.i.,.r;'iVj'.'."t am. hi fillip j f). . . . '.:- . i'r iijiiy ':V,V'i'y.V, ' nines.' ANDREW. (X)Nij&LISHBIUV';v; VHilROLlNX' .CAROLINA, .HEAVEN'S BLESSINGS ATTEND Hr"v-f ' ' ' SUBSCRIPTION PRK ANNUM sJ.m. Volume XXU; ' V) - . RICli SQUARE, NORTHAMPTON COUNTY. N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 1&13. Number 14. ?56 Tai llanhlnnwif A'n laic Aittbiiiuci j v mm LITTLETON, :$yC;: MACHINERY SPECIALISTS: Eveiydiing in Machintiyand 'MiD Supplies. - k)! ' plans, Specifications and Estimates Furnished on ArpucAflp ft vir . General Contractor aM Builder ' ; ; FRANKLIN MASON & WORJiEJUU, . .nDHV. it, rAlMMt l ABl it)' l.iW Pnetiee ta all Coorta.' BnainMl tramptlr and Aithfollr attended to. Office 2nd floor bank balidinff.L, i RAYMOND G. PARKER, Attorney and Counselor at taw. ' ' Jackson, N. G "' , v . Praeticev in aO eoorta. &H bnalaeu fireo prompt and faitMul attentiojB, Office 2nd Floor Bank Building. . : : TT; r. i, PEEBLES & HARRIS. -ATTORNEYS AT LAW. , ' Jackson, k. c. Pnetiee in all Conrta. ;,Biiaipea', promptlv and faithfully attended" to: ' HD. C fi. POWELL OENTistr,' tf-MDr.- EnUne Ehrinsrhaua was POTECASI N. C. Ca be found at his office WelTtJief seept when notice ia given Jn tJUapeperc : Kpcrf SVRGEpN DENTIST, : BOYKINS, VIJtfJIFIAf. and satoraay oi -wen weeK.-r..!-. m. B. WiikiiH . BtAmai wtaaeam. WiNBORNE fit WINBORNE. Attctner"at LiW; HURFRtE8B0?p. Na.'-lt and 21. a aOe t GAY 4. MIDYETTE ' AMornere Counaellora TsW IACXBOM. H.O. 'i ,'r."v..' Practice in aU Conrta. All buaineaa promptlv end faithfully attended to. ' Office 2nd floor. New Bank bnikHnR. DR. J. M. JACOBS dentist. roxobel; n. c. . Sxtracting from children at aitne price aa'adolta. . 1 Dr. W. J. Ward, DENTIST. wki sir. Dr. E. Ehringhaus ' . DENTI8T ' ' Jackson,. - ' ,N.:iC. Dentistry in all of ita branchee Crown and Bridg-e Work a specialty: ; OfBee' In New FIjrthe Building over PoitofBce. a C . opiaBd Jottmk Oaealwtf HOUSE MOVERS : W Hrtf now prepared to move bousea t' n? ise.' Pr( low j; It will be to ioor,'ntprwt to oa' -v ; ' '. '"Ori.ANO HKUi irBHS; i : W H. S. BURG WYN JR; ' 'ATTORNBT; AT J.AW. -J : WotKllaad, - Nortb. Carolina, Office' in Farmer'! Bank Bnilding. :V ' K ractlce In ell Courta. Boaineaspronipi ly and faithfully attended. 7- . i ' Gontractcr aniBc '; ' For aU'Briok k Oonstrnotion Work ominnrjicate w 1 with A, T. Vict, pootrnfert m , Builder;' Frariklku , V-jQMore - letting contract.. ?jij -JU- I 1-241-yr t ' 'A years subscriptioii lib ? the . NwVp?k World tovtSeA-- NOKB-CHOWAk TU:r,fCfO . tl (X nA Ba nw euherrnbeML :;v' . Superior Coort. In Session Baraca aDd Pbllatliea Work social ' E?en BlPastWeet Mr.' James Lamb and dausrb ters. Anne and Marie, of Charles ton. S.C, arrived , Saturday to visit Mrs. Lamb's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. 0. Boone. Miss Pat tie Urquhart, who has been visiting toer sister, Mrs. H. W. Lewis, returned to her home in Southampton, Va., on Wed nesday. A Mr. J. W. Calvert of Norfolk pent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Calvert . , " Mr. Jim Jordan has ' resigned his position as book-keeper for E. S. Bowers & Co., and return ed to his former home, Branch rille, Va. ' Little Miss Elizabeth and Mas ter Egerton Ehringhaus are' vis itinsr their grandmother, Mrs. B. Ehringhaus, in Ghent, Norfolk. ; Messrs. W. W. Robertson of Norfolk and H. Stuart Lewis of Suffolk were in Jackson last .week.' : a Mrs. Jim Jordan left on Wed nesday after a visit to her niece. Mrs. Frank Harris. in Norfolk last week. Tbe next meeting of the Bet terment Association is Called on Friday, April 4, 'at 3 P. M. A full attendance is aeauested. church made a fine showing Sun- mf morning aa they filed in the togirjr andltoriym. of the . church lusc peiore nr. Deny oi aaieigu arose to address them, Harry Rowe Shelley's, "Hark! Hafk! My, Soul!" was very sweetly ren dered by the choir after wnich Mr; W: D. Barbee introduced the speaker. In a simple: and un- PMy?..iaffected way he sooke othecon gregation of the onarin' of the Baraca class, what it has done. what it is doing' and what ' it hopes jto accomplish in' the fu ture.. "To those who were ignor ant of the work of, the Baraca and Philathea classes this was an enlightening service, and to all it was an enjoyable one.' In the afternoon Mr. Berry organiz ed classes in the Methodist dburch. . ...,r . The playV MTh' Country- Doc tor," given here Friday evening by Rich?juare talept was yey much enjoyed, vine- story, itself bad much more plot to It than Is usual in the plays .presented , by amatuers. ; Miss Skinner; thor oughly understood the i part she portrayed and never once did it get beyond her.. , Also , we. would commend Mr, Bowers for hU qt ter lack of self ; consciousness, which is to be coveted, by all ac tors ; : . . ; The, social life of Jackson, woke on the morning of the 24 h when the Misses Calvert enter tained at breakfast at half 'past nine to twelve in honor of Miss Young of Durham, N. C. The breakfast consisted of five c6urs es, beautifully served, Cajble be ing decorated with violets. Those participating were: JllsseS Annie Jerome. Blanche Bowers. Helen Grant. AnnieSesj-s; Rosa Perry, Sallie and Uazie UaIvert,-Kosa line Young and Ilessrs. WV P, Rarbee, B. F. Tennille, G. A Moore. J. A. Flythe, E. W. Lew is, This was t;ouiB of w most OeHghtf ut occasions of the Jack son' social life, during , the holi days. da ' the '' evening of the same day. the RooK Club was tie liirhtf ullv entertained bv Miss Sears jnd Mr.. Bar bee4.;' Progres- j si ve Rook was' indulged in. after) which refreshments were served ' consisting of club sand wiches and hot chocolate. Those attend ing were: Misses Mazie Calvert, Sallie Calvert, Annie Sears, Blanche Bowers, Rosa Perry, Annie Jerome, Helen Grant and Rosaline Young of Durham, . N. C , and Messrs. E. S. Bowers, W. D Barbee, B. F. Tennille. M C. Taylor. G. A. Moore, E W. LewT is. J. A. Flythe and E V. Wynn. The social entertainments reach ed their climax on Tuesday even-, ing at 9:30 March 25, at Hotel Burgwyn. The boys of the Rook Club gave a banquet (o the la dies of the Club and their guest Miss Young, of Durham, N. C Plates were laid for 18 and the table and dining-room being dec orated with Club colors red and white, and the menues being decorated with the same . and Gibson pictures made a very at tractive appearance and showed the artistic taste of the one in charge. Mr. Tennille. The menu consisted of seven courses. Mr. B. F. Tennille covered himselfl with glory as toastmaster and the responses to the different toasts by Mr. G. A. Moore, W. D. Barbee, E. W. .Lewis, J. A. t lytne and m. s cowers were; both eloquent and full of wit and good cheer. It was the event of the season and all were delight ed with the evening. Those at tending: Mesdames L. C. Grant and J. A. Worrell, cnapeorones, Miss Annie Jerome with M. C. Taylor, Blanche Bowers with :G. A Moore, Sallie Calvert with'E" S. Bowers, Mazie Calvert with , W.4 Lewis,' Annie ' Sears with a F. Tennille, Rosa Perry with J. A Fly the, Helen Grant with W. D. Barbee and Miss Rosaline Young with E. V. Wynn. On account of the failure of Judge Cook to arrive, there was no court Monday. Court conven ed Tuesday morning. Columbus DeLoatch of Lasker was made foreman of the grand jury. ' The docket is light and the business of the two weeks term is likely to be completed this week;' Jelplog Otbers. O.nly those .who suffer most oyer their own faults can be of most service in helping their fel lows to overcame their, faults. Only as we are keenly conscious of our 'own sin.) remembering it vividly as we cling in recognized worthlessness and .helplessness to unriat as our onlv hope, can we be of help to others in lead ing them out of their faults into a lasting Christ given victory and freedom. Yet we do .not often go in this spirit at the task of helping other to overcome If we see, or think . we see, some fault in another, And wa contem plate -speaking about it, that fault usually looms so big ins t then tnat our own . faults are quite forgotten, in the exercise. And our . forgetf ulness is the doom of our helpfulness.lt makes real love and sympathy impossi bie.- it distorts or clouds our vision.. ' We cannot see others' faults truly unless wd are feeling our weakness at the same time. One good result from this insist ence upon remembering our own weakness is.that others' failures wilt seem so little by .contrast that . we shall usually decide not to mention them at -ll: "'But if on rare occasions; at God's" owa urgent leading,-We do speak; it will be with a wealth 'of love and tenderness and" sympathy and conscious ' personal '; ihferiroity and Otter , dependence. ' upon Christthat will uplift and en courage and- inspire. -May , that be always-our whole and only purpose as we think or speak of the shortcomings of our fellows! -Sunday School Tunci r 1 LASKER NEWS. Graded School Closes-Farm Work Progresslng-Epwortu League ' 1 service-General News. ..Farm work in this vicinity is progressing quite rap:dly. Mr. A.M. Williams of B)ykins. Va , was the guest Sunday of hit lady friend, Miss Lina'MaieGray, in the home of Mr. C.W. Draor. Masters Vernon and Lindsay Draper of Rich Square were guests Sunday of their, grand mother, Mrs. A Draper. Mr. Ben Boone of Rich Square High School spend last week-end with his friend, Mr. Rollin War ren. Mr. Jos. Boone of Jackson was the guest Sunday evening of his lady friend, Miss Clara Vaughan. ' A company of our voung peo ple, consisting of Misses Lillian Pope, Ruth Do well and Lina Maie Gray and Messrs. C E. Brewer, Ra'ph E. Parker and Stanley C Draper went over to the State Farm Saturday and greatly en loved the kind hospitality of vjapt. Rhem, who is the Supt. of tiieFarm. 'Miss Jennie Drake of New oms,,. Va , is here spending some- time in the pleasant home of Mr, afad Mrs. J. S. Bryant. 1 . Rt. W. B North, D. D.,filled bis regular appointment at the j M. E. i church Sunday evening. J Dr. North preached a strong ser moo, si usual, and was heard by 1 a large congregation. &oNternooh when the sad I fft?aiH.- iirftr! ;Uur people were shocked on, Rev. DCaie'i good wife was teJwSWj dead at her home in Potecasi. 1 r?fr- murderous msUnct Rev; Mr. Cale is pastor of thejOrPnveainhisfjuryoun Lasker Baptist church, and he breast; we shall hav e the begin and Mrs. Cale have beer, well nxi ?,f mankind typefied before knownand loved by the people f m. 'mmnniHr i.roontivo ' ThSigoad rhn has our sympathy j in his hour of bereavement. - Miss Gould of Baltimore arrived Friday to take charge of the mil linery department of J. J. Par ker's big store, Mr, R. E. Peele of Portsmouth is here visiting relatives and friends. ' ; the Lasker Graded School closed last Friday and the teach ers, Mr. R. L. Scott; Miss Lillian Pope and Miss Ruth Dowell, re turn this week to their homes in Greensboro, Woodland and Ahos kie, - respectively. The session lasted only six. months this year, but all the patrons and pupjls agree that it has been, 'in every particular, the best term in the history of the school. On Friday evening the Literary Society of the school rendered a very inter esting program. It was appreci ated by one of the largest audi ences that has ever been in the Graded School.auditorium. Many were turned, from its doors be cause even standing room could not be found. 7 The leading num ber on the program was a debate by four of the brightest young men of the school, The query was on compulsory school atten dance. . The debate was lively and well prepared. The affirma tive was intelligently and con vincingly ", debated by Messrs. Claudie Lassiter and Paul Brit ton, but the arguments which were presented by Messrs, Paul Parker an David Britton of the negative, was somewhat stronger and caused the judges to render a decision, ,2 tol, in favor of the latter? v A ." beautiful Dictionary, which had been offered as a prize by a patron of the school, to the speaker who might deliver the he awarded to Wr. Paul P-e-ker. Supt. P. J. Long presented the prize with comolimentary re marks to the successful contes tant. After the program a sil ver offering was taken and re freshments seryed for the benefit of the opera chair fund for the auditorium. The absence of the teachers will be keenly felt by the entire community.- While in pur midst they proved themsel ves to be leaders of progress, and ic is with deep 'regret to us that they depart from pur midst. Es pecially will thev be missed in the social life of the community. Our best wishes go with tnem. The following program has been prepared for Ep worth Lea gue service next Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock: . Subject "The Indignation of Jesus." Leader Mrs. J. J. Parker. Song service. ' Sentence prayers. Scripture reading, Matt XX Hi. 11-39. Announcements. Hymn. Talk on "The chief cause of the Indignation of - Jesus" Mr. D. A. Parker. Prayer. Solo Miss Lina Maie "Gray. Talk on "The helpfumen of tne indignation of Jesus. General discussion Hymn. Benediction. The Small Boy andlbe Birds. Asheville Gaaette-Newa. The friends of the birds view I uie nrrivai.iM. voe uiue uiruo and the .- robins and others of the tiorisThere w always the small us i""" 7 : 7 . 'ee has reached the time of doddering senility; in what few there are will appear at least some glimmerings of the cave- dwelling barbarian. They are using BB shot by the pound, writes one distressed ladv. "I am now nursing a lovely blue bird shot in the wing a few days since. Often the parents buy the 8hk for the boys, which is the greater shame. We must" save our birds, The boys will have to be trained,restrained or punish v They ought to be, that is a fact. L The times have changed, with regard to tne attitude of the hu man toward useful, beautiful and melodious members of the feath ered tribe. That has resulted in a great. increase of the latter. The blue bird has returned after an absence of maay years. We know of at least two families of mocking' birds dwelling in Ashe ville; and the increase of the mocking bird population in wes tern North Carolina has number ed manly hundred, in the past few years, it may be supposed. The byrd , tourists are just now flocking in. In the environs you will one day find a group of plover, (he next day a covey of fat field. larks. V V' Howcslh we get into the small boy's head that bird life is to be fostered and conserved, because it adds to the higher and purer pfeasuWtof human, life?! h T6ttimyv'Pop what is diaci- nUhelTySV.p;.;: .'i r ; ATiwiarto (Pop-r t'Disciplinemy son; ttuiiething you can only eithe;during tne first year at acbobVojr.the firstyear olmar- riedfC'-PhUadelphia Record. Cad': Maidr'.'Are those . "men foHSwing usT" 1 TtCXT Girl-"One of; us." ters. and several granflihildrca FROM POTECASI. ueatb of Mrs. Oancy Cale General News of Town aod Vicinity Is Blel. Miss Maggie Baugham return ed home Sunday after spending a week with relatives and friends in and around Murfreesbora. Dr. G. N. Harrell and wife and children of Murfreesboro spent Sunday in town with his mother, Mrs. Mollie Harrell, Quite a number of the ladies from here attended the Woman's Fifth Sunday Missionary , Meet ing at Ashley's Grove Sunday af ternoon. Mr. James Matthews of Pow- ellsville spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. S. N. Par ker, Kuest of his daughter. Miss Nannie Matthews, a member of our faculty. Mesdames Helen G Ibert, Mol lie Harrell and Fannie Lassiter attended the Woman 'h Mission ary Convention in Raleigh last week. They reported a great meetinsr. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Doffernyre of Mapleton were here Sunday with their people. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Lassiter Mr. Doffermyr'e returned home Sunday night but his wife will .spend some time. A number of our young people attended the commencement ex ercises at Lasker Friday . night, reporting a pleasant time. Un fortunately, perhaps, one couple had most decided to spend the night since their horse .finding the hour of departing to be so late had already wended his wy hoTHward at ali? mjch.,, efjfcer hoir. Rev. J. F. Cile and wife and little Lois of Roxobal arrived Mindiy 0 attend the funeral, services of his mother, Mrs. D Cale. Also Mr. Piland of Vaughan came in late Monday evening. Mrs. Rebecca Futrell is with her son, Mr. W. J. Baugham, again. We are always glad t welcome back ahy of our people. Mrs. Seth Joyner of St Johns spent Monday with Mrs. Fanni Baugham. This community was burdened with a great shock when it was spread Sunday Viight that the angel Of death had quietly enter ed the home of Rev. Dancy Cale and borne from . him the quiet spirit of his beloved wife. She had been in declining health- for mre than a month but at the time of her death she had seem ed better. Not only will her loved ones and friends miss her but the Sunday School, church, and especially the W. M. Society of which she was a devoted,faith ful member, will greatly lament and deplore the loss of one so dear to the" hearts and lives of the entire community and then who knew her. She was a de vout Christian and a good neigh-' bor and her very life was a liv ing example of noble Christian 'duty. Had she lived a few years longer she could have celebrated ' her golden wedding. Of course it is sad to give up one so dear and useful but all the better rea son God wanted her to go and live with him and may the be reaved ones be comforted in the thought that she is only gone on before to a better home prepar ed for her and not made with hands to beckon them on when they're called; Her funeral ser vices will be conducted , in the church today (Tuesday) at 2:00 o'clock and the interment will take place in the Beale grave ' yard. May God's richest bless-; ings be upon W guide and ; com fort the sorrow stricken ones, especially the . heart-broken hes- band, two sons and two dac?h MM y.'-f...

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