"M. mo I i 7 V, limes, nuriKW j. Conner, publisher. CAROLINA, CAROLINA, HEAVEN'S BLESSINGS ATTEND HFR." SUBSCRIPTION PV.h .ANNUM fljn Volume XXII. RICH SQUAEB, NOBTHAMPTOTST COTTNTir, C., THURSDAY, FEBRtJARY 27, Mia Number 9. MJWM Tate Machinery Supply Co. . LITTLETON, N C. MACHINERY SPECIALISTS: Everything in Machinery and Mill Supplies. Plans, Sfbcifi cations and Estimates fcbmshbd on application " E. C. SMITH, General Contractor and Builder FRANKLIN, VA. . W.Maaoa. J.A. WomO. MASON & WORRELL rrORNKYI ft COUNSELLOBS AT LAW, JACKSON, N. C. Practice is all Coarta. BuaineM promptlT and faithfully attended to. Office 2nd floor bank building. RAYMOND G. PARKER, Attorney and Counselor at Law, Jackson, N. C. Practices in all courts. All business riven prompt and faithful attention. Office 2nd Floor Bank Building. r. 1 PmMm. r. B. Rarrl PEEBLES & HARRIS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. JACKSON. N. C. Practice in all Courts. Business promptly and faithfully attended to. DR. C. G. POWELL . DENTIST, POTECASI N. C. Can be found at his office at all times i zeept when notice is given in this paper DR. B.L BROOKS, SURGEON DENTIST, BOYKINS, -. VIRGINIA. Office Days: Thursday, Friday and Saturday' of each" week.' . B.Wnnoun' Bvamar Wmsonm. WINBORNE & WINBORNE, Attorney at Law, MURFREESBORO. N. C. ' ' ines Nos. 1? and 21. , Su O. K. MldTrtt. GAY &. MIDYETTE Mnmeri & Counsellor at J.aw JACKSON. N. C Practice in all Courts. All business orcoDtlv and faithfully attended to. ''TV 2nd floor. New Bank bnilduiR. r--v DR. J. M. JACOBS VOXD DENTIST, ROXOBEL, N. a Extracting from children at same price as adults. Dr. W. J. Ward, DENTIST WKI.DOV N.C. Dr. E. Ehringhaus DENTIST Jacktton, '.'.' - N.C. Dentistry in all of its branches. Crown and Bridge work a specialty. Office in New Flythe Building over Postoffice. a Co p. land JoUh OosMud : HOUSE MOVERS : Ww are now prepared to move houses of any size. PrWw low: It will be to nnr 'nrwert lo see us. ' ''OPM.AND BKOlHEKH W.H.S. BURGWYN JR. ATTORN ET AT LAW. Woodland, - North Carolina. Office in Farmer's Bank Building, rraetice in all Courts. Business prompt ly and faithfully attended. Contractor and Builder. For all Brick and Plastering Construction Work communicate with A. T. Vick, Contractor and Builder;" Franklin, Va., . before letting contract. j 1-241-yr ' A fears subscription to the New York World and the Roanoke-Chowan Tikes for only $1.65, old or new subscribers. FROM JACISON. Interesting Debate by Graded Scbool Pnpllj County Teachers' Meet ing General News. Mr. John Mays from Stem is visiting in the home of Rev. W. B. North. Miss Pearl Grant, who has been attending school in New Bern, is now at home. Miss Nellie Long of Elizabeth City, after a visit to Mrs. J. P. Parker, returned to her home Wednesday. Mrs. J. T. Flythe gave an en tertainment at her home last Tuesday evening for the benefit of the "Bright Jewels." Misses Daisy Parker and Lou ise Deloatch spent Friday in Wei don. Mrs. J. L. Lister delightfully entertained the Missionary Soci ety of the M. E. church Wednes day afternoon. Mrs. Henry W. Lewis has as her guest her sister, Miss Pattie Urquhart, of Southampton, Va. Mrs. Russell Buxton has re turned to her home in Port Nor folk after a visit to Mrs, Henry K. Burgwyn. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Parker and family are visiting Mrs. James Parker. Dr. H. W. Lewis went to Nor folk on Thursday to attend the banquet given by Dr. Driver. ..The Northampton County Teachers' Association was in ses sion in the Graded School build ing here Friday, 21st We are always glad to welcome the teachers to our town and appro date the fact that the Associa tion chose Jackson as its perma nent place of meeting. We are thus put in closer touch with the educational work in our county, and when we see what is being done we wish to join in the for ward movement which will place Northampton among our state's leading counties. When we note what has been accomplished along this line in the last few years we have cause to be proud of Northampton, and we know, also, that much is due to our faithful and efficient superintend ent, Mr. P. J. Long. We hear . i . ra W r . mat supc. j. i. joyner is to aa dress the Teachers' Association at the Marcl meeting, ' and Mr. Long urges that this be made an educational rally. Our towns people can contribute much to the success of this meeting BDd we feel sure they will gladly do so. "Equal Suffrage" was the question under discussion in the Jackson Literary Society last Thursday, and it was with pleas ure and interest that a large number of visitors listened to the excellent aaguments whi:h show ed ability jon the part of the de baters and reflected credit on the training which they are receiv ing. The same query was the subject for debate throughout the state on Friday, by the "High Scbool Debating Union of N. C." 360 students, represent ing 90 North Carolina schools and, judging from the way in which the subject was treated by our girls and boys now pupils of the 7th and 8th grades we believe they will be ready to take their place in the Debating Union when our Graded School becomes a State High School. The affirm ative side of the auery was up held by Misses Rebecca Long, Dorothy Gay, and Elizabeth Moore, while Messrs. Robert Burnette, Jere Gay, and Dock Boone felt it their duty to show to the society and the community that no worse calamity could be fall us than that woman should have a voice in public affairs or that our southern women should come in contact with the "evils" of the ballot box. So well did they do this that many of us were convinced. But the girls met their arguments with equal ly convincing statements of what woman has done and what wom an can do and still be true to her proper sphere. In fact,, they showed that she would be better fitted to fill her calling as a "homemaker" and that her voice in certain legislation is needed; for now.of those who judged .the debate, Mr. Flythe will cast his vote to "give the women a chance" and Mrs. Lister and Mrs. Worrell will find it advisa ble to do more than vote through some one else. However, they were not willing to render their decision jn favor of the affirma tive until they had given due commendation to each of the Bix debaters who are indeed a credit to the school. Miss Elizabeth Moore received the distinction of having made the best speech.The debate was the principal feature of the program, but the entire proceedings of the society show ed the aims of the student body are culture and progress and we are sure that in continuing this work they will be an uplifting influence in bur community. George Hers. The Friends Quarterly Meet ing was held at Cedar Grove the latter part of the past week. Those in attendance from other parts of the State were Wm. Hoi lowell of Goldsboro and Silas Chappell of Snow Hill. Mr. J. G. Parker and wife en tertained Mr. tnd Mrs. E. L. Brown of Rich Square in their home Sunday. This whole community felt a severe shock last Thursday morn ing when the sad news came an nouncing the death of Henry Brown of Menola. He had a great many relatives and friends in this neighborhood, and his pleas ant visits in our homes will be greatly missed. The Olney teachers were kind ly invited by Dr. Driver, to be present at the Tri-State Medical Society which held its annual meeting Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. On Friday the pro gram was Riven entirely over to Dr. Driver to arrange. He b a live wire, to say the least, and the whole day was given up to the discussion of malaria, this being the one thing that he seems most interested in. He had pres ent to address the .meeting Fri daythe day that the teachers were present three men of na tional repucation. Look for a fuller account of the meet1 ng elsewhere in this paper. We were certainly pteaied to note in the Times of two weeks ago, the progress which the Sea beard High School is making in the way of adding more attrac tions to the school. Maybe it would not be out of place te say that we understand that the 01 ney High School here has just sent off the following order: Paint enough for the building outside, one teacher's desk, one reading table, desks for the primary room and wall paper for all the rooms down stairs. It would be interesting if all the schools in the county would report what they are doing. Strayed From mv - home near George one Jersey Heifer, about one year old, unmarked. Will pay for in formation as to her wherenbouts. W. T. Bkowm, George, N. C LROM WINDSOR. Alter Seaboard Railroad to Come to Windsor Superior Court Bish op Sirange's Sermons. The electric lights now run all night Mr; J. R. Mitchell of Winton was in town last week. Hon. L. L. Smith of Gates, was in-Windsor last week. Hon. W. D. Pruden of Chowan was in town last week. Mr. J. H. Matthews' home is nearing completion. Mr Holley M. Bell has been suffering for several days with appendicitis. He is much better at this writing. ; Judge Winston was called to Raleisth to attend the funeral of his brother Robert's wife last week-. Mrs. .Winston accompa nied him. ; . Miss Virginia Spruill, who is one of the teachers in the Meth odist Sunday school, gave a par ty to her class last Friday night, at ttfe home of Mrs, ", j. B. Saun ders, Mr. Jos. D. Sessoms came to Windsor last week with a drove of hdrses and mules It looked haturjal to see him on our streets again1 and his many friends were pteaped to sea him and give him the glad hand. His friends would be pleased to have him return And make Windsor his home. 1 Bishop Robert Strange, of the Episcopal church, preached Sun day 'morning and night in the Methodist church. The Episco pal church is undergoing repairs and? tne Methodist, church was tendered to the Episcopalians for their use. Both sermons were able and powerful Gospel mes sages. Two confirmations. The Supreme Court has hand ed down an opinion in the case of J. W. Mitchell Vs. V.H. Free man et at. Plaintiff Mitchell won in the Superior court and the Su preme court finds no error and so the judgment is affirmed. This wasna land suit tried before Judge Cline. The Superior court adjourned early last week, but it was not on account of the impatience of the Judge, for he exhibited none, and was as smooth and pleasant as any man should be on the bench. Judge Lane is fair and just in his rulings, firm but not arbitrary. He has the judicial temperament; courteous to the members of the bar, litigants. witnesses, and all the officers of the court. What a contrast he is to one judge in North Carolina. It is needless to write his name, for when it.is said that he is an affliction upon the judiciary and the people, everybody knows who is mea.it for if our sixteen Judges were like him we might wll exclaim in our anguish and disoair God save the mark! There is an effort being made to induce the Roanoke and Tar River Railroad to extend its line from Lewiston to Windsor. Enough free rights-f-way have been signed . to take the road al most to the corporate limits of the town. Monday a large dele gation of our representative citi zens went to Norfolk to nave a conference with the President and other officials of the S. A. L and to show the management the advantages of the extension Our people are a unit for the road and it looks like plans will soon take definite shape. If the road comes through the Indian Woods, touching Spring Hill, Spruill's store, Grabtown and other points it will run through some of the best farming lands of the State and which is at this-time in a high state of developing. With in the last year Windsor ha? ad ded a stave factory and electric lights besides making other ma terial advancements and with the promise of another railroad line there areother developments at hand Winton Locals. Rev. Mr. Wood was in our town last week. He is now some what a stranger here and we were glad to see him. Dr. James D. Bruner, presi dent of Chowan College, was a visitor in our town Sunday. Misses Mary and Ruby Cowan spent Sunday in town. Mrs. W. L. Matthews, who his been on the sick list for some time, is slowly improving. Mrs. W. B. Pollard has gone to Norfolk to the hospital for treatment. Rev. T. 3. Crutchfield filled his regular appointments at the Win ton Baptist church last Sunday. Mrs. R. C Bridger, who has been on an extended trip to Ral eigh and other points, returned lot Thursday, accompanied by her niece, Miss Lawrence. Mr. A. J. Pearce is having a clearance sale, at the store for merly occupied by Pearce and Banks. 1 The Ladies Betterment Society met Wednesday afternoon. The ladies of the Missionary Society of the Chowan church have a lunch counter to accom modate the court people this week. Mr. L. V. Osven is no on a visit to bis mother, Mrs. D. A, Miss Kate Taylor, who was kept away from schol last we?k on account of illnes3, has return ed. Mr. C. W. Carter spant Lst Wednesday in Norfolk. Mrs Jamas Eley was the gus.u of Miss Eula Carter bit Monday. Mrs. D. A. Owen and daugh ter Elva, spent several days i Norfolk last week. Miss Eula Carter is in Suff lk visiting friends. Messrs. J. H. Jenkins, J. H Lee and E. L. Banks spent last Monday in Gatesville. Mr. Troy Jenkins, who is at tending school in Norfolk, spent from Friday until Monday with his parents. Messrs. Bernard Banks and Cyril Pearce spent Sunday after noon near St. Johns. Misses Emily Clarke, Ina Mitch ell. Louise Vann and Jesiie Pi land of Chowan College, spent Saturday and Siniay at home. Miss Jessie Piland has gone to NorfolK to have her eves treated. Miss Nellie Ward ox Chowan College spent Sunday with Mrs. J. E, Jones. District Teachers' Meeting; The meeting of the teachers of the Rich Square-Roanoke di vision convenes at Olney school house the 1st prox. at 2 P. M. All the teachers of the Potecasi, Woodland, Hebron and Olney schools are required to be in at tendance and a cordial invitation is extend -d to any others who can be present The following program is to be rendered: 1. The Use of the Dictionary W. E. Whisenant. 2. Lesson in Phonics Josie Parker, 3 Round Table Discussion on Chaps. XIV. XV, XVI, XVni. of "Reading in Public Schools." 4 Demonstration of Soil , Ero sion, using sand table R A Sul- 5. Optional Subject Supt. P. J. Long 6. Malaria, the School's Great est Enemy Margaret C. Brown. 7. Recitation. "The House bv the Side of the Road"-Teachers who know the poem. Hannah J. Starr, Vice President CONFEDERATE MONUMENT. Tbe II. 0. C. Appeal to tbe Old Vet erans and Citizens of Northamp ton for Fnnds. Jackson, N. C.. Feb. 25. To the Confederate Veterans and the General Public: The U. D. of the Confederacy, Harry Burgwyn Chapter of Jack son, N.C, wish to announce that they are undertaking with the aid of the Matt W. Ransom Camp of Confederate Veterans of Northampton County to erect a monument to the Confederate Soldiers of said county at Jack son, N.C, and we hereby appeal to all veterans and to all public spirited citizens who love the ciU3e of the Conf 3deracy and ap preciate the valiant deeds, heroic efforts, the hardships endured, and the sacrifices made by the Confederate Soldiers of North ampton Cnnty, to subscribe t the erection of this moiument a liberally as they feel willing to do. We have already 'had quite a number of liberal subscriptions. All persons who wish to contri bute to this worthy cause will please send their contributions to Mr. J. T. Flythe. Jackson. N.C, whom we have designated as our treasurer for this purpose. We hope to have the fund raised and the monument erected . sometime during the summer. Let all who wish to contribute send in their contribution or sub scription at once, as it will take sometime to have the monument made after the fund has been raised. A cut of the oropoeed mon i- ment may be seen at any tim. ' We thank yon in advance for any c.t-ibution you jr"y give. Mrs. J. T. Ffythe. Pres. U. D. C. Miss May Calvert. Secretary. Conway Locals. Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Vick of Portsmouth, Va., are visiting their father, Mr. J. A. Garris. Mrs. M. I. Sykes spent a few days ' with relatives at Rich Square, returning Monday. Miss Ruth Waff of Woodland spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B V?aff, The teaehers from herj at tended the County Teachers' As sociation at Jackson last Friday. Messrs. John and Jennings White spent Saturday and Sun day with their sister, Mrs. E. L. Stephenson, near Margiretts ville. ' .:' Misses Maud and Kate FJythe spent a few days last week in the home of Mr. J. T. Rice. Mr. T. B. DeLoatch spent a few days in Raleigh last week. The Utopian Literary Society gave an open meeting Friday night Feb. 21, 1613. in honor of ' George Washington's v birthday. Toe meeting was opened by the V President reading a chapter: In the Bible and the Lord's Prayer in concert. The roll was called and minutes read.- The program ' ' rendered was as follows ' Inst Duet Ella Mae Nixon f, and Mabel Garris. - ;&. Reading from Washington:' Grace Sykes. . ;' -t.?;::;.-,-''?: Song Eight little Rirls. . Inst Solo Gertrude Futrell. Reading from Washington Irene Earnhardt. . ; 11 Inst. Duet Cattie Vick and ; ! Ruby Rice. ; . -:: ' Jokes Myra'VioBon. : ' - : Inst Solo Ruby Rice. Propheey of the 10th. Grades- . Bernice Atkinson, ':li':; .. ',': , After the Society adjourned there was a box "supper and the , crowning of Martha Washington. Many were voted for, but Miss Cattie Vick, receiving the most 1 votes, waa-crovned. ; : 3 if hi 3 f

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