-!",.'.-. -v,1-- 'V'", .. iyy SosmokeCI '.NDKEW J. CONNER; PUBLISHER. CAROLINA, CAROLINA, HEAVEN'S BLESSINGS ATTEND HFR." SUBSCRIPTION PER ANNUM $1.00 Volume XXII, HICH SQUABE, NORTHAMPTON COTJNTT. N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 1913 Number 2. 1 nines. v fife ilactfccry fcly Co. LITTLETON, NTC ' MACHINERY SPECIALISTS Everything in Machinery' sh Mill Supplies. , Plans, Specifications and Estimates Furnished on Application. . :: E. C. SMITH, General Contractor and Builder FRANKLIN; VA. t.W.llam. I.A.WMML MASON t WORRELL. ; vTTOKNST ft COUNSELLORS AT LAW, JACKSON, N. C. Practice ii all Courts. , Business i -troptW and faithfully attended to. . Office 2nd floor bank building. HAYMOND G. PARKEB, Attorney and Counselor at .Law, Jackson, N. C ,'. Practice in all courts. AH business rfren prompt and faithful attention. Office 2nd Floor Bank Building.'' . ER01 WINDSOR. PEEBLES & HARRIS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. JACEPON. N.C 5 (1 . ' "rertice in all Courts. Business vrimntlv and faithfullv attended to. OR. C. G. POWELL DENTIST. POTECASI. N. C. Can be found at his office at all timet eept wbn notice u (riven in thi paper DR. B. L BROOKS, SURGEON DENTIST, BOTKJNS, - - VIRGINIA. Office Days: Thursday, Friday msd Saturday of each week. mwa. B. Wnreoam. J Bwuiun Wi WINBORNE & WINtORNE, Attorneyi at Law, - HX7RFBEESBORO. N, C ones Nob. 17 and 21. . u. a. Qw g. k. auntti GAY & MIDYETTE Attorneys & Counsellors at Iistw JACKSON. K. a Practice in all Courts. All business promptly and faithfully attended to. Office 2nd floor. New Bank building DR. J. M. JACOBS DENTIST, ROXOBEL, N. C Extracting from children at .rtre as adults same Dr. W. J. Ward, DENTIST. WEI T"N SC. Dr. E. Ehringhaus DENTIST Jackson, - - N. C Dentistry in all of its branches. Crown and Bridge work a specialty. Office in New Fiytbe Building over Poetoffice. A. B. CofMlud : HOUSE MOVERS We are now prepared to move bouses of anyi site. Prices low. It will be to vour intercut to see us. COFKLAND B&Ol'HBBS. George. N. C W. H. S. BURG WYN JR. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Woodland, - North Carolina. ' Office in Farmer's Bank Building. Practice in all Courts. Business prompt ly and faithfully attended. Contractor and Builder. w For all Brick and Plastering Construction Work communicate with A. T. Vick, Contractor and Builder, ? Franklin, Va., before V letting contract. ; ' ' 1-241-yr SALESMAN WANTED to look after our interest in Northampton and adjacent counties. Salary or ComnussioB. Address The Hab vet Oil Co., Cleveland, O. The Roanokb-Chowan Timw ncr Bryan's Coaououer $1 , 6bk.;-w. Two Surprise Marriages Odd Fel lows CodtcdUod load Work Bosloess Cbaoges. ' Windsor was treated to anoth er BurpriBe marriage, which took place on New Year's morning. After early breakfast, Mr. Ogle Tayloe and Miss TresBie Mitchell met at the Methodist parsonage where the Rev. M. W. Dargan performed the ceremony. They immediately left on the early train for the home of the groom Mr. i. w. xieckBtaii went to Plymouth Thursday. Quite a number of people were m town New Year's Day. Mr. T. P. Gurley was sick for a few days last week. Mr. J. H. Dempsey has moved from King to Pitt Street. Mr. R. L. Holloman has chang ed his residence from Pitt to Queen Street. : There was a New Years' dance given at the Armory. They danced out the old year and danced in the new. Music was furnished by an Italian band. Mess. R. L. Holloman and Will Parker have positions with J. B. Gillam as salesmen for the pres ent year. .: Mr. JohnG. Pritchard has ac cepted a position with R. P. Voight Company of Norfolk, as traveling salesman, i Mr. K. Sallenger of Woodard was in town Friday. . Windsor Graded School began its Spring term Monday. 4 A Cause way ought to be built oyer1 Wading Place and it is to be hoped that this will not be neglected" much longer by the County Commissioners. Mr. E. L. Gatling has bought the John Smallwood place near! town. Consideration $5000.00. It is to be hoped that no back ward step will be taken by the County Commissioners in road building. To diminish the force would be a serious set back. Good r;-ada in anv county is an asset, oaa roaas a liability. With a good roads Governor, a good roads Legislature, and a good roads Board of Commissioners. we ought to be pushing on to higher and greater progress. If sou will ask Uncle Fogy what he thinks about it he will want to get back in the old ruts but if you will let Mr. Progressive ad vise, he will urge more and bet ter improvements. Let the slo gan be, "Good Roads!" All Odd Fellows of the district will remember that the Conven tion meets with Tuscarora Lodge at Windsor, January 23. Rev. W. R. Noe, President of the dis trict convention, is determined to have the best convention yet held. A large number of Odd Fellows is expected and Wind sor is going to throw open her doors to the visiting members of the "chain gang." ihere is go ing to be life in the convention and it will be worth your while to come and learn something you ought to, know. The public meet ing at night in the Opera House, the address of welcome on the part of Windsor will be made by Governor Francis D. Winston, who is a Past Master of the Ma sonic order in North Carolina. An address of, Fraternal Greet ing will be made by Dr. W. G. Mizell, Worshipful Master of Charity Lodge of Free-Masons 6f Windsor. Good music will be rendered and a splendid public address by Past Grand Master P. H. Williams of Elizabeth City. ; The stave factory has contract ed with the W. & P. railroad to furnish sufficient logs to. keep the mill running on full time during the year. This means a good pay roll -for the town. Mr. J, C. Gurley and family of Norfolk have been spending some time with their people. Prof. R. L. Walker, who has been suffering with a sprained ankle, has about sufficiently re covered as to be able to abandon his stick. Mr. Ernest Smith has been visiting his parents and giving the handshake to . his many friends in Windsor. Mr. Hugh Nicholls and Lim Mizell spent a few days in Nor folk last week. Rev. M. W. Dargan went to Farmville Monday. Dr. J.B. Ruffinof PowellBville; was in town Monday. Mr. Geo. Parker Ind Walter R. Brown, of Kelford, were here Monday. Mr. J. B. Saunders of Lewis- ton paid Windsor a visit Monday. W. R. Capebart, Esq., of Avo ca. paid Windsor a visit last Mon day. Dr. Bryant Bazemore, of Au- lander, who has been in town for several days, recuperating, went back to Aulander Monday. Mr. Junius Bridger has accept ed the position of salesman with Mr. A. Burden, corner of King and Granville Streets. Mr W. H. Sanderlin had an auction sale Saturday. He e pects to go back to Bel haven within this month. He came back to Windsor to regain his health. His health is now good and he is going back home. Do you see the point? Among Windsor's many advantages, it is a health resort. Dr. W. L. Davis has moved his millinery business to corner of King and Granville Streets, the store recently occupied by Mr. A. K. Davis. Mr. L. D. Perry has accepted a position in the Citizens Bank. Mr. Perry is a young man of splendid habits and upright life and his going into this splendid institution will mean much to him and as much to the banking cencern. And still there is a demand for more residential buildings in Windsor, notwithstanding the carpenters are kept busy. Mr. Geo. W. Thomas, who has been with J. B. Nicholls & Bro,. for several years, will open store for himself, in a few days in Granville Street, is the informa tion as given out. Parcels post started up in ear nest on January 2nd at the Wind sor postoffice. Mr. Buck Darden was visiting in Windsor last week. Mr. Tom Thompson has bought the Harrison place, near the old depot. He will occupy it as a residence. Mr. Thompson has lived at Johnson's mill for t number of years. Mr. Archie Hobbs who surpris ea nis irienas oy getting mar ried, without notice, a few days ago, will occupy as his first resi dence, the building on the corner of Belmont Avenue and St. Elmo Street J. H. Etheridge, Esq., of White's township, was in town Monday. Mr. Etheridge is one of Bertie County's best informed citizens and when the county stood in political peril he stood bravely by the county's best in terest and many times led a hopeless fight in the interest of his party organization. He would be a leader in the Legislature. FR1M JACKSON. Present Tai Assessment Law a Fall are Sale of Large Farra-Bet-lermeDl Heeling. There was a large crowd here Monday, it being the regular meeting of the various county boards and horsetrading day. Numerous plugs were on the deadline. Senator G.G. Peebles left Mon day for Rileigh to begin his leg islative duties. The present plan of listing property for taxation is not a success. It i9 too expensive and does not get the property on the tax books If you doubt this at tend the meetings of the Board of County Commissioners. Near ly all their time is taken up mak ing corrections in the tax list and granting applications to list property. It is reported here that Mr. Geo. Ransom has sold his large Roanoke farm of over 4000 acres situated near Rich Square. We believe this is the first instance where a Ransom has sold land. They usually buy. Mr. N. W. Britton, principal of the Winton High School, was ! ternoon. here Monday to sell his father's i Miss May farm near Rich Square for divi ' spent a few sion. It sold for about three and : week. a half times the tax valuation. I Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Deberry All the land in the county offered ', of Richmond visited parents dur lor sale sens for about three and me the holidays. four times the tax valuation. Our i Mrs. Bedie Stancell McLendon people enjoy a very low tax rate of Rockingham spent Christmas and do not seem to know it : with her mother, Mrs. Stancell. Mr. James S. Grant attended 1 Mrs. C. B. Vick and little son the funeral of Col. W. H.S. Bur-! Warren are visiting relatives in gwyn at Raleigh last Sunday.and Empona. Va. . ! m: a r was one or. the honorary pall- i musses Annie coone ana r ios bearers. Hon. T. W. Mason was :sie Bridgers, Messrs. H. T. Gar another. ;ns, Noms Boone and Sberiff In case President Wilann whn Burton attended the Christmas he assumes the duties of the 1 exer?ise8 at Branehville Tuesday Presidency revokes or susnenda ! evemn 01 iast weeK niacin it rnnpr.h naoa1 - - ' nis iamny to nis Diamond tirove farm near town. Mr. B.H, Lanier having succeeded him in his store. Presiding Elder Bumpas spent Friday night in town Mr. C. L Wenger of Dayton, Va., spent part of the Christmas holidays in town, the guest of Miss Annie Boone. Marpreirsvllle ,s. The ChriataHS holidays a-e now over and the boys and girls have returned to their respectiv schools and coiieges aJisses Clonnie Bridgers and Beatrice Taylor to BlacKstone, Va.. Miss Lizzie Adkins to Chowan, Messrs, Loyd Piland to Piedmont High School and Guy Britton to Day ton, Va. Miss Elroa Peele of George re turned Saturday to reopen schoo on Monday. Misses Annie Boone and Essie Tyler, Messrs. Will Tyler and Norris Boone spent Sunday in town, the guests of Miss Flossie Bridgers. Messrs. H. P. M. Garriss and J. G. Bottoms attended Quarter ly meeting at Zion Saturday. Misses Pearl Ncryell and Ru Vick of Seaboard visited relatives and friends in town last week. Dr. and Mrs. R. H. Stance. spent a portion of last week in Murfreesboro. Sheriff W. M. Burton of Yan ceyville, N. C, after spending a few days in town lark bunting, returned Friday. Mr. Sam Britte of Severn made his usual call in town Sunday af. uskfr sm. Hart of Littleton days m town last the order placing fourth postmasters in the classified ser vice there will be at least three applicants for the Jackson post office, all ladies. The meeting of the Betterment Association on Friday, January 10th., will be an important one. and it is hoped all who wish to join the association will attend. The meeting will be at 3 o'clock P. M. in the auditorium. October Railway Traffic Exceeds all Records. The devil tempts all men, , but the idle man tempts the devil. Spanish Proverb, The receipts and the expenses of the steam railways for the month of October, 1912, are greater than for any other month in their history. Net operating revenue, wmcn is the gross in come before anything has been taken out for taxes and rentals, interest on bonds, appropriations for betterments or dividends. averaged $15.71 per mile of line per day, which contrasts with $13.74 for October, 1911, an in crease of $1.97. This is an in crease per mile of line for the j montn or $01.13, or 14.4 per cent. The monthly summary of the Bureau of Railway Economics, compiled from the reports of railways to the Interstate Com merce Commission, covers for October 220,636 miles of line, or about 90 per cent of all of the steam railway mileage of the United States. The aggregate net operating revenue for this mileage was $107,440,518, which is greater by $14,870,125 than that for October, 1911. " The in creases were due in greatest pro portion to the freight traffic, which is always greater in Octo ber than in any other month of theyear. Lewiston News. Mies Mae Barnes of Greensbo ro spent last week with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Barnes. Miss Gertha Cowan of Burdens is visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. C. Cherry. Mrs. O. C. Carlton returned home Ia9t Wednesday from pleasant trip to see her parents at Boykins, Va. Misses Pearl Lynch, Edna Costley of Petersburg, Gertha Cowan of Burdens, Gertrude Fu trell of Conway, spent last week with their friend, Miss Rosa Cas per. Mr. B. C. Vick has returned to his home in Norfolk, Va.. af ter a delightful trip to see his friend, Mr. R. L. Casper. Mr. George Pritchard has re turned from Williamston after a pleasant visit to see bis mother. Mr. Julian Parker left for his home at Union Wednesday. Mr. Parker made many friends dur ing his pleasant stay last year, who wish him Buccess in the New Year.-- Mr. Cleveland Williams of Nor folk, one of our home boys, spent last week here with his mother, Mrs. B- Williams. Mr. Garvey Bazemore of Wake Forest, spent the holidays here with his parents. . Miss Kosa Casper and friends, Misses Pearl Lynch and Edna Costley left Monday for Oak City to spend soma time. Topsy Tumy at Jacko and Forecast-General Gleanlogs Briefly Telfl. The winter term cf the Lasker Graded School began Monday morning with an increased at tendance. Misses Clara Vaughan and Lo ta Draper were guests of their friends in Jackson Friday and Saturday. "Topsy Turvey or The Dea con's Courtship" will be played by our young people in the Audi torium at Potecasi on Friday evening of this week and in Jack son on Friday evening of next week. A lively entertainment of a high order is promised to tht Kood people of these respec tive towns, who so cordially in vited the troupe to present the plav in their midst. Large au diences are confidentially expect ed. Everybody invited. Mr. J. Grant of Littleton was here from Thursday till Monday on business, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Vaughan of Jackson were guests Sunday in the home of their aged moth er. Mrs Z. Vaughan. Rev. W. B. North filled his first appoiutment for the year at New Hope Methodist church Sun day afternoon. Miss Virginia Staunton of Nor folk, Va., spent a few days last week in our town, a guest in the home of Mr. J. J. Parker. Miss Staunton taught here two years ago. ' She is very popular among . our people Mr. J. L. Wheeler has recently- accepted a position with theFos- tturg Lumber Company at Little ton. He will soon enter upon toe duties of ais new msition. His family will remain here. Mr Clater Bridgers was in Weldon Wednesday on business. A full attendance of the mem bership of Vance Council, Jr. O. U. A. M., is earnestly desired at the meeting next Saturday even ing at 7:30 o'clock in their hall. Installation of new officers will take place, besides other impor tant business is to be attended to. B.E Bridgers. Whereas, it has pleased Gd in His infinite wisdom to remove from us, and from his earthly usefulness, our highly esteemed and much loved honorary mem ber, Mr. D. E. Bridgers. There fore be it resolved 1st That we. the members of the Woman's Christian Temper ance Union, of Margarettsville, N. C, humbly Bubmit to the will of Him who never errs 2nd. That we fully realize- that we have lost one of our old est and most faithful members. 3rd. That we shall miss him but his memory will ever be en deared to us, because of his read ineBS to assist the W. C. T. U. whenever his assistance was needed. 4th. That re extend to the bereaved family our tenderest sympathy. May God's blessings rest upon them and finally unite them in one unbroken family above. . v . . 5th That a page in our Rec ord be kept to his memory, and a copy of these resolutions be sent to the family and one to the North Carolina White Ribbon. Mrs. W. R. Garriss, Mrs. M. B. Garriss. The New York World, three times a week, and this paper for only $1.65 a year; old or new subscriptions,