed to see Mr. W. C. Bowen, who has been in poor health for many weekB, out riding a few days ago. Mr, John B. Moore of Wash ington, D. C, spent a few davs in town last week viBiting hiB parents, Mr. and Mrs. John E. Moore. He returned to Wash ington Monday, accompanied by his mother, who will spend some time in the Capital City. It was the pleasure of the writ er, and a large congregation to listen to a powerful sermon on last -Sunday morning is the Meth odist church, preached by Dr W. B. North, from the text "Ye are the salt of the earth." The sermon, (and indeed most of Dr, North's sermons) would do cred it to any of the Bishops. Dr. North is a good echolar. a hard student, a thoroughly consecrat ed , Christian, and tneretore a most excellent preacher. He is easily among the foremost preachers of the State. He has held great revivals at all his churches this year where hiB meetings have been held, doing all the preaching himself. Our school building is in pro cess of erection, and when com pleted, with the corps of excel lent teachers, we look for the ac complishment of greater things than in the past. Miss Annie Bagley left Mon day morning for Warren County, N. C, where she will be engaged in teaching. Mrs. James Grant returned Sunday from a visit to her daugh ter, Mrs.' Holmes, of Mt, Olive. Mr. Will Reid and wife of Garvsburg were the guests of Sheriff Joyner last Sunday, Mrs. J. E. Underwood and daughter, Miss Sadie, of Little ton, spent last week in town with Mrs. Jas. Worrell, return ing to Littleton Monday. Miss Ethel Futrell has been visiting friends at Rehobotb for the past week. Mrs. C.V. Stancell is spending some time in Washington, D. C, with her aon.Mr. W.M. Stancell. Miss Bowen's music class will meet at the Hotel on Friday af ternoon. Sept. 15, at 5:30 to ar range the work for the school year. Anyone wishing to join the class is requested to come at this time. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Worrell and MiBS Daisy Earnhardt of Rich Square were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Worrell Sun dav. The Domino players are having their usual good easy time on the Hotel porch a favorite re sort for gentlemen of leisure. Woodland Locals. School opened here Monday with an enrollment of 42 Messrs. C. B. Pond, C. J. Vaughah and E. G. Griffin spent several days in Northern markets last week purchasing their new fall goods. The Epworth League program Sunday evening rendered by the Jr. members, was very enjoyable and interesting from beginning to end, Special music was given by Misses Lillian Carter and Pauline Outland. Also little Miss Elsie Benthall rendered a most beautiful solo. The papers by Misses Harrell, Copeland and Holloman were interesting as well as instructive. Mr. L. J. Carter.one of Wood land's most worthy sons, and wife, of Norfolk spent several days last week with his home people here. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Carter. MiBS Jessie Blanchard visited friends in Suffolk from Thursday till Sunday. Miss Mary Holmes left last week to take charge of her school at Mt Airy. Mrs. J. C. Cherry and children of Kelford visited Miss Lillian Pope last Monday. Mr. R. W. Blrochard is having a handsome porch added to his large home. This means that Mr. Blanchard will have one of the prettiest homes in town, when completed. Mrs C. (Z. Parker rinn Vippn mMtnWnv.m fnr uvri ! weeks with fever. Her many friends wish for her speedy re- covery. Instead of the regular prayer service at the Baptist church next Sunday evening, a program will be rendered by the W.M. S, Subject for the evening will be State Missions. After the ren dention of the program, a col lection will be taken which will be given to this wortbywatfjJJtSy-J- T- Chitty. Wm.Chit- Mr. L. C. Copeland hi (to pleted and moved into his hand some new brick store, which is one of the most modern in the county and adds much to the at traction of that part of town. Mesers. W. T. Benthall and R. C. Benthall are making addi tions to their stores, making ready for an early fall business. Misses Marie Jenkins and Belle Mitchell of Aulander visited friends in town Saturday and Sunday. Misses Eunice Pope and Pearl Ballanger arrived today, having spent some time in Baltimore purchasing millinery goods. Miss Pope having accepted a position with John Baugham of Rich Square will leave Wednesday to take up work at that place. Miss Ballinger will work for C. J. Vaughan. Mesdames Pittman and Lassi ter of Aulander, Jim Cooke of Elizabeth City and Magnus Joy ner of near Woodland were guests in the home of their bro ther, Dr, Q. H. Cooke, Sunday. Messrs. C. B. Pond, C. J. Vaughan and families and Mrs. J. L. Outland returned Saturday from Ocean View where they bad spent a week recreating. Miss Nina Holloman left last week to enter school at Chowan CoHegea Misa uxra Gary oi Murrrees- boro is on a visit to her aunt, Mrs. C W. Scarboro. Mis. Parham s School, 'i ':: :.';'. .Fof Girls; ' and ' Boyt, ' .V MUEESBORO, N. C. The fall session will open Mon day,. September 18th, 1911. For terms, etc. apply to - - . ,' Mas. E. E. Parham, 8-31-2t " Murfreesboro, N. C. MENOLA NEWS. Farmers Have Cause for Encourage-meot-fiood Revival-Prayer Service School Opened. Miss Anna Darden of Maple ton, who made a two week's vis it to Miss Hattie Higgs and Mrs. H. U. Griffith, left Friday to visit relatives near Mt. Tabor Church. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Parker have been in Woodland at the bedside of their daughter, Mrs. C. G. Parker, during the past week. We are glad to hear that Mrs. Parker is recovering nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Outland of MurfreeBboro, R. F. D. visited relatives here Friday. Postmaster I. F. Snipes of Ahoskie spent Sunday at his old home here. Mr. A. J. VinBon and family spent Friday in Rich Square, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Baugham. Mr. C. W. Elev has returned to Chapel Hill to 'resume his studies at the State University. Our school opened here last Monday with Miss Nettie Britt of Union as teacher. Miss Britt comes highly recommended as a teacher of the best type, being well qualified both by ' education and experience for the responsi ble position she holds. Some of our cotton fields are white for the harvest, and most of them are alive with pickers Katherjng in the fleecy staple. Mu:h fodder ha8 als been cured !dur"?e the week- Thus ,our tprmers nave caute lor great encouragement. The men of Menola Baptist Chur?h hav? organized a prayer meeting wnicn neia its nrst ser vice last Sunday evening with Mr. H. U. Griffith as leader. In teresting and helpful talks were made by Messrs. E. C. Parker.J. i ana nev. Lu a. rawer. Mr. E. C. Parker was appointed as leader of next meeting with privilege of selecting his own subject and helpers. The organ ization of this prayer meeting promises to result in untold good to the youth of this church. A series of meetings at Vann's Grove Methodist church closed last Friday afternoon, Rev. C. F. Reed the pastor.doing the preach ing. As a visible result two were added to the membership of the church but much good was done in other wave. Mr. Reed's ser mons were of high order being characterized by earnestness, power, eloquence and zeal for the salvation of souls. The flock at this small church feels fortu nate to have this forceful speak er and faithful servant of God to minister to them. Rev. D. A. Futrell of Ahoskie supplied the pulpit on Thursday, making an earnest appeal to the unsaved. Mr. Raleigh Parker left the first of last week for Wake For est College where he is now a sophomore. Miss Myrtle Eley is again a student at Chowan College, hav ing left us last Tuesday to be present at the opening session. House & Lots for Sale I offer for sale my house and lot in the town of KoxobeL -. House has four rooms besides dining and cook rooms and bath room; also good ban and b tables on lot Lot contains one and one fourth acres of land with ninety, yards front. On it there is a rery fine peach' orchard. Price . 2600. Also another lot of two and one halt acres, ninety yards front, price $1000. - - This is cheap property and those in-: terested would do well to see me soon. John C Tynes, , Roxobel, N..CL '7