THE BOANOKE-CIIOWAH TIMES THUKWDA Y, APKIL 24 113 1 CIG&ETTE LAW. iss saij Di cierj roiice uuiccr hi tafnlre ot Minors Where They Get Cigarettes. The law relative to givinsr or selling cigarettes to minors is materially strengthened bv th enactment of a bill introduced by Senator A. D. lvie to extend the provisions of the law by making it the duty of every police officer in the State, upon knowledge or information that any minor un dertheage of seventeen years is or has been smoking any cig arette, to inquire of such minor the name of the person or per sons who gave o sold such cig arette or aided or abetted Buch person or persons m giving or celling such cigarette or the sub stance from which such cigar ette was made, to such minor as forbidden by law. Upon receiv ingsucn information from any such minor the officer is required forth with to cause a warrant to be issued for any person or per sons giving or selling or aiding or abetting any person or per sons in giving or selling any cig arette. or substance out of which such cigarette, is made, and have all such persons dealt with as the law directs. Any minor under the age of seventeen years who shall fail or refuse to give any officer upon inquiring the name of person or persons giving or selling him cigarettes shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Ex. Pleasant Bill News. There was a good attendance at Sunday School Sunday. Mrs. C. F. Brewer. Mrs. T. B. Vassar and Mrs. J. W. Boiseeau are improving. Mrs. Gwalthney, sawyer at Isles & Massey 's st ave v ed his family on Green St. Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. Lucius White vera in town Monday. Mr. Joshua Robinson of Jetts, Ta. was in town last week. Mr. Jessie Massev of Emporia, is visiting his sister, Mrs. R. E. Daniel. Mr. C. A. M. Floyd, Mrs. R. E. Daniel and little daughter, Mary, spent Monday last in Emporia, Va. Miss Annie Shaw spent Tues day last in Weldon. Mrs. E. H. Stephenson and Miss Lily Stephenson of Sea board were guests of Mrs. T. B Vassor Tuesday. Mr. E. C. Demmick of Jetts, Va. was in town last week. Mr. J. J. Meade was in Em poria. Va. last week. Mr. Richard Whitehead of Em poria. Va., was Been in town last Thursday, Several of our townsmen went to Roanoke River fishing last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Magee spent Friday in Weldon. Misses Ethel and Elsie Crew have returned from Portsmouth, . Vav--o Mr. W. L. Reid and son, Phil ip, cf Uarysburg were in town Saturday. Messrs. G. A. IsleB, P. E. Stephenson and J. W. Magee spent Saturday afternoon in uarysburg,. Miss Rebecca Jane Massey of Spring Church neighborhood spent Saturday afternoon in town Misses Cornelia Darnell and Aubrey Crew spent Saturday afternoon in Seaboard with Mrs. E. H. Stephenson and Miss Eva Foster. Mr. J. L. Vassor of Richmond. Va., spent Sunday with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Vassor. Messrs. R. C. and J. R. Crew, Misses MaryL. Massey and Mary Stanley of Spring Church neigh borhood spent Sunday afternoon with Miss Mabel Stuart , a To the surprise of all, a mar- rino-A tntAr rara Rnnrlav ovoninrr at church. The couple were Mr. Balmer and Mrs. Rowel. Mr. J. W. Magee performed the ceremony. Report of the Condition of The Merchants and Fanners Bank, at Garysburg in the Ststeof North Carolina, at the close of business April 4, 1918 RESOURCES Loans and discounts $ 25 842.20 Overdrafts 667 97 Banking houses 2,317.00; fur niture and fixtures $1,0023. 3,819 83 Due from banks and bankers 16.208 96 Gold coin 400 00 Silver coin, etc. 469 18 Nat'l bank ft other U. S. notes 1,600 00 Unearned insurance 75 00 Total $47 883 09 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $ 7.600 00 Surplus fund 2,000 00 Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid 245.12 Deposits subject to check 21,837.78 Savings deposits 16,143.81 Cashier's cheeks outstanding 114. 10 Over and short sect. 42.28 $47,883 09 Carolina, County of Total State of North Northampton, ss: I, Jno. B. collier, President of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Jno. B. Collier, President. Correct -Attest : W. L. Reid. R. E. Brown, J. E. Suiter, Directors Subscribed and sworn to before me, his 12 day of April, 1913. Robt. L. Reese. Notary Public E S. BOWERS & GO.; Jackson, N. C. AfteranySickness nothing so rapidly restores health and vigor as SCOTTS EMULSION. It is the essence of natural body- nourishment, so medically perfect that nature immediately appropri ates and distributes it to every organ, every tissue feeding, implsMtMr and restoxmcr tbem to normal activity. SCOTT'S EMULSION is not a patent medicine, but is nature's body-nourishment with curative, upbuilding properties and without a drop of drug or alcohol. It con tains superior cod liver oil, the hypophosphites of lime and soda with glycerine, and is so delicately emulsified that it enters the system without digestive effort builds, tones and sustains. After croup, whooping cough, measles and other child ailments it is nature's ally in restoring health. After grippe or pneumonia it imparts strength and health, and for colds, coughs, sore, tight chests and throat troubles SCOTT'S EMULSION gives the greatest relief known. Scott & Bownb, Sloomfield, N.J. i-SS Spring and Sum mer Millinery. We have the latest and most up-to-date Hats ever shown in this market. Full line of Misses and Childrens Hats. A full line of Neckwear, Waists, Skirts and Un derwear. The public cordially invited, Respectfully yours to serve, MRS. J. T. HOLLOMAN Aulander, N C. We Are Prepared to Show You One of the Bet As sorted Stocks in the County this Sea son. ffCorrie to See Our Line of Millinery, Woolen Dress Goods, Wash Goods, Silks, Ginghams, Muslin Underwear, Embroideries and Laces, Ready-Made Shirt Waists and Skirts, Children's Dresses, Children s Rompers, Little Boy's Wash Suits, Trunks, Suit Cases and Traveling Bags. We can Suit Anybody With our Line of Low Shoes for Men, Ladies and Children. v (Thos. B. Wynn, Owner.) Murfreesboro's Greatest Store, Bowers Jackson, N. - Your Business Demands GOOD PRINTING! eeiore giving your order lor same Envelopes, write for my tamples of Letter Heads, rnoce aeaas, am Heads. Statements.) Etc, My quality and prices will please you. GEO. N. MARTIN, Job Printer. Conway, N. C. To Cotton Grow ers and Ginners. Don't forget that we are in the market for cotton seed. , Will pay the highest market price for seed. Will exchange meal for seed. We are also manufacturers of high grade fertilizers. Write to us, if we fail to see you, whenever you have seed to offer. n in png ana w Display. INCLUDING ALL THE NEW AND FASHIONABLE WEAVES AND SILKS, DRESS GOODS, WASH FABRICS, LACES, EM BROIDERIES, TRIMMINGS AND BUTTONS THE CREAM OF THE MOST DESIRABLE OFFERINGS. . . Every Department is Right Up to the Minute. The Latest in Millinery. I have bought the Millinery business of Wynn Bros, which, I will ran at the same old stand. Will be pleased to see all of our former patrons, and can show the most exclusive noteworthy display of Ladies' and Childre 's Head wear ever brought to this section. MISS NAOMI T. WIGGINS, (Wynn Bros. Building.) Give Us a Trial LET US take your measure for your spring and summer suit. We represent J. L; Taylor & Co., of New York and Chicago, who are the master merchant tailors of America, and every garment made by them is guaranteed to please you. . Every suit must be perfect before you wear it. Taylor tailoring is famed in the great cities of America for its distinctiveness in style and fabric and its re markable value. When you wear a Taylor suit you know it is right. Call and examine our samples and note prices. Farmers Supply Co. Your Cotton Will Cosne Dp Standing Like This When Planted With the LEDBETTEI1 "One Seed" cSSTVElr GOME In and see the only real cotton planter. The planter with a positive, precise force feed, that will take linty cotton seed, just as it comes from the gin, and plant the seed in a straight, narrow line one at a time, equal distances apart as regular as buttons on a card. Other planters can be set to plant "thick or thin," but this planter , will plant thick a bushel or more of se 1 to the are without bunching, or thin-down ton bushtj to six acres without s-i; s. Each plant stands Hone with its own few inches of fjrowinR' room cuts the work ot chopping down to one-half, end you can take your own time about chopping plants keep on growing and r.iake stocky, vigorous bushts. When you plant your cotton with a Ledbetrer "One-Seed" Corn and Cotton Planter cne seed at a time, evenly spaced you can pK.nt the best seed that money can buy at no more cost thr.n ordinary seed, because none are wasted In useless bunching. And you get S bales of cotton on the same land that grew only 4 before, because there are no skips in the row. When the Ledbetter "One Seed" Corn and Cotton Planter is set for planting corn it is strictly a corn planter, without an equal for that purpose dropping without fail a single grain at any distance desired from 8 to ' 40 nicies. Ana tne same lsequuuy true when set to plant other seeds, Fitch as peas, beans, cantelonpes, watermelon, sorchum. millet, etc. With peanut attachment it pinnts peanuts, large or small, shelled or in the shell, with cnual success. A double guarantee is behind every pi niter, that of the manufacturers, The Southern Plow, Company, Dallas, Texas, and ourselves. COME IN TOD AY-We want you to see this planter whether you intend buying a planter now or not '09 ' Big JDcpaitisiiJciit tftoie9 Murfreesboro, - - N. C. BEttTIK IX7JTON OIL GO., ' Aulander, N. C. lUch Square, M.C. I

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